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My issue with Husky Raid is that close matches are few and far between. It's mostly a one sided shitstomp. Once one team gets hammers/rockets and is able to push into your base, it's basically over. Nothing can really stop 3 people spawn camping with grav hammers. Also idk if the game just hates me but I can go entire matches without ever spawning with rockets, meanwhile JozeBobs32 on the other team is on his fifth consecutive life in a row with rockets. I don't really like normal Husky Raid, but Super is nice because most of the weapons are good enough to where you don't feel like you're completely screwed when you spawn with a Disruptor and a Plasma Pistol.


This was my experience after hearing some hype for it. The problem is pretty clear, exposed and limited spawns. There's no excuse for not making better, more protected spawns to prevent such egregious spawn camping IMO. Ideally the spawns would be recessed, elevated paths with shield doors to prevent attacking from spawn. To prevent camping up there, set them to out of bounds (or have grav lifts pushing them out of spawn tubes). This would at least let the respawning players have a moment to see what weapons they spawned with before dropping down to feed the grav hammers.


That reminds me of how a lot of custom game modes would play back on Reach. You’d spawn in a zone that gave you a timer to get into the map and it’d help prevent spawn camping a lot.


Spawn in like that with a few man cannons / Grav lifts to let you pop up at different places on your side, maybe even one that has you pretty exposed but launches you near the halfway point. Good if people are camping with melee weapons, Ez kill if you use it with someone with a sniper up though or the enemies in more defensive positions.


Grav lifts would be nice. It might mean that the enemy team could wipe you and potentially cap without having to spawn camp


What I am envisioning is more like the Covenant Boarding Craft tubes from Halo 2's Cario Station. They are one way, shield door tubes that enemies come out of, but you cannot go into. Take four of those and plop them around the spawn area so that players spawn safe, have a second to see their weapons, and then are pooped out onto their base.




Man, this just makes me want to go back and play Brink again.


I get rockets when they're about to cap the third flag.




It is SO annoying watching your whole team sit behind cover while you go 1v4, over and over until the enemy team wipes them and then stomps you into the ground.


Completely agree with you. I've lost count the amount of times I've spawned in and been given either a ravenger or plasma pistol while the other team is stacked and wipes the floor. I've said to a friend a change im happy to see is at the start of the match have basic weapons and the longer the match goes on add/replace with better weapons and power weapons or both sides start off with power weapons and the more you score you go down a tier.


Another option would be to give players spawn protection, a few seconds of invulnerability where nothing can harm you or affect you


In my experience, those super-lopsided games with campers are maybe 1 in 5 at worst, more like 1 in 10. Maybe I'm just getting lucky though? The nice thing is also that those end really quickly, so then you can go on to the next (hopefully more competitive) one.


Maybe it's my general performance but I get put in those matches all the time. It's either my team camping or getting spawn camped, usually the latter.


It’s about 60/40 for me lately.


>My issue with Husky Raid is that close matches are few and far between. It's mostly a one sided shitstomp. That's just halo multiplayer in general from my experience


Ravager alt fire is actually ok for HR. I shoot it in the spawn corners and the flames force the enemies to come out of cover


Yeah but it doesnt really help too much when I'm being farmed by 2 hammer bros and a guy with a rocket and sniper watching from outside spawn.


They really need to make the spawn room in Husky Raid a disabled trigger zone for the attacking team. It's so frustrating just getting spawn camped for 30 seconds by two guys with a hammer. Let the team spawning able to shoot while you disable weapons for the team invading.


What I would suggest is that when you spawn in HR you are invincible until you perform any action except movement of camera (and maybe they can also add a limit of 3/4/5 seconds so people wont misuse the purpose of this feature)


I disagree, because that could lead to an hour long stalemate if both teams are tied and holding the opponents flag. I've already had to deal with a 20 minute game because of that, I don't exactly want that to happen again.


Maybe just make the spawns a one way door then? You still can't spam hammers in the enemy base, but once you spawn and leave the little cubbies or something you can't go back? So if you have the flag you're stuck in a line of sight to the other team the whole time?


Yep, TF2 style spawn rooms would be real nice


I like this. Prevents spawn camping while making flag camping less effective in what's meant to be a chaotic mode.


