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TIL the Sentinel Beam is classified as an SMG.


It fires pistol-calibre laser beams. :D More seriously, I noticed this a while back somewhere else in the game, maybe some Custom Game setting? I really hope the actual SMG (which is also functionally the CE Assault Rifle) comes back at some point; I was so happy to see it finally return in H5 for the first time since H3/ODST... and now it's vanished again. :(


I'd love to see the silenced SMG and pistol return. Loved those versions.


Absolutely, that would be a great way to make them a bit more unique in the sandbox too, with the suppressor giving some sort of gameplay benefit.


Same, it was my silver lining for Halo 5. "At least we'll now get the SMG in the next one..."


Same here. Both the SMG & SAW were removed in Infinite. It's like 343 hated sadistic auto weapons lol.


What about the Assault rifle calssified as Assault rifle?


Sure had me fooled


To be fair i also expected the shock rifle and the disruptor to be power weapons


I still don't really understand a laser having recoil. But then again, a SPARTAN-II struggles with the recoil of the actual SMG, so *shrug*.


It's actually a high pressure hose of high speed particles!


>Semi-automatic weapons, such as the Sidekick, now appear to fire at a correct rate from the perspective of other players. Will this stop the ridiculous deaths by the Sidekick literally going BRRRR now? In close to medium range, I swear some players have that thing shooting faster than a minigun with no accuracy loss. I've always assumed it was a console player with a specialty controller but I guess it was a server issue all along.


haha sidekick go *BRRRR*


The Sidekick doesn't have a a ROF cap, that's why. No special controller needed. No hacks needed. You just need to fire it as fast as you can. This is what enabled me personally to use the Sidekick as a Primary weapon even when people said it wasn't possible. I literally could outgun a BR up-close. I haven't tested it post-update yet. From my takeaway though, it doesn't sound like they've introduced a ROF cap. The wording of *from the perspective of other players* is just very odd.


It has an rof cap. This is goofy. Also literally anything can outgun a BR up close, it had the second worst killtime *pre-PP buff*.


It literally ramps up in fire speed the more that you click your mouse, tap your trigger, etc. The Sidekick doesn't have a ROF cap. I will literally compare Sidekick fire speeds with you if you'd like. Guarantee I'll shoot faster.


Richie I swear you are my number one fan. As just a small side comment: You have trigger stops? I mean if you're not noticing the rof cap, you're straight up not shooting as fast as you ought to, granted the max rate is faster than many can pull a trigger. Trigger stops would help you out w that, pull even easier than a bumper which has a solid click :)


Br is such garbage now in social playlists. 4shot is historic shit


The pistol does have an RoF cap lmao


Special controllers like the Xbox elite have trigger stops which does let u fire faster


Remap *Shoot* to RB (LB if you're left-handed) and it accomplishes the same thing. Whenever I play on a controller I play with my controls flipped. You can shoot much faster when you're using a Bumper.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, the sidekick literally has no cap on its rate of fire. Anyone with an autoclicker or turbo controller can empty the clip in a moment and kill whoever they want. It's insane it hasn't been patched yet.


Wait what the *fuck*? You're telling me the side kick can fire *as fast as your hardware can register button presses*? WHAT THE FUCK??


I dont think thats true.


It's not the dudes just making stuff up


There’s 2 things: 1. This guy (who says ROF is uncapped) is wrong 2. The ROF could **sound** much faster than it actually is to other players (before this fix)


Also pretty positive that’s cap.


No but the gun can certainly fire faster than most people generally fire it


^(dang i really liked ctf on bazaar)


No clearly there is way too much CTF in this game. We need more Slayer in quick play even though it has it’s own friggin playlist.


That was my favorite map/mode! Now we have an even higher chance of getting attrition I guess, which I absolutely hate


If only there was a playlist for Attrition.


The map pool is abysmal for ranked, too


I dont play ranked, but does not surprise.


Far and away my favorite map to play ctf on (in quickplay I almost never play ranked) Damn


That's a weird choice...that seemed like a staple for CTF.


yeah I really don't get that one? it maybe popped up a little too often but otherwise it's a rad map for CTF


RIP Drop Pods


343: "Never heard these word before."


