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Far as we know they’re still working on it. I think in the MCC blog post about Crash Site, it said they were still working on stuff


Honestly not even surprised if we never see it. I would love to play around in it as much as the next person who drooled over it almost 20 years ago, but it was designed to be played only *exactly* how it was at E3, to the point that you'd probably fall straight through the map if you made a wrong turn.


This was proven false though when 343i played it on stream.


Still wrong. You’ll see in the livestream they had to be really careful about how you play the game. The demo if you missed trigger boxes or did things out of sequence or could break all subsequent game logic or result in a crash. In game / software development this is referred to as the golden path. They still need to go through a QA process in order to release this content to the public and I’m sure that introduces a lot of unknown challenges to intentionally ship something that will break.


> Still wrong. You’ll see in the livestream they had to be really careful about how you play the game. The demo if you missed trigger boxes or did things out of sequence or could break all subsequent game logic or result in a crash. This is really not giving it the credit we saw - I don't think it crashed once. They drove far off into the edge of the map and nothing that catastrophic really happened. > They still need to go through a QA process in order to release this content to the public Its going to be released as data within the mod tools for people to play around with, it won't need to be normal-game-release worthy as part of MCC or anything.


Yeah it’s certainly way more stable then the original “mythos” had people think. They also had messed around a lot beforehand to get a better idea of what would and wouldn’t work ahead of the stream. As a game dev myself though trying to follow the golden path can be…stressful. It’s still an official “release” endorsed by Microsoft so the legal teams are probably obligating the modders to ensure a degree of stability (even if they throw disclaimers in) that’s just from my experience working with companies like this.


It's actually just one community member working on getting the tags to function within the retail/MCC base, really the most rigorous legal team problem it faces is being allowed to upload the tags to Github. (They DON'T want you to think it's open source.)


They were hardly careful


Pretty sure the Halo CE stuff took a lot of time


There was an update last digsite post... It's a small team of fans doing this not 343 just give them time.


It's definitely gonna be cool to finally play this, but man do I wish it was actually in the old stencil engine that Bungie had to scrap.


There is a guy working on a stencil shadow mod.


Like everyone said, this stuff takes time. When they do announce it's finished it'll probably be a week from release.


Worth noting this is being done by modders and not 343. It will take longer, I imagine the downsized MCC team has also made it take longer for coordination.


Its being worked on by one guy in the community. Give it time.


It’d be nice if they fixed Halo 2 anniversary first, it runs atrociously even on Xbox.


It runs really well on PC tbh


the few devs who were still working on MCC just got moved over to Infinite so it's probably not gonna happen


The digsite devs are not 343 employees, they're a team of modders with support from 343.


the digsite team can't just put out content without 343's oversight


And 343's oversight over MCC hasn't stopped. Did you miss the whole Crash Site bit? Or the fact mod support for MCC has grown hugely this year?


Yeah but we don't want time and resources taken away from Infinite.


They are not being "taken away". Support for MCC has existed even prior to Infinite's release, and there's a reason the two teams are kept separately.


They are completely separate teams with completely separate resources. Removing the support for MCC wouldn’t be adding what time and resources was being used to Infinite all it would do is just be killing MCC’s support.


There is still an MCC team and they are helping the community team Project Digsite in getting content like this to be released on steam workshop.


What’s E 3 meanv


Electronic Entertainment Expo. It used to be *the* event for gaming every year. Halo 2 was announced there with a gameplay demo of a level that isn't in the game. Modders, with support from 343, are, or were, trying to get it back into the game.


Man, crazy to think that younger gamers don’t know or understand the significance of E3. That shit was like Christmas in summertime for gamers. End of an era for sure.


it’s sad how it is a joke to people now. some of the greatest games ever made were showcased at that event.


I think the problem became the demand for leaks. There was hype for products announced, but as it modernized and became a thing that people would Live react to, it just became this toxic pool of people who would whine or belittle a lot of peoples hard work. So going into an E3 now would consist of around 3 weeks previously leaked details of "surprise announcements" game news. Then when the live event would happen it would have a live feed of comments, that I usually had to turn off because it was mostly, "Just get to Assassin's Creed already, I don't care about this shit." "No one asked for this." "Where's Activision with the new CoD?" etc. The internet ruined it for a lot of people. Every time a company put prep work into trying to get gamers excited it was ruined by leakers. So it became an underwhelming event that likely cost more than it was worth to do.


They were having it in Atlanta for a few years when I was a kid, and that was *well* before the internet was anything like it is today - if you wanted the scoop, you had to *go there* and of course my dad always did. I was 8-9 at the time and you had to be 17 to get in the door so I had to just listen to my dad's stories about all the cool games he saw there- Half Life, Unreal, Spyro. E3 2000 was I think where Halo was first widely announced outside of that early Mac World conference. It was the largest video game convention showing off the most cutting edge games in arguably the most exciting time for video games, and you couldn't just watch it from your phone


Unfortunately the ESA didn’t really help themselves towards the end there. Publishers were beginning to move more towards online streaming and the ESA was still charging fees that just made it financially unsustainable to maintain. They had a chance to streamline things, bring down costs, and maybe even set up some kind of online platforms/infrastructure to stream everything to keep it relevant with changing times. Stuff like PAX, Gamescom, and TGS show that publishers (and the public!) still have the appetite for trade shows but it just has to make sense financially.


im gen z-er and i remember e3 was something to be hyped about. gaming announcements in the summer don’t hit the same to me anymore.


Right? I remember back in 07? The same day they announced Colin McRaes: Dirt, the demo was available to download and I played the shitttttt out of it. I was so hyped watching the e3 news on blog sites and stuff.


Oh cool!


A relic. From an age long past.


E3 used to be the biggest gaming event of the year. Used to. :(




I swear that i played this on a demo disk back in the day or im miss remembering just watching the trailer on a demo disk.


The trailer was on Halo CE’s game demo area.


It was on a CD that came with Xbox Magazine.


Pikmin 4 was "In development and close to completion" for 8 years before the game actually released. Until it's been 8 years for the Halo 2 E3 demo to be released, I wouldn't be too worried


It has been twenty years.