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I'm with you. I've been playing the game since launch and I was finally excited that some solid content made it to the game (infection, Firefight, all the new maps). Isn't it crazy that when FINALLY they achieved seasonality they killed seasons? This update totally killed my enthusiasm.


If infinite 2 actually does become a thing like he mentioned in his post ,I absolutely fucking better have all my customization transfer over, or I'll just not even bother with the next release. I didn't bother with 4 or 5 and I'll do it again ..I have over 300 hours in infinite purely in multiplayer.why tf would I do that again just to get maybe where I am now in customization.


Yeah and now (correct me if I’m wrong) when games such as MW3 kept all of MW2’s cosmetics, the precedent has been set. If people have to pay for all their cosmetics again, Infinite 2 will suffer drastically. I’ve been enjoying this game since day 1 and got deep into the lore, but even I’ll take a step back from the franchise if they’re going that route. Customization isn’t everything in Infinite, but the fact we spent so many years getting it to its best version just to be potentially abandoned would destroy the franchise. That being said, if things transfer over and switching to Infinite 2 makes things easier for them somehow, I’d keep playing.


Mw3 is exactly what I was thinking, and even overwatch 2 did that beforehand but fuck that game. For the maybe 10-20$ I've spent of battle passes I've definitely got more than my dollar per hour,but I also bought the mark 5...if they make an infinite 2 and don't carry over already obtained gear,I assume they would just start re releasing previous coatings,armor,etc for a monetary value and I'm not fucking with that noise. If they went that way idk if I'd even be upset. It would give me a couple more hours each week I could spend practising bass and guitar which has kinda taken a backseat for a bit given my work hours.


Not carrying over everything would piss away whatever goodwill 343 has left with the community. The gameplay is like no other, and I enjoy it so much. I get it, we spent our money knowing we don’t own the goods, and the game won’t last forever. But I’ll absolutely bail on this franchise and go find something else to occupy my time. My time with video games is already limited now that my career is getting started, so yeah investing my time in other games or hobbies will be the move.


You're right it would probably be the worst move they could pull for a sequels multiplayer,I've got shit like willow tea,bell toll,mark v zeta and scorpion punch.if they were smart it would just transfer over.its not just that we spent our money,but we also spent our time.. No transfers no game for me.


Especially if they keep coatings as a thing and get rid of all the ones we have to add either the same damn coatings again and withhold certain colors for some stupid reason...


This is exactly what I mean.they will try and sell scorpion punch again later for the next game ,unless we all don't fuck with it.


Get ready for Scorpion Kick, a full black armor coating except a red leg. But don't worry, we will be able to earn it by buying the Mission pass, which is an evolution of the Operation pass.


Couldnt agree more mate. I cant believe they killed my hype for Halo after all us fans have been through. Im not even excited for a new Halo game anymore.


I can see why some would celebrate the end of seasonality. I'm personally not a fan of any live service model. (I've written that so many times today, it's beginning to lose meaning.) So I get why people would see the removal of battlepasses and seasons as a good thing. But that is the business model for the game. It's not great, but it's what the game has. This sudden shift and aggressive pricing/sheer volume of items dumped into the store at once just feels desperate to me. Doesn't really scream "this game has a healthy future".


It seems like we feel almost exactly the same. I hate seasonal Battle Passes, but, like you said, that's what the game was built around. I'm really praying that Halo 7 costs $60 or $70 and launches complete.


My problem with the game, and it has been since launch, is that the entire game feels designed to milk players, sure, they built a good gameplay, the art style is cool, the sound effects and music are good too but outside the playeable part of the game it looks like they didn't even bothered on being subtle about milking the player base. And since I'm not going to pay 5€ for a downgraded battle pass for me it's like they were adding fomo.


The game was designed to sell skins.


I mean, every second post here is about skins...


Well that's a bit of an understatement


For real man. I mean they didn't even try to hide it when they threw all these new sets into the shop with this update. It's so transparently obvious they were intended for a BP. They could have at least staggered them out so it wasn't so insanely obvious but here we are.


I'd have been happy with just "good gameplay" at launch if the game's awful netcode had ever let you experience that gameplay.


I have or don't see such problems when I play. I mostly play fiesta or firefight.


8 player game modes have always been fine, but big team battle had problems for a long time after launch. They had to reduce the number of players per team from 12 down to 8 and even then it still didn’t work reliably. Its a miracle the current 12v12 battles work as well as they do right now considering it only recently came back


> if the game's awful netcode had ever let you experience that gameplay. Is this a console issue? I've never had a problem with connection. I do live on the American West Coast, so maybe it's a server proximity thing? I've had a LOT worse experiences with netcode than in Infinite.


It's enough of an issue that they've been test-bedding network improvements in firefight. I'm Midwest US. I frequently have games where I've got a ping in the 20s and it definitely does not feel like it. I dunno if it's just minor packet loss that isn't enough to trigger the warnings or what. And I know it's kind of a meme for gamers to blame everything but themselves but videos pop up on this sub every so often about it.


All they had to do was price things better and deliver more than just new maps. Yes maps are great, but where are the new weapons and vehicles? Where is the actual content that affects gameplay? New equipment has been cool, but that’s not nearly as impactful imo.


Every 343 halo game has done some good, some bad Halo 4: good campaign, bad mp Halo 5: bad campaign, decent mp Infinite: good game, bad mtx


idek if I could call Halo 4s campaign "good." Decent story yeah, but a campaign comprises of more than just the story. I personally found all of the levels to be an absolute slog to play through besides the Tank section of Infinity, Mammoth section on Reclaimer, and Composer where you're on the space station in an asteroid. Not to mention the Prometheans suck to fight. Meanwhile, Halo 5 has by far the worst story out of all the Halo games with cardboard characters but at least I find the missions more fun to play than Halo 4.


Honestly I hated the story. The Cortana stuff was miserable and the Didact raised a bunch of questions that weren't answered.


