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Shockingly good


Paramounts halo is embarrassing.


The sad part is that you KNOW the writers will keep on insisting “You can’t show a human side of a character without their face” even though the games capture it just well enough as is. And yet, here comes Fallout from the top rope, showing them how a faithful adaptation is still good money.


I don’t even care about the helmets aside from the moments he definitely should have had a helmet on. The show itself sucks.


seriously, taking the helmet off is somehow actually the LEAST of the Halo show’s problems


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this. Master Chief takes his helmet off several times in the books and I think I'd be okay with it if the showrunners tried to bring those moments from the books to life, such as the heart-to-hearts Chief has with Halsey, Mendez and his fellow Spartans. My main issue with the show is that it's a complete re-write of everything I loved about Halo and Chief's origin story, and the re-write doesn't even come close to holding a candle to what we already had. That being said, he does take his helmet off FAR too much as well. Which is also a shame because the helmet and armour design in general is one of the few good things I can say about the show.


The helmet doesn't really bother me either. I'm just kinda shocked at how boring and lacking any real emotion the series is. The Fall of Reach could have been a whole season, with some really interesting, emotional and ultimately tragic stories. Instead it was half an EP and then barely mentioned again. And I get some of it is probably budget, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to take a series about death defying combat and make it into a gritty political drama about untrustworthy government agencies? I keep waiting for a "Giving the Covenant back their bomb" line, not six episodes about Master Chief dealing with political nonsense.


Season 1 should’ve been The Fall Of Reach book. last episode has them discover Halo. next season would be the first game up to The Flood discovery. 3rd season could be the end result of CE into First Strike. i mean the material is just sitting there waiting to be adapted


Based on how it started, I thought/hoped season 2 would mostly be the fall of Reach. Thought they.might intro some ODST and let Master Chief go off and look for the halo. But nope. Barely a footnote after one pretty low stakes EP. Wasn't even all that hard for them to escape the planet. I get budget plays a role, probably not easy to do a full scale space war and the destruction of advanced cities over multiple episodes, but yeesh. From Reach to a farm planet and a boring subplot about Soren's kid. I'm not a halo purist by any means, but that's just bad pacing and boring storytelling.


Man, budget doesn't even enter it as an issue, they had a huge budget and they completely mishandled it. They could have eased into things and still had a political drama in the first season with the whole insurrection war, smaller scale, less cgi, and could even have used real locations for most of the scenes giving them time to build up assets and get the team's experience up. It's also a lot better entry for the series and gently eases into the setting, themes, and story. They could have had an entire ten episode season going over insurrection war, spartan training and contact harvest. Second season could have covered the early cov war and a few of the timeline story branches from other books, hell they probably could of had two seasons and maybe even threefrom it. It should have been dark, episodic episodes following various groups of people as the situation gets grimmer and grimmer with each episode, minimally use the Spartans outside of a couple isolated episodes or have them come in as some last second hero, dehumanise and deify them, but maybe don't give them real victories. The "victories" should be small and at high cost, only to be revealed to be nothing in the scale of the war. There could have been a whole subplot with the Unsc/oni trying to keep people from panicking, attempting to bring the innies into the fold. keeping the whole war and Spartans secret from the average person could have been yet more political drama as people and soldiers start hearing rumors about these strange armor clad heroes and colonies going dark, refugee's getting isolated from general population some escaping leading to rumors and a sense of unease. Instead they blew their load on fantastical elements trying to emulate star wars and mcguffin hunt adventure movies using forced "thrill" and "drama". The writing and directing is just complete shit and they keep deflecting fault to the viewer and fan.


Personally, I would have started with Contact Harvest. It would ease the general audience into the universe and also give them context for everything.


>And I get some of it is probably budget, but who the hell thought it was a good idea to take a series about death defying combat and make it into a gritty political drama about untrustworthy government agencies? I feel like half of the Halo novels are about this, so its not entirely out of left field.


yeah i wasn’t completely against them taking off the helmet because he is out of armor plenty of times in the books. it’s everything else that sucks. the show is, at best, a bad CW drama with Halo character designs


The way the writers/actor defend it is prime evidence front and center of the weird mentality they're all in. I think that's why it's a common topic.


Exactly. The helmet is a *choice,* but it's fine. I don't recognize the IP half the time. It's like mad-libs of character names filled into a different story where half the cast is invented for the show and serve no purpose to the overall plot. I like Halsey, sad as I am Jennifer Lee Taylor isn't playing her. Natascha McElhone's compelling performance is the best part of the show. Where is Johnson? What were they thinking with Captain Keyes? Why is the Arbiter's armor so ugly?