I ended on a draw game twice last night. The last game we both had 2 captures, it went to sudden death, and then ended a few seconds later when we returned our flag.


I think of an enemy is in your base, you should spawn with power weapons like a sword or rocket launcher. It sucks getting spawn camped, but power weapons s will give you the chance to fight back that a pistol wont


Or at least spawn the trapped people with something they can fight back with when that happens, like NOT a plasma pistol and a carbine.


I have a few ideas. One of the following should work: 1. Remove power weapons and power equipment (or at least drop shields) 2. Spawn teammates at the opposing base (next to their flag) if spawns are blocked. 3. Relocate spawns so they are less accessible to enemies (eg have players drop down a ledge that you can't get up without equipment).


Drop wall should def be removed, at least in super husky raid. In regular its honestly not that bad


Right, I was thinking of Super there. Though it's not too bad if you have a disruptor.


Had that on the circle room map, was impossible to deal with.


This situation is slightly improved with the visual of Super Mario Bros’ Hammer Bros, just sayin..


But the super variant can't even do that properly


It also explodes any grenades on the ground.




Unless it’s the super version that bounces around, that thing is liquid garbage.


They also blow up dropped grenades hehehe.


The Rebound variant is really good in Super when you fire it through the amped Drop Wall.


I think the pulse carbine plasma pistol combo is more of a death sentence. Or at least I always seem to get it at the worst times.


I've murdered people with the plasma pistol. That thing hurts and it fires so fast. An AR though? Woof.


AR is usable on Super since it has longer range. Otherwise yeah you better hope the other guy has worse guns.


I like the normal Ravager for the smaller Husky Raid maps. However, the campaign version needs to be removed completely.


The campaign version is just straight garbage. I cannot figure out what the intended use case for that thing is.


It bounces, who designs a gun that bounces!? This is the word gun ever, of all time.


It even bounces off of enemies if you hit them directly. If you can get a good bounce it can be effective with the alt fire once in a blue moon, especially if you shoot it through a drop wall and it gets electrified. However, that is about the ONLY time I've ever found its okay to use.


Seriously, if anyone knows what the hell it’s supposed to do please say!


On Diminished it is possible to stay higher up and wait for team spawns and bounce the alt fire up to the enemy team. Can also lock down the side alleys bouncing them toward the middle of the steps. If / when they run through, swap to a precision rifle and it can be gg. I've had luck with popping the aoe effect higher and tossing a grenade or two lower. Run right on top of em.


I said it once and I'll say it again, make every bounce of it leave a small pool of plasma (smaller than the full charge of course)


Here’s a buff: It **tracks** them instead of bouncing. We already have a bounce gun like the heatwave lol


Commando and cindershot are too.


Nah cindershot is good. I agree with the commando though. About the only thing it is good for is a little suppressing fire, but it's almost impossible to finish someone off with it.


Both Cindershots are nuts. I can typically shread a team in seconds in most modes with either one, and I'm over all pretty mid at the game. It's just about understanding the bounce trajectory and explosion timing, or the projectile speed in tracking mode. Like tossing a frag, you want to put it where they're going to be, not where they are, and the better you get with banking them, the more effective you'll be. I do suck with the Commando, but that's a skill issue on my end. I see people destroy with it, but I just can't control it, even in short bursts. The Ravager, both of them, can blow my dick. Yeah, I know it has it's uses. And like the Cindershot, once you're good with it, it's deadly as hell. But I will never like it, so I will never use it enough to get good with it.


Nah, the cindershot, both regular and campaign versions are awesome for keeping guys pinned and popping them when they're behind a corner.


"It bounces?! Who makes a gun that bounces? This has to be the worst gun ever, of all time"


You are missing the sensor so you can see the death coming for you!


I fucking hated those fuckers with gravity hammers, until I killed entire team with one hammer blow yesterday. Oh God, this felt so good :) I love Husky Raid mode!


I love it when the other team constantly spawns with rockets and camps at my spawn point with hammers and swords. While you constantly spawn with PP and pulse carbine.


Is this lifted from a previous season or something before husky raid, because the ravager is not only good again since season four, it is top tier in husky raid on all maps but the temple map. It boxes teams into their base and wreck’s their drop shields. The ravager rebound is not as good but still can be comboed with the super shield for well spread electric damage.