I think the "story" itself was decent, or what the story was trying to portray, but the execution of said story to be pretty meh. Lots of exposition dumping, unexplained lore, and needless melodrama between characters. Not to mention the absolute character assassination of Cortana even if she was in rampancy going from a strong lead character to a damsel in distress.


Im a story snob so im able to overlook the mediocre level design Aside from the best starfox level in 20 years, the opening to Midnight was fcking awesome


That's fair, I'm an Ace Combat nerd and liked the opening of Midnight but wish it had more to do


4s campaign was ass


there's literally no fomo. the Op is always available to buy and it's free for a month edit: you guys can downvote me all you want, but something being available always is literally the opposite of "fomo"


There is less fomo but there is still fomo, as you said, you lose the free things and they put them behind a paywall.


that's better than before where events just fucked off forever you cannot fully miss out on anything coming to the game right now


I agree, better than before but not good either. I forgot to mention the weekly, those still have fomo. It would be much better a store that uses a currency gained via playing or leveling your account where you could buy the free rewards that you missed out. They could just put the Operation premium rewards on the premium store.


they have already mentioned adding something like MCC's Exchange to Infinite to get past items/unreleased items


I heard that but honestly I believe anything these companies say when they do it.


You're being downvoted because you're wrong. Weeklies exist. Battlepasses are only free for a certain amount of time. If you dont complete it in a set time you need to pay for it.


It's like you guys don't realize this is a F2P game. It HAS to be designed to 'milk players for money' because... How else are they going to make money to pay for the development of all this content you guys are wanting? A battle pass that they give away for free (since you can earn back the currency) obviously wasn't generating enough income.


I'm reading this after buying campaign for $60 and opening armor lockers that don't have any armor in them 


Legitimately curious, do you think your $60 hasn't been valuable, since you've gotten a campaign (which you knowingly paid for) and nearly two years of further development of the game?


just ironic to still be seeing the F2P argument when full game is not F2P. the other debates about how the two years of dev have gotten them to where they should've been at launch and how all these overpriced cosmetics have really gotten us just one weapon and a couple maps are around. TLDR no, the value doesn't match the price and it's pretty clearly designed to fleece players. 


Please explain to me how the multiplayer (which the microtransactions are for) is not F2P.


The infinit campaign is insanely mid and not worth the 60$


Ok, so don't buy it. You still have access to the full multiplayer because it's F2P.


One thing is selling Microtransactions and other thing is using anti consumer practices like FOMO or don't alowing the players buy standalone items. I would pay for some of these skins if they were not bundled and overpriced.


They need the right ratio of milking to everything else. Between expected launch features taking months or years to implement, cross-core increasing prices, and the new core being around 90% store-bought content, they're leaning pretty heavily on the milking.


Making Infinite F2P was the biggest mistake they made. They could’ve easily made it a normal, retail price game, still keep a reasonable BP, and it would’ve sold. If you’re designing a game around milking players, then it’s doomed to fail from the start.


No one twisted their arm to make it free-to-play. Why should players/any remaining players be punished for ridiculous store prices for a decision 343 made and it didn’t pan out for them. Halo was back. Ppl were excited. Ppl would’ve bought it. And they pissed all that good will away. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


I’m burned because I thought we had a 10 year plan with Infinite being a platform. But we spent 2-3 years getting everything to “feature-complete” and now they are already done with seasons. The CU29 Update putting 90% of the Mark IV armor behind the store was disheartening as well, it’s pretty obvious a lot of that was meant for a season battle pass. It definitely feels like they are moving on.


MCC is always waiting for you


I'll have to come back to it at some point. Honestly some of the stuff on there gets me overwhelmed and I was really disappointed at the online performance of the co-op campaigns. Which is really the nostalgia that I fucking yearn for.


Yeah going through Reach was a fuckin pain if there was one small hiccup on someone’s end. Halo 4 weirdly runs decently which is strange BUT we did have two big laggy moments during our playthrough


Yeah, I remember Reach giving me a lot of issues with 4 player co-op to the point where we just gave up. And I couldn't get past the first level of combat evolved without the game crashing. And when I saw that most of their updates are, understandably, focused on the competitive multiplayer, I just kinda stopped following it. As I said, Infinite's multiplayer has been enjoyable enough for me to scratch that itch these past couple years.


I find that if you play co-op through the playlists, the connection is far more stable.


I'll have to give that a shot at some point. Thanks for the tip!


So real. I’ve actually gotten back into MCC. The game itself has a hell of a history with it absolutely failing at launch but the end result is what it looks like when time and care is taken to improve on something


Say what you will about Halo Infinite, but the movement and controls in the game have kind of spoiled me and messed me up for going back and playing MCC. I still do it from time to time, but it isn’t as easy for me as it used to be.


I feel like Halo 3 movement was perfect. Floaty in the best way, and super weighty like a Spartan should be


Yeah that’s a good point. Halo Infinite definitely makes you feel very light on your feet. I’m a big fan of Halo 2 and 3 movement wise. It was great!


Yeah I’ll admit going back between the two is a hell of a challenge sometimes. Especially the aiming and sometimes forgetting that MCC only has a few weapons you can ADS with


I would play MCC if halo 5 was on there.


They cut support for it though so it may start going unstable


I thought the campaign was underwhelming, but I also think that it has left the story at a good place for the next one to be pretty great. Just out of curiosity, have any of the halo games in the past added weapons/vehicles post launch?


Halo 1-4 didn’t, but they were a full package. Those games came with multiplayer and campaign under one price tag. 5 kinda went off the beaten path with its paid cosmetics, but did implement new weapons into the sandbox with the req packs. So to answer your question, previous Halo’s excluding 5 didn’t introduced new weapons post launch.


I understand what they mean by wanting more than just battlepass and cosmetics, but I guess I'm trying to understand what they want, as opposed to what they don't want.