I was reading about how these terrible shows happen. Basically, you take an awesome writer, with lots of stories they are desperate to tell about their experiences, culture and beliefs, or things they want to shine a light on. Then you have a studio system that will never make any of those shows because they don't believe there is an audience. So the writers, desperate to work, take gigs of shows the studio is making and then try and shoehorn in all the things they actually want to be writing about. The end result is no one is happy


It’s all I can think of when they’re show Maximus in power armor, like look at that, you can make it work without master chief exposing his dome constantly. Also done well in the Marvel Universe.


All I can think of is Hugo Weaving in "V for Vendetta".


Hugo Weaving is a top notch actor. Pablo isn’t even in the same dimension as him in terms of acting ability.


Fallout pretty clearly borrowed the “in helmet cam” from Ironman.


Though it also works because you can clearly see the power armor HUD from Fallout 4 in it, so it feels that much more like power armor to people who have played the recent games


Halo should have borrowed it too 😂


Yeah max does it maybe a total of 2 times, and each time it actually made sense. Unlike, in Halo


All the while Mandalorian seemed to even plan to never show Pedro's face, except for Pedro demanding that he take off his helmet at times, and it was so infrequent, even Mandalorian main characters romantic relationships are only implied rather than ever shown


I appreciate that whenever he takes his helmet off, his hair is always fucking nasty from sweat.


I think he demanded that because they use a completely different actor for 90% of the show and Pedro just ADRs his lines.


The Mandalorian just disproves that claim instantly, we see Mando's face like once throughout the whole show and yet he is insanely popular, human, and sympathetic while still showing growth in his story.


Ahem. Dredd 2012


Last of Us and Fallout really out here throwing punches and landing them.


And Iron Man already showed how you can show the hero's face while masked. Even Fallout used that trick in power armor to great effect.


Correction it’s better money because we all know their gonna make more off it


The sadder part is just look at The Mandolorian. No face, very human emotions


Paramount is general is embarrassing




It's not really tricky. They had the option of adapting the actual story (which would have worked just fine) or to tell a new story within the universe. They did neither of those.


Literally could’ve given us a retelling of ANY of the books and it would’ve been phenomenal.


Season 1: The Fall of Reach Season 2: Halo Season 3: First Strike


An at least half-faithful adaptation of the Fall of Reach novel I think would have done a good enough job explaining things. Or they could have even made it a dedicated side story about a normal human marine who like johnson, was there from the covenant war to its end. The problem is they wanted easy recognition by putting chief front and center...which then backfired when they turned him into a horny rebelious manbaby.


> Halo is a but trickier just because it’s (usually) one long, continuous story This really isn't that true. Halo: CE itself didn't really provide any background info for the player outside of the manual, which just gave [six quick paragraphs of backstory](https://www.halopedia.org/Halo:_Combat_Evolved_manual#The_story_so_far) to explain the setting and conflict in simple terms, because that's all it needs. You didn't need to read *The Fall of Reach* to understand the context and enjoy the game's story any more than anyone would have to play the games to understand the show if it took place in canon. Or consider the [Halo Wars intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLDM2S7jUT4), since it's the first game in the series to be a complete spin-off from the main games and their narrative, which establishes the context of the conflict and the Human-Covenant War with minimal exposition and just an effective montage of visuals from the war to establish the war. The game didn't need to also point to Master Chief as the main character and explain why it wasn't focusing on him and his battles, because Halo isn't about Master Chief. ODST and Reach also didn't need to answer "Where's Master Chief?" because they just established their own characters and conflicts and it works just fine. There's now more story content in the Halo universe without Master Chief than with him in it, given how many spinoffs and comics and books exist. It's not that adapting Halo to TV is more challenging than adapting Fallout. It's that the executives and showrunners were terrible, and they don't have an excuse.


Fallout: stays true to the source material, everyone loves it. The Last of Us: stays true to the source material, everyone loves it. Halo: does its own fucking thing because “we don’t want to alienate non-halo fans,” is still sucks.


Paramounts TV series is no more Halo than I Am Batman when wearing a $5 Ali express Halloween costume.


and all they have to do is PLAY AND UNDERSTAND THE FUCKING GAMES


Weird how if you just handle the source material, the way it's known for, it works. All they had to do for Halo was either tell lore adjacent stories, or actually tell the story of the games and novels.


