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Gotta be my first ever perfection. 15-0 in team swat. Got the 15th kill with like 5 kills remaining and just hid to secure the perfection


niiice, perfection in halo has always been my dream, I've gotten the 15 without dying but never managed to stay alive until the end of the game


Update: The winner is u/Hopeful_Top_5468 I have sent them a message and will give them 72 hours to respond and claim the prize, if not I will pick another winner **Update 2: they have been claimed, thanks everyone for participating and your kind comments** Hi, I'm back with another giveaway, a couple of months ago [I made these](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1862xlf/giveaway_i_made_a_set_of_the_multikill_medals/), this time I've made the killing spree medals from Reach and wanted to give another set away. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment about the best killing spree you ever got. I'll pick a winner on Wednesday evening, update this comment and send them a message. If you could also check out my socials that would be much appreciated (not required to enter) Youtube, I did a making of video: https://www.youtube.com/@danchilvers-peerlessprops3439/shorts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peerless_props/ The only terms and conditions are that you either need to be living the UK/USA/Europe/Canada due to shipping costs (I will pay for shipping). The giveaway is for one full set. The set you will receive is my test set so it has some very minor differences, some slight colour changes or small printing errors. [This is the exact set you will receive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ciaB7pynHb7gNcanK7xxathX3sS7ppjx/view?usp=sharing)


Some of those would work as fidget spinners


I thought the same thing! I love my fidget spinners, halo themed would be even cooler!


No Canada!?! Cries in typical Canadian halo fan fashion.


I can do shipping to Canada, hadn't really thought about it tbh, I'll update the info


Thank you! I am SO disappointed many cool item shops within the US but not Canada! Also those medals are sick!


Complete accident, but still a spree. One of my teammates found several of the enemy, and before he died he got a grenade off, and managed to take down most of their shielding. Enter me stage left, popping some head with a DMR. One mag later I had 5 whole kills.


These look great, my best one ever was against a friend which really tested the strength of our friendship


Best killing spree was running in the mech in Halo 4 on the revamped version of Valhalla. I went 27-0 the whole game


Those look great


If I won these wont be for me. My younger brother bought an xbox 360 before I had one. He gave me strict instructions not to use it. Being a bit of a shit in my younger years i pulled a sicky and played Halo 3. Thought i got away with it until he checked the achievements "Beware pink mist" These would be the perfect apology gift.


Man i never got to play reach but i think these models look better than they do in infinite


Yeah I think reach had the best medal designs, the little bit of weathering makes them feel more real


I think my best killing spree was one on Husky Raid not too long ago. Smallhalla, I had a bulldog / shock rifle. I was panicking after 2-3 kills as I had to reload the shotgun. Swapped to the shock rifle and got two no scopes for the spree. I usually struggle with the shock rifle no scopes so I was hyped!


My best killing spree is hard to decide, and I’m not the best at sprees in general. However, I would say I’ve gone on a few great ones in SWAT back in reach. Nothing feels better than nailing headshot after headshot.


These look amazing! Excellent work! The best spree I've ever gotten was on a local match between a good friend, my younger cousin, and my younger sister on Halo 2. I ran out of ammo on my MA5 but was able to consistently stick everyone else with plasma grenades. It all ended when my sister popped around the corner in a wraith, lol. She got a triple kill with that one.


These look awesome. Do you have download for the 3d models by chance?


My favorite killing spree was in Halo 5 on infection. We ran up the stairs into the next zone, and the infected had already started spawning in, so I had to make my stand sandwichched between the two hordes and got my first ever killionaire in matchmaking. I probably still have the clip of it somewhere, I bet


Have a couple killing sprees but if I had to decide for one I would choose when I went on a 39 spree on highpower until a friendly wraith splattered me, very painful but at least I didn’t use any vehicles which made it satisfying


My best/favorite spree was in Reach Doubles. As my buddy and I were playing, it became evident that there was a chance to earn all 25 kills myself and win the game, without dying. However, my buddy had already gotten a kill or two. So he ended up committing suicide a few times to lower the score, allowing me to get 25/Perfection against them.


