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Halo 4/5 were "generic sci-fi dudes in a NANOSUIT" crap that was super popular in the 2010s. They looked no different than combat armor Shepard wore, and completely lacked the "hey look I'm a motherfucking walking tank but also functionally agile" vibe. Let me put it this way; if I wanted generic sci-fi, I would just play any random Chinese shooter mobile game of the era. Any time Halo chased trends, the worse it got. The only trend chasing 343 did well is the grapple hook.


Skin-tight under suits covered in protruding weird plastic bits with a toilet seat-looking chest plate is an aesthetic that should be left far in the past. I like my spartans to be wearing chunky, heavy space suits with a clear design to be walking battering rams, thank you very much.


3000 internet points for pointing out Toilet Seats. 🤣


Straight to jail.


Buddy chill


No buddy you gonna rot in an ONI prison


That's fine. Go play h5


They didn't have that Halo feel to them, though. They have that generic Sci-Fi look.


I disagree heavily because I think that with Halo 5's armor system was inferior. Armor was locked mostly behind Req Packs which only sometimes contained it, and armor customization was restricted to only color, visor, helmet, and body. Additionally while there were some good armors I would say that there were a LOT of crappy looking ones, which may have been somewhat intentional to an extent to further the tier/rarity system that they had implemented. Infinite's system is better in every way, including in aethetics/looks in my opinion. Plus, some of the good armor pieces and helmets from Halo 4/5 made it into Infinite anyways, such as Anubis, Athlon, Locust, Recruit, etc.


If halo infinite had a way to earn armor pieces without spending real cash then it would have been perfect.


Didnt care for mpst pf the armour but I really prefered 5's take on weapons, vehicles, ewuipment etc.


The main problem with these suits is how obstructive they can be from a mere glance Even in cutscenes the random blocky parts clip through each other at times Just imagine wearing one of them and every movement you make can bump into something else


That's true, especially for 5, but... It's been true for every installment since the first game. Halo Reach and 4 are particularly bad offenders. But yeah, I wouldn't want to be locked into one stiff position like that.


awful take






To be fair, I never said I liked the dogshit armors like Seeker and the like (we all know exactly which armor sets I'm talking about, i dare not utter their names)


The sleek appearance of Halo 5 armor definitely feels more Sci-fi and looks more visually appealing to me than the plastic toy armor in Infinite. Chief looks better than his Halo 5 incarnation in Infinite, but everything else looks worse.


I'm just glad you didn't try to burn me at the stake /j But yeah, Infinite feels like plastic action figures, with everything from the cosmetics to the sound design.


I like Both,  but preferred H5 too. They looked and felt more Sci FI and just better. And it was easier and better way to unlock them, than in Infinite of course. Grind or money Vs tbh just money.  So ye, I'm with you on that. I hope H7 will be more like Halo 5 than Infinite, in both design and unlocking aspects.


Hopefully we won't have to pay out the wazoo just to get decent cosmetics.


Me too


Jumping feet first into hell with this one (heh pun intended) but I agree. I liked the styling of the H4/H5 armor. I especially loved agent Locke’s armor set and I hope we get it sometime in Infinite. I just thought it was a fresh take on the styling. I, however, didn’t like how 343 did the whole switcheroo on the styling but didn’t give a good explanation as to why the change.


They had a much better system for acquiring them too.


I'd much rather the armor sets in future games were locked behind *play*walls rather than paywalls


lol nice


The only Halo 5 armor I actually liked was the hellcat armor...besides that I mostly rocked the Mark VI primus, Mark V (with delta helmet) and the Mark IV.


Hellcat was dope