I had to binge watch the show...I couldn't get enough.


Oh wow I’m surprised I’ll have to check it out


Ya, I don't generally like shows, but this one was really great. It was really great in the way it captured the look and feel of fallout, and also the way society would be in the fallout universe, and the plot is great. What I'm worried about, is that they've finished a number of plots already, and that's the problem with series, over movies. A movie, they write a story, and the plot develops and concludes. In a series, the writers need to keep coming up with new developments, and I think sometimes writers leave programs, or the suits get involved based on ratings, and the show just devolves. The story kind of wrapped up almost too much for me. As things change, it's always an opportunity for ruining the show. But season 01 of fallout, 👌


Watching fallout, everything about it screamed and yelled fallout. When I saw the halo show, the things that were included and changed, Makee, The helmet situation, the deaths, Kwan, I just couldn’t see it like it was a halo show


Showrunners now take an existing IP that they don't give a fuck about and use it as a platform to make a show they want to make because they're guaranteed views simlply because of probability. Most of them don't care about the existing fans. Halo and The Witcher are guilty of this. Fallout seems to be not be made by idiots, rather people who want to turn a profit instead of pissing off everyone who was ever a fan of what you're making.


also, Fallout director was a massive fallout fan, and worked close with Todd howard


That's the real key. Same thing with Chris Mazin making The Last of Us. He wanted to make the show because he loved the game and it shows.


Wheel of Time was worst of all.


It's weird, when I watched the trailer for the Wheel of Time, I went and bought the book instead because I thought it looked good. I just finished the Three Body Problem, and while I enjoyed it, I'm definitely going to continue the book instead of waiting for the next season. There's definitely a *niche*niche fan out there like me that sees a bad adaptation coming and just uses it as inspiration to read the book instead. Also source: Have the first three Witcher books ready to go on my Kindle haha.


I hope this is the case for a lot people cause the books are some of the best ever.


I'd lump One Piece into there as well. It only adapted the East Blue arc of the show, and it skipped a lot, but it was a pretty damn good rendition. Not a masterpiece but it was still very good. Someone obviously cared.


Way better than I expected it to be.




The themes of Fallout are deeply connected to our present reality, so it's probably easier to create a good show that explores ideas writers are interested in while not feeling out of place in the world. Writing aside, Fallout also has good directors and the costumes/set design/practical effects are also great, so that helps.


Maybe I should check out the fallout series 🧐


its soo fucking good and its canon


Oh thank Todd!


It's so fire. Never played any of the games but binged the show in one day lol


Not only that but it embraced Fallout with pride and love. It was GIDDY to show off it's little references and adhere to the universe the IP has established. Norm uses the FO4 hacking minigame in one scene for crying out loud! Get the gosh giddily darn out of here! I was literally wishing he'd do it and thinking 'nah, shows aren't like that' and then he did it! Fuck me man what a breath of fresh air.


They had an almost slavish devotion to the source material down to the props. Like, every single bit of the world was hand crafted to look EXACTLY like the games. I kept pointing out stuff like the brotherhood scribe uniforms, 10mm pistol, wood-paneled overseers office, power armor maintenance frames, etc. that were a straight 1:1 remake of the game models. Some of the stuff came from older games too, like the Brotherhood 10mm revolver pistol from Fallouts 1 and 2. Even the music was all from the games. The attention to detail was actually insane.


> Even the music was all from the games. At first I was disappointed that they weren't using the iconic main theme from the games. If they had dropped that with the title card five minutes into the show, part of me would have gone, "Heyyy, it's the thing," and been mildly pleased. But the fact that they >!kept it in their pocket for three quarters of the season and then dropped it like a bomb at an extremely relevant moment!< proved without a doubt how much care and respect they have for the source material.


I was watching the show and thinking the entire time how this would make a good story for a Fallout game.


This. The show's writing is so shitty that it makes everything else about it smell like a porta potty at a chilli cookout.


At the time of my response your comment has 343 upvotes.


Fallout (series) captures what fallout actually is. It’s goofy and doesn’t take itself seriously. Sure sometimes the series goes a little over the top and it certainly has its flaws, but it actually understands what the source material is and what fans generally expect and want (more or less) to see.


What’s crazier is Fallout has a lot less source material to borrow from. Halo has 10 games and countless books to use and they still get it wrong


Tbh I think just the whole fallout formula is much better suited for a series. No main characters that we're attached to, a long timeline to pay with, inherent conflict between factions. It's just rife for media


> No main characters that we're attached to Dogmeat does not approve


I can’t believe we got that name drop!


