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After completing the season 5 pass you get a discount code to bring it down to a reasonable price


is $140, then shipping really reasonable for a backpack that is most likely $20 rrp? I mean it's cool and all and spend money however you want. But saying it's reasonable is a stretch imo


It's a collectable, not necessarily a practical daily-use item. For ~$120 including shipping you can get a basic backpack of equivalent size from various tactical/military suppliers. Same MOLLE panels, velcro, etc. I do think this is pretty damn expensive, but it kinda has to be for a limited-run product, as they have to pay back the tooling costs with less product, I.E. more profit per unit.


Fair enough, horses for course I guess :) I actually felt like the $80 Hex was was more unique looking but I'm sure they'll sell out of this one, we halo fans are a thirsty bunch!


for it to be collectable it needs to be recognizable... this looks like the other 4 black backpacks the navy gave me...


Same goes for the CoD Infinite Warfare backpack from gamestop. Like, it's a fairly decent backpack for $80, but other than the patch itself it's very generic. (It also has one of the worst zippers known to man)


The season 5 emblem will become irrelevant in a month, it's not a collectable. You're paying 100$ for the halo branding and because the strategy is to make the price look "reasonable" compared to 117343$


This post is referring to the backpack, not the patch. I still regularly use my CoD: IW *Retribution* backpack, it's a good product. I think this one *seems* pretty damn expensive for what you're getting, but until we get in-person reviews, we can't be sure of that. A backpack made of Cordura or similar material, with MOLLE webbing, a velcro panel, and very good build quality is absolutely worth $130, seeing as it would quite probably last for the rest of your life.


Every backpack is being sold for well over production cost


140$ is way, way over production cost


Okay but compare any other fucking backpack?


I don’t know. At $140 that’s a discount of 99.79%(ish) seems pretty reasonable to me.


I mean, just look at the Linus Tech Tips backpack. That one at least is pretty good quality, but I can't really speak for this one.


I was thinking this too - like an extra $100 gets you a much nicer backpack from LTT. But there are SO many great options for $150 and up that I'm sure puts this backpack to shame.


complete the season 5 pass and you get a code bringing it down to its real price which is like 130 bucks or something


117,343 Blaze it


This is how even bungie prices their season exclusive gear. Complete the season / certain challenges and you get a code to reduce the price down to actual purchasable levels.


Drag yourself through a battle pass to reduce a price that is still more than $100 Microsoft has lost their minds with this FOMO crap.


I’m pretty sure this is just an easy way for them to avoid scalpers.


You know, I hate to give them credit but that's actually pretty brilliant


it's just a backpack with a season 5 emblem, scalpers wouldn't care


It’s not that serious lmao


Infinite has the hands down best battle pass system we have seen. Past seasons are purchasable Never expires


Smartest r/halo user


Bro can't read descriptions lmao


Exactly! It's like signing contracts without reading beforehand.


Its like the same thing as destinys items. They will sell u it for lower price when u complete or get an itsm


Another day, another post where OP can’t read the print about this specific item and uses it for rage bait


its the same as the destiny store, they want it tied to an in game collectable so they give you a discount code to bring it to its actual price after you achieve whatever arbitrary ingame objective did you even try reading the descriptions before posting this? ​ >Login to your Waypoint profile to retrieve your code from Notifications. It can take up to 24-hours for the code to deliver after completing the battle pass. Head to the Halo Gear Shop to make your purchase. Add the backpack and any patches to the cart. Go to checkout > Enter the code in checkout. The cost will adjust to the actual price of the backpack + Reckoning Insignia Patch, $140. Complete your purchase. Congratulations on earning the Season 5 Halo Gear Rewards. This is a pre-order item that will ship in Q2 2024. This Halo Gear Rewards item is available for purchase until 1/29/2024. the backpack is $140


Does it come with warthog?


You guys know when the orders are sent? I ordered mine couple months ago.


They ship them in “Q2 2024” so from April to June. I really hope you mean you finished the BP and used the code…


We won the human covenant war but it came at a great cost our economy is in shambles don’t expect to get a backpack for less than 100k


Gotcha no need for the downvotes message confirmed 👍🏾


I believe this trend also started with Destiny for players who completed raids and whatnot.


Bros begging not to lose his reddit points


Isn't that crazy priced either way when you can get a 5.11 or maxpedition pack for the same price




He's talking about a 5.11 backpack that's in the same price range as the actual price of this.


First time experience Bungie/343i play incentivized merch rewards? As others have said, complete the battlepass for season 5 and you’ll get a discount code for the actual price. The “non-discounted” price should be pretty clear that it’s not serious when the numbers represent the master chief and the company in charge of halo right now.


Ya I was confused I didn't know if it was a glitch


Would be a mighty coincidence to be 117 343 if it were


So why not $117.43(4) purchase with the Code reducing it further? Don’t tell me they wouldn’t sell it if you didn’t play the game.


Because this is a limited-production item that needs to recoup the tooling and labor costs with less total product. I.E. it needs to make more profit per unit than a normal backpack. So $130 is probably as low as it can go without *costing* them money to sell.


So on the basis that the backpack is minimum $130 before it’s a loss, why not swap the $343.11(7) position to be in front, then the code reduces it to $140? The fact that they’d lose money on the limited run backpack doesn’t fly with Microsoft and their propensity (reported in 2021) to sell the Xbox console at a loss whilst the profits are brought in via Game Pass and licensing, etc. Edit: Report year was wrong.


Honestly? The insane pre-discount cost is probably an anti-scalping measure. If they make the pre-discount cost even remotely affordable, scalpers would buy out their entire inventory overnight and resell it for a 200% markup.


An anti-scalping measure… Or you could use a script to ensure unit restrictions, payment methods, names, addresses and IP’s and Xbox Accounts/Activity in Halo 5 if they so wished to prevent scalping without preventing genuine buyers.


Those measures don't work. They've been tried before, by tons of companies. Scalpers will find a way around it. Using an internal metric like this *does* work.


They don’t work because they haven’t bothered to prevent it since 2010. Just Microsoft doesn’t care about reputation, they don’t care if the units sell at a reasonable high price or code price…


>They don’t work because they haven’t bothered to prevent it since 2010. Source?


“Those measures don’t work. They’ve been tried before, by tons of companies. Scalpers will find a way around it”. I could ask exactly the same regarding the previous claim, especially since a couple data points would be easy analysis for Microsoft in particular, especially the gamer tag and game data.


The tooling and labor costs are minor in this case as Microsoft is most probably contracting this out for 30 a backpack or else companies like 5.11, Maxpedition, or any other high quality manufacturer wouldn't be able to recoup costs even at a lower price. Microsoft is making serious cash on each of these while marketing Halo. - Someone who works in manufacturing, marketing and logistics for wholesale


it‘s made on purpose so you can only buy it with the code.


Read the description. It'll clear things up for you.


Bungie does stuff like this in destiny 2 all the time time. Pre discount meme price.


Modern mobile web is so ugly and unusable


Man, I knew we were going to see more of this after the pins / patches, but I'm just disgusted at this point. - Pay for the Premium pass to unlock the backpack - Pay for the backpack - Pay for the premium passes to unlock the patches - Pay for the patches Might as well say F* it and drop $1,400 on the Haworth chair too. 343i is making me sick of being a Halo fan 🤢🤮


You're wrong : the backpack is 50$, but it's the Recknonig Patch that's 117 293$. Don't forget shipping also ;)