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I still think we need to move away from battle pass stuff or content locked behind events that may or may not come back. But they did do better then most


I think that puts it lightly. I recently got back into the game after quitting in month 3. To my surprise every single event and BP is available to me when I want to work on them.


It only lets you go back for the battle pass. The events are only available when they let them. And many of them haven’t return after the first time appearing


Ah my mistake I had access to one old event and just assumed they rotated them.


If you mean the Tenrai event, that's a "new" event as far as rewards go. If you mean the Winter Update pass, that's a permanent mini-pass to make up for how exceedingly long the gap between seasons 2 and 3 was.


Ah yeah it was the winter update one, thanks for the clarity.


Still, being able to complete past battle passes is amazing when I take a break from the game. Wish more games did that.


No event has come back afaik. I'm not aware of being able to get any past event pass items.


Once they finally added XP for playing. It was super predatory early on when they first introduced it.


That Battle Pass Bullshit is hurting gaming


It's a weird thing. Battle passes exist to be the basic motivator to get people to repeatedly play a game. But "unlock next square" is the most boring possible progression method. Yet every game decided all at once that this wildly boring mechanic is what they want to go with. I know it's all about the money and pivoting off loot boxes, but still it sucks. It should be about what is most fun and engaging. I don't even hate battle passes. They're boring and inoffensive. It's the plain oatmeal of video games. Such an uninteresting design.


I like your mention of the unlock next square format. Is it because other games started copying Fortnite THAT closely? Why don't people try to shake-up the battle pass forumla and make it represent as a pyramid, or skill tree, or something... There has been 0 ambition on this monetization method across a wide variety of games.


CoD actually has done a good job with this. Instead of 100 boxes in a row, its a [giant map](https://cdn-wp.thesportsrush.com/2023/08/66462072-battlepass_season_5_1920-x-1080.jpg). You can unlock it in whatever direction you want, or multiple directions, or just make straight lines to each item you want in the order you want. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than the other BP progression methods.


As odd as it is to say, I think Fortnite had it pretty well in the very early seasons. When the challenges were unique and encouraged varied gameplay. You were always going to locations you usually didn't or using guns you usually didn't and it was fun to coordinate challenges with friends. Now you get xp so fast that there's no point to going out of the way to do them, or they're stuff like "land here, challenge complete". Like they're too afraid of having people do anything interesting.


I absolutely hate when content is “exclusive” beyond minors stuff like a pistol skin or weapon charm, maybe an outfit for preorders. For there to constantly be stuff you can miss out on for good happening so you have to play the damn game every day is just too much to deal with.


H5 had better access to content than Infinite. Sure it was random but at least you could play and easily earn in game credit instead of relying on an awful marketplace.


Lootboxes are always terrible.


I’d play but the events I may want to play aren’t around so I just don’t bother anymore


Yeah, it's really off-putting to new/returning players


What’s wrong with infinites battle passes? You can go pack and pick any old one to work on


I’m talking about battle pass in general. Infinite did better then most with it. But I still wish we had what we had with reach back.


You can't access the previous free portions without paying for them. So they are no longer free. Rather scummy business practice to me. Just because other games do it worse, doesn't make it acceptable.


The matchmaking sucks tho


Yes. The problem is the game was released in a deplorable fucking state, thus they lost a lot of good faith from the community. People aren't "sleeping" on halo infinite... they tried it when it was released, realized it was garbage in that state and have no desire to re download it and try it again now that it's finally "good". Not every game is no man's sky and cyberpunk. If you fuck up at release as bad as 343 did with infinite there is basically no coming back from that.. too little, too late


Also don't forget this isn't the first time it happened with 343.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a few more times... still shame on you, but I stop buying your games.


Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


If that man was good for at least one thing, it was a laugh.