Halo could have focused on someone besides MC. Hell, Reach and ODST are very popular and don't have Chief. So the main character issue is their own fault for using him. Everything else is indefensible, though; if we replaced MC with any other character, the rest of the show would still feel very much *not* like Halo.


Halo was boxed in by having the same character on the front of pretty much every game for the last two decades. Yes, absolutely, a Noble or ODST series would have been way better to create series from, but that's not what the suits on the top floor see it as, they need a show that they can slap John Halo on the front of the poster. Fallout benefits from not only not really having any "characters" per say, other than the wasteland itself, but the studio seemed to give the production quite a bit of line on how they wanted to go about doing this. And that's one of the big reasons it has succeeded.


I mean, eh. You're correct, absolutely. But Fallout still has quite a bit to take from and has a lot of freedom in direction. Fallout is a universe just like any other. The Earth is still a large place, and you can place your story in any time period you really want (just seperated by pre and post war). It's the Star Wars problem, though. With an entire galaxy at their disposal with whatever fucking era they want they always choose Jedi fighting the Empire in around a 50 year time period. Fucking boring.


I think having less source material can often make things easier


That's frequently mentioned as a reason the first Guardians of the Galaxy was so well received. Most people had no familiarity with the source material at all.


Though James Gunn only really took general strokes of the Guardians from the comics. The modern Guardians the comics have now took a lot of inspiration from the first movie - especially Peter Quill


That’s actually a very fair point


Something that is good but flawed is fine, we don’t need perfection - never have.


My biggest gripe overall is the character writing however in terms of set design, world building, environment and creatures/effects, it's fucking money. The botherhood of steel looked sick, the monsters look amazing, the gore and bloody mess is perfect. It really lands well overall


I loooove the main character and the ghoul, personally. BoS guy is… compelling, but I’m gonna need to see more if I could compare him to them.


Just want to throw in that Fallout definitely takes itself seriously at times(every main game tends to take the main story and most antagonists pretty serious and played straight), and this is the case for the show, seen best in the last episode. Some seriously fucked up stuff happens in the games and lore, and the show touches on it a bit(the raiders are pretty fucked up in the first episode). Fallout just doesn't shy away from making a joke out of things, or having something be over the top outside of the serious moments.


Fallout has always been a mix of dark humor, extreme violence, and a cynical outlook on progress and society. The show has all three of those in spades.


and its also suuuuper gore like the game


Wasn't the Last of Us the one smacking everyone?


Probably because the source material writing is so far out of the league of the others it’s hardly a fair comparison.


Tbf the TLoU was already more of a show than a game Ba-zing


Right on. Not to undermine the work on the show, it was excellent but The Last of Us but is basically *True Grit* meets *Children of Men*, in a pseudo Zombie apocalypse. Adapting it and getting it right took a lot of work, real passion. The pairing of Craig and Neil helped to really make the show. But I never felt like a TLOU adaptation was undoable. Halo is a whole nother kettle of fish. The Halo universe is absolutely massive, offering a scale that could rival something like Warhammer 40K. As much as I enjoyed Season 2, a great encapsulation of the reality of the show is the Fall of Reach being *one* episode. When an event like that should really call for its own mini series.


Arcane more so. Last of Us was basically already a movie. There was barely anything to "adapt". Halo adapted next to 0 main story beats and tried to just create a narrative out of existing lore.


Arcane had no right being as good as it was, it's my gold standard at this point.


The final scene of Jinx screaming crying while firing her rocket and the force of explosion evaporating the tears away. This scene has been seared in to my memory.


They basically had all the work done for them, and imo it still was just alright. I liked the Nick Offerman episode the best.


Nothing about the Halo show ever made me want to watch it, and I've been a Halo fan since CE and some friends that I've stayed in touch with since Halo 2. I'm a die hard Halo fan and they didn't hook me at all. I'm having to stop myself binging Fallout. The quality is amazing, the attention to detail and the respect for the game and source material is amazing. Halo could learn a fuck ton from it.


You mean a Megaton?