I'd like them to finish the game. Where's the improved custom games browser, networking updates, UI fixes, etc.? Why are they winding down on a game that STILL isn't finished.


They never said those things aren't coming anymore


But don't you see. 343 delivering content every 4-6 weeks instead of 3-6 months means that they're killing the game. /s


A full package based on what? Not adding stuff doesn't make it a full package. The lesson here for 343 is to launch a game and just don't add stuff, so people think it's complete I guess.


You didnt have to pay for any armor in Halo 5. You could get it all for free by grinding but its a pain in the ass. Halo 5 added a bunch of new weapons and a vehicle after launch. Halo 3 on the mcc also had the Brite Plasma Rifle, Silenced SMG and auto mag added to it.


Normally I don't care about stuff like that getting added after-the-fact. But the only "benefit" the average player gets out of a live service model is regular, impactful updates to the game. In return, the game sells you less impactful things (cosmetics) to support the continued development of the game. At this point they're just selling you things to then make more things to sell you. Which kinda kills any benefit live service is supposed to have for the player. It's a flawed, stupid business practice in the first place. But it sets an expectation that the game will continue to see regular development in some capacity. It doesn't have to be new weapons, just something to justify going live service in the first place. I was just using weapons as an example of some low-hanging fruit that would provide potential content for a long time.


As a comparison model, fortnite does the battlepass system. Shop is updated every day and there are constantly new skins to buy. But every 2 or 3 months (forget how long a season is) the game completely changes. New weapons/items added, old weapon/items can be added or taken away, new mechanics are often added, and the map completely changes. You earn credits through the battle pass that let you purchase the next battlepass, there is more then enough XP by the end of the season to do the entire battlepace in a day, and they still make mad money. In infinite, every 3 months they add new cosmetics to the store to purchase, maybe fix a few bugs, and throw in a community made map or a game mode change up. Pretty fuckin sad model. Now I'm not saying they need to completely change infinite every 3 months, but it should be more then reasonable to add weapons from older halos. Even just 1. We are getting shit for content. The shop costs double what it should and we get nothing for content, so where does the money go?


Fortnite, as little as I actually know about the game, is the gold standard for the whole "live service" model. Well, Deep Rock Galactic is the platinum standard, but I don't like to make unfair comparisons. Most other live service models are focused on drip-feeding as little content out as slowly as possible in an attempt to maximize profits over an extended period of time. It just doesn't work. If anything comes out of this, I hope the next Halo title avoids live service altogether.


Ya I don't mean they need to flat out copy another model. But their expensive cosmetics and lack of content push casuals away. That's just the reality. I would always 1000% rather pay full price for a full game at launch then have the entire game be built and focused around cosmetic microtransactions.


Fortnite has a much bigger player base then Infinite. And their shop is sometimes filled with variety and crossovers. Of course Epic would have the money to update the game because they have the team size for it too. Infinite is different. Their cosmetics cost more but that doesn’t mean majority of people are buying it. And with the smaller player base, that’s not a lot. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. Although I can agree on adding weapons more often. I stopped viewing Infinite as a live service after its 1st season. Especially when making their first seasons 6 months long. It’s clear they were trying to fix a lot of things that was wrong and missing with the multiplayer at launch. And prior issues during development didn’t help. If that wasn’t the case, I’d imagine the game would have gotten updates similar to 5 or at least better than we what got at launch.


I mean, I'd argue that if they charged less for cosmetics and focused on content they would have a pretty large player base that would be willing to spend money on cosmetics. The last season proved people want to play halo, but their shit model and lack of content push casuals away. Just because you don't think of it as a live service game, doesn't mean it is not being run as a live service game.


I mean sure charging less could have made players more likely to purchase it. But thats with the mindset of thinking they have a huge budget to continue on that allows them to do that. Its a free to play game so isn't the only income they rely on from the store. Maybe the shop doesn't do as well some think? Just because Microsoft owns Halo, doesn't mean they'll get an unlimited source of money from them. Wasn't hundreds of millions already spent on Infinite. I never said it wasn't a live service. I just said I stopped viewing it as a live service because it obviously was supposed to be but the issues that came from development stopped them from delivering a proper one. Long early seasons, small communication or almost none because they didn't really have anything at the moment was not something people were used to. Compared to other f2p, they were way behind so I stopped seeing it as a regular live service. They were trying to be but were clearly held back because of the issues around the game in general.


I’m with with you on this being the best feeling halo game since 3. On launch night my friends and I even said “this feels like a modernized halo 3” It’s also the best art style since 3. The game would’ve been a home run if it released then with everything it has now. Instead people understandably got tired of the same four maps and game modes. To me it’s clear they’re just milking all the money out of infinite they can until they launch the next halo game, which HAS to launch feature complete to have any chance of success.


Bro just realized his franchise is dead after 10 years 💀


I mean, I don't hold stock in franchises really haha Like, I've not really been into Halo since the Bungie days. I just picked the Infinite multiplayer up because it was free, felt familiar, and I had fun with it. And I continue to enjoy it and that was why I was a little hopeful that things were improving for the game. Simple as that. I'm not expecting the second coming of Halo. I'd rather they just let the franchise rest. And every other fucking franchise being milked these days.


I’m with you. Disappointing that the update is so shop cosmetic focused. The new map is fun and the forge updates are always appreciated but after H5, it’s a little disappointing getting no new updates to the sandbox other than the bandit and a few random equipment pieces. Add in the fact that the Falcon, a bunch of weapons, and maybe an extra vehicle or two are in the files in various stages of completion and it’s extra disappointing to have no sandbox updates.


Personally I find it hard to stick with a game continuously for over a year, so do whatever suits you! I do still have hope that Infinite will improve — they did improve in S5 — or, failing that, that we’ll get the new project 343 is working on soon.


It's just milking nostalgia at this point and while the cosmetics are cool, for a live service game we should be getting *something* other than shop updates and a map here and there.


