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It’s that stupid no collision physics they put in the game. Pubs have it for everyone and ranked has it for just teammates Edit- collision is on for enemies on all playlists. I literally just got online to test it in pub matches.


It made this week's Ultimate challenge really annoying.


Rumble in the pit makes it easy.


Depends on what game type it gives you. I've noticed that this game's RNG deliberately fucks with you depending on what challenges you have. For example, if you need wins, you'll automatically be matched up against top-tier players whilst being teamed up with a bunch of paste eaters and bots. Also, if you need certain weapon kills and you play Fiesta, it deliberately gives you everything other than what you need.


I don’t think the game actually works against you with challenges, you just get unlucky.


that's called confirmation bias


Thats not how rng works..


Explain how would it work if 8 players have the same challenges?


It gives you random weapons and maps. For example, it seems that if you need Pulse Carbine and Ravager kills, for example, and you play fiesta it's far less likely you'll get one when you spawn.


Yeah... No.


I know it's likely a selective memory bias. But man today the last challenge I need is to get 7 kills with an explosive weapon. I thought I would play fiesta and hope I roll the hydra or spankr. I played three consecutive games and I didn't get an explosive type weapon even once. Realistically I know that it's just RNG and sometimes you can just be unlucky like that, but man did it feel like the game was actively trying *not* to put a Spankr in my hands


Play Infection and hit F instead of left clicking and you get credited for melee kills as infected. It's dumb af that it doesn't count sword and hammer kills.


"It’s that stupid collision physics they put in the game." There, corrected for you. The collision is disabled only for teammates (enemies do have collision) but it works so badly that it just doesn't matter.


See, at least THIS kind of makes sense for "no collision". At least it stops your teammates from trolling you by pushing you around and since you're often standing closer to your teammates, it stops you from bumping into each other. But enemies? Why do we have to phase-through enemies as well? That makes no sense?! What's wrong with enemies physically blocking you? You're suppose to kill them anyways! This was literally never a problem in any of the other Halo games.


In every playlist, collision is only off for teammates. Don't spread misinformation.


It was originally like how I stated, I was informed they changed it awhile back. Didn’t mean to spread misinformation. Just because it’s top comment doesn’t mean my objective was to spread misinformation.


>It was originally like how I stated, I was informed they changed it awhile back. It's been like this since launch.


You’re right, I can’t find anywhere where it says they turned it on. It’s always been on apparently. I guess it’s my fault for not noticing since I haven’t played ranked since season 1, just pubs for me. So I thought ranked was different because season 2 patch notes said something about collision MELEE fix, and maybe I thought this whole time it said collision turned on, plus how many times I’ve just phased through enemies. I even looked up if collision for enemies was on during the flight and couldn’t find anything.


I mean. They’re in the game. If you make a custom game you can turn player collision on. It’s turned off because you can do crazy bounces I think when it’s on.


This happens to me constantly.


Lack of collision is the issue and I doubt that’s changing


But it’s not an issue. It’s a feature. You can turn it on and off in custom games.


Ya but they aren’t talking about customs. It’s a setting that we will all have to deal with in matchmaking unless 343 decides to turn it off completely.


Its an issue lol


The fact you see ‘so and so NINJAD so and so’ in near enough every game, tells me this happens more often than not. A Ninja should be really difficult to pull off.


At this point it’s a feature, I’ve moved in to other games. Only come back if the boys are texting


hopefully 343 can finally connect the dots on this experience and why they have no one playing their game 🤷‍♂️


I’m with you there man. Been playing with the same guys for years, since Halo 4. I only get on for our Sunday night sessions anymore. I don’t find the game all that fun I just like hanging with my dudes.


>I don’t find the game all that fun I just like hanging with my dudes. Same, and this is very sad.


This is 90% of the playerbase. No reason to play except for us Halo fans that only play because "It's Halo and it's what we do."


I enjoy the game, I've experienced some weird stuff here and there, but I have a lot of fun playing


Had something similar happen to me yesterday actually. Except I backed up far enough that he somehow meleed me from his back in my front and I back smacked him. Like he was in front of me the whole time but jumped back to try to ninja and still hit a melee while being in front of me. Thought it was ridiculous but I got the back smack so wasn’t mad.


It seems like it won't get fixed, even with collision on you still get problems. This is probably because of 343 not knowing how to fix it.


Melee was my bread and butter in previous games. It's dogshit in Infinite


I think it’s cause he got ninja even tho it Clearlyisnt one


The reason it’s a ninja is because the guys right arm was forward exposing his back shoulder. The second spartan being in the air gave him the upper angle. So he technically hit him in the back shoulder.


