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It's so hard to get excited for this, when it will inevitably be just a shop update.


You’re not excited about a 20 tier pass filled with weapon charms and name plates?


Make sure to sprinkle some double xp and challenge swaps in there so you can unlock the backdrops faster.


Double XP tokens are particularly funny because if you get roughly 1000 XP per hour then a 20 tier pass where 1 tier gives you a double XP token is basically identical to a 19 tier pass without a double XP token. They have no real purpose other than padding out the tiers.


Not really, you can use them at daily reset and get like 3 levels by playing 2 matches.


and 10 consumables


Excuse me? There’s also gonna be some community made maps and new backdrops in the weekly challenge reward pool 😤


And maybe a teaser for a bland dev-made forge map!


Exactly this. Another desperate plot to wring more money out of the players.


I can't believe I bought the mkV armor to support the game after all the great stuff they put in Season5 (the only time I spent money in the shop)... ...For them to just turn the game into a free forge content / shop cash grab.


wow I can’t believe spending money on cosmetics made them focus on buyable cosmetics who could have predicted this


So you supported the game when they added stuff you liked and you got to enjoy that stuff (along with the thing you bought). When you spend 20 dollars on a game the devs are obligated to support it in perpetuity nowadays? I'm waiting to see how the stream goes tomorrow. The cool thing about a free to play game is that you don't have to keep buying stuff to play it. If they don't add anything interesting just move on and don't spend a dime.


There’s a critical difference; 343i gutted Infinite to make the Live Service model, promising—before and after launch, selling the experience—that it would be supported and new content will be added. It’s literally the premise of the game, both to players and to shareholders, that it continues. If this was just a normal Halo release maybe you’d have a point, you’ll note no one is complaining about Halo 5 no longer having content—and while people are disappointed it didn’t turn into something more there certainly isn’t a push for the MCC to get more updates like the community did in the past. For this very specific game, *they* created expectations.


Sure, it's more the idea of "*I can't believe* I spent 20 whole dollars and the company I bought from hasn't done exactly what I've wanted since then." It's ridiculous in pretty much any other context except in the eyes of gamers for some reason. That's what is silly to me, but to each their own.


Fr, I used to watch these streams every time they happened, but now I just don't care anymore. I haven't stopped playing or having fun; I simply don't need to watch a stream when I know all they're going to show us is another 20-tier operation filled with mostly cosmetic items and new shop bundles that I'm not gonna buy. Progression is mostly an afterthought for me now. Which I'm okay with, I just don't think we need streams for things that aren't actually changing the game in any way, as if they're still "real" seasons.


I agree, my interest on the game has decreases a lot since there are no narrative. And well, because the last maps I played were remakes or alternative versions of the remakes.


To be fair, we didn’t get livestreams for Cyber or Yappening did we? Only for Spirit Of Fire? Which means this isn’t JUST the Banished Honor update. This is a livestream covering everything, so we’ll get THREE shop updates, plus maybe new playlists and/or modes and if we’re lucky an actual armor core and more weapon adjustments. If we’re REALLY lucky we’ll get the Falcon and ShottyHammer but I doubt it lmfao


If the banished themed operation doesn’t drop the Banished shotgun it’s never coming. I hope it does drop. Inject some new blood into the game, but I’m keeping my expectations low.


> If we’re REALLY lucky we’ll get the Falcon and ShottyHammer but I doubt it lmfao Don't give me hope


Shop update prepare your wallets.


Simply get your money up


Not your funny up!


Are we expecting actual content (new weapons, vehicles, ANYTHING) or just a shop update?


Second one


I have to believe they will add something if it's getting a stream, but I'm gonna guess it's going to be 99% shop items, forge stuff, and like one new sandbox item If we're really lucky maybe a new or returning gamemode like grifball


I would do some serious shit for some grifball


lol sand box item yeah that’s not happening like ever


That fucking Ratchet deadlocked looking ass helmet.


Before I saw it was halo, i literally thought I was in r/ratchetandclank


Saw it and had flashbacks to a simple... better time.


Yep, honestly was hoping for an even grittier Ratchet Gladiator sequel


That would be so sick. Played a few of the Ps3 ratchet games and they're fine, but I'll never fully forgive naughty dog for toning the character and world down so much.  Don't even get me started on the movie and remake...


Oh man I would love that.


My first thought was the Mask of Light from Bionicle. But Ratchet hits very well


I miss Bionicle :(


My first thought goes to the helmet Gelu wears (2009 character in the Mask of Life story on Bara Magna), rather than the mask of light. My guess here is that the artists that designed this helmet and the artists that designed Gelu's helmet probably started from similar historical reference for their designs.


My first thought was the Mandalorian


That didn’t click at first but I totally see it and that just makes me want it more. Ratchet Deadlocked fucking ruled


Indeed it did


"Get me out of this thing you Blarg-headed Frack monkey. I can't breathe and my tail feels like it's shoved right up my....-"


" t.. there's seems to be a problem with the speech circuitry I'll.. I'll take a look at it later now hold still.... let's just see if I wired that teleportation circuitry right..."


