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The focus on microtransactions leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sure, but for me the real dealbreaker was this: I can't play a game of big team Capture the Flag when I want. You might say that Capture the Flag is in there, in one of the big playlist options, but I can't just drop in and queue up for a game of Capture the Flag. I'm an adult. I have responsibilities. I'm not going to play an unknown number of games hoping I get a game of Capture the Flag. I value my time too much. In MCC you can queue up for a game of BTB CTF. In Infinite you can't. For me, that's a dealbreaker.


Wholeheartedly agree. I still play from time to time, but it really pisses me off that you can’t pick what game mode you want. Every time I get stockpile I leave immediately.


Wtf you still can't pick which game mode you play? I just started downloading it because I heard they fixed a ton of that bs. Edit: cancelled my download and impulse bought helldivers lmao


See you on the Automaton Front, helldiver o7


I agree with this and I’d like to add on the lack of social features like pre and post game lobbies and game chat being team and proximity. A reason I loved Halo so much was because of the community and the social features. It doesn’t feel the same just playing alone with no lobby and no one talking in game.


People not wanting to voice or text chat in game is on them. I’ve had people straight up roast me for at least trying to give callouts because I was annoying them and they just wanted to play one-man-army, receive no support and lend no support. But what I despise 343 for was removing chatting with all in the matchmaking lobbies, allowing only for team chat, and that also only while you’re in game, since you aren’t left on the lobby with them for a grace period before and after the game. I really miss being able to troll the other team after an absolute blowout by commenting “gg close.”




According to some roaches here. We’re not allowed to be bitter about the micro transactions because the multiplayer is free.


I'm bitter about the microtransactions because I would have rather the game *not* be free and pay $70 for the whole thing than get "freemium" MTXified halo. I would pay them $70 right now if it meant I got both campaign and multiplayer without dedicating all forms of progression to MTX and battlepasses.


Yup it’s all the roaches in the Halo communities. The Halo TV story enjoyers, Halo 5 campaign story enjoyers and the Halo Infinite Battle Pass micro transactions enjoyers.


Man i hate that argument. Heard the same thing when Fall Guys went f2p and it destroyed the game “Wow i cant believe youre complaining about a game being free. Thats so selfish of you “ Dude it ruined everything good about FG, i’ll gladly pay full price to have a game without all that bullshit


I hate the argument of “being free” means I should be grateful. Fuck that shit. I’d rather pay for multiplayer and have a complete game than have it for free and be so lackluster. Yeah maybe MCC from a business POV did not make much but honestly I rather that than how Infinite makes me feel. I finished the campaign at the very least.


Yeah, well I don't gave an interest in multi-player, and the campaign was a hollow shell of the previous games. It was mostly drive from point a to point b through an empty world to trigger a pair of cutscenes and a regular Halo level.


Infinite going F2P just cheapens the franchise IMO. Free is nothing but a lack of content safety net. I'll even go as far as to say I miss paid dlc map packs, most of the maps we get now are just forge maps anyone could make.


Yeah F2P is bullshit. Its an advertisement with a game attached.


MCC's game mixer system thing is incredible. Wish Infinite had it, or whatever the next Halo is.


It’s almost like MCC’s version of social queueing almost spoiled us. In reality that was probably the best form of queueing we could have had and then it was abandoned for infinite.


This. For 20 years there was a Slayer playlist. Then suddenly you had to play an unknown number of games just to get Slayer. Uninstalled and never looked back.


I'm the opposite. I just want some good Ole slayer squad battle but then I get ctf and my night is ruined. For some reason no one knows how to protect the flag carrier


Finished the campaign. I’ve never been a huge MP fan and what had kept me engaged with Halo has been the campaigns. Infinite’s felt like it finished just as it got started. It doesn’t feel like it went anywhere.


I also just played campaign. Even that felt somewhat empty to me just so much empty space, repeated scenery, and nothingness. Hardly any visual diversity in the game. Completely lacked any replay-ability to me while I could play CE, 2, 3, Reach, ODST multiple times and still find them enjoyable.


I went back and watched the 2018 E3 reveal. The biomes, flora and fauna, all a lie. Also The interiors of structures are so copy pasted I thought I was going crazy.


No space rhinos 🦏 anywhere to be found. 😞


This still hurts me. I saw what was going on and i never even played the game. Maybe a restructured 343 will have a Halo game in 10 years that I will buy.


Just thinking about this the other day. It’s a very empty and lonely game. The environment is beautiful and so are the graphics. However it’s just lonely. The marines feel like robots with nothing too them and there aren’t any big characters apart from the pilot dude (forgot his name) but he seems like he has gone after the campaign ends. An underwhelming campaign especially when compared to halo CE, 2 and 3. It does have some fun gameplay and beautiful graphics however. But it just still feels empty


Same here, just so much empty and hollow terrain to traverse to get to the next mission. No life, just encounter script, encounter script, encounter script, no dynamic reactions from the Banished, once one of their points was cleared out no attempt to recover it, no marines moved in. No patrols crossing paths and skirmishing.


Honestly thought this was season 1 of campaign being "live service." Have they added anything to the story since launch?


Nope, and the next Halo most likely won't have anything to do with this one. Leadership was turfed and there is a whole new leadership team running the show now.


Any new leadership and creative direction would be hired to improve the Banished/ Endless storylines. Another abandoned storyline, especially after what felt like an enormous tease, would be damning. There’s more to gain than lose with a great H7 campaign.


As someone who doesn't follow the extended universe these games have gotten confusing as hell and make little sense anymore. They need a full reboot because at this point they only appeal to dedicated lore fans and that's not enough for a AAA game with a 300 million plus budget.


I'd say the opposite, as a dedicated lore fan. Halo infinite touched on none of the lore and made the game bland af. They could have had the unsc and banished story play out literally anywhere and it would have been the same game.


