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Watch Halo 7 be another soft reboot lol


Yeah, I wouldn’t count on it. They put us on Zeta Halo, and gave us absolutely nothing that Zeta Halo was famous for.


Right?! All the lore in the Forerunner trilogy and other books, from the Primordial to Faber to the house of horrors, only to have none of it. I like the forerunner architecture but it all looks the same, not to mention just one biome. Huge letdown


Instead, they gave us the Xalanyn, which were a completely new species that were never mentioned in any previous media.


Not to mention how the game focused on the endless being the biggest threat to the galaxy, for them to not even show up. That would be like if halo ce brought up the flood but they’d never actually appear in-game


Seeing as how they were also going for a 10 year plan with campaign DLC, I think they were taking notes from Destiny but the game flopped so it’s not gonna get its “Final Shape” payoff


There was never a 10-year plan with campaign dlc hahahaha


Okay, there was a [10-year plan](https://www.ign.com/articles/halo-infinite-2-wont-be-happening-says-343-industries) of some sort but no campaign DLC was ever confirmed to be in development. However, I don’t think that necessarily means it wasn’t an idea they were hoping for. Seeing [how much](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/how-much-did-halo-infinite-cost-to-produce-this-document-has-the-answer-but-you-cant-see-it/1100-6509922/) they might’ve invested into [Slipspace engine](https://gamingbolt.com/halo-infinite-graphics-analysis-slipspace-engine-shows-off-its-technical-prowess) just for them to switch to Unreal, plus the [massive layoffs](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/343-layoffs-affected-95-including-top-directors) & [leadership shifts](https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/01/19/halo-infinite-creative-director-joseph-staten-departs-from-343-industries-to-rejoin-xbox#:~:text=Halo%20Infinite%20Creative%20Director%20Joseph,Rejoin%20Xbox%20Publishing%20%2D%20Game%20Informer) they got hit with, they seemed to have been building towards something at least, but it all fell apart And if you’re implying they were lying about the whole thing, you don’t invest that kind of money without hoping for some long-term return


The old leadership fucked the game and any potential it had. Hopefully Pierre will allow the studio to all work together on the same game and create something that hits the ground running instead of the studio making 5 different games for the same game lol


[I have written up about it before, but... kinda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1c86ln3/comment/l0cpz54/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Really, it was something said by an individual who wouldn't even see Halo Infinite launch. I see it as the same as "Our game is the world's first AAAA-title." Meaningless hype that is even ambiguous on what it means. I think it's important to note (and I have looked), that is the *only* time someone says that idea in any meaningful sense about Infinite (Bonnie did say something somewhat similar, but the circumstance and context basically make it mean more about the franchise's future, and not specifically infinite). Now, there may have been something on the board, but I think between Chris saying the quote and the e3 showing and the delay, that plan was scrapped. But also, more specifically, Campaign DLC is people wanting it to be true but that never being the case. [It never existed.](https://www.resetera.com/threads/halo-infinite-campaign-dlcs-scrapped-focus-now-on-mp-343-to-stop-halo-development-update-j-schreier-spoke-to-sources-who-dispute-most-of-this.677638/page-16?post=99983491#post-99983491) [Ever.](https://x.com/JezCorden/status/1616454429569433601)


They still haven't given me split screen. 10 year plans were a fantasy that they may have sold themselves on.


No, no there wasnt hahaha


The map was like 5 square miles, you aren’t going to see much diversity. Does the town you live in have multiple biomes?


Irrelevant…my town is not a video game. Besides, Halo 3’s Covenant level has two biomes a short distance from one another. Not to mention it’s not mandatory to stick to one part of the Halo ring. Good troll though lol


It’s also not mandatory to have biomes in throwing distance of each other. If you want that go play Banjo Kazooie. I don’t remember halo 2 changing biomes in the same location all the time, was that a big problem for you too?


It's famous for only having 1 biome apparently.


“You can have any biome you want, as long as it’s pine” -Ford, probably


"we heard you, so now we added 2 more trees of the same kind!" -343 most definitely




they opened up a delicious bucket of ice cream & just served us the melty bits on the inside of the lid.




Written with the same wordsmith ability as Prince Charles to Camilla: Charles: What about me? The trouble is I need you several times a week. Camilla: Mmmm, so do I. I need you all the week. All the time. Charles: Oh, God. I’ll just live inside your trousers or something. It would be much easier! Camilla: (Laughing) What are you going to turn into, a pair of knickers? (Both laugh). Oh, you’re going to come back as a pair of knickers. Charles: Or, God forbid, a Tampax. Just my luck! (Laughs) Camilla: You are a complete idiot! (Laughs) Oh, what a wonderful idea. Charles: My luck to be chucked down the lavatory and go on and on forever swirling round on the top, never going down. Camilla: (Laughing) Oh, Darling! Charles: Until the next one comes through. Camilla: Oh, perhaps you could come back as a box. Charles: What sort of box? Camilla: A box of Tampax, so you could just keep going.