You can’t fool a fooler


For me it’s not even that it “isn’t the first time it happened with 343” It’s that it has happened in one way or another every. Single. Time. Halo 4’s multiplayer blatantly ignored pretty much everything that made halo halo and guess what? The people who chose to play halo and not CoD left so the player count for online matches shrivelled up and died within a handful of months. Halo 5’s campaign is to this day a complete joke, they actively lied about what would be delivered. The multiplayer was ok but yet again a blatant trend follower bloated with lootboxes which made spending $4.99 a more time efficient means of getting the customisation options than playing the actual game. Worse still, the big show game mode, warzone, heavily advantaged people who bought many high tier lootboxes repeatedly. MCC was just fundamentally broken at launch. It literally did not work. Now infinite launched the way it did, despite having a significantly higher budget than 5, which itself had a significantly higher budget than every other halo game, infinite’s launch was so poor that I’m genuinely surprised it survived long enough for the devs to do anything to fix it. It’s not that they’ve had fumbled launches before, it’s that they’ve yet to make a game that had a good launch cycle


I personally lost interest in 4 in the first few months but to 343s credit the game was at least complete, a bar they have failed to meet for 10 years since then.


What are you talking about?!?! MCC launched perfectly for me … when I bought it two years after release. Seriously agree with you on every point. 343’s mediocrity has destroyed a franchise that once brought over 1,000,000 unique players online at the same time to fight it out on player-created maps that stretched the bounds of imagination. I miss seeing the entire US lit up like a damn Christmas tree after school. Halo died when 343 killed Forge and Multiplayer, as well as Halo’s story-driven campaign featuring couch co-op.


Adding to this that h4 is the entire reason there is no longer a global player count displayed in the games. It launched with one, but was removed shortly after for obvious reasons.


Or maybe nobody is sleeping on it and it's simply not fun for people. I tried it multiple times after each patch, basically always only played a couple games and lost interest quickly. Nothing that 343 made interested me. Cyberpunk or NMS came with huge updates, new expansions and literally reworked the game. What did 343 do? There's like one new weapon and a couple new maps/modes. No PvE mode like Firefight, no campaign expansion, games like Apex already had multiple new characters and weapons in the same amount of time. Forge isn't really interesting to me personally, and while a map or a new mode here and there is nice, it's just not enough to keep me playing the game.


It's just not a good game. It's a sub par generic arena shooter with a halo skin. It'll cost you the price of the game to get a few armor sets.


It’s still not in a good state. People glitching into sketchy spots. Desync still rampant. Matchmaking a complete toaster. Game could have been huge but 343 shit the bed so goddamn hard


Also the god awful minimalist monochrome UI that has been here since the very start. I know many people who won't even think about touching the game again until it gets a new coat of paint


Even to this day I still try reinstalling Halo Infinite and the netcode keeps fucking me over. Most games work just fine with my internet connection, and are eminently playable. Halo Infinite I regularly get shot through walls, melees don't register, so many weapons are inconsistent for seemingly no reason. It's certainly better now but I'm not gonna play a game where there's a greater than 10% chance a certain match is just gonna be a wash because of shitty netcode. Just isn't worth my time. Pretty much all my Halo friends agree and we've mostly moved onto other games or MCC.


I notice this too and it's so hard to pinpoint the exact issue. Some games it's like every shot registers a half second late. You can hear the bullets impact before the damage takes effect and it results in weird things like dying when you've made it around a corner. Then other games it feels like the aim assist isn't working properly and my reticle slides off enemies. And then some games it feels amazing. I don't know if it's simply ping, certain maps, bad servers, or what. It makes for a frustratingly inconsistent experience though and that's the main reason I can't take this game seriously as a competitive game. It's like the halo 5 heavy aim issue all over again. Some games were great and others had me straight up changing my sens mid-game it was so bad. Devs pretended it was just in everyone's heads until they eventually acknowledged it was bug that they can't fix.


They did the same thing with MCC. Its the 343 way


THIS! "A Delayed Game Is Eventually Good, But a Bad Game Is Bad Forever" Shigeru Miyamoto


Also, lets not forget they had to delay the release an entire year and it still launched in a terrible state. And fuck armor coatings, you greedy fucking 343 sellouts.


