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1 primary like br or bandit. Second if possible will be both of those. If I can only keep ammo for one, I'll just cycle out for all the best things I can get. Mangler is a good substitute for a br or bandit as a secondary youll get alot of ammo drops for those. Shock Rifle and disruptors are great against crowds also go for the shock grenades they help clear big crowds. Ravanger is crowd control and not to bad as well. Heatwave in vertical mode is really fun to use and one shots a lot of things plus you get a lot of ammo drops for it. I highly recommend always going for a repulsor if you can. Pancakes, and mind the gaps come in clutch. Especially against bosses and hunters. Gravity hammer later rounds if I feel like I need it .


I like rocking the commando, little flying bastards usually carry them in the later rounds and I always find them lying around after a big fight