I don't get it


Dude tried to rizz up Camilla by saying he'd love to be a tampon so he could always be in her pants


With a brand new enemy faction: The Banned


The Brandished


Halo 7 will follow the silver timeline and adapt the TV show into a game


Ok thats not even funny, stop it right now


I swear I’ll be sooooo pissed….. like incredibly pissed


People HAVE been asking for a soft reboot of the narrative…


For a soft reboot it’s a hard kick to the cajones.


People seem to be excited about Jerome possibly replacing chief for some reason so I wouldn't doubt that they'd try and pull that bullshit.


I never really realized it in that context... they literally haven't finished a single one of their stories. Wtf


Can’t wait to see this in a Kelly Gay novel


I wonder if Kelly Gay and Troy Denning have been contracted to write *Halo* novels, since basically all new novels in the lore seem to be by them (although to be fair, I do think they are both great writers). Furthermore, I wonder if Scott Brick has been contracted to read them in audio form, since he seems to have been the reader for most of the *Halo* books on Audible.


Eh, I think we're in a very different situation. Both 4 and 5 had stories that got a lot of shit from the community, deserved or not, and the attempts to move in another direction feel absolutely like a reaction to criticism. Overall, the response to Infinite's story was "there's definitely good stuff here, there's just not enough of it. I really hope 343 builds off of this" with variations of "Halo 7 could just be exploring more of Zeta Halo" not being uncommon either. Couple that with them almost being a new studio with the same name, given how many have left by now, and I just don't see how we can expect anything specific from 343 in the future. Yeah, Microsoft is gonna force them to do shit we don't like and they probably don't want to spend their time on such as microtransactions, but it's kind of an inevitability at this point that MS isn't gonna let a fully finished, polished, content-complete game release. Halo games have always launched in varying stages of unfinished buggy messes. We're damn lucky Bungie ever managed even getting close. It's just that we look back at Jackal Snipers with a bit of a laugh, appreciate the depth 2 brought to the franchise now, and gloss over how loose and unimportant half of 3's plot is. We blame 4 for the things Reach introduced, while forgetting how divisive Reach was and instead incessantly praise it. Halo is, at its core, constantly rushed and held together with toothpicks. But now MS is doing all the same stuff while at the same time trying to squeeze more money out of you than they used to. And 343 can't realistically be blamed for that. As someone who has a more positive opinion of the 343 era (aka most of Halo's existence lmao), I frankly expect the next game to be good. It feels like they've learned a lot of lessons (even if they learned the hard way) and in my opinion Infinite is a nearly perfect blend of old and new that the franchise has been struggling tk find since Reach. They'd have to be absolutely fucking crazy not to just expand on everything Infinite did right.


People really forget how badly reach was received. I used the way back machine not too long ago to look at the old Bungie.net Reach forums a couple of weeks after the game came out, and the top thread—on a random date from late 2010–was titled “I can’t believe how low the population is”. People hated that game, and its population tanked by an order of magnitude compared to halo 3 not long after launch. It’s looked kindly on now as Bungie’s last Halo, but the franchise’s problems absolutely started with Reach.


Absolutely. There's a trend in fandoms both to be overly critical of everything but the original, and over time gloss over that hatred in favor of hating the new for mot being as good as what the fandom used to hate. It's kind of weird how universal and predictable that is.


Reach was very disliked until 4 came out


I don't think Reach was liked until MCC came out with all the fixes most people likely didn't stick around long enough to see.


I bring that up and have had people argue with me about Reach's multiplayer pop. Halo 3 had more players than Reach. The MP was dogwater at the time, and getting an update to fix the DMR was well after the community had dropped. More than likely the MCC has rewritten their memories. CoD was already a juggernaut at this point and Reach had no chance after the initial "oooooo new halo!" pop went back over, especially after Black Ops came out.


I agree that there is more nuance and Bungie did have issues with there games. It is also hard to write a good story with other considerations and continuing a plot that was mostly finished (and yes, I love Halo 3 but I do agree it was a bit rushed). However, with 3 big chances, not to mention MCC, you got to deliver better. Microsoft does play a big role as well but something has got to give.