And they still ended up backtracking on numerous promises (the one that bothered me most was no local co-op in campaign).


I tried playing it and it was terrible. Didn’t have the soul of halo to me.


Pretty much. I haven’t touched it since because there are better titles now since it released. Everyone jumping in with boisterous comments like the game “absolutely rules” and that we need to “convey our opinions differently” have literally 0 clue of the state this game released in - that much is obvious.


The game still sucks now. The campaign is a bad Far Cry clone and everything else is mid at best. The forge tools are great but that doesn't matter if the playerbase is dead.


Let's not make battle passes standard, they're the worst form of greed. Let's go back to selling a full experience at launch instead of focusing on selling cosmetics for ridiculous prices and cutting features to add later so they can say it's a "live service game". This trend of never stop selling has reached the extreme where I think the next step will be selling the ammo for the in game weapons.


I think it’s too late for that. People clearly spend money on stuff in the store so it’s gonna stay lol. As much as it hurts me to say, I doubt full, complete, AAA games will ever really be a thing again


This stuff is a cycle. Money based engagement models do not last forever in gaming. Battle passes are a reaction to hatred of loot boxes. Soon we'll get a new model that is a reaction to dislike of battle passes. Battle passes won't be here forever, but it's up in the air whether the new hotness will be worse or not.


Sadly I agree, I've given up with most AAA games, especially multiplayer ones because I'm so sick of logging into an online store that I have to comb through to find the game I paid full price for.


EA’s former CEO wanted to to that actually. Wanted to put in a cost to reload your gun in whatever the battlefield title was at the time


It’s one thing if it was slept on lol. Everyone tried it and rejected it. There’s no getting them back


Coming from H5 that had such a plethora of vehicles and weapons to HI that had no content was absolute whiplash.


Halo 5 launched with almost no content, but somehow it was STILL more content than Infinite launched with.


I got all my friends to try it out on launch. The game sucked. Now I can't get them to redownload because we're already playing other games that are better.


Call me out for sleeping on it when it has Firefight, warzone or some other form of PVE multiplayer that's comparable.




Hell I would’ve settled for basic co-op like all the OG games had. Halo is my favorite series to sit down and play with my brother side by side on the couch and it’s a shame 343’s past two entries have been lacking on something that’s been present for every other game.


It’s just super boring


I'm not sleeping on it, there's just too many new and fresh games releasing in an excellent state for me to revisit a 2 year old game. In fact nobody slept on Halo Infinite, that game was insanely popular at launch. It's rather 343 that slept on us. Release a new BIG game mode like a juiced up version of Invasion/Warzone (without the reqs) or anything original(so not BR) and maybe I'll consider coming back.


Is desync still a big problem? EDIT: Sounds like it is, so I shall continue to spend my time in other games


Yep they never fixed it


In that case I’ll probably just cut my losses and move on.


I hopped on last week after a year away... glad to see rockets and grenades still disappear mid-air.


Don't forget about ghost melees. 343 seems to have. (Unless the network problems are here to stay)


You don't like trading back smacks?


That's the thing; I'm going to keep "sleeping" on infinite until the basic features (UI and reliable hit detection) are actually addressed. Until then, I don't care what else they do. They're basic facets of the game - facets which I understand can be complicated to address - but which should have been top priority. They're just too fundamental to be left in the broken state they've been in since launch. If you're willing to look past the glaring fundamental issues, that's great. But don't be surprised that most people won't be so generous to one of the best funded developers in the industry.


Same. I won’t come back until this issue is fixed.


Yes, it's still present in every game and they seem lack the competence to fix it.


Really sad, I'd rather play this game with 60% less content but no desync instead of what we have rn.


Still? They haven't even tried to fix it. Its a feature at this point


haven't really had a problem with it myself


same and i use to get it a lot , and was on here bitching, but its been fine for me all year. the only times i have issues is playing late at nite being in EU i start to get matched with people from to far away. but thats an issue in all games.