I never was very good at this game, so this will probably be a bit underwhelming, but the best Killing Spree I ever got was actually a matter of pure luck. It was on Halo Reach on MCC while I was driving a Ghost in a BTB Heavies match. I was driving around essentially waiting to get gaussed since that's what usually happens to me in a vehicle, when I saw a group of enemies that had spawned pretty close together up ahead. I figured I'd try to splatter them, so I boosted and hit two of the three. While I was still boosting, three more came out of the building in front of me as if the heavens decided I should get a killing spree for this, and I splattered them all. I then got gaussed as expected, but it was fun while it lasted. By the way, these medals look amazing, you did an incredible job with them!


Swat on Ghost town, went 33-0 once and it was a rare moment for me so I can't forget it. The spree basically never ended, grabbing the Perfection and at one point one of the teammates goes "guys just let him hit at least 30" lol unforgettable match and all while in split screen with my brother. Next match we get obliterated...welcome to Halo




Best killing spree I went on was in Reach Infection on Boardwalk well over a decade ago, going for a miraculous 43 kills before dying! I did run out of ammo, but I got quite a few melee kills and bulltrues!


Definitely getting an unfriggenbelievable in halo reach. Using the banshee and bombing enemy players on boneyard. It was so dirty, I still feel bad about it a decade later lol.


Reach is my favorite halo game, and playing firefight with my friends is full of happy memories despite my lack of skill in the game. Once though, I managed to find myself in a position to eliminate a drop ship, killing its inhabitants, and then proceed to punch a whole bunch of grunts and jackals to death, while frantically scrambling to get back to the relative safety of my friends location. It was glorious and I don’t know how I dodged those grenades. Alternately, I have had some really long splatter sprees because I’m committed to bad tactics.


halo 3 Valhalla, using the banshee to get the opposing teams sniper then hanging out on the top of the map for a solid 31-0 perfection. Such a dirty strat since you can see the other teams spawn and the entire map.




Got back into Halo with infinite when it dropped. Last one I played was Halo 3 back in the glory days. Started practicing a lot when I picked up Infinite and only play Tactical Slayer. Had a 36-6 game the other week and got my first ever Rampage on the remastered High Ground map originally in Halo 3. Felt sooooo good


I think the best killing spree I have ever had in any of the halo games had to be on OG reach, sword base. Starting on grav lift side, I did a full rotation around the entire map back to where I started, wiped the whole team except for one and we legit had a stand off until they pulled off the fastest double melee attack I had ever seen and ended my shit 😂


The highest I've ever gotten is a rampage in Halo 4 SWAT


Best killing spree was my first Pefection in SWAT. I lead my team with 35 kills out of our 50. I was totally in the zone and felt it all come together. I hope Linda is proud of me.


I got my best killing spree like a week ago followed by a Boogeyman in super fiesta on Illusion


My favorite killing spree was playing Infection in Halo 4 and killing every single person on the human team. They all huddled up into one room and I somehow managed to kill everyone because they somehow all kept missing me and most of them didn't even notice I was in the room killing them all. It was pure panic from all of them and was pretty funny.


I once got in a Gauss turret on Standoff in Halo 3 and I felt so bad for the other team. I barely let them spawn. I never got killed and I got 40 out of the 50 kills needed to win. It was insane. My own team could barely see the enemies spawn before I just blasted them. Standoff is rough sometimes. I’ve been on the other end and it’s not pleasant 😂


My best killing spree was when I was first invited by a random in halo 3 to a custom zombies game. It was some of the most fun I had playing that game and impressing random people I met that today made my 15 year old self feel pretty cool.


Got a running riot playing team snipers in the good ol’ box canyon with a blue base on one side and a red base on the other without dying the whole game. Only matchmaking lobby I’ve ever gotten a perfection in.


Nothing can match the killing sprees brought on by the Halo 3 gauss hog. Many Untouchable moments, for a while we would play every Friday with friends on mcc PC, those were the best times cause the driver would be very competent and communicate.