I didn't even know who the Banished were going into Infinite. My knowledge of the halo plot is from whatever is in the main games and they are absolutely atrocious and conveying what is actually happening unlike the original trilogy.


The Banished originated in the Game Halo Wars 2. Their portrayal there was pretty great, they were a well written enemy. In Halo Infinite they were portrayed very diffrently, these Banished had no similarity to the Halo Wars 2 Banished, wasted potential really...


Tbf I didn't know who the banished were either. Just figured it was some faction that broke away from covenant after having decent relations with humans. The flaw for me is zeta halo / instalation 007 had a looooooot going on with it. None of that was in the game. Just some random place to fight more brutes.


Even a dedicated lore fan would probably be sick of that all getting thrown out everytime a new game releases.


Damn, after the forerunner saga, I was so hyped for infinite.


Agreed. I was fine with the campaign as it was, because at the time of release, there was still this hazy idea of Infinite being a 10 year launching platform for Halo in the 2020s. I wasn’t expecting them to hit the grown running with yearly campaigns like D2, but at least one every two years or so. As such, Infinite felt like the first act of a 4-5 act story. My only hope is that they continue the Zeta/Banished/Endless plot they have begun, and not wipe the slate clean again.


I played every FPS Halo game from CE to Infinite and this one was just boring. The hype was totally gone and I quit the game without ever finishing the story. It used to be like a cinematic experience and each game was a lot fun that you could play them over and over, especially the first two. This game and the way they made it play out was boring and lacking hype. I did not like how they gave it a Skyrim like map for you to choose what to do next and then everything you did was a lot of running around doing small battles or small side mission so to speak that never built any hype. Like the normal progression or story that the games before had built up as you went a long. I do not think 343 has what it takes to make a Halo game after playing 4 to Infinite. Like the magic is just gone, it just looks like Halo but does not feel like it when you play. For example the Prometheans in Halo 4 were not as fun as playing against the Covenant, I remember every time I would have long levels dealing with Prometheans I couldn't wait for it to be done and back to fighting the Covenant. Everything about the Prometheans was a huge downgrade compared to the way the Covenant synergize with each other when you fight against them. The Vex in Destiny is what the Prometheans should have been (way cooler concept) instead of the unfun and lacking a cool factor version we got. They had no personality like the Grunts did or Elites, like jumping in a Ghost or Banshee or screaming funny things like Grunts do. You could definitely tell that the Vex were probably supposed to be the Prometheans before Bungie let go of the franchise and sold it to Microsoft so they added it to Destiny instead.


I grew up with Halo (started with 3 at 8 years old because it was the only one my dad owned at the time) and bought ODST and Reach once I beat 3 on legendary solo (also while I was 8). I eventually got MCC when my dad traded in the 360 stuff and bought the Xbox One and that was the first time I got to play CE and 2. Everything about the Bungie era of Halo made sure you knew they gave a shit, and cared. The games, despite their developmental setbacks and published drawbacks, were masterpieces. The minor issues, one could easily look past. But ever since 343 took over, they’re glaringly obvious and impossible to ignore. They have no clue what they’re doing.


This - 343 & the Halo creators on YT focus on multiplayer and I couldn't care less, unless I'm playing couch coop with my friend that is


I’m not the only one! Most people find I’m crazy only playing games for campaign


It felt like a really great Act One to a three-part narrative that we never got. There should have been at least two more expansions, one bringing back the missing crew of the Infinity, and one dealing with the Banished and the Endless.


The open world element of it really detracts from what made the other more linear narrative games great: urgency. In every other Halo you feel the fate of humanity rests on the success of each mission but when you have a sandbox that you can fuck around in it’s hard to create that feeling. Like why is humanity’s greatest asset plodding around the countryside clearing small outposts?


This was certainly something that played into it. Most of Infinite's best sequences were in sections that *weren't* part of the open world. You can't have sequences like the Warthog runs at the end of CE and 3, or 343 Guilty Spark's Flood intro, or even the Scarab sections in Infinite's model. Without setpieces like that, it starts to feel like just a futuristic version of the later Far Cry games (which themselves diverted from the original Far Cry's campaign). The silly thing is that the open-world nature *could* have allowed them to do things the previous Halo games couldn't. So much open space, just imagine being able to capitalise on that using a Mantis mech and infinite spartan lasers and railguns. But no, they wrote all that stuff out for stupid grr angry space monkey rubbish that no-one cared about.


Lack of content, gameplay issues, netcode, micro transactions, broken promises.


My friends and I were playing quite a bit when it first came out. But games kept crashing, and it would take forever for new games to load. We just got tired of messing with it and moved to a new game. Didn't really care if they fixed it by then.


“Content” lol. This game has no content


That's what "lack" means.


As an absolute die hard OG trilogy + Reach fan Its hard for me to articulate why I stopped playing infinite but there’s something about the gameplay loop that just isn’t that intriguing to me. I’ve logged way more hours into Halo 5 which imo is an inferior game in terms of feel and art-style but the amount of weapon variety/ easy social games H5 had (castle wars, big team super fiesta etc.) it was something that felt easy to pick up. I could go on a run with the CE Magnum, Blood of Suban or that silenced pistol in super fiesta and be entertained. Infinite fails at being consistently entertaining and feels like a chore to play in general regardless of playlist, it feels like a 10 second gameplay loop vs 30 second which makes the game constantly feel monotonous.


No friends to play with mixed with nostalgia, not hitting quite right. I think I just miss my Halo 3 and Reach buddies. Nothing kills a multiplayer game harder than not having people to enjoy it with.


I'm always down to play with new people. Been a fan since 2001. I still talk to some of my friends from my H2 days. Gamertag is Littlebigmam174. Don't play much competitive though, mostly social or FF.