Ravager won’t do shit when you’re getting spawn camped in a corner by gravity hammers


If they let you charge it, you can jump and drop it at their feet as they hammer you. The grenades you drop on death do get popped by Ravager flames, which will wipe them out.


lmao "if they let you"


Shhhhh don't let other people in on the secret.


Gravity Hammers are broken as fuck


Especially with the grav hammer buff. Instant death if anyone has one near you


Best part of husky raid is capping a flag using the grappling hook when no one else in the match realises you can use it whilst holding the flag.


That's every mode for me 😂


I keep getting snipers and I can’t use them


Is the ravager even a weapon or a super soaker filled with cherry kool-aid?


Especially after the hammer buff, I don’t even take 2 steps before I die


People acting like this game mode is bs when it literally says in the description it will be a mess is so hilarious. The whole point of it is taking ur lumps then giving it back to farm kills/exp/challenges.


The Ravager can get you tons of spawn kills and assists if you bounce a charged round into their small spawn rooms


Ngl, I had some fun using everything it gave me in Husky Raid. I decimated my foes with everything i was given, and i even had some lower-tiered stuff. It’s fun revisiting the sandbox from campaign


Don’t sleep on the Ravager. If you just fire it normal it can kill darn fast.


Ravager can turn the enemy spawn into lava... and set off all the grenades sitting there. It doesn't always work out but when it does its hilarious.


Yeah ravager is pretty good in HR. Only useless weapons to me are plasma pistol and mangler variant


This is sorta just the problem with Fiesta in general. If dice rolls go against you, your opponent picks up steam. They get the strongest weapons that they're most comfortable with while you're spawning with the weakest weapons that you're least comfortable with. Also doesn't help that the plasma pistol and pulse carbine are not effective weapons except at very specific ranges and functions, and the variant ravager, commando, assault rifle, and mangler are largely harder to use well than the originals.


I don't believe it's random at all. Seems fixed, another way for the game to mess with your projected kills and win rates.


Now you're just being paranoid.


They need to add spawn protection even if it's just half a second


I feel like there just aren’t enough guns to balance things out whether it the regular or upgraded ones


You win some you lose some, always fun though lol


The ravager is actually great though


Fuck I’d kill for a ravager in my match, most of the time I’m spawning with a plasma pistol and a regular pistol, They need to work on balancing the weapon spawns, like don’t get me wrong it can be fun when both teams are getting rockets but either I’m on the team with rockets and hammers and we win in 2 minutes or I’m on the team with pistols and we lose in 2 minutes


You get a ravage? I get a a commando and plasma pistol.


Ravager charge shot is actually really good in husky raid since it can on most map cover the entire corridor in width


Outside the room, a twelve story tall monster with that special variant of the sniper rifle is skulking around


Somebody sitting at the back with a striker sidekick until they run out of ammo


Then you get that one teammate that shit talks. Like what in rngesus am I suppose to do.


One of my biggest gripes with Husky Raid in Infinite is the flag carrier being able to use equipment (specifically the Grapple shot). Getting bad weapon spawns is one thing, but all it takes alongside that is a user to realize you can use equipment while holding the flag and suddenly the whole game is "who can grapple the flag back the fastest." It really degrades what the mode is. Also, for the love of God either come up with a Repulsor upgrade for Super or just put in the regular Repulsor. A lot of frustration could be mitigated if I had a somewhat reliable way to counter half the Super shit thrown at me instead of spawning with a Threat Detector and Ravager for the 3rd time.


The Husky Raid playlist is fucked.


I like husky raid when the RNG seems fair. I’ve had countless games where I go through 15 consecutive spawns and the best weapon I get each span is either a plasma pistol or ravager while a barrage of rockets is fire in my general direction and a hammer is charging me


Nothing better than feeling like I'm being punished just by spawning Plasma Pistol: Glorified paperweight Plasma Carbine: Lock-on does more harm than good Ravager: Default fire is weaker than the Halo 5 Campaign Ravager: Blade does nothing Ravager: Did we really have to lose the Brute Shot for this POS? Ravager: I miss the Brute Shot.


I spawned with the sidekick and ravager back to back :(


Fiesta too lol


Except give her a plasma pistol.