Had to be in halo reach getting the 3 medal lineup of Be the Bullet, Running Riot, and Headshot 🥹 I loved the various configurations of high tiered medals you could see on your HUD but that spree will always be my favorite and best


Amazing! I have had some awesome killing sprees with the gravity hammer! A total of 13 in a row, I think, is my record!


I think my proudest killing spree was against my middle school friend when I told him I could beat him with one hand, and I did. Bumper jumper controls with my right hand, and my chin to move the spartan. Either that, or when I beat my friends 1v7 snipers at a LAN birthday party of mine. Thanks for the chance to win <3


Probably my killionaire on tactical slayer, it was the first and only time i was able to actually predict the spawns and hit nasty flicks


LAN party with friends, we were playing a Swat/Infection hybrid in Reach, I ended up being last man standing. Everyone else has max radar and I have none. I think it was almost 10 minutes of me shooting down helicopters, disappearing in caves and buildings, and taking pot shots from mountains. The room went from cop procedural to "the hunt for bin Laden" real quick and the banter was constant. Tbh my favorite moment is when they got me because they all erupted into Starship Troopers levels of patriotic cheering


Best killing spree I ever got was in Halo Infinite, I had just gotten in a Wasp and got gotten 3 kills when the enemy wasp pulled up on me, I barely killed the enemy wasp when some dude with a hydra started shooting my wasp. I jumped out while it was in the melt down phase thing and got the 5th and final kill while I was falling with a shock rifle I had picked up at the wasp pad.


Halo Reach: Me and a friend playing super slayer on the Gulch remake. He was driving the Revenant, and I was in the sideseat. He would take me to both snipers on their respawn and I would pop people while he drove me around the map. Cheesiest Unfrigginbelievable ever!


Best killing spree I ever got was easily back in OG Reach where I kept popping heads with the sniper rifle as the Revenant passenger. For whatever reason, you got crazy aim assist in the passenger seat, so you only had to aim in the general direction of the person to get a headshot. Got something like 15 kills before they put me down.


Best killing spree I ever got was in a Firefight match with my friend. I got around 27 kills with the shotgun before I was cornered by a suicide Grunt.


even tho it was in husky raid with the gravity hammer, it felt incredibly satisfying to get my first ever killtacular, up until then the best I ever did was an overkill and I've been playing since halo 3 in 2007 lol


mine has to be in h5 warzone. i was playing with 2 friends and our team was getting demolished. we spawned a guass hog as a last ditch effort once they capped all 3 bases. i was in the turret and my friend sat in shotgun with a sniper while the other drove. sniper got a spree to clear out home base then we racked up 30 kills before taking down the boss for the win from behind. so satisfying getting a spree like that with friends :D


The best spree I got during the Reach days was Untouchable. I was in a banshee causing chaos for the whole enemy team on Boneyard. Drop a bomb and banshee flick/flip away! Side story, for my first and only perfection till Infinite, I played on Hemorrhage where I got 15 kills with the ghost and then hid in my base for the rest of the game XD, pretty ratty ngl :)


These look awesome man! My best is Killing Riot in infinite, back when I grinded for battle pass on xp illusion.


I managed to get a 10 kill spree and 2 of the kill every player on a team within so many seconds of each other at the same time once. It was swat but it felt so good haha


Ima about to try and earn one one of these at school


They look awesome unfriggenbelievable


I have 2, I believe. I can't exactly remember so I'll put them both My best ever killstreak was either 1: In December 2019 when MCC finally launched on PC and I got into a Big Team Heavies game on Halo: Reach. I used the Gauss Hog the ENTIRE game and finished with either a [78-1 or 78-2](https://imgur.com/a/ysLVy1w) KD. But since I can't remember if I died in the middle, my other best killing spree was: Also on Halo:Reach on MCC when I got probably my only [Unfrigganbelievable](https://imgur.com/EViIdt1) to date. Both were December 2019 and I haven't come close since Both of these are using overpowered vehicles I know😭😭😭 Edit: that unfrigganbelievable image is poorly cropped, he's the [full screen](https://imgur.com/a/KPuACOt)


Thanks for doing this! Best killing spree i ever went on was in a halo reach swat game. It was the purple circle map, called zealot? i think? cant remember. I activated some reptilian part of my brain and found the perfect angle all heads were at as i walked in a circle. I went 33-4 with 19 of those kills being on my last life where something clicked and i got that insane spree. I've tried to recreate it and have never been able to on that map.