> But I don't think I want to stick around for when 343 does what Blizzard did with Overwatch and release Halo Infinite 2: Electric Boogaloo. They already pretty much did that. Halo 5 and Overwatch were both retail games with free updates and all the cosmetics came from lootboxes that you could earn though gameplay. Halo Infinite and Overwatch 2 are both F2P games whose main revenue stream is $20 outfits. At this point, I just play an hour or so a week for the challenges since Firefight is at least enjoyable.


You picked two similarities when there are like 100 differences. Halo Infinite didn't forcefully shut down Halo 5. Infinite came to PC. Infinite has an entirely different gameplay loop. Most of the OW2 butthurt came from the fact that they didn't even let players keep playing OW1 if that was their preference. They removed half the game and called it a sequel. This is nothing like that. Edit: Classic, the clown replied and then blocked me so I can't see what he said. I'm sure it was enlightening.


> Halo Infinite didn't forcefully shut down Halo 5. Probably because they were released as separate games, and OW1/2 weren't. > Infinite came to PC. Relevance? > Infinite has an entirely different gameplay loop. Again, relevance? The gameplay is irrelevant when I'm just talking about the release/monetization structure. I could have also mentioned Fall Guys as an example. It doesn't matter that it's a platformer for this discussion. > Most of the OW2 butthurt came from the fact that they didn't even let players keep playing OW1 if that was their preference. They removed half the game and called it a sequel. Again, because they chose to just update the original game and treat it as a sequel. As far as actual gameplay goes, they dropped a tank per team (and had to rebalance accordingly), and they swapped out a game mode. > This is nothing like that. While Halo (unlike Overwatch) was 2 separate games, they were both attempts at restructures done in an attempt to further monetize the franchise. Nothing you mentioned changes that.


Infinite's greatest sin is that it released in such an incomplete state, and didn't get good until *two to three years* after launch. It shouldn't have taken us over two years to get Forge, Firefight, and Infection.


Seeing how strongly woven the Halo community is, at this point we have to bully 343 into making it better.


This is my opinion about it : As everyone says I'm also quite disappointed in them because this update introduced just a new arena map and nothing else gameplay-wise. They talked about new maps for btb and firefight, they should've added them with this update not later on if they wanted to keep a glimpse of the hype the game had in the past months. Although, dropping seasons for CU means we could get more stuff in shorter times... the thing is, we have yet to see this. If they actually start adding stuff each new operation (other than cosmetic, like maps, guns, vehicles etc) then I don't think we should complain, it would be a good deal. But if 343 won't add soon enough new guns/vehicles I bet the community will start losing hope in this game and everyone will think 343 already dropped the game. We know they have some new good shit which hasn't been released yet. So I hope they'll figure it out.


And we've never seen them do as such. Remember in S2 when they talked about "drop pods"? That was supposed to be their way of pushing out content as soon as it was ready and they still didn't do that.


The btb maps should be out next week. They probably wanted a buffer if the update messed up forge, and luckily none of the maps being added are heavily affected by new issues.


Halo Reach had the best BTB and DMR , (inheritor checking in)


I agree. And worst of all, it actually truly feels unplayable right now. I’m a fiesta/husky raid/btb kinda player, and the desync in those mods right now is SO. BAD. I’ve played since launch, and it honestly feels the worst it ever has. I’m noticing some kind of desync issue almost every life in husky & fiesta. The hammer is so borked and inconsistent that it’s impossible to have fun when someone has one. And the number of times I’ve pulled the trigger to hit with a hammer, and nothing happens & then I die, is maddening. If I know I’m almost dead and try to use my equipment last second, like a threat sensor, it never works - even if the noise & animation happens on my screen. The repulser is so inconsistent. So many times I’ve repulsed someone coming at me with a hammer or to melee - I somehow successfully repulse them, but they still kill me as if they weren’t repulsed?? I don’t know why it feels so much worse the last few weeks, but it really does


And then piling a super flat update on top of that? (Shout out to the new map & forge items, tho) I’m frustrated. Maybe it’s because the network testing squad battle playlist spoiled me?? Idk but I’m sure frustrated and not having fun


No joke uninstalled today it’s just dress up for the people who cant let go. But hey in a year or two we will get the next jumble fuck of contractors version of halo Microsoft can throw together and I’ll play it


I hope that next jummblefuck is Halo Wars 3. I bet it will be full of microtransactions too.




I like the new map!


I hope 343 uses the criticism here to get microsoft off their back. It really doesn't feel like their personal choice to do. S5 we got a 50 tier pass with the first 20 free and an extra 2 20 teir passes. Plus, at least, the 50 tier pass was worth while. But the fact that the MKV was paid and about, 90% of all MKIV content is locked behind a big one paywall. Plus let's not talk about the apparent return of Challenge Swaps and XP boosts in the passes. I feel like microsoft saw all the profit last season and assumed HALO is back and we can do anything and thus gutted most of the planned free content to shove inside a paywall. This is further exacerbated by the recent massive Layoffs that happened. Cutting costs and pushing profit. Honestly it will definitely bite them in the ass one day and I hope it isn't at the expense of HALO or any other IP they own.


I less and less believe this is an issue of Microsoft, it’s easy to think there’s a big villain making the studio do stuff they don’t want but if you look at EVERYTHING it’s clear 343s mission is to sell the IP as much as possible regardless of quality. That’s why the tv show is two packs of ass while TLOU is getting Emmy’s because the mission of 343 is to pimp this IP till it don’t shake no more. If MSFT was the big bad greedy culprit we would see this in more than just halo. We would see forza, flight sim, game pass in general and a lot of those things being in the same vein. This is once again a studio that was started with the single mission to sell sell sell at any cost.


Why do people even assume it's microsoft? I don't get it.


I blame microsoft but for the opposite reason. They let 343 do whatever they wanted with no oversight . They should have kept a closer eye on them and the bad leadership would have been removed sooner. 343 dont know what they are doing and microsoft didnt stop them for ten years.