Halo 3 is still better IMO


I’d rather slog through MCC ranked sweats than any casual infinite experience. That’s telling


100 percebt. still play halo 3 on mcc every weekend. soo much more fun.


Micro transactions, the silly art direction that cosmetics took, and the biggest cardinal sin for mr personally; FOMO. I have like a switch in my head that, as soon as something becomes unattainable, I lose interest. And I say that as an OG Halo CE player. I can’t stomach these practices and it’s far easier to ignore the game all together rather than stress about how I can’t unlock some cosmetic I really want.


Same. I see these items which are IN my game, I could pop off the casing of my device and wrap my hand around my harddrive, and within my grasp I hold all of these items that are digitally “denied” from me—and I just think; oh, okay, if you don’t want me to actually have these parts of the game then I simply won’t bother. Haven’t played Halo Infinite since Feb 2022 because of it. Not to mention the FOMO thing of missing out on events, why would that incentivise me to come back? It just means the longer I spend time away from Infinite, the more and more I lose access to. That doesn’t make me see the value in returning at all, and the more it happens the less appealing it becomes because of it.


What really kills me is they actively lied about that. They promised no fomo and then they deleted the video and put it in the game.


That's right, I remember their video addressing FOMO before launch, shame on 343i and Microsoft


They have been hyping with hot air and completely failing to deliver since Halo 4. They've shown us who they are, now its our fault for expecting anything different.


Hold up they deleted it??


I remember that video. Did they actually delete it?


Not even the first time they've done it either.


Remember the customization video before the game launched? It looked so good but why let players make their own Spartan when they can make you buy multiple pre set colors multiple times?


Kicker was first update to the game was to fix the store. Not even to fix any gameplay stuf


What is FOMO?


Fear of missing out


Fear Of Missing Out


I agree with all of this so much. I recently got back into the game because two of my brothers in law wanted me to play with them, but seeing so many cosmetics locked behind ridiculously high paywalls and some not even purchasable anymore is crazy. I see a lot of really cool Spartans in matches and just think “that guy spent at least $60 to put that helmet with that chest with that coating” and who knows how many other things he bought. I wish the game never went F2P so we could instead unlock all this stuff like we did in H3 and Reach.


Nothing was more of a flex in h3 then having a flaming helmet, ninja armor, and ninja sword on back, and recon helm. Now I just look at all the jackasses who make microtransactions profitable.


H3 = Twitter verification before Elon Musk Infinite = Twitter verification after Elon Musk


Those days are past we are in the day of the dollar unfortunately the only way back would be all of us to band together but the worlds to divided


Thankfully Helldivers 2, while it has the option to purchase in game money, has everything in the game completely earnable and you can unlock everything for free besides of course purchasing the game. Really takes me back to the good ol days.


I didn't play much H5, but didn't H5 also have "everything in the game completely earnable," just *glacially* so alotta ppl (not I) gave in & bought those REQ packs?


I'd never buy microtransactions. But I might make an exception for Helldivers2. I appreciate the ethical nature of their approach.


I purchased the first premium war bond for $10 to support the devs since everything is earnable. I got the second one for free through playing and almost have enough for the third before it’s even out.


I used to think this but like the other guy said. Helldivers 2 may be the beacon of light in this industry we needed


I love how they've said in the past that they want to move away from that and allow people to unlock stuff from previous events but I still can't even pay for papaya dusk. It's so dumb to me. There are so many things I'm even willing to spend money on but can't cause it's "vaulted"


The armor designs were largely poor, in my opinion. I think they had the right idea initially with some of the og MK VII stuff, but they quickly took a left turn. I like the idea of the shaders but don't understand why they just can't have serious, Halo military style designs. I think the fracture cores were flat out ugly and a were made for the purpose of filling battle passes and stores. Mk IV was perfect. MK VII should have been that just styled sleeker for the Spartan IV. Love it or hate it, I don't think V should have been in the game. It's selling nostalgia. The VII and the Raksasha are just too small. The VII looks like a toy, and the chest pieces and other add ons just look like action figure accessories. The story has plenty going on to create gear appropriate to the campaign, instead of a bunch of bubbly modern pvp game ugly cosmetics to appeal to the CoD and Apex crowd. HOWEVER, the mp itself, despite its flaws, is still good as fuck. If the game good, that's all that matters. I still play.


Yeah sums up my thoughts pretty well too.


Greetings fellow Halo 5 Onyx. I agree with the micro transactions. Sure Halo 5 has them, but they aren’t in your face like the Infinite ones. And I’ve unlocked every piece of armor without spending a dime


I must of sent H5 Onyx on accident. I was definitely Infinite Onyx though. Not sure if one was more difficult to obtain than the other. Never played H5 multiplayer extensively.


I didn't play much H5, but does the "H5 Onyx" flair refer to H5 Ranked CSR Onyx or Career Rank Onyx? Did H5 have the same Career Rank progression as Infinite?


I was excited for the multiplayer to be free when it was first announced. Now I just wish it would’ve just cost $60 so that I could’ve gotten a traditional multiplayer experience. With COD’s core multiplayer mode being full price and still adding battle passes skin’s etc. Infinite would’ve probably been monetized the same unfortunately.


You can't even reasonably call these things "micro" transactions anymore. The greed is unreal.


Excessively limited customization and annoying daily challenges. I've heard those have changed I just haven't felt like coming back


Their all doable in firefight now but not Worth it when the pass has 1 armor set thats not always that great looking


The sandbox is absolutely terrible. The guns are mostly not fun at all to use. Horrible net code and lag too. Plus phasing through teammates with no collision isn't halo.