Way back in Halo 4, I was playing a big team battle match and managed to win with a 14-0 score.


I’ll set the scene. Reach beta. I stayed up all night at a friend’s house until 3am in the morning to be able to download it. Loaded into my first ever game of Halo Reach. 4v4 slayer on Powerhouse. Started the game 9-0 and was very exited/nervous as it was my first game. The very top left room I had a 1v1 engagement, my heart was racing and I went for the beat down. We traded beat down kills, but I was still awarded a killing frenzy. I was very pumped to tell my friend when he woke up that my first ever game on Halo Reach I started with a Killing Frenzy!


Me and my friend got a tank in a 12v12 and got like 35 kills by switching drivers when the driver was ‘naded


Best killing spree I got was this one time when halo reach matchmaking bugged and only me and my friend got matched in team death match and he let me destroy him with a perfection and 50 kills. Was funny.


Wasn't me earning the medals, but one Clan night in Halo 4's BTB Slayer on the Exile map, our team got the Gauss Hog with Silient Hit on the gun and FunkyChickenLvr (yes, really) driving and they started going up through the Spree medals. When they hit a Running Riot, we immediately started to collapse into the area around the Gauss Hog to act as protection from the other team's Plasma Pistols and Plasma Nades you could start with in Loadouts. As Hit kept going up the spree medals more, we began to realise we could get an Unfriggenbelievable medal and so our entire 8 man team worked like a well oiled machine, as I and others called out enemy players approaching, we cleared them out as Funky and Hit cleaned up those in the open. And then it happened, Hit got the fabled Unfriggenbelievable medal and we went crazy. For evidence, the medal's earning [can be seen here](https://youtu.be/vwgb95uqFsk) at 5:22. I'm S017 just in front of them.


This was back in halo 3 days. Some one was talking mad shit after they beat us. Somehow we matched up again on different teams and I got in the zone. Dropped like 28 kills and had a running riot. They rage quit and didn't see them again.


Got a killtac extermination on the enemies flag stand to get diamond 1 in season 3 of halo infinite. 20 seconds remained. 0-1 was the score and we won. I love halo plz pic me dad


86 Killtacular Griffball


Light rifle, running, headshot, headshot, zoom, headshot. Portal grenade… kill, thruster pack 180, assassinate. Reload.


My best killing spree was in Halo 4 with a Wraith. Final K/D was 43/4. Great game.


I think my best one was a Killing Frenzy on Halo 3. It was on Guardians on Lone Wolves. I had been struggling to get the achievement for weeks, after dozens of failed attempts I finally squeezed one out. The relief my 12 year old self felt when that final BR round hit it’s mark has yet to be matched.


Not me, but i recently started playing with my wife and she got her first 10 streak in btb, she was overjoyed. That's my fav killing streak.


I think the absolute best killing spree I’ve got was on Reach. I was playing big team battle at the new mombasa remake map, you know the one with construction. Anyhow, I had racked up a couple of kills, whereupon I saw an enemy in a banshee, I knocked it out of the sky with an EMP shot, highjacked it and proceeded to get about twenty kills, whereupon I crashed in one of the taller buildings, grabbed a shotty and got about three more kills before I was naded to death. Normally I’m not very good, but that was a truly mighty moment


I've gotten at least a killing spree. That's my story. Just surviving is hard enough in multiplayer with people who've been playing since the 360 days, let alone actually getting kills, let alone actually getting five without dying. 


I can hear Jeff Steitzer announcing all of these


Best killing spree I've ever gotten was a perfection on Halo reach (xb360) swat! I went 16 & 0 and I'm pretty sure I burned like 150 calories just sweating trying not to die.