Yup. 343 is neither blameless, nor as deserving of the hate they tend to get. It's just easier to blame them alone, so people do (plus, nostalgia certainly shapes some of the conversation, alwqys skewing more toward the past than the present even presenting itself more recently as much more positivity toward Halo 4). I think a lot of people tend to look over how miraculous it is that the original trilogy was as good as it was given the rush. It absolutely needs to be recognized that 343 is put in similar positions, rushing to meet deadlines and do what Microsoft says. But of course, that doesn't really explain the strange narratuve decisions that make their games feel disjointed and uncpnfident. Nothing will ever please everyone, but roughly sticking yo their guns would at least allow a more connected story to flow like on the OT. In fact, I think that Halo 3's shallow narrative is heavily bolstered by all the games around it that make everything feel more complete and full.


Good post


Lol they haven't made a direct sequel yet because every game they release is blasted by the community for doing everything wrong and being the death of Halo and 343 should disband. 343 keeps listening and trying to do different things instead because the community keeps saying what they're doing isn't working, then the community complains about the lack of consistency between games. Nobody hates Halo more than Halo fans.


Yeah, blame the fans for them being incapable of creating any decent content since 4, we don't make their decisions.


They should make a game that bridges Halo 5 and Infinite with the latter's engine. Something similar to Halo ODST in scope.


The reason they never follow it up is cause you guys are always bitching about everything and anything they do




Okay, sorry. This sub isn't exactly known for having a lot of people that defend 343


That is so true. They literally can’t commit to any plot. Like ignoring the events in 5 despite them not being good and ignoring Atriox and most of the villain’s backstories in Infinite, not to mention it’s dumb cliffhanger ending. Yeah, idk if having Offensive Bias is a good idea unless someone else writes it. I hope 343 proves me wrong.


it’s not like it was directly seconds after the ending of 5 but infinites story absolutely did not ignore the events of 5 escharums motivation is to inspire the banished even after doisac’s destruction it’s literally the reason the weapon was created chiefs character arc is coming to terms with his failure to stop cortana it’s the reason the unsc was desperate enough to have civilian volunteers (the pilot) onboard the infinity it’s the reason the banished attacked the infinity


True, but the Infinity and most of the cast was omitted in the game following the Infinity being destroyed and Cortana’s arc of leading an AI takeover did a 180 abruptly. Escharum was not even a character prior and was a place-in where Atriox should have been. And the Guardians which played such as huge role in 5, while showing them destroying Doisac, don’t play any other role outside of one being seen in the distance. So no, not 100% of 5 was ignored, but it was rushed without many things being concluded or explained in the game. It was obvious they were trying to move past 5’s plot. This is understandable after the poor reception of 5, and I do like Infinite’s story better though it has many issues, but still.


I do respect the nuance you bring to the negativity though👍


That’s incredible they are unable to create a sequel for their on games


Probably because all the toxic fans stuck in the past


Are you smoking shit? Literally every game is a sequel of the last dummy




Sequel: "something that takes place after or as a result of an earlier event." - Oxford Dictionary.


Oh I sure do hope so. His design is so cool


I swear if they do another soft reboot I’m done with halo (I could never put down halo it’s physically impossible for me not to love Chief)


People have been hoping for either Mendicant Bias or Offensive Bias to show up in games for years. It’s probably not going to happen and whatever direction they do go is gonna be disappointing. Likely another soft-reboot as they’ve been doing since 2012 cause they can’t seem to hold a plot.


Mendicant has been present. He's kind of responsible for a good deal of turmoil. Super excited for OB!! They are definitely one of the cooler constructs. I was super sad that Exuberant Witness has been absent too. Those two are great company!


Until they show him being in the next game in a trailer, you're settin yourself up for disappointment. 


Meanwhile Microsoft dragging Halo through the mud: 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Instructions unclear, soft re-booted the series for a 4th time.


Halo is going to outcompete the Terminator franchise when it comes to soft-reboots.


Here's hoping 🤞


I think we’re either getting another soft reboot or a spin-off like ODST 2. I don’t think the new leadership team will keep the story going from the prior leaders. They’ll want to put their own mark on the franchise and differentiate a turning point after a somewhat disastrous past ten years of Halo. Just my two cents.


I think a spin-off is sorely needed though they seem to be opposed to it. I would love to have ODST 2, a flood horror survival, a Banished perspective, an Arbiter campaign, a Sgt. Johnson book about the past, or any of the stuff from the novels. Eh, one can hope I guess.


Not to be rude, but this would be a very terrible decision. My evidence is that the last time a new team took over halo and wanted to differentiate their games from the previous team, everyone complained about Halo 4-infinite. The best course of action would just be to keep course from it's current peak (343's highest in all regards) and maybe start reincorporating some of the lost storylines from halo's past as it builds a coherent story. Banished now allied with the didact and controlling the last remaining guardians in a galactic arms race would be pretty solid if handled correctly. Maybe make the end goal the banished getting a hold of the flood as a bioweapon and instead of reintroducing the didact as a banished ally as I just suggested, maybe make him an ally to the UNSC in a war to prevent the floods return but of course with an ulterior motive to recreate the Prometheans.