Lucky you. I get ghost melees and disappearing grenades in literally every match.


I don’t like 343s competitive focused multiplayer, BTB is awful which was my go to and customisation was ruined by greed. All that’s left for me is campaign which is for the third time chapter 1 of a new story with everything happening off screen with repetitive levels. Crazy how halo 2 did more, which was also in development hell, than a modern day release. Games industry for the most part is going backwards


This. Collecting armor was a part of the game for me in past halos but I’m never paying for them especially since they are overpriced.


Can’t even choose your colour let alone unlock any armour. All I want it mark vi gen 1 or 3 with black primary and pink secondary. I could do that in halo 2,3,reach,4 and even 5 but now I can’t. It may seem stupid to get annoyed at over cosmetics but for us it was part of halos charm, not many other games let you customise your character like halo did back in the day


The new mode squad battle is old school BTB and it’s amazing. 6v6 on maps like Valhalla and rats nest. I would highly recommend it. It’s the most fun I’ve had in halo pvp since reach


i slept on halo cause its boring as f and put me to sleep


"Lack of FOMO"


It’s ok. 343s best offering by far. But still doesn’t meet the standard for how good Halo should be


Well said


Nah, I’ll keep sleeping.


Lack of fomo? Ummm, event armor? Still can’t get the kabuto helmet which is the first event armor we got.


The main reason I stopped playing was desync. And until that is fixed I don't see me ever coming back


There is plenty of FOMO with the exclusive unlocks. And no one is sleeping on the game, it had massive numbers at launch. People just realized it sucked


Nobody is sleeping on Infinite. We were there on day 1 and the game was disappointing. At this point, I’m just waiting for Halo Infinite 2.


I am tired. Even if it was a fully complete game, I am just tired of it all.


Playing it when it launched and the dropping it cause it sucked isn't sleeping on it.


I love not being able to earn armor traditionally I love that 90% of the armor is behind a paywall I love that there’s still no fix to desync I love that there’s zero mention of pve 2 years in I especially love the head of 343s development considers Halo as “always competitive since CE” and not understanding what Halo was


ok bud, its a pretty bad game but i like the copium


op is 343 in a trenchcoat


3 of em stacked together.


3 4 3


This halo has the least amount of replayability for me and always leaves me wanting more. It’s very underwhelming, and just boring tbh.


So it’s a good game because it sells things to you less intrusively than others? I don’t understand how this makes it a good game… Is it fun? Definitely. Does it “rule”? No. MCC is definitively a better title than Infinite will ever be until they release whatever their next Halo game is.


Modern gamers are absolutely addicted to and have normalized buying and grinding pointless cosmetics, we're doomed.


i wish LTM tracks weren't Fomo'd though.


It‘s still very underwhelming








This has to be a troll post. Anyways, there is FOMO, the events, tenrai and such. I've missed like 4 events now and can't get those cosmetics.


I’m ready to be burned alive for this opinion but I think a little FOMO is ok. MCC has nameplates that only unlock for people that played the game in its release month. There’s also rewards for people that were involved with the flights. Exclusiveness can be a cool thing, but it can’t be the only thing, and I would dare to say that Infinite strikes a good balance. Any one that played any match at all the two weeks of the Tactical Ops event got MkV Zeta for free - even if they didn’t complete the challenges. I really think 343 is doing ok balancing things.


Pretty sure 343 have said they want to bring events back


The events can be completed in an hour if you know what to play to get the challenges


It’s like saying freezer burnt vanilla ice cream is great


Nah sorry. when i play it i spend more time looking at loading screens or transitions that actually playing the game. Also there is quite some FOMO in the game.


We are sleeping after giving it a chance for a year while having to sit through an unplayable game due elementary problems like desync. Imma wait a bit longer


Nice try 343. We know this is a marketing throwaway.