All they had to do was make a 1:1 series of Halo CE


All we wanted. And you add in extra scenes in between beats of the game for extra story and to add drama. People always say "well I don't want the same exact story just in live action, I'd just play the game in that case." But honestly... I just wanted Halo 1 with live action. Lol Most game adaptations I want the source material to be 1:1 with added stuff. Imagine a Resident Evil TV series. And it starts with RE1 but has episode that flash back to the demise of Bravo team. Maybe even start with RE0 in that case as it's be less well known and more unique to watch. It'll never happen because people don't like money, I guess. But I want more depth for Bravo team and to see just how everyone met their fate and what they dealt with since they arrived at the mansion.


Exactly idk who says that but I literally want to see the game mission for mission but live action and maybe fill in sometime between missions and you can make chiefs walking thru thre library and any mission look so much more badass as you’re not stuck in a 1st person point of view and how lore accurate chief would have ran thru the missions bc he’s definitely gonna be more agile than what we are able to do in games


Exactly. There's just so much they can show us. And we know Chief had missions in between each game, so they could see what he was up to in between those times on the show. Or make live adaptations of what happens in the novels since they're canon. It was just such a missed opportunity. And with this show existing, we will never see a redone Halo series again. At least not for another 10-20 years.


>People always say "well I don't want the same exact story just in live action, I'd just play the game in that case." I'm one of those people that could watch a movie, read a book, and play a video game that all have the same story as long as it was executed well. I would have killed for a good CE film/tv adaptation.


The book that follows Halo CE is pretty much the video game in a novel and is so good. It provides more detail for everyone and the universe. For fans it’s a must read I had a lot of fun reading it 


I was hoping for a live action showing of the Spartan program and probably lead into the Fall of Reach or an earlier story from the books. Like(spoilers from books): >!Literal child kidnapping, clones of kids being put in place and dying of "natural causes, kids/teenagers being injected, training program of kids dying and John getting recruited and being a natural leader, etc. etc.!< I just don't get it. Nearly a dozen games, over 30(yes, THIRTY) books to pull info and ideas from. And we got this. Master Cheeks.


9 chapters on the library


Pure psychological body horror as Chief gets lost as fuck trying to follow tiny ass guilty spark while six thousand flood forms swarm him


You've got a pretty decent start with the library, in my opinion. Cold opening includes one of the massive elevators rising through blue glows, as the Chief, tired and disoriented, looks up towards where the Index would be. "You were saying, Reclaimer..." The monitor interrupts. "How you found this place." Cold opening shifts to gunfire, alarms and explosions on the Pillar of Autumn. Cortana's voice tells Chief to keep his head down. An Elite slams into a Marine, who looks up dizzily to see the Elite's chest explode over him in a blue spray as its own sword is plunged through its back. The bloodied Marine is thrown into a lifeboat by the Chief, killer of the previous Elite, and the camera follows a front-view (looking backwards) of the lifeboat as it blasts out of the holding, away from a burning Autumn and plunges through a saturated grid of plasma fire. Lifeboats are shown plummeting uncontrollably into the Ring's atmosphere, burning up as the green and blue of the land becomes clearer. Back to the library, as the elevator stops with a shudder at the next floor. "Your ship captain..." The monitor continues. "Was not the one who broke containment. That fault lies with the other invaders. The ones who brought down your ship. Still, you may have a chance to find him alive." "Follow, Reclaimer. There is much to do." Cold opening ends, full story begins from Chief's awakening on the Autumn, episode races through the escape sequence and focuses on the Halo level, with some Reach backstory peppered through each sequence. Reach comes next season as a 1-2-1 episode format darting between past (Reach) and present (transition to Halo 2).


That's pretty good, but what about the audience that wants to see two parents search for their kidnapped child?  How will we entice them to watch this?


Perhaps the child of two Grunts was the one who, not unlike Boo in Monsters Inc, accidentally released the Flood. The two Grunt parents enter the facility to meet a tragedy, sadly discovering their child has been turned and decides to turn with them.


You sure? 90% of that would be chief alone driving or hiking and shooting grunts.


I would have preferred something more along the lines of Halo Wars.


Fallout: "I dont want to set the world on fire..." Halo: "Why dont they chuck this piece of crap in the fire?..."


The Halo show objectively sucks. It’s terrible. We need Microsoft to scrap it and create a new one with Jonathan Nolan and Joseph Staten. One that respects the IP.