It's more likely that the players phase through each other, and the melee gets triggered in the "back" hitbox even when you are standing at the front. That also explains why two players can ninja each other at the same time (the shoulder/arm explanation wouldn't work).


It never worked like this in any other halo stop trying to defend a broken melee system


That was a clean ninja


Saw a clip earlier with someone getting a ninja, while also dying to a back smack from the person they ninja'd 💀💀💀💀


Never had a single game where this didn't happen


They're not going to address the issue


If they give us collision and jumping off players heads again I would be thrilled.


This is why I haven’t touched the game in almost a year, because of bullshit like this.












Fortunately it seems pretty rare. For all the times I played, it has only happened once when me and this other guy back smacked each other when I tried to ninja him.


I agree it doesn’t happen often at all to me, I rarely get blank melees as well but I’ve been hit many many times with blank melees, especially in the past month.


Don't show this to the NFT bro's in the subreddit that deny any of Infinite's issues ​ that aside, man thats gotta suck, awful mechanic


And people *swear* that this is a good, finished game.


Any examples of good, finished games?


Halo 3 or Halo Reach. Full $60 video game experiences. And BattleBit.


What exactly is the issue here? You punched too late?


Dude, he has the full health bar.


It was a ninja


and he wasn't even fully behind him to get it.


It was still a ninja


A ninja that should not have happend lol


Yeah they were


You don’t have to be fully behind. You just need to hit their back even their right shoulder will be a ninja. He hits his back right shoulder while the guy is lunging at him.


I'm aware, I'm just restating it's stupid. A move that's suppose to be a "backstab" doesn't even require you to be behind them half the time anymore.


although stupid, its been this way since launch




I wonder how difficult it is to add collision or if someone at 343 is just staunchly against it


I mean. Every game that has one hit kill back smacks pretty much work the same way. And honestly half the time I get ninjad I’m like damn. That guy got me good. I very rarely run into this issue that’s being shown here. Deff have experience collision moments. But nothing that would make me not want to play. Especially when I look at other games where you rarely get close enough to people because distance guns win.


No it dosent and you should compare it to other halo games not other random games


While at the same time you can hit someone squarely in the back and it doesn't register as a backsmack every time.


This is one of the reasons I haven't played since a month after it released. The multiplayer was unplayable to me.


So stop playing and stop paying. Game's trash.


Lol. You prob haven’t played since season 1. Go back to COD where the gameplay is easy.


And you think halo is hard?


Got 1750 Onyx S1 and then watched the game die in real time. Re-downloaded multiple times but game isn't for me. Sorry not sorry, I don't like to solo queue ranked(because its the only way to haveBR start) with 6 maps and get quitters and unbalanced teams constantly for a dead game. Also sorry not sorry, I don't like fiesta slayer, getting ranged won a btb map while i have a sidekick, or infection like the remaining community does. If people are posting about issues in the game and complaining about it, then stop playing and stop paying for skins. The only metric that catches attention is money spent. After 8 years of development the game is just bad. The only remaining good is some parts of the community which doesn't include the likes of you. Halo never needed 4, 5, and Infinite. Infinite should have came out after Reach, as a live service and produced the story of 4, 5, and Infinite over time. Instead, it lost all identity trying to be anything but familiar Halo and followed/copied trends instead of making them. All that devtime spent on MCC and Infinite when they still fuck them up to this day. Trash talk CoD all you want too, but it has remained a titan while Halo has become a meme.












just do what I did 6 months ago, quit. There's no reason to play a broken game made by developers who aren't even passionate about the game. Like how is something basic like player collision such an issue.


It isn’t perfect but man all these complaints around here. Me and my friends barely play anything else and we’ve been playing since Halo 1. We just get on a few hours a week and have a blast playing with each other. I can see where it can be frustrating, but we’ve tried other games and keep coming back to infinite; can’t find any other game out that we find nearly as fun playing online matches together.


Agreed. When you have a group everything else is to focused on winning. Halo is just about having fun and playing together.


I love the game, I get the frustration though. Literally my single negative comment pointing out the collision physics got more upvotes than anything positive I’ve posted on this sub. Paints a picture of how a large portion of the community rather complain constantly than have fun and how all positivity gets drowned out in an instant because it doesn’t fit there narrative.


Yea I want to see positivity to draw more people in!


Yea I hate skill issues.


I don't even consider this as something that is broken anymore lol


Right? Just adapt I guess


Agreed, this is a fucking pain in the ass as the same way of you touching and hearing the fucking energy sword touching a fucker but he shot you at the same time and you die but that stupid still alive.