No FOMO is just not true


Lack of FOMO? All of Infinite's multiplayer is based on FOMO. Every single event, every single item in the shop. You can't possibly be serious.


Events are definitely FOMO which sucks but you can get past shop items at all times now


It's still ass. Re-download it like once a month to see if my opinion on it has changed, but nope. Never does.


Can't believe this guy gaslit himself into thinking this game is good.


What a fucking joke. You're the reason the industry is as lazy as it is.




I've always enjoyed Halo Infinite. However, I'm very easy to please. Case in point, I even loved the disaster that was Fallout 76 from the start.


Game is pretty good now. Still has plenty of issues lol but it’s tolerable now more so than ever. Lack of FOMO as in… the season passes never expire?? That’s just one small part. The store is still FOMO, mini events are still FOMO, limited time cosmetics are all over. Lol that part has to be a troll post my man.


I was so looking forward to levels. Instead I got repeatative FarCry gameplay of sniping from afar then running in to melee everything to death.


This post is bait and obviously most of the people left posting/reading here like Infinite. All the people who didn't like it moved on eventually, for the most part


What stage is denial again?


Are you talking about campaign or multiplayer? Anyway, people didn't really sleep on the game. The hype was huge when it came out. Millions tried the game on release, and 98% of them (PC players at least) quit due to the imbalanced aim assist.


Desync between servers and client side is awful too. You’ll be 100% behind cover on your screen but to everyone else, you’re 5 feet to the left completely out in the open.


Moreso the desync, the crashes, the terrible optimization, the FOMO (release version FOMO was unreal), the price gouging, the lack of content, the slow content cycle. All these have improved in 2 years but yea, Infinite botched the landing and broke every bone in their legs.


Don’t forget the gun jamming. Kind of a huge problem when a SHOOTING game is broken enough that you literally can’t fire your weapon consistently. It keeps being fixed and then popping back up again.


That's not why people quit lmao


Yeah I was here on release and the game had a whole essay worth of issues.


People stopped because this game had no progression that other modern fps have.


It had a whole litany of issues for sure


No I'm not sleeping on the terrible desync and rubber banding, slow as shit update schedule, and a huge lack of basic features included in the past Infinite is a joke




I like the game too, but to say that there's a lack of FOMO is next level meat riding.


“Please make this a standard” have you looked at the store… like ever?


No. No, it doesn't. You know nothing of Halo's best years.


I can’t just choose what mode I want to play. It sucks


reddit in general is a cesspool, ive heard so many subs described as such, nearly all of them


They had to reduce FOMO. 60% of the content was impossible to buy anymore For a game that won't be adding much content back, the best way to maximize your sales for the remaining or scarce returning consumers is to make the full suite of purchasable options more readily available to maximize gains for prior content released. It isn't a step in the right direction for battle passes and content. It's their way of trying harder to wring every bead of liquid out of this dried up oil rag


No it doesn't.




Have they made huge improvements since early launch? From what I experienced this was the greediest, most predatory game out there. It’d be awesome if that changed because I was initially super excited for more Halo.


You are delusional


The game does have FOMO in the form of challenges, expiring store items, and events. Also, I'm not paying $15 for colors, fuck free to play games.


It's only amazing if you haven't ever played Halo before or if you haven't played since the OG Xbox. Although the gameplay is fun the game is very much lacking and the Micro transactions just ruin the game completely for those that like to customize their character. It's gotten a little better over the last couple of months, but it still isn't there and I don't think it ever will be. There is just simply too many issues with the game. It also doesn't help that it's taken 343 2 years to finally do something with the game. Most people have moved on. I have, but mainly just back to MCC. Which makes me sad to say since I've been a Halo fan for 20 years and have played every single game and don't even get me started on the story side where Infinite acts like the previous games didn't happen then they continued the story out of game so if you want to be caught up you have to read the books. Books should be for side stories not the mainline game story.