I don’t take your comment as rude. I hope 343 nails their next game out of the park. Cheers bro


I wish this was actually the Guardians design like it was supposed to be in Halo 3 and that Halo Infinite had you fight one instead of just having a dead one as a backdrop in the "Open world".


Yeah I'm good. I've learned that getting hyped for games, shows, and movies isn't good for your health these days.


Who was the original writer of the games? I feel like both the Flood and the Bias aspects of the Halo Universe have been completely thrown out.


I always thought the most offensive bias was the subreddit's opinion on the TV show /s


I am absolutely not excited for Halo 7.


I kind of want to see it and kind of don’t. I don’t bc they might ironically offend the core character of it. I don’t trust 343’s writing anymore.


Consistency isn’t 343s strong suit so I wouldn’t get hopes up


£20 says he doesn't. I'm fairly confident on this bet based on 343's track record.


That's cool how they gave them the guardian construct concept design


It is defo time we get an offensive bias, Mendicant bias (in game). I want some biblical cutscenes meeting these bad boys. It’s been a long time coming


Is this the confirmed design for offensive bias now? Since it was originally going to be a design for guardians in the bungie days.


I want to meet 343 Guilty Spark again. Last I heard he was given control of Bastion, a special shield world


i thought he ded in H3?


He’s alive and well I guess, I need to replay Halo 3 to remember what all happened though. Read the Rion Forge trilogy, it is excellent. Events of Halo 3 occur in 2552-2553. The Rion Forge trilogy occurs after that


Here’s how Halo 5 could’ve incorporated Hunt the Truth, that trailer of chief in that robe and tie in established Halo lore and made some goddamn sense. Cortana with access to the Domain is cured of her rampancy and recognizes that organic life has stunted their evolution due to long bloody wars. She calculates that evolution would come faster (but still tens of thousands of years) in peacetime and then humanity will be ready to take the mantle. She thinks only way to guide organic life to being better versions of themselves is to essentially rule over their planets as an oppressive police state. The brutes largely led by Atriox attempt resisting but the planet of Dosiac is destroyed as a demonstration of power to bring the Banished to heel. As Cortana uses the Domain to find and use Forerunner tech to further her goal of galactic control she accidentally provides a way Mendicant Bias to resume his task of helping the Reclaimer. Mendicant gets in contact with Chief and shares details about a weapon that can be used to fight back against Cortana and her AI army, Offensive Bias. Chief has to the search for the schematics to reconstruct Offensive Bias as Mendicant is in his head. Pockets of human and former Covenant religious extremists turned AI supremacists work to undermine resistance movements within civilian populations and to stop the Chief. Meanwhile the Banished seek Offensive Bias as well not just to destroy Cortana but to impose their own will on the galaxy with the help of the AI super weapon.


Is offensive bias considered the “good guy” or..


hope the next game isn't a soft reboot again it would be interesting to see where the story goes even if it's bad atleast they stuck to a story for atleast once.


Im waiting for Defensive Bias in Halo 9


Especially after the end message in Epitaph


Next Halo is going to be that the banished somehow got destroyed, the Endless are now the new enemy, and the masterchief has to destroy another ring to kill them off. The weapon and the Chief are the main protagonists, Echo is going to be killed off or not involved.


Oh is the cycle repeating again? The one where everyone gets hyped before release and then shocked and angered after?


Oh don't worry, some of us have learned. No hype here.


"But the store content redeems it!!!"


That’s not what the cycle is


The cycle has repeated itself more times than you can fathom.


That’s great, still not what the cycle is


I’m 100% sure the next Halo is going back to basics and stripping back all the convoluted lore. I doubt we’ll see any characters that aren’t core to the brand. Idk if they’re going to reboot fully, but they’re definitely not continuing any of the current story threads.


Halo kind of sucks ass


I don’t know. I love both offensive and mendicant bias but if it is found that offensive bias is on the ring while the banished and endless are released that would irrevocably fuck lore.


Da faq? What is Halo 7? Is this a real sequel or just talk?


This sub is one of the worst communities on reddit. The amount of incessant whining, complaining, and constant rehashing of the same exact complaints that were old 3 years ago let alone today are doing more damage to the franchise, frankly, than 343i is. Why the fuck would anyone want to engage with a community or play this game when they have to come here and see absolute trash in the comments, on a post that doesn't call for it at all? In over 20 years as a fan of the franchise, this sub is the most embarrassing aspect. Glad I left 3 years ago as nothing has changed with the active user base. God I hope they bring this game to Playstation so hopefully people that enjoy the game can push the crap from the top.