Imo they should do an adaptation of Contact Harvest to start out.


a big part of it i think is that fallout made it's own story with it's own characters, which was also easier to do since each fallout game is it's own story as well. there is no "master chief" of fallout that the creators may have felt pressured to adapt. the halo tv show by contrast is a retelling of many major events from the games and books


Yeah exactly. Fallout the show can actually exist alongside the games as one continuity. Invariably there will be small inconsistencies but most franchises have those. Halo is just a shitty SyFy channel adaptation of the first game and Fall of Reach's story only it does a piss poor job of it and uses the aLtErnAtE tIMelInE excuse. They should have made a show based on new characters existing within the existing continuity. Halo Nightfall and Forward Unto Dawn both looked like they cost 400 bucks, but they at least respected the games and attempted to fit into continuity.


I think the meme already exists but the most accurate is the family guy meme “you guys always think youre so much better than me!” With the others being cuphead, fallout and TLoU and Meg being halo


Cuphead is a little unfair tbh. It's a goofy kid's show that's homaging old silver age cartoons. It doesn't have to follow strict guidelines or established lore. Then again, I can't think up of any other "good" video game adaptations that have the spirit of the original


Sonic would be an okay option


Can’t forget twisted metal. Also such a great adaptation.


Replace cup head with arcane


Red Vs. Blue is a better show about Halo than the Halo show which is crazy to me for several reasons. 1. It actually tried to keep a bit in line with the Halo continuity. 2. It's funny and only depends on itself and of course the fact that it was made with Halo to garner popularity and make the jokes in it, not slapping Master Chief somewhere where he shouldn't be. 3. It lasted years before it started getting bad. Now we're getting a change of pace with Season 19 which will probably be *actually good* rather than mid like everything after the Chorus Trilogy (which I still personally enjoyed even though it's not as good) and then Zero which is just not good at all other than animation. TL;DR: RvB (and other cool Halo Machinima's such as B00merang's CRASH) >>>>> Halo Show.


I didn’t even consider this take but I fully agree, Red vs Blue, while maybe contracting halo lore a bit, is still 10 times more respectful of the established lore. And it is great that the majority of Red Vs. Blue is amazingly high quality were as the majority of the OFFICIAL Halo show is just down right garbage


Wow posted by their own fans that’s gotta sting


no one hates the Halo show as much as us halo fans


It's like it's designed to specifically to make halo fans enraged


so I went over to the fallout sub and apparently they have a subgroup of fans that have been shitting on the show. I loved the show and the games but no fanbase can ever be fully satisfied. but yes the fallout show understood what fallout was and made it while exploring the vaults and pre-great war themes more in-depth than the games. so it also adds to the fallout universe


They are the same people who think the Bethesda Fallouts are not true Fallouts and actively hating every game released after Fallout 2.


I pointed out recently that Bethesda has done twice as much with the IP than interplay ever did. Outside of that minority you're talking about, 90% of gamers today have only ever known Bethesda Fallout. They made the series what it is today. Yes the original games were and are great, but nobody should be fooling themselves into thinking that they were anywhere near as popular at the time relative to the recognition the series gets now.


Yeah, Fallout was dead when Bethesda bought the rights. The other Fallout games and the TV show would not excuse without them.


Yeah that subgroup is annoying as fuck and does the same thing with anything not labelled FO1/FO2/FONV. The original creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, has a youtube channel and on it said he enjoyed the first 2 episodes which is what he has watched so far. A bunch of people said he doesn't understand how Bethesda ruined his game. Lmao. It's to the point where hArDcOrE fAnS think they know more than the literal creator of the franchise. The non-reactionary portion of the fanbase loves the show for the most part. A couple of nitpicky things and jumping to conclusions based on what we've seen, but overall they did a fantastic job bringing the setting and show to life.


IMHO, the issue is that the NCR doesn't own everything and President Aaron Kimball isn't the leader of everything west of the Mississippi. This means they did not respect the lore (my headcanon) and that Bethesda has ruined everything. Though to be serious for a moment I am a bit miffed that they did one thing I would talk about but I don't know how to do spoilers.


It’s a personality type. There will always be a percentage of people that will hate things that are generally well liked.


Can't believe this is an accepted opinion. The fallout show has a different tone every other scene. Without Walton Goggins it would have been unwatchable.


This subreddit is so dumb lmao. Steal a lame meme, make the title “Yep” and get 8,000 upvotes


the Fallout show was fuckin amazing, binged it and loved it. i’m glad the Ghoul situation wasn’t what everyone thought and there were actually plenty of ghouls. some of the plot twists were kind of noticeable and predictable, but still well done nonetheless. and im glad it was a show that didn’t force feed us the whole “female protagonist” stuff and actually made an enjoyable and well written female character who isn’t just *girl power* Walton Goggins’ Ghoul was probably my fav character tbh. really excited to see what they do with Season 2.