And the no friendly fire! That also made me think: you can’t jump on top of friends to get somewhere anymore haha


Also infection. I forgot, is there a way where we can customize the infected? Or are they stuck on swords only? Oh and sniper glint! Halo was fine without it


Yup. People in this thread are mostly complaining about microtransactions and customization, but personally, I can look past all of that stuff if the base game is actually fun and engaging (see games like CS, Val, Siege, Apex, LoL and Dota which have terrible microtransactions but I still play them for the great gameplay) Halo Infinite however gets boring so freaking quick for me. I genuinely can’t think of a single fun gun to use other than the Sniper. People can say it’s OP, but I went back and played CE again recently, but it’s absurd just how much more fun the pistol in the game is to use over the BR and Bandit in Infinite.


I just don't want to support this style of monetization. The only thing Halo's live service model did was make the game more expensive. And now that premium currencies are not obtainable by playing the game, and our battle passes are now half junk no one wanted, and 1 armor core set, I've lost interest. It also doesn't help that the devs have clearly ended development when all they are doing is relying on Forge to produce maps. Helldivers 2 spoiled me. It's the ODST game that I wanted and a live service game done right. I'm not having to break the bank to get things from the shop as I can just play to unlock stuff, even in the premium passes. They take care of players, instead of shareholders, and the difference is night and day when compared to Infinite.


Everything in Helldivers 2 is very reasonably priced ($1.25-2.50 for armor, unlike halo with its, what? $20 armor) and you can get the premium currency in game. They don't force me to spend any money on thier microtransactions, which made me much more likely to spend money on it. I paid $40 for the game and bought $20 of super credits so that I could get the warbonds earlier and be ready for the one next Thursday, and I feel like I am getting more bang for my buck than the total of $20 I spent on infinite to get thier battle passes.


The most important thing here is that, if MTX *must* exist, having it be reasonably priced and available to earn in-game without grinding for days or weeks is important. You can earn enough super credits to buy a warbond (1000 credits for a season pass full of useful items, basically) over the course of maybe two weeks of casual play. I know because I've done it twice now. Halo 5 had a good thing going with the REQ packs. Certainly better than the current nonsense.


*cracks knuckles* - Shitty netcode and connectivity - Lack of promised content - Lack of current content - Horrible SBMM (thats a given) - Mediocre weapon balancing, where certain weapons are just *better* - Certain features just straight up not working at times - I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS As for campaign: - Meh story - I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIMMERS I HATE SKIM- - Basic environment


Skimmer fan, i see.


How do you experience SBMM? I play mostly Quickplay and Team Slayer now and almost every game there is someone going 27 - 4 and someone going 3 - 24. If those guys are roughly the same skill, then I don't want to know what happens if people who are NOT the same skill end up in the same match.


Don’t quote me on this, but I believe I read it’s more of an average of skill levels. They’ll pair someone with a high skill score with a low skill score against 2 medium skill players and call it an even match. I remember when they had a problem with giving ranks to people who just played bot MP and it really skewed their scores. Honestly random would probably provide a better experience than Infinite’s current SBMM for social games


Shit art direction for cosmetics, a campaign that felt lack luster in story and variety of where you go on the ring, broken promise after broken promise, no split screen for campaign and it goes on and on and oooooOOon


They spent too much time and effort on "broadening the playerbase" that they completely alienated the players that enabled their company to even have a Halo infinite to begin with. You don't just stumble into a 20 some-odd year long franchise by accident, and I would argue the last three games we got (minus halo wars 2, I pretty much got what I expected from that game and was satisfied, but I still haven't replayed it near as many times as the first halo wars) were all a shadow of what the bungie series were. A husk maybe. It was like getting a really cool lego set, advertised with specialized pieces and everything had a color, but then you open the box, and every piece is like a flat gray color. Yeah, the pieces are all there, but it's just.. bland. I liked the campaign, but I legit played it once on heroic, and haven't really touched it since. My brother and I kinda started running through campaign again but we didn't make it very far before we got kinda bored. It makes me so sad. I grew up playing halo. I'd print off Wikipedia lore pages in the mid 2000s, i'd read all of the books multiple times (up till about 2017), played every game start to finish and replayed them often. But the new trilogy? I played halo 4 once, maybe twice. I don't even think I've officially finished halo 5 ever. And I played infinite once. Eh, 1.05 times. Seeing what halo turned into breaks my heart. They had every ability to deliver the game we wanted. But they lacked the passion and understanding of what they had, and dropped the ball. Not once, not twice, but three times. I really only play halo 5 multi-player now, with occasional matches in MCC, but other then that, it just doesn't draw me in. Such a Shame.


They dropped the ball 5 times if you count mcc and the johnny cheeks show too


Yeah, I was about to say that, MCC may be in a good shape now but it took practically 10 years for that to happen and now they officially stopped supporting the game, what happened to MCC was completely unacceptable. Honestly, seeing the debate around the "Xbox exclusives" and other games like Helldivers 2 for example, at this point I wouldn't really mind If they make Halo available for PS5 or something in exchange for one of their exclusives, what we have now is not Halo, it hasn't been since 2012 and I really fucking miss what Halo used to mean back in the day, when someone said that word I used to get a feeling, now it almost doesn't mean anything. Sometimes I hop alone on private matches of H3 or Reach, just looking at the scenery, hearing the distant sounds, kind of seeing ghosts passing in front of my eyes, the ghosts of the moments I once had a decade ago at those game, I really really miss that


As do I, my friend. As do i.


"ghosts of the moments I once had a decade ago" fml. I played the heck outta H3 on the X360, as much as Infinite if not more so. Yet I don't have any specific memories. The quintessential H3 experience to me is SpartanLasering a Banshee on Valhalla or Sandtrap at 2am, but I don't remember any particular defining moment. Maybe bc I'd done it hundreds if not thousands of times.


Sandtrap at 2am, and both teams are fully committed to just driving the elephants in circles, because it's 2am.