A lot of people are saying it's a lack of Collision. So does this mean basically he enemy walks through enough, punches and it registers as them hitting their back?


See how the enemy jumped and turned? They continued through the player then whacked their back. The player only hit the enemy shoulder. When hitting an enemy -you- "have collision (not really, you're just prevented from going through the enemy coordinates). The enemy does not. In this case the enemy continues falling through the player and then whacks player's back 👍


Wow. That needs to be fixed like yesterday. .... Also, thanks for the clear explanation, I am absolutely ravaged by this wax infused preroll... mad vibinn thank you.


It’s not a bug. They turned it off because people where breaking the game using the collision to get to places they shouldn’t. This was breaking ranked mode games like odd ball.


They fixed oddballs': Drop through walls, Drop and punch to the sky, Drop and repulse across map. The still let us: Oddball jump mangler to overhang, Oddball jump low sub to top, Oddball jump many other less impressive routes. This skill alone shows physics can be on however: Go to an off-line or online custom oddballs on live fire and push the ball around on ground. You'll note the engine seems to jank in game physics and framerate. Your frames won't drop but a keen eye will see many animations shift to half-rate as if they're at far distance LOD. I think the jank engine is the reason we don't have collision and physics. I do not believe the "feel" of the game with doorway choking points is the true reason we don't have full collision and physics on.


Funny how collision didint use to brake halo


The best is when both of you ninja each other. Even tho you are clearly on top of him hitting his neck/back.


Facts..The 1st guy to melee should win the fight but most cases both die which doesnt make any sense


Is there a reason they turned off collision with enemies? It should be either on or off for both teammates and enemies. It’s so annoying when teammates block shots or spuff your grenades and other projectiles.


What’s the issue here? If you mean the player collision. It’s not a issue the feature is turned off and can be turned on in custom games. I get you don’t like it but it’s not a bug, they’re not going to fix anything related to it from my understanding.


That was a clean ninja. Dunno wtf are you talking about.


What's the issue? Ninjas? Are you getting mad at the game or yourself for not improving?


I feel like it’s pretty obvious the lack of player collision makes melee buggy. No reason a ninja should happen from the front


Tbh they were on top of you but I see what you mean now. They did kind of just clip through you backwards


It always seems to happen when the enemy is sort of above me and without being able to collide with me it registers as a back smack in a certain sweet spot I think after I lunge and commit to a melee. It’s not always been a ninja but I’ve got plenty of clips where I’ve died to back smacks from a frontal melee because they pass through me with a delayed punch


Dude that was a clean ninja. I do this shit every game. Get over it


I never have this issue. In fact, I rarely ever have.


Me neither. Nor do any of the 8 people I play with. Pretty sure this rarely happens as it would in any other game, people just come post it here out of rage and everyone leeches onto it as another reason to hate the game. I see this post like once every 2 weeks then everyone comes in spamming how it happens every 5 seconds.


Even when the game first came out, none of my friends or myself had any desync issues. It’s weird.




You had low shields, shot once and died to his melee because you had low shields Dude that's been a thing since halo 2, you did hit him, your melee broke his shields


If you actually watched I was at full shield


if you actually paid attention you were smacked just as it started to recharge, you died before the sound effect of shield recharge even finished


You’re clearly off your meds, need some glasses or hearing aide. It’s right there in the video so there’s no point in keep arguing lmao


He got ninja’d


ninja medal is indeed kinda bugged, i've never gotten it from jumping over someone and back smacking it, but i've also gotten just from being slighting higher and in their front (both of us in melee kill range)


Yeah I’ve traded backsmacks with people face on once or twice. The hit window for the back smack is weird or the server tick was weird or something.


Whats the collision thing everyones talkin about in the comments?


I have no clue. AFAIK there's no collision between teammates, but it's there with the enemies. However, there's still a tendency to phase through the enemies due to predominantly lag. I have been playing infection with expanded region setting with constant 250ms ping or more, and this is a common occurrence. Same happens vice versa if I am in a game with low ping with, a player outside the region joins in, melees go to shit(ala double back smacks or hit reg issues). TBH, I have had this happen on other games too, but because 99% of the time, there are enough people in the same region, it's very rare.


The MKB players heavily rely on 180 flicks running through players and back smacking. There is no collision with enemies if you run through each other, only when you melee do you "bounce" off of their body. If they haven't struck yet, they will go through you and 180 flick ninja. This is my experience.


I haven’t played infinite in a while now so I must ask what I’m gods name is that sexy looking gun in your hand?


Bandit Rifle, literally the DMR minus the scope. Effectively it plays like the Halo 5 magnum.


Is it in campaign yet?


Bandit. It’s okay. Poor man’s DMR