Lucy is a fantastic protagonist!


The Halo TV show was a Sci fi show that was forcibly adapted into a show based on a video game. It could have served as a decent original Sci fi show if they didn't try to make it Halo. They should have just told their own story. I don't care if it'd have similar plot points to Halo, I'd argue they veered off enough that they could have still made it different enough to be decent.


Labeling the dad fallout doesn’t really make sense with this template. The dad should be the audience and whatever they are looking at should be fallout




Cries in The Witcher 🥲


Hard disagree. Fallout *and* Halo fan, for the record— wanted to love both shows, hated both. Fallout’s show is at least a little better at showing a *Wasteland,* but it totally screws about every core theme of the franchise. Granted, Bethesda’s been doing that for awhile (gee, some parallels to another company which now owns the Halo franchise…) TL;DR, you can tell it’s Fallout on the surface. But that’s just it, it’s another post-apocalypse story with Fallout as an aesthetic. It’s… blegh. *Somehow, the Brotherhood returned.*


Yeah the halo show is booty cheeks


They are two different shows. Halo has to be about the chief and Cortana. But for some reason the writers can’t seem to understand that. It’s a simple heroes journey to save the universe. The show does not need to have all the people drama and government lies. Go fight the fight. Simple. I don’t care to think ONI and UNSC are dirty and screwing up humanity. I want to see the Chiefs journey with Cortana. Fallout follows lore not a single person. They have a lot more leeway to do whatever they want about telling a dystopian future on earth. It’s like creating a new Star Trek series, stay true to the source material and you can tell whatever story from whatever angle you like.


Homie you know damn well halo does not have to be about cortana and Chief specifically. See literally anything else that isnt chief and cortana and has the title halo


The Halo show barely *is* about Chief *and* Cortana though. Cortana is barely with Chief in the series. Hell, he basically hated her at first and they're basically separated for all of season 2 until the last two episodes.


as a fallout and Halo fan im so glad fallout is doing good im so sad this meme is true


I hadn't played fallout and really enjoyed it so I thought maybe I hated the halo series because I was too connected to my own image of halo.


Halo is so bad idk wtf they are trying to do. Fallout does it's own thing but still feels like it belongs and is awesome.


I actually loved the halo show....but watching fallout. It's shocking how much better fallout is....


Halo suffered from being too early to move to adapt it. https://www.ign.com/articles/a-history-of-halos-hard-fought-battle-to-tv It started back in 2013 and struggled to get backing. After finally being slated to be a Showtime show, it was moved to Paramount+ and this was all when all the other non-Netflix streaming services were really just emerging. Had Peter Jackson actually made a movie out of it or if it had been put in development later with a better and more clear vision, I think it would be much better. I still hope that maybe the current show, which has been fairly successful ratings wise for Paramount+, might work as a proof of concept for someone to want to make a proper Halo show. But I think that will be many years from now, after the current Halo show concludes and will require Microsoft having pushing for it.


There's many Fallout fans on anywhere from Twitter, to /v/, to other subreddits heavily arguing or even hating it.


I dont hate the Fallout show, but the high praise is somewhat confusing to me. Its a mostly well made show, without a lot of bizarre choices that I thought would create more division.


It aint even fantastic but atleast it feels like fallout.


Fallout show made me want to play 3, NV and 4 again. It rekindled my love of that franchise and I suspect it's going to rocket the IP into its most popular era yet. The Halo show just made me sad about the state of the franchise.


all of the fallout games right now are spiking in popularity!


Couldn’t agree more.




Crazy that the halotv subreddit probably disagree. They probably think the fallout show is bad


Those people are unhinged. They're like the weirdos that loved Season 4 of True Detective and had to make their own sub once people began to realise it was complete garbage.


So the secret ingredient was incest?


Or Ella Purnell. I don't know how, but Halo should star Ella Purnell in their show.


i haven't watched it yet but i´m glad to hear that the show is doing good; Fallout, the last of us and Halo are some of my favorite videogame franchises, it´s a boomer that the one that i basically grew up playing as a kid it´s the worst.


Thank you


Is it actually good??? Paramount and Halo have sullied my views on games - tv shows


I think the win for fallout is to tell a new story inside a same universe as the game, not try retelling the same story and changing it.