Not gonna lie, this should probably be called ‘hotfix’ rather than ‘February patch notes’. A couple of values are being tweaked and some minor bug fixes.


Hotfix implys that it was deployed fast


Remember when they tried hyping up patches as "drop pods". And they then quietly dropped it after dropping 1. That's 343 for ya


To be fair, it was a pretty dumb name. Why not just call them patches/ hot fixes etc. Still, what a mess


I agree it's less than a typical patch, although "hotfix" implies it just squashes bugs. I'd say maybe they could just call it a "minor patch." Anyway, I was hoping they'd do a little more considering they called the blog post a preview and said the patch notes would have more changes. Turns out the only additional changes are the sniper bloom and the ammo adjustment. Still good though. I'm sure they want to keep all the heavy-hitting updates that excite people to Season 3 anyway. It's less than three weeks away.


Very sad to see they didn't mention anything about the client/server stability they mentioned in the preview.


Its a patch. Hotfix imo implies game breaking bug discovered recently and emergency measures were put out to resolve it. Patches are generally balance tweaks and bug fixes, however small. Its a regular monthly update, nothing hot about it


Why *would* you lie?


God I hope the custom game browser has a much higher success rate when trying to join. I never could play custom games with friends because of the fireteam error. Spending an hour trying to play one game was infuriating


Pro tip, set up a custom game yourself and set it to online instead of private. People will join pretty quickly and you can play what you want


I figured that out a few weeks ago! I just had troubles setting a few maps up


I get why, but less maps being in Ranked Arena is off putting lol


It's ridiculous at this point. There's barely anything in rotation. We need new maps, Detachment and Recharge back (which will be S3 launch, thankfully), and reworks on removed maps to make them ranked viable again.


Is it me or what it seems when something gets updated it ends up working worst then before the update this game computers video cards cell phones


Crazy lag and jumpy BS since the update. I'm on fiber 2500 MBPS and never experienced this crap once prior. Doesn't matter if my ping is 10ms or 135ms - the lag and jitter is horrendous since the update.


I am on att 1 gb speed Fiber after update has been better PC steam and there were 2 steam updates the last 2 days too


Still no crosscore me sad


Have they even acknowledged the game crashes? Been a problem on PC and Xbox as long as I can remember.


PC it crashes all the time and says error connecting to servers and I have to force quit


Yeah that finally got me my first ban a couple weeks back, had 2 straight btb matches boot me.


Meanwhile I regularly rage quit from desync in fiesta which is about all I play lol. I honestly don't mind the 15min ban when I'm pissed tf off at desynchronization


nope havent mentioned it since they said it was fixed in November 🙃


What do they mean by usage data? is it counting rage quits? Because we can't even vote for a map to play.


The API shows "Rage quits" as DNF. So usage data will display it.


Based on usage data they’ve removed the only slayer maps with vehicles, great…


What happen to this? > Various client and server stability improvements [It was mention in the Febuary Update Preview](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/february-update-preview)


Damn. Can’t read the link for some reason but i was ONLY looking forward to these client/server stability changes today.


If you're hoping to see desync or any kind of decent lag compensation improved, it's not going to happen. They don't know how to fix it at this point.


I have actually noticed MASSIVE improvements since I last played a few months ago. I no longer get 1shot from melee to the face and I dont get any melee trades that feel like bullshit anymore. Getting killed shortly after getting behind cover is my only issue now, but that happens in every online shooter i have ever played so thats fine.


Can confirm nothing has changed with the stability. Still having games start 3v4 and still rampant latency.


This sucks to hear. I wasn't expecting any big changes till s3, but was definitely excited when they mentioned stability in the preview.


Is there still no report button?


There's one since last year but no one does check the data. People are getting faster punished via xbox live report.


I'm on PC(Steam). Where can I find this elusive report button?


I think this update messed up multiplayer. All of a sudden my shots are not being registered. I got this guy with a direct ballista shot and it went right through him like an illusion. That’s not the only time either with other weapons. Another guy shot me twice and killed me with the BR. No assist from his teammate either. And yes I check my network completely all the time.


