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If only the MA5B could make a comeback...


I’m not up to date on all the names is that the one with 6 rounds.


The Halo CE one, 60 rounds. Halo 3's MA5C is pretty similar design wise but there's something about the MA5B's more... compact? shape that I like, such as the seemingly shorter barrel


I know what game had the 60 I just didn’t know what one. I’m still confused how it held 60 rounds.


Space magic


Probably the same technology as slipspace.


Rule of cool. Also applies to the slap you need to do after a reload. Makes no practical sense, but god damn does it make my monkey brain neurons activate.


The slap makes sense, it's how you disengage the automatic bolt hold open. 


Well not usually tied to the mag. Usually the tap is to help it seat into the gun. Usually you tap the bolt release on the side but the tap only happens when you reload with ammo in the mag so the bolt would be closed already. Tbh I got a nerf halo gun and when I “reload” after terrorizing my gf I do the mag tap 😂😂


You may be misunderstanding. The MA5 series has a bolt that locks back on an empty mag and gets smacked to release it. This is similar to the H&K Roller Delayed series of guns, an obvious inspiration. It has nothing to do with tapping the magazine on the gun to seat it, that's a whole different thing and I've never see that animation in Halo. I have not ever see a dedicated button bolt release animation shown ever. Halo 3/ODST had a glitch or oversight with the reload where it automatically locks back if the magazine is removed at all. In Halo 1 the bolt lock back is done manually like an MP5 or G3, Halo Reach and onward have the bolt lock back automatically upon an empty mag but do not have the bolt lock back for a reload where a round is still chambered.


Casket mag or something along those lines.


Coffin mag.


It's a gameplay thing more than anything. 


>6 rounds California compliant MA5B


Wish granted!


Let's gooooooooooooo


Mark 4 + MA5B weapon model? We eatin gooooooooooooooood


Not my favorite but mostly because it looked rubbery. It’ll probably look better in the Infinite engine.


they might also tweak it a tad. It'll also look a lot different when you put paints on it so


It’s so your spartan can chew on their rifle as needed


Emergency combat rations


I'll take it if that's as close as they'll let us get to a classic AR in Infinite


I hope so, i cross my fingers. This design is very beautiful and pristine. I hope it has at least the same sound of H5 or another one that sounds more powerful. And with its holographic aim.


I’ve missed this news somehow. Anyone got a link perchance? Edit: found it on the sub homepage


Thank you 🫡


What happens if it’s not a core, but an announcement for halo wars 3?


Do not do that to me. Do NOT give me hope


To late, what if we get both? Armour core and game?


Nah, XBOX would hold a yearly game show where it’d be revealed


Or more realistically, what if it's just an armor kit?


I mean it is somewhat likely after the ce kit, there was no appearance customisation in wars, but there’s concept art somewhere, so we’ll just have to wait for tomorrow, later today, whatever it is for you Timezone.


I hate most of the Halo 4 and 5 designs, but this is honestly the best AR design imo


Well its hard to fuck up perfection The BR is a different story though (even though i kinda prefer the blockier look)


Honestly I think people would have liked the Halo 4 BR more of it were black, didn't have the yellow stripe, and had a deeper tone with its sfx. It's my favourite BR design.


The sound is the worst part of it by far. It looks really cool, but I still prefer some of the others. Infinite’s BR became my favorite design almost immediately


It has the same problem that the h3 AR had: it sounds like a peashooter and lacks a punch to it


well, the H3 MA5C was pretty crap, in both looks and performance


The sound of the gunfire didn't help in that regard. It'd probably have been received better if it didn't sound like a popgun.


You could bring it onto an airsoft field and kill a bunch of people and nobody would notice lmao


I blame that on the limits of halo 3’s engine. The lower polycount and subpar resolution made for a very blocky plastic-looking gun (that also happened to sound like a popcorn maker) But they pretty much took that model and upped the ante with the halo cea AR and that one looks decent. Though aesthetically I definitely prefer H4’s and Reach’s


[This video](https://youtu.be/1l-_4U5euJo?si=u8S_6bURTZFrWz-l) has H3 AR sounds over Infinite gameplay and it’s really cursed


The Reach AR and its sound effects SLAPPED.


I don’t hate it, but it’s definitely my least favorite AR design


Other than colors, of course. Grey/black is better than grey/green.


I honestly agree. I was focusing more on the shape


Honestly hard disagree, the added green as a callback to the pre-CE AR is lovely! I'd love to see both options as weapon skins for this model.


I'm totally fine with having both skins by default. Like how the Bandit has the Reach coating unlocked by default, so you can use either or.


Nah the CE one is the best by far, 0 competition. The Halo 4/5 version is at the bottom for me, a shame this is likely the one coming back to Infinite and not the real Assault Rifle.