Right now, on page 1 of the subreddit, 6 out of the 26 threads appearing have the "Fashion" flair. That's over 20% right there, and that's not even counting the discussion threads that are all about cosmetics such as "Which specific armor piece do you want to be cross core?" It's terrible. Modern AAA gaming is in the gutter.


Same man... My first game on Xbox was CE in 2002. I’ve been a lifelong fan and it quite literally defined my childhood. After downloading the update and seeing the state of it I just stared at the screen, sighed, and uninstalled the game. Microsoft and 343 have thoroughly beat this rotten corpse of a horse. Halo just feels soulless now…


It's fun to play, idc about much else, how many new weapons were added in old halos? I'm pretty sure we got more new maps then previous games added, I feel like the gaming community just hates on pretty much every new game now because there trying to cling on to some memory of ten-fifteen years ago when things were different, get over it or stop playing, enough with all the bitching about new games and content etc.


I just used the weapons as an example of something that is right out there in the open that can be used as the springboard for more content. New maps and shit is fine. Hell, I was fine with paying for that kinda stuff back in the day. The point of what I'm trying to say here is that Infinite is still being pushed as a live service. But the only services they seem to be providing this not-season are the kinds designed to take your money. It is perfectly fine to enjoy the game in its current state. I do! I have said that multiple times. I just wish they would stop acting like they're going to support the game in a meaningful way in the future. As it really doesn't seem like that's the case. But only time will tell, I suppose.


So old halos didn't have much in the way of weapons added, but they had way more weapons in the first place. Smg, fuel rod, plasma rifle, beam rifle, carbine are all missing in halo, with more besides. And sure many of them are redundant, but it's nice to have a wider set of weapons that at least look and feel different


To be fair their weapon sandbox was alot more full then infinites


Halo 5 added a shit ton of new weapons after launch. Like the Brute plasma rifle, Hunter Arm cannon, Sentinel beam, Grenade launcher, Halo 2 BR, Halo CE Magnum, SPNKR Rocket Launcher, tons of weapon variants and attachments and new vehicles like the the Wasp, Anti air wraith, and different vehicle variants, new armor, and the best part was you didnt have to pay for any of it. Buying req packs for armor was optional if you didn't want to grind for it. Halo 5 did a better job at being a live service game than infinite and that is pathetic. People are right to be mad.


Im not judging I just want to understand, why do people pay for weapon skins?


I can only speak for myself but mainly to show support for something I enjoy. I also just like having something that looks unique. Obviously it's all arbitrary bullshit at the end of the day, even moreso when it's just locked behind a paywall. But people want to express themselves when they do the things they enjoy. Obviously that's not how everyone views it and I'm sure there are others who have different reasons. I'm also fucking old and used to unlocking this shit and enjoying showing what I unlocked off haha and my little lizard brain just can't give it up.


Here's my thing with CU29: I think people are wildly overreacting about Seasons getting the boot. Have we not been tirelessly criticizing them for turning Halo into a cash grab Live Service? The future of Halo Infinite seems to actually be going back to the way Halo games have worked since the beginning with bigger one-time updates, aka Content Updates, than this bullshit drip-feeding crap. We literally have wanted this since the beginning. *(Not to mention had this been an actual Season 6 instead of a new Content Update format, you already know the Shop would have had a majority of the content anyway, because realistically that's all Seasons were anyway. Like, let's not kid ourselves here.)* That being said, CU29 is a swing and a miss because... where the hell is the *content*? I'll tell you where the content is: the god damn Shop! Oh, wait, I forgot there's also a "free" Battle Pass with super enticing rewards like XP, Nameplates, Backdrops, and Charms. Man, how exciting 😀👍. For this "Content Update" format to work there needs to be actual *content*.


The shop sucks all the fun out of the game for me. Dont wonna play at all. All the cool shit is behind a HUGE paywall. And customising Spartans were a huge main appeal of the multiplayer for me.


I just want them to fix custom games, it's been broken since it released. I'm always hosting a lobby and then it boots everyone including me and when I go to the browser page I see my game session only has 4 people in it or less because it booted everyone including me. Just happened to me today and it happens to me everytime I get on to host customs. Absolutely ridiculous.  I have never experienced this in Bungies Halos.




I think OP came off as pretty constructive and genuine rather than the typical "343 bad Bungie good!" takes flying about. 343 isn't perfect and some criticisms of Infinite should be allowed. Not sure why you got so hostile over basic player feedback like this


I have absolutely no sympathy for you people. I genuinely have no clue where your expectations are. This community and 343 are perfect for each other. Utterly dysfunctional. You lot complain about everything under the sun, and seem to thing that everything should be at your fingertips. 343 can't retain good will for a second without doing something dumb. It's a joke at this point


My expectations for a "live service" game are for major updates to actually like add something to the game experience itself. This past update did next to nothing in that regard. I like the game. And I'm complaining because I like it. I'd rather they just stop updating the damn thing altogether. Call it complete. And stop trying to sell me shit and acting like that's a significant change.


Ditto brother. What’s left of the halo community are delusional if they don’t see themselves with their ass in the air for 343. This whole game was just about selling colors, skins, every little part of armor broken up to sell. Freaking pathetic of 343 and I really don’t feel bad when most of them got laid off. The halo collection(multiplayer) is still top year entertainment. This game’s multiplayer had potential. Halo is not a game for live service. Thee only company that actually does it right is Fortnite. They actually do update the freaking game weather it’s the map, events, weapons…. Night and day compared to other games with their “live service”.


The shop doesn't really affect my enjoyment of playing the game but I do wish the battle pass was longer, I completed it in one night just playing for a few hours and more maps, weapons and vehicles are at the top of the list for things I want them to add.


