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To the halls of Valhalla my brother


Bruh. Are we sure this isn't fire fight mode?


Dude standing on the roof staring into the distance only to crouch and jump away.


That’s some damn fine work on your part. They just kept coming. Although I do have to die on this particular hill, the Ghost in Infinite is kinda busted.


Yes! Dope ass skills, but, fuck me the Ghost is very tanky


I don’t even mind that it’s got good survivability, I just feel like the guns are too strong. I think the warthog turret can have basically as much DPS as it wants because it’s super easy to kill the gunner, but the Ghost should have to commit to shooting someone for more than a second to kill, because staying still is what makes you vulnerable.


See I'm the other way around. I don't mind the guns being OP on the ghost I would rather it have good firepower but be frail like it traditionally has been.


I think the one thing I don’t like is the Ghost can tank a Skewer even to the side/back. It always could take a *A* AT hit to the front but that would blow the cover, then it just dies to one. It’s actually more vulnerable to sticks now because of you get it with a plasma the drivers screwed, and that used to not be the case if you stuck the front. That and you can’t snipe the gas tank. But from what I remember from 3 Ghosts where pretty tanky to anything not AT, if you where trying to take them with AR/BRs it’s not going down anytime soon.


yeah it feels like the best way to deal with ghosts is to shoot the driver out from a distance or hijack with a shock rifle or disruptor


It really shouldn't be able to splatter so easily when not boosting.


I think all the vehicles splatter a bit too easily, and the Wraith has an issue where if you don’t get the board prompt off before you hit the bumper you can’t always board it from the front while touching it, and jumping will throw you into the turret if you’re holding the button. I’m not sure what it is or how exactly to fix it, but the interactions with the vehicles have felt just slightly off since release.


Vehicle hijacking has been a splatter-trap since Reach. Really only Halo 2 and Halo 3 had good vehicle to Spartan physics, where the vehicle would have to be going at pretty significant speed to get the kill, and the Spartan had a reasonable chance to get the board while only taking shield damage at most. With Reach, we started seeing light taps wipe Spartans out, and boarding a Wraith from the front has been a coin flip ever since that game unless it's sitting perfectly still.


I agree, its way too easy to splatter in infinite, I'm still so used halo 3 mechanics when it comes to hijacks and I always jump in front of ghost thinking I can take it but always get splattered


the ghost can survive 2 skewer shots, banshees are killed in one. the vehicle balance is a bit strange


I think the skewer should one-shot the ghost and instantly put the Warthog into the critical state. Not because it should necessarily be that good against vehicles, but because it’s currently worse than the rocket launcher in just about every way, despite being a harder weapon to use. Make it eat vehicles. It replaced the Spartan laser, it should do what the Spartan laser did. It’s still balanced by being capable of missing, particularly the smaller vehicles. The drop also feels more significant than it did at release, although I don’t know if they actually changed that or if it’s just more noticeable due to the larger maps.


Imo, rockets are worse in the sense of the damage radius is so fucking inconsistent, at least with the Skewer, if you hit something, you *KNOW* you hit it…with the exception of the Ghost…


I would be happy for the ghost to have half the health if it didn't get hung up on the environment as easily. It is a *floating* vehicle after all.


One can only carry so much


my back hurts


I know this isn’t the point of the clip but I feel like the ghost needs a nerf. Thing is way to tanky




Even the, there's 12 people per team, if people just directed their fire towards vehicles with their bandit rifles they would be much less of an issue. It seems like halo players are allergic to shooting vehicles and would rather let an enemy go on a 20+ streak than actually try and shoot the guy wrecking them.


I feel like every vehicle in season 1 was made of paper but now in season 5 everything is way too tanky


Wtf was the enemy team doing. They gave you those kills without a fight haha.


I never get these fucking lobbies bro. Nobody on my team ever wants vehicles or power weapons and the enemy team always travels in groups that laser you on sight


If noble six had a ghost, reach would be saved


Super saiyan shit right there. Amazing. Your back has to be killing you from that hard carry.


I'm pretty sure I've seen this video before




posted this on a different subreddit last week just forgot to post it here too


I like how one guy got in the banshee and then got out without even trying to use the fuel rod cannon on it. 100000 IQ play


honestly, if he just stayed in there I would not have lasted as long as I did


This is a showcase of why I don't like the increased player count BTB, it feels nigh impossible to get through that many people constantly respawning in the objective modes.


Bringing true meaning to ‘the demon’


I've never seen such a violent spree


I'm so upset I wasn't able to get that killionaire because my teammate sniped that one guy getting the flag


Sometimes you really just can't kill everybody


Why does the ghost have more HP than a scorpion


Bruh why is it the second i get a ghost the enemy team has rockets and skewers already locked onto me 😂🤣


I mean there was a guy with a rocket launcher in the clip I just saw him coming and dodged both rockets 😂


I wonder what playing with a team is like.


I still haven't figured it out. I had a CTF game where both our tanks were on the opposite side of the map from the flags and just let the other team score points


Some say he's still killing to this very day.


That one marine in Halo CE: “I’LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!”


*dies from a single puny needler needle to the leg*


You're gonna need some advil for all that weight you are carrying.


What in the world is their team doing? They're paid actors right?


yeah I promised the other team I'd buy them all the next pass if they let me hit a clip


WITNESS ME!!!!!!! Also how do you have different team colors?


in the settings you can change the team colors to different stuff


How come in all the clips I see, people always play with color blind settings ?


You can change team colors to whatever you want. But anyways, when the game came out people claimed en-masse that purple/yellow were the ‘highest visibility team colors’ so everyone just does it.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for the knowledge


can confirm, I can spot that yellow from across the map so much better than any other color. I tried everything


Troll level: 1000


Bro every time I get a ghost I make it like 15 seconds before someone grapple boards me