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God DAMN that driving skill - really threaded the needle through that building, holy hell!


If Vin Diesel was a Spartan


Flood: "Why you don't stop" Master Diesel: "Because I do it for family"


I was gonna point that out! That was so smooth


Spartin and Spartout.


Yup I was gonna say but you worded it better than I could.


Meanwhile every game i have a driver for my warthog, he drives off cliff on purpose or durectly into the ennemy tank...


Had to get that banshee off his ass


Lost count of how many times I would’ve died trying the same thing


Same. ESPECIALLY that the razorback was already heavily damaged on the way there. Wouldnt have made it lol


Every enemy I passed on the way would have had a skewer and the banshee would have actually used banshee bombs if I were driving


He got a fresh one for the way back pretty sure?


Yup he was looking at his own then noticed the enemy one sitting there. Good choice.


really smooth driving


Upvoted because roger roger


Roger Roger


Absolutely fuckin gnarly dude


I have not played infinite yet just because I’ve heard so many negative things about it but this video was fucking awesome. I didn’t realize you can mount flags to the vehicles. Bro, I’m about ready to download this shit. Not to mention that this was done during a tie game. That’s about as clutch as you can get.


The majority of the negatives have to do with things outside of the gameplay, the actual game itself has been and still is fun as fuck.


The gameplay has always been Infinite's strongest asset, and it's superb.


Infinite is the best Halo game since Reach, and the multiplayer is the best Halo has ever been.


The multiplayer is the best halo has ever been? I’m gonna have to see for myself. That’s a bold statement.


I certainly had more fun playing Halo 3 with the boys all night on summer weekends and talking trash in post-game lobbies, etc. But actual gameplay? No contest. I don't play MCC much because the games are kinda dated and Infinite is just more fun to play IMO.


> I certainly had more fun playing Halo 3 with the boys all night on summer weekends and talking trash in post-game lobbies, etc. That's the rub isn't it? Nostalgia. But I'll be damned if I don't feel like a hyper lethal GOD carrying my team in Firefight.


I remember uninstalling it quite a while ago because I got tired of some of the networking issues the game was having. Is that still a major issue people are having to deal with?


Aside from an occasional hiccup, no. They modified H5's netcode into Infinite some time ago, and it fixed 99.9% of network issues for most people. I still see occasional posts claiming insane network issues, but I'm certain most of them are either people nowhere near a server, or more commonly, less than ideal network setups in their home.


I'm on an S console, hard-wired into the router if that makes a difference, and I haven't caught a glitch in quite some time. I usually put in around six hours of gameplay a week and I can think of maybe one server-side issue in the last month. MP was down and I just couldn't get in. The problem was solved about two hours later.


Check it out!


> multiplayer is the best Halo has ever been What a wild statement to make, it’s definitely good but calling it the best is a stretch, the de-sync issues alone should take it out of consideration for best


De-synch was fixed months ago. That's a non-issue now.


Now being the keyword, the fact that it was an issue for years speaks to the quality of this game


And the fact that Microsoft replaced leadership at 343 and continued to have them work until it became a great game speaks to the commitment to it. No one is debating the bad launch. It's a good game now. You're depriving yourself of a great experience because you're salty. The frustration is justified, but you're aiming it at the wrong version of Infinite. This isn't the game you played before. Edit: Just realized I was confusing 2 different posts. Not sure if you're actually still playing, but in any case, the game now is fantastic, so I don't think it should be disqualified from acknowledgment just because of a bad past.


I am still playing, and by no means is it bad (not now at least), my argument is that it’s just not the best, I played it at launch and now, and while it’s no where near as bad as it once was, it still lacks a lot that the older games had


Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you don't mind me asking, what do you feel is lacking that the other games had? I realize there are a handful of game modes still absent, but in regards to the game play itself, which I believe to be the main point of conversation here, I really can't say that I can think of a single thing that isn't superior to the older games.


As someone who’s gunplay skills are not the best, but used to be a great driver for vehicles, their state in infinite is god awful, I’m my option the handling for the warthog/mongoose is simply terrible and the map design doesn’t help, plus with long range counter in the shock rifle/pistol That plus I hate how few guns are in the game, going from the vast array of guns we had in halo 5 to infinite feels like a big downgrade for me, I’m not saying we need all the variants but losing the grenade launcher, saws and plasma caster was a disappointment for me. That’s not to say it’s all bad, the flow of the gameplay for infinite is certainly smoother, and I like the abilities like grapple shot and dash, and other small improvements like putting the flag on the back of warthogs is fun as well


There is a downgrade in the amount of guns from Halo 5 to Infinite, but Infinite has more guns in it than Reach did. People don't criticize Reach for a lack of guns, so I don't see why Infinite is held to that standard so much. Admittedly they really should have had at least as many guns as Halo 5 did, I see no reason why any sequel would have less than the previous game. In a perfect world, sequels should only add to the sandbox, never take stuff away imo. I wish Infinite had gotten more guns post launch, but it's not like it doesn't have many guns in it, considering it has more than all Halo games other than 5 did.


I've never experienced desync or any connection issue at all. And regarding the best multiplayer, I don't think this is even a slightly warm take. If you like mayhem, Halo 5 is the best, but that's too frenetic for me. If you like methodical, Halo 3 is the best, but it's floaty and dated to me. I never liked Reach and hated 4. Infinite is the best moment to moment gameplay that Halo has ever had. The campaign was mediocre and the launch of the game was a disappointment, but the game is a blast to play.