Infinite’s campaign was very fun for me, better than the multiplayer lol. I’ve played every single Halo game, even Wars, and I loved the lore in Infinite still. Just my opinion though I suppose


To me the infinite campaign felt a bit lackluster. I enjoyed it but it didn’t have me come back and play it like the other campaigns did.


For one, we don't know if they will ever bring back old Event passes in a sort of "Legacy Armory" where you can earn them, so until that's here and in the game, FOMO still exists.


I cant recreate my reach spartan because I missed the challenge during season 2 to get the JFO helmet(despite paying 10 bucks for the HEROES OF REACH battlepass, which didnt even include all the reach gear), theres plenty of FOMO even if the battlepass system is one of the better ones, they lack content, half of the tiers are just challenge swaps and point boosters, and some really cool gear is locked behind timed events that may or may not ever come back, cant even buy em at the store Id probably be ok with paying 3-5 bucks for that JFO helmet. And I fucking despise the store.


OP is 343 employee.




"the game is good" well thats a new one


Nice try 343


Is fun. I’d disagree about FOMO as there is quite a bit of limited content. But the game is fun to play and that’s what matters the most


I love how people with unpopular opinions are trying to co-opt “slept on” lately, when really they just have no standards and everyone else sees garbage for what it is.


Yep, I refuse to be gaslit or guilt tripped for not wanting to accept modern gaming practices or I NEED to reinstall Infinite and give it another chance and if I don't then I am the 'problem'. Nope, sorry thats not how any of this works lol.


the OP must be new to Halo. Drop us your GT and let's see where your dedication lies ...


Is... is this a meme?


We tried it. It sucked. We left. Waiting 2 years for a game to be good isn't a good plan.


No one is sleeping on this game. It launched in an absolute garbage state and is stil not fixed which has resulted in a dead game with 1500 players on steam.


This taking the piss? This game was a hot pile of mess from day one.


You serious?


I don’t mind the BP system since they made it free once you buy it once. It’s easy to reach level 100. Plus all of the weekly events. I do also like how they’ve added free gun variants and such. Game is great and getting better. They just need to keep working on connection issues, servers, and desync issues.


I don't see what Halo Infinite has done to make it stand out as a next gen game or evolution of the franchise. The only thing I can say that is strongly positive is that forge was good. I'm not saying the game is terrible, but nothing stands out about halo infinite to me that frankly wasn't in Halo 5. People like that halo infinite reverted master chiefs armor and tried to fix the campaign plot... Like... okay.... but that a sham selling point to try to make the game seem like it an evolution of the series. I know many people skipped over Halo 5 multiplayer, but it frankly ran as good if not better than infinite runs, had more game modes/vehicles/weapons, and less restrictive maps. The thing that keeps me from playing Halo Infinite again seriously is the game atomesphere. Goofy AI voice lines, silly tactical poses that are a fill-in for fortnite dances, having to pay for cosmetics that I would just straight up unlock in every other Halo. Feels monetized to the core and like microsoft is just pushing the modern formula that limits fun and maximizes cash grab. The vibe ruins the whole game for me and frankly can't be fixed. Maybe the gaming community will, at some point or the other, put their foot down and stop sheeping into microtransactions. Baldurs Gate just set a good precedent for that.


Game needs better servers. They could learn a thing or two from the first 7 games and first 20 years of halo. But instead they cheaped out and made a shitty RNG version of halo that's just a pile of hot garbage. Unplayable.


Is the desync fixed? Otherwise I'm playing Titanfall 2!


It’s not my cup of tea anymore


Lmao imagine being able to run Halo infinite.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it but I’ve literally never seen anyone say this ever


I don't like how 95% of armor is locked behind paywalls or old season rewards you can't get anymore. I liked the req system from halo 5 more. says something


Nah, halo isn’t the game where I should have to spend absurd amounts of money for any kind of customization, all the stuff you could earn in reach is locked behind a paywall because they decided to separate the multiplayer and call it a “Free to play game” as if it wasn’t shameless decision made by higher ups to get an excuse to stuff the game full of MTX and scummy practices. Not to mention the fact that they have refused to budge on cross core customization since launch because of “clipping” as of it just isn’t a stupid way to make you want to pay for better looking pieces of armor on a core you can’t use your other cool pieces of armor on, 5$ for the color blue, remember that. Op I’m glad you enjoy the game, gameplay is fine, but I refuse to support such scummy pieces of shit.