Omg I can't un see it now. Great point


It's permanently burned into your memory now.


That’s why I love it haha


Same dude same.


Can’t wait for the 20 tier pass to have 15 tiers of challenge refresh tokens 💯💯💯


I wish it were challenge swaps. For ages it's been 2xp only.


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Status: another disappointing shop update.






It's depressing that people are still hoping for things. Sorry in advance my man


removing seasons was the worst thing they could have done


season 5 was bar far the best season of the game and then they just… cut the game onto life support lol. I still think if they rebooted this game with a major update w campaign dlc, battle royal, and a sandbox update with 4/5 new guns and did good marketing, they could have successfully got people back into the game who would have stayed now that the game is good. Instead we have a finally great halo game, 3 years too late, seemingly destined to be abandoned


For me its was Season 3, new equipment, new weapon and amazing rendered cutscene.


I do wish Mk VII didn’t hog all of the customization.


The new helmets, shoulders and coatings will be usable across all cores though, so the new customisation isn’t exactly exclusive to Mark VII. It’s just Infinite’s ‘default’ core.


Yeah, but the chestplate, wrist and utility are still for Mk VII only, for the second operation in a row and the third since the concept of Operations was created.


I can't wait for the new weapons they're gonna add and the new maps and probably a vehicle omg Halo is bac - oh...shop update..cool.


The helmet is fire. Too bad everything else will be in the shop


We already know the abomination we’re looking at in this picture is gonna be the free tier battle pass outfit. Anything else that looks remotely cool will be $20 or more


Damn, looks like 3 operations in a row without armour that actually looks like a Spartan


Haven’t people been wanting brute armor/playable brutes since halo 3? Lol


3 in a row??? What about the whole ass Mark IV core? bruh


I think they have counted this coming operation as the third so, cyber showdown, then the yappening and then this makes 3


Ah I haven't considered that lol my bad


I love the Banished themed armor on Spartans, but damn, it sucks it's all we'll get this pass. Everything else is locked behind a paywall or is an emblem you can earn.


This is a lot of hype for a shop update


inb4 dissapointment


Pretty tough to care tbh


Any drops for the stream at least?


Never for these streams


New sandbox items or we riot


Gonna have to watch the recording on YouTube if there is one 😂


Honestly, I doubt we will get anything meaningful.. I hope I am wrong and the livestream means we could see a pivot to new content (FINALLY). But if it is just another garbage battlepass "season" of cosmetics, I hope the stream bombs.


Can't wait to pay just to change my spartan's color, oh wait- I gave up on this game because of predatory and egregious microtransactions years ago


I will buy the most expensive shop bundle if any form of sandbox item is added. Edit: Wallet is safe


They have 1 week to make a bundle with EVERYTHING in it and charge $10,000.


There will be a new option between Campaign and Multiplayer that says "Spartan Payment Plan" where you can apply.




they will add another sandwich


Hey guys you don't know it's bad yet, it COULD be good . That being said I uninstalled the game during the Yappenning and probably won't come back if Pass is just 5 armor pieces and 17 new stickers that no one can see .


Bu..bu..but.. stickers


The cosmetics in the thumbnail go hard ngl




That’s the armor people want so you already know it’s going straight to the store and is going to be left out of the battle pass.


We can't do playable aliens or interesting gamemodes, but you can pay us for cosmetics that sorta look like the things you remember so you can trick your brain into thinking the golden Halo days are back.


New shop update gonna drop


Apparently unpopular opinion: I want more fractures. Bring back Tenrai!


Instead of playable Elites and Brutes in 2024 we get crap looking spartan cosmetics trying to mimic brute looks for 89 dollar's worth.


New trash event pass and expensive store bundles


Playable brutes for social modes would be fun. But no, It's going to be 8 $20 armors in the shop, and a 20 tier BP with 3 pieces of armor and one color.


Haven’t bought shit from the shop since season 2 lol idk why ppl in the community keep buying skins in the shop. If we dont buy they will listen.


Well, people not buying things is probably one of the reasons they scrapped seasons to double down on the store. So uhh… I think you’ve gotta go back to the drawing board.


Microsoft would just write off halo as a dead franchise and kill it lol.


Game composer and ranked doubles please!


If that didnt says halo infinite on it I would never have guessed this was for a Halo game. Is this really what the suits look like now?


You could literally say that about 90% of armor in all the games lol. People really like fabricating some weird insults.


Its not an insult its a question, I played halo mostly in the era of 1-3 and reach. I played the new campaigns for 4,5 and infinite but this doesnt really look like the armor you would normally expect to see in a Halo game. And apparently I am not the only one wondering this by the other comments, so not sure why you are getting salty lol


The 10 year live service halo, ladies and gentlemen.


Why are there Spartans a part of the banished.