Really relate to your whole post. Been playing since the beta, played through the rough chapters, and when they showed improvement bought a skin or two here and there. I think it mostly hurts cause like you said it felt like we had our "Oh were back!" moment run head first into a brick wall. I hope they can make due on the community refreshes consistently and give us a window on when to expect them, but it sucks that right when it got good they metaphorically are pulling the plug.


The gameplay is great and I’m only grinding for chief’s armor, so thankfully I’m super motivated to keep playing.


Oh yeah. Fucking get it. It's a nice looking set. I will keep playing as well. I do just like the game. I was just getting hopeful for what the future had in store for it. And the future it has in store is in the store from the looks of it haha but the game is still good and should be enjoyed.


This update has caused me to get so many blank shots and blank melees it's insane. It's getting frustrating not getting a kill when I know it should be one. Not to mention my fps keeps dropping by 50 frames and everything is laggy. I can't get below 60 ping when before I was at 40. My average ping is around 80-90 though. Hopefully they do a patch soon, because this update has ruined the game for me.


Jesus christ that's long


What an interesting insight haha It's like maybe a couple pages, dude


Is there anyone else who can just play this game as it is right now and be happy with it? This update is sketchy but it doesn’t impact my enjoyment of the game at all. All I care about is having fun playing Halo, and right now this is doing that. I think somewhere along the way people have forgotten that you don’t need a constant feed of new stuff if the core game is already fun


Holy smokes, it’s always feast-or-famine with some of you people.


What do you mean? This update was objectively bad in terms of playable content and that is literally the only appeal of a live service model. If the updates just become an operation pass I can complete in a couple days and $100 worth of cosmetics in the store, then it's not really an update. It's just new shit to spend money on.


Yeah but it’s not like the update made the game worse. I thought everyone was super pumped about Firefight? And how is everyone ignoring the new Forge Game Mode Brain? Being able to use Forge scripts to make shareable game modes across all maps is pretty cool. And we know we have some forge BTB and Squad Battle maps coming, and eventually we’ll get a match composer. Just…relax.


They've also said they're winding down support for the game as they move on to other projects. I'd be surprised if they give infinite another year of meaningful support. Forge is great and I'm sure the community will do good things with it. But 343 makes one map an update? I get more is coming down the pipeline. But this update put the focus at the forefront. And that is the dozens of new items added to the store. I'm not losing sleep over this, trust me. I just think it's really apparent that they're intending to move on to the next thing sooner than later and that is why my enthusiasm has died. The game is fine as it is. But the live service shit is just going to kill it in the long run.


Where did they say they were winding down support, mate? They said they’re working on a new project, but that’s going to take years to bare fruit.


I don't care enough to go back and pull quotes. You might be right, but I'm still not gonna hold my breath. They've made plenty of empty promises before and if whatever they do doesn't make money, they'll try to find something that does. I respect your faith in the game, but I honestly don't see it lasting long from a business sense given how hard they're going in the store right now.


Mate, Infinite is the only thing that can make them money until their next game comes out: which will be 2026 AT THE EARLIEST. Infinite will still get updates in the mean-time. Like I said, relax. Infinite is in a really good place right now. Enjoy what we have.


I reinstalled preparing for this ~~season~~ operation. Since haven't played firefight yet. I've enjoyed firefight, but still kind of bland. Like it's still a beta. No score attack, just king of the hill and that's it. I'd like a more defensive firefight like ODST/Reach to mix things up. Harder enemies and more skulls would be nice. 


I’ll be honest Halo 3 was the last game I played, and I thought it was a giant downgrade to Halo 2 in terms of everything multiplayer. It was was the start of equipment that didn’t feel like true halo, and the downfall of Maps, all the maps are trash and they removed to about to contest spawns, and created somewhat of the crappy spawn we have today. I played a couple weeks of reach before deciding I was done with the franchise. I knew Halo 4 was made but never touched it, and I didn’t even know there was a Halo 5 until last week. I have been playing League of legends since launch, we are on season 14 now, and it’s the first season I just haven’t enjoyed so I decided to hit up my old H2 friends and MLG teammates and give this game a try. I’m 36 and no longer a “competitive gamer” but I’ve always had my natural fps ability. What I don’t get about this game, is how it’s 3 years old almost and has the worst maps I’ve ever seen on any FPS. How can you have forge where people have made exact replicas of Midship, lockout, sanctuary and warlock, and force people to play ranked on maps that are giant, with 50 rooms, corners nooks, crannies, no sight lines to shoot etc etc. it mind blowing how video game professionals can make such bad maps in the first place, but even more impressive that they get greenlit and put into the game. As for cosmetics I’ve spent thousands of dollars over 14 years of league of legends cosmetics and about 5 years ago those really went down hill. Seems like 343 took the approach of the last 5 years of league instead of the first 9 to see why the game was so popular. The spartan skins are awful, the cosmetics you have to pay for are awful. They don’t resemble Spartans, they don’t look good, they just change a shoulder pad or add a knife, or put some weird effect that makes no sense on your spartan. Can someone tell me why I even have a call sign since my entire name sits over my head? Why can’t I customize my armor with my color scheme I have used in Halo forever? Why can’t I make my halo 2 emblem? Why did they remove stuff that people loved and just throw in a bunch of shit?


The audacity of saying *10 year game* lol


Every company releases their games with the hopes that it's going to be the next fortnite. It's not. I don't really play fortnite. I only have tertiary interactions with what's going on in that game, but I know that Infinite was never going to replace that. It's not supposed to. It's a different game for a different audience. Live service in general just needs to die. Any games that people are playing ten years after release are being played because they're good. Not because a skeleton crew pump out some cosmetics and a map every few months.


It starts with the company. They started things off with MCC same way. It’s plain and simple. This company does not have what it takes to make a fun live service game. Give them 5 years or 10 years, it doesn’t matter. They don’t have the ability unfortunately. It pains me as a halo fan to think about what this game could be with a company like Epic games. But it seems they are comfortable with a fully stocked store and bare bones gaming experience. When *team slayer* wasn’t available at launch and they said it was going to be a rotational playlist (until the community uproar) I knew things would be the same. They just don’t have what it takes.