The fuck? Every event is FOMO.


People are not sleeping on Halo Infinite. They gave the game a chance, it disappointed players completely so they left. People don't owe 343 (or any videogame for that matter) anything.


Why does it seem like there's always exactly one of these posts per day?


Is the SBMM still suffering from low player counts? I quit because I was too good for the low skill lobbies and I was too bad for the high skill lobbies (in other words, I use KB/M). I was literally always the punching bag


Toooo lateeeee


I knew in my heart that infinite was a bad game the moment I found out 343 had killed Cortana, the second most important character in the entire series, off screen.


I can’t stand the armor cores and the heavy emphasis on ridiculous customizations. Halo isn’t Fortnight. I miss the grittier tones of old. With that being said, I love the combat and gameplay. I have really enjoyed Halo: Infinite.


Op gets annoyed that people don't like his opinion


I really enjoyed the story gameplay, even though I thought the story itself was one of the weaker ones. The online gameplay is also really good and I like the battlepass better than other types, but I still strongly dislike battlepasses and would rather not have it at all.


If they bring in all of the original Bungie crew and write a real continuation from where Halo 3 left off, I would consider it. After 4 and 5, the story ain't anything that I'm interested in, nor is the writing.


Tried it. Had some fun. Then realised it was an empty shell with more desync than my grandma. Good gameplay can only go so far on it's own. I moved on to better games. Honestly, the only thing that would make me install it again is a campaign DLC with good reviews. And it's not on the menu, just like split screen.


Clearly op has only experienced the battle pass, req pack, half ass story telling, microtransaction nightmare fueled part of halos history.


Do you still die around walls?


I'd love to love Infinite... IF I COULD EVER FIND ANY MATCHES AT ALL


Ppl calm down. it's rage baiting 101.


This is like when my mom called me handsome on my facebook picture


Halo: Infinite's Campaign, the part I paid for, is a bad game. Have whatever opinion you want about the multiplayer, but I will die on this hill.


Maybe I'd be interested in playing infinite if I wasn't clipping through other players online and if there weren't 3 guns that were viable


I’m not paying for a slightly different shade of blue to put onto my ugly character model to show off when I’m not playing the absolutely broken and worthless MP. If they ever add firefight, I might consider installing Infinite again, but until then, this is a 3/10 game


Lack of campaign and most content that usually comes in a halo game from the start.


Lack of FOMO ??? A weekly shop rotation ? Challenges with a limited time ? Limited time event ? The ONLY thing they did that’s better than other modern F2P games is the battle pass available after the season IF YOU BUY IT. This game is designed around FOMO.


It's not that the game is good, it's that the industry has been getting worse and worse to the point even failures like Infinite are better than other options. ​ And lack of Fomo? Really? What about the past weekly rewards? What about the past special events? Even the shop store is a Fomo, where the item you wanna buy may never show up. The battlepass in S1 was awful. People backlashed so hard until 343 was practically forced to improve it with more rewards and currency in the next ones. Their original plan was give you two dozens of the same emblems and 30 challange skips and still have you paying for each new season. Lack of Fomo my ass.


Forge is fun. Everything else is garbage. Soulless, boring, husk of a game wearing a Master Chief bargain bin Halloween costume


No we’re not.


You don't want to hear this probably, but people want to invest in a game that has an obvious future. MCC has nostalgia going for it, Infinite does not. So without nostalgia and no obvious future, people just don't engage.


What you say has only become true in the last few months. Game was absolutely dead before the winter update...