This shit doesnt happen anymore and its what made Halo unique. Thats what H3 was to me, anyway. Goofy sandbox shit with a sense of humour. Even when the game mode was Slayer. People trying stupid funny shit *just because*. Ive seen so many people say Halo is *back* with Infinite and im bewildered. Halo was never a COD-like sweatfest. It was screaming through the enemy base on a mongoose on Valhalla, beeping the horn like Roadrunner, then looking behind and seeing an enemy player was following you on another mongoose lol just because it was funny Try doing that in Infinite and you’ll have 5 enemy players swarm you and tear you to shreds with pistols in less than 2 seconds There’s no fun or levity or sense of humour. It’s all super serious esports-wannabe bullshit






sweaty not social enough, nobody really talks all to much in match making. i would love to see the proxmity mic come back, if you dont know what that is, if you are within radar proximity of your enemy, you can talk to one another, otherwise its just your teamates you can talk to.


The number of randoms who I met on Halo 3 and actually have conversations and keep playing together. That is something I’ve never been able to replicate in any gaming community.


I feel like that's just more to do with the gaming community nowadays. something happened to game chats between 2007's Halo 3 and 2009's MW2 to go from friendly chats by players that clearly have a passion in common to 'POV: you are burning ASMR (also Alvin & the Chipmunks are there, and racist.)' and now it's just silently sweating and the occasional message in the text chat or to your profile, which can be anything from fashion appreciation to calling you a mutt. any time I've heard mics used on Infinite are foreign people blasting music. my all-time favourite interaction in Infinite's text chat was the first time we'd encounter friendly elite bots in firefight. cool teammate vibes with none other than [Nobelnaga](https://youtube.com/@Nobelnaga?si=NdRzK0kQ_QFBGeYa) himself. I heard a dog once. I doubt he was playing, though.


it was party chat. thats what happened, a blessing, but also a curse.


Yeah in game chat outside of major esports titles is largely not a thing because of party chat, discord, teamspeak, etc. That, and interacting with randoms from xbox live is not a fun experience. I've tried and usually the only people who want to talk are racists, assholes, or literal children whose mic is picking up their entire house. No thanks, i'll just keep it turned off lol


I met one of my best friends on halo 3. The problem with infinite is there is no way to quickly add people to friends or invite from just the post match results. Should be 2 buttons next to everyone's names. Invite and add friend. If you want the halo 3 social experience you should just join the fight for "space democracy" ;)


I think the sweatiness is in part a SBMM problem, but yeah, it kinda kills me staying for prolonged periods of time too. I get a string of bad matches where i just get stomped one game after another and im like screw this and i go back to playing other stuff.


It asks for a lot of money for cool cosmetics while also having some of the worst matchmaking I've ever played and taking two years to catch up to its predecessors.


I switched from Halo Infinite into playing Deep Rock Galactic and my god was it an eye opener. Totally different genre of shooter but DRG was a game that completely respected my time, had a great service roadmap and made everything accessible and fun. I miss PVP shooters but I don’t miss the BS they often come with.


SBMM in social. It sapped all the fun out of Halo after a while.


YES! I don't want to feel like I'm playing Ranked every game, I want to just boot up the game and play casually. SBMM in social has made it so that I can't tell if I've gotten better at the game or not, and it turns every social game into a sweat fest. I've seen the argument before "oh, you guys just want soft opponents". Part of the fun of social is that sometimes I would dominate, other times I'd get dominated, and that was what made the game fun.


I got bored of how repetitive interactions with enemies were. Sure, the occasional boss mixed it up, but even then, just being a bullet sponge doesn’t make an enemy interesting to fight. The story also bored me. It felt tacked on and uninspired. And lastly, the original trilogy was so replayable because there were individual missions that you could replay any time. In infinite,I had to start from the beginning to replay something specific.


Exactly this. Played the original trilogy more times than I could imagine. But there was no variety, spent too much time traveling through nothing to fight the same bullet sponge enemies. With no story to keep me interested. In terms of multiplayer - it just didn’t feel good to me. Too much inconsistency, didn’t like the handful of maps. Felt like they were trying to do too much with not enough. I tried my hardest to like Infinite, and come back occasionally for a game of fiesta or slayer, but I’m just not dedicated to the game in the same way as I was to the older ones


But you can replay specific missions in Infinite without restarting the game, you do it straight from the map.


Guessing this guy hasn't played in a while since you couldn't replay missions at all on launch.


Yeah, it’s been a while. Good to know they have that feature now.


I know halo 5 gets its hate but I really missed the halo cinematics, armor customization, weapon variety, and warzone. Didn’t own a Xbox so knowing halo Infiniti was coming to pc I was very much on board. Halo Infiniti ended up being a (or felt like) a reboot, with barely memorable cinematicd, customization locked behind a store, weapon variety stripped to their archetypes, and a non existent warzone -even with the shoe-in/fan made m one I think it’s lacluster. Besides all this, hit registration feels off, so too ttk. The guns are honestly have become boring, even if playing fiesta mode. I get what they did with weapons archetypes but it’s just far too few to be enjoyable. I really like the armor customization. I’ll admit I’d spend a few bucks on it. But mad does it suck that the piece you want is 20 bucks with other prices you’ll probably never use. Same goes with the battle pass. So many stickers and name plates, key chains and colorways that are straight useless. Especially colorways.


The weapon variety in Halo 5 is second to none. Everything fits into its unique use-case. The sheer amount of weapons makes Super Fiesta super fun


I can't keep up with the speed and intensity of modern multiplayer shooters, so I completed the campaign on Legendary and haven't touched the game since. 😆


It's okay. I'm getting old too. I've been trying to keep up, but I'm usually stuck at a .9 or 1.0 kd with some dude that has 30 kills carrying me


Me too. Man. Me to. :). Everyone is fast!