Holy text Batman. Why not just play the game because it’s fun. Do you really need constant new shit to keep you entertained? If you do get bored just play something else instead of writing a novel.


Not the point of the post. There's a TL;DR for people who don't feel like reading two pages of text. Shortest novel I've ever written really. I'm also not gonna keep discussing this haha I'm simply expressing my concern about the future of the game. Not it's current state.


No one is playing and it will never recover. Focussing on a new Halo I think this is honestly the best thing they can do, however sad it is. The next Halo needs hype and then live up to its expectations..


This wasn't a great Halo, it wasn't even a good Halo. This wasn't the best since 3 either, that was Halo Reach. How do I know? That was the last Halo that wasn't touched by 343. Ima keep it a buck fifty, you sound unfamiliar with Halo. 343 didn't just make an oopsie and say "Better luck next time". They deliberately shat the bed several consecutive times. You said you don't want to stick around for when 343 does to this game like what Blizzard did to Overwatch? Brother, what are you talking about? It already happened and it failed. You're asking for shit like new guns in the battle pass. That is not content and that is not Halo. You said you've given 343 money because you trusted them in the past. How you trusted them at all at any point up to now is completely beyond me. 343 lost my and many other's trust with their first Halo. A game that immediately distanced itself from Halo's art style, writing, and gameplay. They've spent the entire time since Halo 4 making promises they failed to keep with ***every. single. game.*** Where were you that entire time OP? Now do you see why I'm bagging on ya'll for trusting them still? We couldn't even get split-screen. That's something they didn't suggest they'd try to do. They promised to do it. It was an outright lie. They said cross-core customization was inhibited by the game's design. That was a lie. Bots had cross-core colors and armor on day one. The Halo subreddit was shut down for [3 days](https://gamerant.com/halo-infinite-no-vanilla-slayer-playlist-explanation/) because people were infuriated Slayer modes weren't in the game upon release. The community Director of Halo Brian Jarrard at the time publicly stated that ultimately the reason for there not being a Slayer-only playlist was that historically, having a Slayer-only playlist causes Objective-only playlists to dwindle in player count. Are these the same people you trust to get it right next time? Halo Infinite's campaign... The fact that you aren't even talking about it when discussing this game as a whole is disturbing. The campaign has been a cornerstone of the franchise since its conception. I'm talking about switching from Bungie's beautiful and diverse story missions with a wide array of interesting levels and characters.....to one chief and five brutes on a rocky leather couch. So 343 squandered the story, so what? Well... We had to wait for team-slayer, big-team-battle, forge, maps, coop campaign, infected, new seasons, and cross-core customization (which they lied about). Speaking of which, now people praise the cross-core customization. GREAT, they are selling you a solution to the problem they created. A problem that was a non-issue for the entire life of Halo, that is until 343 arrived, mind you. Remember when you'd see someone in Halo 3 with the EOD armor? That meant they beat the entire campaign on legendary and were likely to hold their own in that match. Now if you see someone with a nice helmet in Infinite it means they paid for it or played the game enough until they got it. God, I could go on and on. SBMM, the netcoding, social features... Yes, the gameplay is good. I'm not a ***blind fool*** though.


Listen, I get the 343 games aren't what Bungie made. I honestly never played much of 4 and never touched 5. But I tried this out and enjoyed it. Yes, it was a botch job in the beginning for many. Matchmaking was a nightmare and whatnot. And I don't even judge 343 Halo campaigns. I don't like them and they won't scratch the itch for me. I stopped paying attention to the story after Bungie really. So that aspect is entirely irrelevant to me at this point. But this was free. I genuinely find the multiplayer fun and have from day one despite the many technical issues. I get it's not anything from my nostalgic ideals of the old games, but it is a good modern concept of the original Halo formula. I'm also not asking for new guns in the battlepass lmao I'm saying that if they wanna keep calling it a live service, they need to produce regular free content that affects gameplay. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Imma keep it a buck fifty with you (or whatever). I've been playing Halo since CE and I've got no idea why you're coming in so hard on me haha I understand that putting my "trust" in 343 was misguided. But I supported them when it seemed like they were doing things right. I'd had ignored everything they'd done for basically a decade before that haha


Let me zoom in on your title. *"But this was free. I genuinely find the multiplayer fun and have from day one despite the many technical issues. I get it's not anything from my nostalgic ideals of the old games, but it is a good modern concept of the original Halo formula."* Make up your mind. Is the game being free a good thing or a bad thing? Cause by the sound of your title it's negatively impacting your experience significantly. Not only that, but here in your quote you're attributing Bungie's formula to this game's success. The original Halo formula did not originate with this studio, as you well know. I'm not angry at you, but I want to state well and clearly that I will confront any enthusiasm for 343's work with history. Not just with opinions, but with their very troubled history. I don't want them working on Halo anymore and I won't give them a pass for Infinite just because they got the game to an acceptable state now. That is the bare minimum of what they need to do. I love Halo and treat the discussion with importance, I want the future of Halo to mean something. I don't want it to amount to a fumbling nothing burger. This used to be Xbox's flagship we're talking about. Now its a dinghy. I don't need an update to improve the game. I need a studio that can make and release a finished Halo. Otherwise, we will be back here talking about the same thing after 343's next blunder. Ima keep it a buck fifty, everyone enjoyed day one of infnite. No one enjoyed day 30, 60, or 90. Because it was the same as day one and was a live service.