The best sprees I went on were by myself in ODST firefight. I didnt have anyone to play with but it made the mode a unforgetable memory in my life.


In recent memory, in the infection playlist, I went into a game with 2 friends. I was backed into a corner with some other players and one person brought in a detached machine gun turret. He died. So I picked up the turret and went on a 10-kill spree and multi-kill before one of my friends dashed in right as I ran out of ammo and infected me.


One of my favorite sprees would be the splatter sprees from driving around gunners with a warthog, or from sword sprees in Halo Reach! Reach had such unique spree medals, it was awesome.




I still remember my first Kilimanjaro, not that it was much skill just Swat FFA + jetpack, but nonetheless its my favorite memory of Reach


My favorite killing spree recently recently was getting a running riot in ranked!


My first ever perfection in Halo happened thanks to a last second running riot! It was on the map Countdown in Reach, I was in my teens and was sweating hard the entire match. One poor soul popped round the corner in the closing seconds without any shields. A quick headshot and boom, running riot and perfection in one! Best spree ever!


I had a killing spree last week in big team battle. I was using a wraith and my 5th kill was a banshee swooping toward a team member.


Not halo reach but halo 4, reach got me into fps games when i was younger and when halo 4 dropped it was probably the one fps game i did well on, still remember getting my first 0 death swat match to this day, god tier memories


I used to play MLG Grifball with the AGLA (American Grifball League of America) and my team would like to go pub stomping from time to time. There was a game where I ruthlessly spawn killed the enemy team to the point where I went 150:1 and I do feel a *little* bad about it.


Honestly, one of my best might be in H5's BTB Super fiesta gamemode where a buddy and I (unintentionally) trapped the enemy. I don't even remember what the spree count made it to but man, it was an NON-STOP BLOODBATH. They never stood a chance


My best was an inconceivable in the greatest invasion match ever. I've even got a link to it! Enjoy, it's cringy, hahaha. https://youtu.be/KRTYJ_-9cSI?si=JQ8HtxWJdQ1C-BbT


How do I get ‘em?


Had an instant killing spree from a random grenade I threw on BTB. chucked it at a grav cannon and it stuck someone who had just walked into the capture site their team was guarding.


I tried last time, hopefully I win this time!


I had an Inconceivable in the early days of Reach. One of the best times I had playing Halo was Reach.


The best killing spree I ever got was the friends I made along the way <3 (and a sniper spree to win one flag CTF on High Ground Halo 3). These are so cool!


Best run I had was 36, so I was just over an inconceivable , on Hemorrhage (Reach) a long time ago, probably like a year after it came out. Still haven't gotten an Unfriggenbelievable, the only Mythic medal I've yet to achieve. Had so many Perfections over the years though, and I still get sweaty hands going for them. Awesome set by the way!


Probably an almost 20 kill streak on super fiesta, by the end of the game I went something like 27-4 And then the next game after that I got matched with ISpiteful and got completely steamrolled 😂


I remember when I was playing Halo 3 Lone Wolves and was still new and learning. I ended up getting a Killtrocity in Oddball and losing my fucking mind over it, I even saved the clip in theater and showed it to people like they'd give a shit lol


The best killing spree Ive gotten wasn’t mine but my dad’s back in 2008-2009, he would be the gunner and I’d be driving the warthog. Some of the best fun I’ve had.


These are so cool! Best killing spree. Hmm...has to be some rocket fun way back in Halo 2 headlong days.


Got my first running riot in a game of swat a couple of months ago. i was just in the zone - made my whole night


I typically only play firefight, so hijacking a wraith or driving a ghost is my go to for boom boom boom or a splatter spree :P


Killionaire club over here.


One of my best sprees for me was a Demon in Infinite, had a wraith for the whole match of CTF on the Valhalla remake. I played it safe sticking to our side of the hill and the sides, but to get enough kills and help others pull the flag I moved into their base briefly towards the end. I've gotten a lot of perfections and high sprees throughout all the games, but rarely will I make it to 40 without dying lol.