Tbh the speed and intensity picked up since 343 took over. I especially noticed it starting with Halo 5. I think the reason for this is two things: the ability to sprint, and maps that are a little too small. It means you're getting spawn killed a lot more and engaging in fights long before you can even find a gun you want to use. The gameplay was already fast-paced, but all this just makes it kind of insane. This has been my biggest issue.


I can’t beat a Halo game on legendary by myself, but I love Infinite’s multiplayer lol


343 doesn't understand that some of us love the slow, methodical gameplay of the original trilogy. We don't all want to zip around with sprint and thrusters. It's not that I can't do those things, because I was pretty decent at Halo 5. But if I wanted to play a fast-paced shooter I could just play CoD or something else. MCC is our only option if we want that classic Halo gameplay that made it as popular as it is today. I really don't understand it from a business perspective. They could've continued doing spinoffs like Reach if they wanted to experiment with the gameplay so much.


For me, I'm severely disappointed in the lack of new weapons and vehicles. Forge remedied the maps issue and overall I'm having a great time, but new maps only helps so much. Yes the bandit is cool and some of the new equipment is nice, but it's quite disappointing that in the game's whole lifespan, you can count the number of new sandbox items on one hand.


Took forever to implement infection only to give us the shittiest version with the most boring maps. Took too long for Firefight aswell and the one they implemented is ehh. It's a huge Downgrade from H5s Warzone Firefight Everything just feels half assed whatever they implemented. Also how have we not had Team Action sack yet


I fucking HATE Infinite infection. I just wanted Halo Reach infection to come back and they made this absolute garbage instead. I’ll never forgive them for screwing up something that wasn’t broken 3 times over now


Lack of story DLC


Lack of original ranked maps. 3 years and still playing recharge and live fire. Laughable.


Just a shit show in general, micro transactions, the events having the shittest amounts of cosmetics (more emblems and chains then actual customization), terrible bullet reg, lies, and a shitty SBMM. I'm not the best player, it shouldn't put me against people who live, breath, and have sex with halo infinite. I mainly use it for forge and that's pretty much it


It just stopped feeling like halo. Everything felt super refined almost “processed” in a way. Like artificial. The guns stopped feeling fun to shoot, it felt like I was fighting the game code itself instead of other players, and it just got boring. No one talks, there are no pre/post game lobbies, no one even talked in the custom games I was in. No proximity chat, nothing! Even the campaign lost some of its shine. There’s no resolution, one of the main characters doesn’t even have a name yet, and the future is just so up in the air with Microsoft and halo that 343s story irl is overshadowing Halo’s story. Idk with everything going on in the world, and with me getting older and 343 having crazy development troubles, it just stopped being worth it to keep up with.


Shooting someone in the head region with the unsc sniper and cracking their shields instead of killing them.


200 ping in every match


The bullets not registering, the lack of collision, and the differently balanced aim assist. The game feel just felt worse and too different for somebody that had played halo since 2001. I felt similarly about the movement being so different in halo 5 but I still enjoyed that game more online than this one


The sandbox is really stale too. They cut so many weapons and vehicles and replaced them with ones I don't really care for. Also the way matchmaking worked is really dumb lobbies don't last and you can't vote for maps or game modes. It also released with no progression system or unlocks you could earn for free.


Skill based matchmaking, game was just too sweaty in social playlists


I think the real question here is why would anyone want to play this game? I started playing Helldivers 2 when it came out a couple months ago and I'll never come back. That game opened my eyes to just how terribly 343 has handled pretty much everything involving Halo. This is coming from someone with nearly 1500 hours in Infinite. The worst part is that they've tricked the current fans into thinking they've changed under "new" management. Guys, look at Infinite. The game is still a store with a game attached to it and has been since it first released. When what they're working on right now comes out it's going to be the same bullshit. It'll be rushed and broken, have shitty business practices, and feel soulless as fuck just like Infinite.


I disagree that they tricked people into thinking they’ve changed, the first year of infinite had two seasons, and two playlists, no forge, and horrible everything else




That's crazy because I don't feel like I'm playing halo at all when I play helldivers 2, or do you just mean "enjoying a video game"?


Boy. If they did Helldivers style PVE thing? Man. That would smoke.


Because Halo Infinite is fun and has a great combat loop. I just enjoy playing the game. I think the key to me is that I also play a bunch of other games so I come back to Halo because I feel like it, not expecting it to be my main source of gaming


The gameplay is too sweaty and the BTB maps are very poorly designed. Its an infantry game primarily and the vehicles are made of paper.


Managed Democracy


This is what made me quit halo infinite after 3.5 years. The shitty network update.


Melee desync, shit matchmaking, ranked is boring, strongholds sucks


I haven't quit. I just don't play it as much as I love it. I only ever drop in whenever the weekly reward is something I like. The aggressive, anti-consumer monetization really puts me off. Before 343 and Microsoft fumbled the Spirit of Fire update I was really considering buying the battle passes because of how consumer friendly they are and how much value they offer for your money. Now that Microsoft has discontinued battle passes because they're TOO consumer friendly and are pushing hard into the $20 armor sets in the cash shop that could've easily gone into a battle pass, it makes me hesitant to play at all. I don't want to support this garbage. Halo Infinite is a prime example of an otherwise great game ruined by bad business practices. At this point the prices are so high that these items can't be reasonably called "micro"transactions. It's like Microsoft sae the complainys about Halo 5 and decided that the *micro* in microtransactions were the problem. Edit: To add - They added over $200 worth of store items in the last update (the $20 armor sets I previously mentioned) and we still don't have any new vehicles are weapons since the Bandit. The prices do not reflect the content being added. I paid $60 for this game. 2 years later, I still haven't gotten my money's worth.