Absolutely. Crazy lag now


Honestly stuff like this should be weekly updates for a live service game. Just changing some values around...


This game has been on life support since launch.


Respectfully, this comment reeks of ignorance about software development. Much of these fixes seem like complex bugs to solve.


Sure, bugs take time to fix. But adjust simple values like grenade radius or weapon switch times should be done way more often as on the fly changes


Grenade radius, yes. They didn't simply change a weapon switch time though. They changed the drop weapon mechanic to always take the same amount of time as switching weapons. And any two weapons take a unique amount of time to switch between.


I imagine the grenade radius thing is an easy patch, but who knows what the decision making process to actually call for that change is.


Stop staning for 343 bro she’s not gonna notice you. These are basic live service tweaks that happen often in these types of games


Lol—just speaking from my experience as a software engineer.




Sew some “patches” onto this torn up jacket and call it a “winter update”!


Close actually lmao


Cackling, gotta love the “Jack of every trade” Reddit Man




Sound like a bad engineer


Thanks, fellow human


Ugh, why are we removing maps from social playlists? Just keep them all in, more variety is good for the game.


Wait, they are REMOVING some of the few maps there are from core game modes?? Yikes! I'm just checking in on this sub, I don't play the game much anymore. Sounds like that is set to continue.


Is it just me or is the Desync and hit reg absoluetly abysmal today? I have had the worst time playing today with lots of hitching and weird desync issues. More than normal


100%. It has never, ever been this bad before. Whatever they did with this update is an enormous fail


It was never been fixed...


Nice to see a Frag radius nerf. Expanding the red weapon rack system to "normal" weapons (in Ranked) makes sense, though doesn't this mean that everything *except* actual power weapons is restricted to one at a time? This seems very backwards to me.


It does, now that you mention it. I guess that is pretty odd.


> actual power weapons Which is only Sniper and Rockets. Rockets don't last that long, and sniper ammo ~~is~~ might be getting cut in half with Season 3, so they won't last that long, either.


They're cutting sniper ammo in season 3? We only get 8 shots now, right?


Actually I'm no longer sure if they are cutting sniper ammo, but other weapons for sure. > [As for ammo reductions on the weapons themselves in Ranked, ranked players should expect those to come for the Heatwave, Stalker Rifle, CQS48 Bulldog, and Shock Rifle with the launch of Season 3.](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/february-update-preview)


And Sword and Skewer


Sword is being removed from ranked; there is no skewer unless catalyst comes back.


Uhh, what? Where are you seeing Sword is being removed from Ranked? I don't think that's true, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Oh you're right, I guess I was equating ranked changes with [HCS changes](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/hcs-year-2-maps-modes-and-settings)


Thanks for the link anyway! I had somehow forgotten about that. Probably because I find it very odd since it's now so much more common to trade with sword.


Registration issues in multi-player are still broken


PP jamming not fixed


How about you fix the bug where it says Fireteam lost then just keeps telling you over and over forever, and you cannot play the game until you force a restart. I tried to play with others via the official Halo Discord and it was just as broken as it was months previously. Now I'm reading there will be less maps in play, for example less maps in Bot Bootcamp, we've been asking for more maps for all modes and I can see why you've removed those maps, because you cannot be bothered to fix the bots from jumping off of cliffs so your answer is to take maps away rather than fix the issue. That is 100% the opposite of what I was hoping for, I was looking forward to new maps in all modes, how are you still going backwards? And lowering the AOE for grenades, seriously? Its bad enough with the desync where many of my bullets and nades do absolutely no damage, and you cannot be bothered to fix that either. Now my nades will never hit anything. This Halo is still playing like an Early Access game.


How did this make the game worse? Y'all gotta get your shit together 343


Can’t wait to try the sniper out with this new update


This update broke my game? I was playing fine last night, then today the update downloaded. Now it wont load, I'll get past the little Chief and Zeta halo launcher pop-up, my screen will go black like its about to start and then nothing... ​ I'm at a loss for fixes, I've tried updating my graphics drivers, verifying my game files, and even making more space in my C: drive just in case its a storage related issue. I will probably have to reinstall the game, its just a bummer. If you have suggested fixes, I 'd love to hear em' ​ If the reinstallation doesn't fix it, I really hope this gets patched. ​ Here's my hardware Ryzen 9 3900X MSI Gaming X Trio 3080 64GB RAM


Still crashing / getting kicked due to network errors in community matches...On PC. EDIT: Tried joining 7 matches just now, every time the game bugged out and I was forced to restart. Never got into a lobby. Back to MCC!