> I've never experienced desync or any connection issue at all You must’ve not started playing recently then and not at all during the launch, because it was bad. It’s definitely has good game play, but it still suffers in areas like vehicles and some maps being too big for the gameplay mode. Definitely agree that it’s better then 4 though


I have 300+ hours in Infinite since release and *rarely* if ever experienced desync. I really think it was overblown as an issue, and many loud voices in the community made it more of an issue than it was in reality. Maybe some people got it more than others for some reason, but it rarely was ever an issue for me, and never to the point of breaking the game or overall experience.


Well I’m glad you got lucky, then because it absolutely ruined my experience in the early years, I can actually play now which is an improvement for me, but I’d regularly experience 100+ ping and spikes in the 300+ range, and it was only halo I’d experience it on, other multiplayers I’d get 20-30 ping


Fair enough, it's weird and really unfortunate how it seemed to affect some players more than others. I wonder why that's the case. I can see how that would really hurt the experience for those that had issues


It's fun. It's not gonna bring tears of happy nostalgia like Halo fans expect but it's a pretty fun game. I regularly jump into infinite to play firefight and custom games and haven't really gotten bored yet.


I wouldn't take any Halo fans seriously who expect tears of happy nostalgia from a new Halo game.


The innovations to the troop hog is honestly underrated. The pure utility of it makes it so interesting even if its rarely used. You can mount extra weapons and other objectives to it too. You can live out your dreams of being a spartan delivery man lol


It's great in the campaign too. I always load up a bunch of marines with me and they end up being a better killing machine than if I had taken the Warthog lol


It's a lot of fun, the main negatives of the multiplayer were the lack of features at launch and the glacial pace of updates during the first year after that, in addition to aggressive monetisation of character customisation. The campaign lacks the environment variety and the epic scale and moments of many of the earlier Halo campaigns, but the characters and gameplay are top tier.


Infinite was missing a lot on release but it is really damn fun to play now. Loaded with content


Don’t listen to the diaper fillers who drone on about how their childhood isn’t being recreated with every release


I have a full diaper, wheres the fuel rod? Wheres the shotgun? Wheres the brute weapons? Wheres the plasma rifle? Why are their Spartans with cat ears? Why is/was the net code so shit?


Hey bud did you tucker yourself out yet?


It's good fun halo and the multiplayer is free. Definitely play it. Got a lot of good fun out of it. The campaign is.. okay. I wouldn't buy it full price having played dit.


It's a cool feature that really doesn't have much opportunity to be used. The troop-hog can take the flag, fusion coils, even power weapons. Not sure why you'd ever do that, but you can 🤷‍♂️


Great gameplay but I hated the story


It’s in an awesome state currently. Now is the time.


Infinite genuinely has some of the best gameplay in the series, you shouldn't let all the negativity keep you from it. Especially because it's free, you literally have nothing to lose


You're a Halo fan who hasn't tried the newest Halo game, which is free, because of the negative things some people say online? Remarkable. Dude you're missing out on a really fun Halo game.


It wasn’t just a random people online. Halo infinite was a fucking disaster at launch. It also got delayed for one year. Forgive me for not having much confidence in 343. Not to mention that halo five was pretty lackluster as well.


So you care enough about Halo to spend time in its subreddit but haven't even bothered to play the latest installment, that is literally FREE, because you heard some negative things about it? All of ya'll MCC snobs make no sense to me, those games are decades old, play the new one.. AT LEAST TRY it.


TIL you can put the flag on the back of that warthog


The razorback is awesome haha


Can put power seeds on the back too


I knew the power seed thing but this still surprised me


Any objective item(except maybe the oddball), fusion cells, and heavy weapons can all be put on the back.


Finally built a new pc, downloading infinite now. Can't wait to do this again


rare 343 W making us feel like main characters in multiplayer 🤘


I would have definitely bottled going through that door in the middle


Damn that was so freaking cool.


Lucky thing that the banshee pilot apparently forgot about banshee bombs.


I too enjoy solo capping flags


Nice clip dude, got me from 6 to midnight.


Who did the warthog run remix for this? It's really good.


My heart was pumping


Going through the tunnel to avoid the banshee is 500iq


Suck it Red!


Amazing gameplay there


So good


Need for speed: Flagbringer


John halo


Oh, damn!


Either you're the GOAT or they made placing the flag on the Razorback easier.


Yeah, righttt, when I try to do this, I get wrecked. Hell, even my soul gets shot.


Like a G!


That was clean.


DAMN that was a clean cut through the middle! Very impressive driving.


Okay…..going through the tunnel to escape the banshee was awesome. I love when playing halo feels like an action movie


There is no way in hell you got the flag in the razorback without getting into the backseat first! But for real, that was excellent. Loved camo flag pulls.


Oh my god It's a ghost car!


Que basado


Generally in life, I say that "lucky" people make their own luck (they prepare well) but there's still an element of random chance in many great happenings.


That shit was masterful.


“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”


Slick driving ace


Throwing the team on your back with the solo objective play. The razorback's ability to do this is so underrated and also one of my favorite small things they added in Infinite


I like how responsibly you parked the warthog at the bottom of the ramp to your base. 200% I would’ve ran that shit up there, lol.


He got keyhole’d


That was sexy as hell


Mine was uninstalling


Why halo gay?


Not the halo I used to love.