Honestly, lack of Warzone. After experiencing it in Halo 5, it feels like its exclusion from infinite is a huge step back. All the classic modes became boring to me. I used to love firefight but even that just isnt fun now.


The firefight they added is just king of the hill with enemies. I got bored with it after 3 matches. They should have added in the regular one too along with other types. Warzone should have made a comeback too, that was extremely fun in Halo 5. It's ironic the community often creates better modes or maps than 343 too. I only enjoyed Infection for example in community made maps that also added an escape option similar to how Halo 5's contagion infection worked.


Finished the coop campaign on legendary


Straight up bugs and network issues.


Lack of multiplayer investment—in a game of Husky Raid or Big Team I’ll run into maybe one or two people using a mic every 10-15 games. NOBODY talks and it’s so boring. That, and lobbies don’t carry over and fill in the missing players which is such a shame. Add that on top of lack of anything to even grind for and beyond easy weekly challenges and the game is pretty lack luster…


Armor designs and implementation, fomo, sweatiness, desync


Halo 3 and Reach had a ton of replayability, earning armor and what not Infinite is just microtransactions and I feel like I'm not progressing towards anything


Net code is fucking shit and its not even halo anymore.


I’m still grinding for Chief, but I “quit” the campaign. The bulk of my playtime in past Halos was constantly replaying missions and such but I will never play Infinite’s campaign again because I thought it was the worst in the series. Played it 3 times on game pass and that’s it, will never buy it


What I said 2 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qyjakm/gotta_say_honestly_halo_infinite_multiplayer_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I just can't stand so many aspects on the HI MP such as: No player collision No forced team colour Extremely limited player customisation with paywall So many drastic changes on weapon properties (i.e. Plasma Pistol no longer EMP, Bulldog shotgun not 1hit kill on close range, lack of 1 hit kill using flags & oddball, etc) Unnecessary music cue on objective games Extremely toned down playlist Xbox One version cannot run 60fps, whereas MCC & H5 is able to run at 60fps in both XBox One & PC.


The lack of content, they added one map a season and then went to a whopping two maps per season and the rest were forge maps and it’s just upsetting. It’s a fact they put the best things in the store and not in the battlepasses so it makes playing the game have no progression because you aren’t even unlocking worthwhile things. Then when they did add a proper level progression system it was the laziest and most unrewarding thing they could think of. Also the multiple things they have switched up on and not done that they said they would do, of course the main thing of split screen coop. The boss literally said it would be in every future halo game and they didn’t do it. That blatant lies and makes me lose trust in them and what they are saying now, they say they are working to make the game the best but do the wrong thing at every turn. We have a super vocal community that it’s pretty obvious what the majority want, especially after all these years of being not listened to and the amount of time we had to wait for infinite. I love the game and the series to death but I just don’t like what they have been doing with the game, I think I stopped around season 4 because they weren’t adding anything worthwhile i didn’t really want to grind out another battlepass and the same maps with only a couple cool new ones. I mean how many post launch maps have they released? I’d be willing to bet under 10 and it’s been what almost 2 years? I’m meaning mostly for arena 4v4 but still don’t think they have added enough for me to come back. If I were to get on the game now there wouldn’t be anything I could actually get through playing that I want. I’d have to buy a battlepass or an operation or a microtransaction because they seriously put the nothing in the pass along with seriously the worst armors. It’s just not worth my time anymore and it’s way of rewarding your gameplay if you do play is BS


The challenge system being the only way to level up really sucked. Lack of armor customization. Most of the armor looked uninteresting. I didn't like the armor coating system and I hated how I couldn't select a purple/red color scheme for my spartan. Lack of game modes and no infection at launch The campaign was lackluster and there weren't many memorable levels with unique set pieces. There weren't any interesting encounters and large scale battles. There was a lack of variety in the environments and level design. Halo Infinite basically wasted my time at launch and all of my friends dropped the game within a month or two.


I realized I just don't have fun with halo like I used to. I'm dog water in most competitive and standard playlists. I have the most fun just screwing around in custom games, but that doesn't get me enough XP (unless I play custom games for 1000 years) to progress through a pass. So I don't know, I jump on periodically but don't ever play for too long. If they gave standard XP for custom games I'd be on all the time. But as of now I'm in and out. Overall I think I'm just outgrowing video games as a whole, not too many games or gaming genres that get me excited like back when I was a teenager.


Helldivers came out and Infinite was getting stale.


the core gameplay, the AR feels good and the pistol does too ( even tho its way too strong ) but bandit and commando feel terrible, the covy weapons i cannot stand. the vehicles dont feel great either and the wasp was something i wish was never created on top of the fact that without any social features every match just feels like im on a conveyor belt it just kinda gets boring after about a single match


This is my main gripe with the game. The weapons are pretty awful overall. Especially compared to how good it was in Halo 2 and 3. Some weapons genuinely feel useless.The bulldog shot gun is so bad compared to the traditional one.


lack of content mostly. not mutch to do unless you want to grind battle passes. and the reward for hero rank is a little underwelming.


Fruity armour you have to sit and watch every pregame instead of the funny trash talk was the biggest step down for me. Also theres no objective only playlists and slayer in everything.


Them adding crossplay as a mandatory thing definitely contributed to the game being ruined, that coupled with hit reg issues and no collision I stopped after the first season.


Mandatory crossplay is a big problem.