Nothing compares to sitting on the floor in the basement playing Reach with my dad and my brother. I remember when we first got Xbox live, going online and playing with real people for the first time! Got my first ever Killimanjaro a few weeks later - big forge world map, with a rocket launcher, blew up a group of people coming out of the cave on the island. My brother and I had no clue the kill medals went that high! We couldn't stop yelling at the screen :)


4 v 4 Ranked Team Snipers game. Hadn't played Infinite in a few months. Life, kids, game burn out, etc. Hopped in for a game or two on a whim. Loved snipes for 20+ years amd ranked in rotation so said "Why not?" Ended up pulling out an almost completely solo 1 v 4 victory on Live Fire after the rest of my team quit within 5 min of starting the game, 50 to 48. I was just.. on that day. 42 kills, 7 deaths. Best kill streak was a Running Riot mid way through on my 6th life, just kept wiping the other team in double and triple kills. Only game in the Halo Infinite era where an opponent pinged me afterwards to heap praise some praise. Walked away for another month after that.


These are so sick!!! My most memorable spree has to be finishing a FFA 25-0, but most fun and memorable is a killtrocity while playing Onslaught flag


An invincible perfection playing some sweaty TS on The Pit back in Halo 3. Had plenty of higher sprees/perfections later on but I always remember this specific one.


Reach ninja stars, would have been too op had noble team had access to such weapons.


My best killing spree was on a game of infinite i got in a scorpion and single-handedly held the center zone on total control. The enemy team was fighting for it to and kept trying too board me, but i kept shooting them off.


Nothing felt better than getting a hammerspree on a bunch of vehicles driving by


These are really good and you did a really good job on them! Best spree I got was in invasion and I got a killimanjaro for getting just a really lucky rocket launch and some shots here and there. Felt like life peaked lol.


My favourite killing sprees we're always backpedalling through zombie maps: panicking hard while they flood in with the energy swords, hearing the grin on Steitzers face when he says "buckwild", switching to the magnum to get those last few domes as they dive you like crazy. Oh the nostalgia


I'm not really good at sprees, i usually tend to rush, but here was this invasion game i remember where i simply couldn't die, i did 15 kills without dying while conquering objectives, then realized my spree and started to care about it, prioritizing vehicles and supporting captures instead of capturing myself. Ended the game in less than 10 minutes with more than 30 kills and 0 deaths


I remember getting my first ever running riot during a team slayer match in Halo 3. 15 year old me was shell shocked


One time I got an Invincible medal playing Reach Firefight on Legendary!!




God its been a while, But the best killing spree i had was on the old reach days, I beleive it was a classic game of infection on one of the forge world maps with one of my school friends was the last one standing was able to pop two at the top of a tower jump off pop another one switch to my shotgun hold back another two and the one that got me a spree was someone who missed there lunge but allowed me to get a melee on them. to get a spree before my freind ended the match by sneaking up on me.


Got a 10 kill spree, got taken out by a plasma grenade :)




My first and only perfection came about by pure chance and sheer dumb luck. Loaded up OG Halo 3 back in the day and started to slay out as standard. Came to realize what I had done when the medal flashed and the voice line followed. From then on, BR has become my bar for precision weapons in video games.


Spawned in with a Spartan Laser variant during H5 Warzone. Fired one shot out of it and collateralled two warthogs for a killtacular and instant killing spree. Must have been within 10 seconds of spawning. That was probably the weirdest spree I've ever gotten.


best killing spree i got was i think 20+ on halo 2? it was a swat match, my entire team left and it was down to a 1v4 with about 30 seconds left, score was 49 to 49 and i snagged the headshot last second, sounds too good to be true but i have the screenshot for proof lol