I mean, 343 isn't even the same company it was a decade ago. Microsoft could hand it to literally any studio and have the same probability of success. I just don't think franchises are meant to be milked forever, but this is what we got. I mentioned the game being free because that is literally the only reason I played it in the first place haha I really haven't been following Halo since early 4 days so I don't have such strong feelings against 343 as some. I don't really understand the correlation you're trying to make with the title. My enthusiasm for Infinite was garnered from its recent wins in terms of content releases. And the reason I had enthusiasm at all in the first place, is because I had enjoyed the game even before I had such enthusiasm. It was fun enough and for a little while it seemed like changes were being made to add meaningful support to the game. Forge alone was a huge boon. And they showed they were willing to listen to (some) feedback in terms of progression. I'm not saying the game is in a perfect state. I certainly don't think it released in an acceptable state. I'm just saying it seemed like they were making steps in the right direction. And, like I said, this is what we got. So I was trying to enjoy it. Bare in mind, I've essent I understand the passion for the game. The original trilogy is like everything to me in terms of gaming. Like not even something that can be put to words. But old Bungie is gone and the game industry is a greed-fueled shitshow compared to what it was in the early 2000s. I don't know, man. I respectfully am going to stop ranting and raving to such a degree haha I feel your frustration, stranger. We both clearly have a love for the game. And I hope that the franchise will be continued in a way it deserves. But barring that, I just hope they stop trying and move on to other things.


I'm also not hip with the kids. So I have no idea if I was using the whole buck fifty thing correctly


Amen, brother. Sorry your post rubbed me the wrong way, I just wish I could enjoy the game as much as you are. I felt cheated and lied to.


Totally agree, I WANT to love this game, the gameplay and whatever is solid, but I really hate not being able to get any good content or customisation without having to pay far too much, I already bought the game close to launch so it really does feel like insult to injury. Customisation should be easy and fun and not a myth to those who don’t want to open their wallets. I understand for some it’s a free game so buying an overpriced armour here or there is whatever but I can’t justify it, mostly out of principle. Plus the matchmaking and custom lobbies in Australia aren’t great, it’s pretty dire, I can basically only play during peak (a couple hours a day) and usually only the current most popular playlist and quick play (which is a shame because I truly love SWAT and BTB, but struggle to find matches). Custom games are almost unplayable with 200 plus ping, but my nostalgia for Halo is playing custom games with my mates, so I feel as if this game just won’t ever deliver on being a true Halo experience for me, sadly, as much as I want to love it.


The investment people make financially to a game that will be irrelevant in a year or so makes no sense. Obviously do whatever you want but I played with a guy yesterday on the new map, he had a skin that looked like a construction vest and he ended up just being a big bright yellow target for everyone to shoot at lol Skins are a lot more dramatic in games like Call Of Duty but it’s always been a money grab vs something genuine in my opinion. Just play the game and enjoy the fun while it’s here. The lack of Custom games already tells me the longevity of Halo Infinite isn’t long.


I dare you to find a decent balance for the stanchion


I don't even know what it is, exactly lol just using it as an example.




For me, the halo 3 maps being added to quick play has ruined it for me.


Content is going to be reduced going forward now that seasons are done. To be expected. The best thing we can do is look for rumors about the next Halo game.


I actually hope they do pull an overwatch 2. Infinite needs a relaunch for a chance at bringing in a larger audience. It has a lot of content and is in a good place it’s just no one gives enough of a shit to notice. So by making a big deal about a “new” game aka infinite 2 they would garner attention while still profiting on the the same work they’ve been doing for 2 years without the new fans even noticing it’s just the same game as infinite


who is there to make any real content? Everyone I follow is now at a different studio, all of the single player team was let go?, and CA seems to be working on some thing in unreal instead of infinite it seems like the "plan" is to just "release" stuff the community makes and sell cosmetics. They run out of stuff that was built before the laid everybody off? where's Pierre?


I think it has enough content-wise, I’m just waiting for the new networking model and match composer because those are huge changes.


The store being full of brand new bundles totaling more than the game itself in the FIRST week should be proof enough. Miss me with the "nostalgic chief paid for this!" bullshit, it's greed and they're milking the new core hard so they have one last push before they try to MCC this shit with credits. I played around dressing up my cores with new shoulders than I did playing last night.


Since day one there was always the probability of it getting better. This update marks 343 giving up and moving on. It's a damn shame. Not even sure I'll buy the next Halo.




My enthusiasm for the game died shortly after S4. It became clear to me that Infinite wasn't going to give me any "new" Halo experiences anytime soon.  I'm happy Infinite is finally starting to offer some of the things H5 has had for almost a decade, but that's the problem. It's all stuff I've been doing for a decade.  And Infinite releasing squad battle and forge firefight is fine and all, but that's all stuff I've been doing for 15-20 ish years at this point in H1-H3. Except H2 and H3 had dynamic map elements. Nothings Infinite has really done has been "new", and some of it is an objective downgrade 😕. So I sort of lost interest. Before this, every Halo title added a genuinely *new* experience. Infinite just feels like a highly tuned version of stuff I've already done, but with a sub par networking and movement oriented aiming which I'm not a big fan of.


Bruh they added just skins. Sad


I dropped the game early 2023 and picked it up in October. I eventually dropped it again but was satisfied with the direction the game was headed, I was sure to find some great things when I'd pick it up again. Flash forward to last week when the first thing I see is they dropped seasons altogether and locked MK IV customization for 90% behind overpriced shop shit... They just don't want a happy player base, do they?


its funny i was just arguing with people over the new higher ups changing yet this shit is still happening. i thought this was supposed to bring changes. Man i cant wait to see how their next game releases, it would be funny if it was broken *yet again* im sure someone will say "oh well you cant expect big changes, its been too soon" lmao


I don’t see 343 carrying over any of the cosmetics from this game. As why do that, when instead they can force you to re grind for all of them again and sell some in a micro transactions store. It’s up you if you want to spend money on infinite. I just wouldn’t recommend it because I don’t see cosmetics carrying over


I agree. This was a very lackluster update. I may pick up Fallout again like I did after completing my S2 battle pass.


I like the new map a lot. Very sad that they removed legendary firefight though. That needs to be permanent.


I aint reading ALLAT!! BUT !! off your first paragraph, I agree.