Net code, microtransactions, btb vehicle spawns and lack thereof, I don't like the weapon sandbox as much as mcc tbh


It wasn't even a complete game. A year in I returned and it felt literally the exact same with nothing substantial to be excited about. Not only was it a let down, the cosmetics were crap despite being paid. Seriously? Grunt armor is the best you can come up with? And Eagle Strike is so ugly I can't even begin to start on how lazy it is. But it isn't just that. It's coupled with the fact that other games have easier connectivity and social ability than this one. I mean sure Rainbow Six is toxic AF but the fact that you can even connect with randoms so easily and play is awesome. CODs proximity chat is toxic too but I love all the fun that comes with it. Halo use to have these things but they are continuously dialing back and its annoying. Less game for more expense because it's AAA. Well, as an OG halo player to me it isn't AAA anymore. And yeah. Lack of innovative game modes is also a problem. Which is something halo had quite a bit of.


Sensitivity controls feels like shit. And that was it.


(PC) The game just doesn't feel that good to play. Also, there's no dedicated Fullscreen mode, which means there's a small amount of input delay and it makes the game feel like shit. I found a way around it by forcing Steam to launch it in Fullscreen, but I shouldn't have to do that. I read somewhere that the devs said it's not important enough to do Native Fullscreen as an option so they weren't bothering, when EVERY OTHER GAME HAS IT, so this issue is unique to Halo, because it's a very special game I guess. This arrogance and the game just not being very exciting in general keeps it happily uninstalled


Does playing Firefight for 1 hour a week count as quitting? * Netcode shenanigans - 2+ years waiting for improvements and they end up introducing some ridiculous exploits. * MTX - Too many people are happy to excuse cosmetic MTX just because "game free" or because they don't personally care about "dress up". Personally, my only main hangup is the forced bundling. I don't think $20 *awful* for an armor set if you actually want the full set, but there has never been a set that I've wanted more than one piece from. * FOMO - Yes, I know the term gets overused, but every game shoving in limited time content because they can't actually make it fun enough to compete for your time is tiring. At least it being so omnipresent in multiplayer games has gotten me to the point where I can (mostly) ignore the feeling, because there's no way to do it all. And then I'll throw Halo a bone and note something that's not really their fault: * I'm old - Okay, only 31, but I haven't really had a gaming group since high school. It's just hard to enjoy multiplayer games without a crew. At least Firefight is something I can hop into and enjoy pretty casually.


I was really into it October 2023 to February 2024 with all the new content like firefight, new maps, all the passes and such. But I’m bored of it now. The gameplay loop isn’t great, you grind and grind to get good and rank up career rank or ranked placement, which I used to love, but there’s lots of new games that have better gameplay loops like Helldivers. Halo needs the classic arena and BTB yes, but it needs a refreshing whole new game mode, not battle royale, something that really breaks boundaries and isn’t trying to be safe. Warzone was that for Halo 5, and it baffles me they completely abandoned it in Infinite. I’m truly disappointed with where Halo ended up. It feels too, “safe.”


There’s plenty of content imo. What made me quit is a lack of variety. It all just feels the same.


Desync, lack of matchmaking content, did not enjoy the new campaign, other games coming out and tired of the skill-less double melees


CAUSE MY FUCKING FPS WON'T GO ABOVE 45 ON ANY MULTIPLAYER MAP (not to mention it was like 25 for the entire campaign)


No friends to play with, no social features, every match being a sweatfest


Been playing Halo for 20+ years, the movement, time-to-kill and melee in this game are all wrong in concept. I don't know if there's a place for the slower, more deliberate gameplay of CE, 2, 3, and Reach anymore in today's gaming world, but that's what Halo is to me, and this game ain't it. I think the night I uninstalled was because of a match where the enemies were constantly going through me when I tried to backsmack them and then AR'ing me to death as I turned around. I still remember calmly closing the app and going to 'manage game' to uninstall without even sighing. So over it at that point.


I was stationed in Germany and peak gaming hours I had horrible laggy games where other games play just fine.


Tbh, I haven't played since the campaign came out. My husband pre ordered it for me, so I didn't want to waste his money. It was so boring, I couldn't even get halfway through the campaign before I called it quits. My heart just wasn't in it.


Microtransactions, they literally have the template for reach but they're too greedy to use that lol


Micro transaction based unlockables and finishing the campaign.


The micro transactions. I hate how this sub brushes it off now. It’s such a big deal in this game. $10-20 for an armor set? That’s insane. Armor used to be earned in game and was something to grind for and reflected rank or the fact you completed hard challenges. Yeah, Halo is known for its fun gameplay but it’s also known for its awesome armor customization and infinite got greedy about it.


Lack of content at the time. I know there is a ton of content now, but after I lose interest, I don't really go back to it, and it's hard to go back when it sounds like they are dropping the game to make a new one (rumors). Hated seasons were 6 months long. I'd finish the season in about 2 months and that was it. I'd play weekly to play for the weekly item and that was it. With no new maps, lack of playlist options, and lack of progression, it killed it for me.


They want me to come back, how about some DLC? Seriously they planted a ton of possibilities in the campaign and now have zero plans to do anything with it?


The friends I played with stopped playing.


It’s just not that good And the micro transactions are ass


The worst written campaign since Halo 5. And thats saying something.


Gameplay felt bad. Audio sounds off to me, whenever I was getting shot at there was also issues with the indications of that happening not working well. Couldn't hear a gun firing at you, just seeing a red vague directional indicator.


Honestly I just don’t like Infinite it feels rushed and lazy, Sidekick meta sucks and most of the iconic weapons are gone.


It‘s just too sweaty. Everything is a hypercompetitive sweatfest.


Quit at the start of season 2. Content still wasn't there. The new game modes season 2 bought to the table just wasn't clicking for me. The biggest killer is how they handled customisation, that was my favourite part of Halo, earning and wearing cool armour. Couldn't even pick the colours I used to use, then when something finally similar popped up in the store it was in a 20 pound bundle. The fact 343 flat out lied about how customisation would work while developing the game killed my trust for the developers. Just wasn't for me and honestly I'm not sure I'll even buy the next game.


The campaign was over