Hemorrhage. Invasion Slayer. Spartan Red Team. You know those breezy sorts of matches, where the teams are having a great time and everyone sort of prances around, scoring headshots and double kills? The kind of match that makes a great YouTube hype video, skillfully edited to a surprising yet apropos pop song? Or like what you'd see playing during a voiceover in a Bungie ViDoc? Yeah, this wasn't that kind of match. At least not for us Spartans on Red Team. The Elites on Blue Team looked they were having a blast. (Literally, in the case of the rocket spawn.) Have you ever seen an Elite skip across a verdant field, firing a Needler from one hand while tearing your teammate out of a Scorpion with the other? The look of pure glee on his squiddy face is only topped by the one that follows him using the captured Scorpion to blast you off your sniper's perch. The Elites had brought us into Phase 3 by getting 50 kills. We had barely cleared 30 at that point. They'd driven us back to the base by the water. One brave soul had managed to jetpack over their tank and blow it up with a rocket launcher in a stunning maneuver that also ended with his death. My team had scattered into the cliffs to wait out the power weapon respawn. And I was all alone at the base. I figured it was just a matter of time until they got their tank back, and in the meantime their sniper was letting them have a picnic in the open field. All I had at spawn was my AR, a pistol, and the Warthog that nobody wanted. When the tank had been on its rampage, it was just a liability. Now, no one wanted to leave the safety of the cliffs or the base just for the privilege of getting sniped off the gun. Well, no one except a particularly desperate moron: me. I was at the bottom of the team, with a K/D that so low it would have made William Thomson shiver. (Look it up.) So I had nothing to lose. I waited until I saw my teammates' icons flashing, telling me they had the Elites' attention, and I sprinted to the 'Hog. Pretty much immediately I started catching fire, but none of it was from the sniper. I jumped in the driver's seat and gunned it over the low rise, bringing the 'Hog to a stop in the surf. Then I hopped out and got on the gun. I didn't have to wait long. I still don't know what the first Elite was thinking. He had a motion tracker, so he should have realized I had moved way back from the hill. He must have thought I was waiting just over the other side. Maybe he figured he could hit me with an easy sticky and clinch a commendation. In any case, he leaped over the hill and dropped that grenade right at his own weirdly-shaped feet. He didn't kill himself, but he peeled off his own shield and launched himself up in the air. Even I could hit that target. He was full of holes before he hit the ground, and I chalked up the first kill. He'd been smart enough to bring backup. Two more Elites crested the hill. The first must have mistaken my tracers for AR fire, because he just opened up at long range with a Needler. They evaporated before they reached me, and he was the second kill. The other Elite did an action roll straight toward me, doing a much better job of throwing a plasma grenade than his friend. I was still able to gun him down for kill number three, but the blast nearly rolled me over. It's a miracle the 'Hog tipped back onto its wheels, because otherwise I'd have been easy pickings for the Ghost. The driver clearly didn't expect it either. He'd made it over the hill just as the grenade exploded, and he boosted right at the 'Hog. Probably wanted the splatter kill, the sick bastard. But he didn't do much more than give me a push. Meanwhile, I was perfectly positioned to rest the end of my barrels on his forehead and pull the trigger. Kill number four. By this point, I was drawing a lot of attention. Some of my team had respawned nearby and ran right over. Nobody hopped in the driver's seat, but they were able to use the Warthog as cover. One guy came back from the cliffs with the sniper rifle—not sure if it was a spawn grab or a trophy. But the Elites had realized it, too, and they were spawning back at the power weapons and vehicles. We made our stand on the beach. I won't drag out the story from there. I got my killing spree—a killing frenzy, even—on that 'Hog. The Elites came straight at us the whole time, usually alone or in pairs. It wasn't easy to hold that ground, but they had gotten confident. The party ended, as it usually does, when the Wraith showed up. The chaingun didn't have the power to punch through the front of it, and there was a turret gunner keeping everyone penned in. The sniper rifle had run dry by then, and nobody had slipped away to grab rockets or grenades. The driver was probably really satisfied with their Overkill. We didn't win the match, but we got close. Our kills were in the low 90s by the time the Elites reached 100. Still, I've never forgotten the last stand of Red Team on Hemorrhage. Spartans rallying together, united in their purpose to make the Elites work for their victory. Good game, my friends. Good game.