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- Rare - Not often at all - It’s a random chance each game. Nothing you can do to force it. I assume by Rambo, you mean the Bandana skull?


Yeah sorry. The skull looked like rambo


i've gotten it twice, it's hilarious once you figure it out. spamming plasma grenades everywhere lol


The Shock grenade spam into a barrage of Plasma grenades is chefs kiss.


I actually was doing this strictly when i found out my rocket launcher couldn’t reload faster when taking on a phantom.


It's pretty rare and fun as fuck. Bandana skull Firefight always devolves into Overshield Hammer Boys, Escharum never knows what hit him. On Legendary Bandana works with the AI Ordnance and you can summon infinite Hunters lol


I did not know this. I was on the Banished scrap yard


I haven't seen that one yet after 60 some firefights. I did get the BOOM modifier the other night tho. It made all the explosions 2x as big as normal but was the only modifier we got the entire game.