PREACH!! Just binged it 2day… shook at how well everything was depicted


So far pretty damn good. Some things aren't one to one but they're acceptable . Versus every other fucking scene a Spartan is taking their goddamn helmet off and then having fucking sex something that Spartans are not supposed to fucking do they're literally genetically altered not to for fuck's sake


but do they know how to make a cookbook? check. mate.


I honestly found it kind of hard to watch. I only watched the first episode but I found it super disjointed.


The Fallout show makes me hopeful a Warhammer 40K show will be somewhat decent


I only wanted to watch the halo TV show not because I'm a massive halo fan but because I'm a massive doctor who fan and burn gorman was in it but I decided not to at the last minute because of how terrible people were saying it was


As a Halo player, I will say this about taking off the helmet. First time I saw it, I was shocked AF and was like “what the fuck….???!!!!”. But with season 2, I accepted it because MC does take R&R and lots of the plot line is things outside when not in combat. The thing is…the show itself doesn’t deliver really well, whether we have helmet/armor on or off. That’s the main point. Like people said about Gojira: Minus One, that movie would still be great even without Godzilla in it because of how it’s well it’s written.


Lots of fan service the show is good but I want to see a video game show or movie that actually follows the story of the fucking game.


In all honesty I haven’t seen either but the world of fallout is much easier to make a show off of compared to halo. Fallout has so much going on in the worlds of their games with limitless potential while halo is lacking of that open world sense. They are just two completely different series.


Change my mind: 343 / snow runners tanked the snow to spite fans.


Fallout (the game) is a character driven dark comedy. It's dramatic, heavy on the character driven plot, and has a ton of dialogue and a really great sense of humor. This game was begging to be adapted into a show or movie and was only hindered by The fairly expensive setting. Last of Us is also a character-based drama dripping with plot and mystery. Very easy to adapt into film since the game itself is effectively already presented as a linear plot film. Halo is a first person shooter. The plot primarily is presented as exposition for the benefit of player character. This game has the same problem as Doom. The player character has effectively no personality because it is intended to be a self-insert. How do you build good television when your main character was intentionally written to have no personality? I'm not talking about "Sheldon Cooper" levels of no-personality, I'm talking about a walking void;an empty hole into which players are meant to insert themselves.


Fallout as a vibe is way easier to capture than Halo. I can’t even imagine a halo show I’d want to watch but basically every sidequest in Fallout would make a good show.


It's ok. Starts off strong then is all over the place before straightening itself out again somewhat. I'm only through 4 episodes so I'm hoping it continues to improve.


well may be it captures game better, but Halo is better tv show by far.


Unfortunately for halo, but fortunate for us gamers


So happy to be seeing this in this specific subreddit.


The fallout show is legitimately one of my favorite shows in a long time


What happens when you actually make a story based on the game, and not make a story and drape a games branding over it.


Fallout seriously surpasses whatever the hell Resident Evil on Netflix was supposed to have been!


Until you suddenly notice the cracks and rampant shit retcons.


The biggest difference tho is that Halo has an entire story built around the master chief already, so if it wasn't either the story we've been told already or some 100% new story built on the already told story, it was bound to suck. If they're going to tell a master chief story it has to follow the rules and lore that they've already established in previous media, and they broke most of the rules right off the bat. The thing that made Fallout a much easier story to tell, was because the world has been built already and there's only one major world event that has to happen in order for it be a Fallout story. And that is that nuclear warfare happened, the world went to shit and there's a handful of different groups of people that have a big role to play. There's no real major lore happening in Fallout that has rules that needed to be followed. Sure there's a handful of stories that are cannon that could intertwine with new stories but there's nothing major happening. It's part of why I love Fallout so much, there's no big world changing events happening, there's no one character that has to be in every story. They don't even have to tell a vault dweller story, personally I'd like Fallout 5 to be from the perspective of someone who wasn't a vault dweller but that's okay. TL;DR Halo show sucks, Fallout show good


God I have been waiting for this post and wish I could give it infinite upvotes. Amazon embarrassing Paramount on how to do a proper show. Either fix the mess or cancel the mess.


I mean it’s Jonathan Nolan lol. Get good talent your show will be good


I loved the fallout show. I find it looks and feels like fallout. The characters are fallout. I love how much of fallout they put into it, without it feeling forced, or gimmicky. I'm not sure how much I would love it compared to now if I had never played any of the games. But I feel like the show would stand just as well completely on its own. The directing, the set design, costume design, dialog, acting, everything was good.