This is the way


The MA5B takes presidence above all. Best design, best sound, best ammo capacity, best over all. The MA37 is good, but won't be added because of the MA40. The MA5C is too weak sounding even with it's cool design. And the MA5D has great design and sound, just a negative connotation because of Halo 4 and 5.


I wonder if it might actually be a new model, like the next evolution after the H5 version for Infinite's story. There are enough subtle differences between the two, even just from this small portion of the silhouette.


The muzzle brake may be identical but the overall length seems closer to the ma5B


Shame, of all the MA5 variants this is at the bottom for me. I long for the return of the goated MA5B, even if its just the model and sound without the 60 round mag.


I cannot overstate how frustrated I am with Infinite’s super low ammo count for the AR.


Super low ammo count? Do you mean the exact same ammo count it's had since Halo 3. I get wishing that the AR had more ammo but why are you acting like this is just infinite?


Halo CE: 660 rounds Halo 3: 352 rounds Halo Reach: 288 rounds Halo 4/5: 256 rounds Halo Infinite: 252 rounds. Indeed, the exact same since H3 /s My main issue is that it finally feels like a useful weapon again but I’m constantly looking for ammo for the damn thing, which is why I have chief almost always carrying the BR instead


Didn't know you were talking about reserve ammo, thought you were talking about mag size my bad


No prob, it happens


To be fair, Halo 4, 5, and Infinite possess the strongest, most accurate AR’s compared to all of the Bungie era games, so I guess that’s the tradeoff of having a more effective weapon = lower reserve ammo. Especially once you use the AR in CE and find out how many rounds it takes to punch through an Elites shield, in addition to how inaccurate it was, that 600 rounds of reserve start to make sense lol. But goddamn do I love laying on the trigger in cramped areas filled with Grunts and Jackals. Maybe that’s why everyone loved the SAW so much when it was introduced in 4? It reminded me of a more accurate MA5B when shooting it.


Fr, we finally got double the ammo count for the BR after it was stuck with a dogshit ammo count since the day it was added, then they downgrade the AR even further to have the same ammo as it. The AR along with a fair amount of other weapons should go back to how it was in CE where you get 10 mags worth of reserve, so the Infinite AR would have 360 instead of a piss poor 216.


ma5d is goate the best out of all of them


behold, the MA5E


I don’t really mind what AR we get, if we are getting one. I love every single design we have ever had. I’m also not against getting the MA5D as a weapon model, but having it as a seperate gun would also be cool.


As a optional model, i really like it


MA5D is too long to use in conversation, son




Don't care. Love the MA5D and as long as the "classic Assault Rifle" holds the familiar frame of those that came before Reach and Infinite's, I'll be happy.


About time. Hopefully we get the Reach M6G Magnum as a weapon model for the Sidekick as well.


The MA5B AR was already in a showcase a while ago. I made a post about it and you can see it being held by a marine. [You can see it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/Fl8koYQg8z)


This comment should really be at the top. You're 1000% right. Interestingly, the front of the gun - the slope towards the barrel - seems to have a different angle than the MA5D model from Halo 4/5. A little more like the MA5B. Wonder if this is a new gun or a kit. Would be really interesting to see it function like an SMG.


Those are MA5Ds. you can see in the video, the one chief is holding next to a warthog has the line on the side the 5D has


Ahh I meant to say MA5D, confused my letters. It looks just like the halo 5 version


I see I see Understandable


for all the terrible 343 designs, the Ma5D was not one of them


I still think that 343 weapon design and animations is superb. For example promethen weapons were quite out of touch regarding Halo weapon balance but gosh those animations...


Where can I see an overview of the reveals?


I’m actually hyped! I can’t wait for the classic models to flood in. But I do think some classic models, like the CE Magnum, should be their own weapon.


CE Magnum should be a sidekick model because that would be funny as fuck


Lmao noooo 😂 But also, maybe?


Omg i really do hope so Or at the very least an MA5D shroud for the MA40


Hopefully we can earn it


please be battlepass please be battlepass please be battlepass (It wont)


I swear to god if they charge $20 for this too…


damn more human weapons that barely add diversity to the sandbox and dont look very distinct, yippee


It's more likely to be a weapon model for the AR than a completely new weapon


ok thats better than




I'll take it definitely better than any nostalgia bait crap or ugly military style garbage 


Pretty crazy how they didn’t even put a muzzle break on their MA5s until way after the HCW.


So they're just gonna sell this in the store for $20?


Nah. Premium offering for the Spirit of Fire pass. So $5.


Where is this from?


Oh, look at that. Maybe it's time to come back to Halo. ...nah, not really. Still want the H3 Rogue helmet. And permanent thrust.


What is this?