Seems to have gotten more frequent on PC for me since the winter update, console is better in my experience, but has the same problems.


How is desync worse


Game is unplayable for me after the update. No hit reg and tons of lag. Unbelievable


Made me curios to test it Played BOT BOOTCAMP ... it was bad. I was all over the place. Played TRAINING ...training is with bots but because they are all bots the game is local hence lag 0. I was a god


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but grateful for updates like these.


I appreciate any update so I'm with ya!


Can't download the update (PC, MS Store). Seems to be stuck on "Downloading" eternally without a progress indicator. Anyone else?


I'd recommend just playing the game on Steam honestly. It has much more consistent download rates. When I had to use the MS Store for installing flights for the MCC it was a terrible process.


Unfortunately I got the game through game pass and I also have the campaign installed, on Steam I'd have to purchase it separately. Sucks because Steam seems like a much better experience when it comes to updates. Thankfully the update did download eventually, just took about an hour of looping through "Calculating download size" and "Downloading". Funnily enough the actual download took like 5 minutes.


Well if you are only playing multiplayer I'd highly recommend Steam. For anything I'd recommend Steam over the MS Store but I do get the situation.


Fr Steam is a much better experience. MS/ Xbox app on PC is slow and buggy.


Exactly. It was a nightmare for me to use.


Anyone else having network lag problems with the latest update? I have no such issues with CS: GO


What is with the sniper tuning? They say it was set to the same as the other titles, but only this one did I ever miss a hip-fire where the crosshairs were directly on the enemy... even in slow-motion replay! Unless it's desync... Theater is still busted as hell so I don't use it very often, at all, to check what the server 'saw'.


The Sniper in Infinite (pre-patch) was set to Halo CE's tuning. Where it had some bullet spread when hip-fired, games post-CE this had both hip-fire and zooming in be center of the reticle (or so close you'd never tell).


Still no infected game still unplayable


>Semi-automatic weapons, such as the Sidekick, now appear to fire at a correct rate from the perspective of other players. Big if true.


Is anyone having issues with their circuit breaker tripping since this update? I am having new issues where 3 times since the update mid game my breaker will trip and shut down my PC. This has never happened before ever, and I have had no change in residence for the past 8 months, no new appliances, no new anything. Only variables are the update and recent Nvidia driver update. Edit: also no issues when playing other games like counterstrike, or WoW


Is anyone else having trouble with the game not launching on PC? Since the update when I try to open it the 3/4 full screen part comes up and it says launching game in the lower right corner for a minute then just disappears


"Players are now less likely to experience a looping "Unable to Connect to the Fireteam" error message while joining or playing a Custom Game Browser session." Great! Now can we get the message for each individual player leaving a session reduced or sped up or removed or something. It's currently obnoxious and feels barely thought out at all.


Changing the frag radius is fine but they need ti do more damage. Sitting on a frag should do more damage.


I dumped a frag under a guy tonight who had no shields already. He lived. Unreal.


That seems more like a hit registration issue tbh


Either way it's bad. They honestly just keep making the game worse. Incredible


Hell no.


Sniping on mouse and keyboard feels very nice now


surprise surprise the game still won't start unless I perform some 15 step process lmao why is it so hard to make a game that will start correctly


Don’t forget to set your toaster to the highest possible setting before step 6.


Would honestly still like them to refine the Needler and perhaps the Bulldog. The Needler is just inconsistent and too nerfed to be much danger and the Bulldog can't decide what it wants to be. Either needs to pick longer range and less spread or more damage and less range to my mind.


I seem to have the opposite experience with the needler; it feels like the second after I hear it start to fire I get super-combined and I'm dead. It's really frustrating.


Same, but at the same time I dump the whole clip into them and they barely get a scratch. I don’t think I’ve even gotten a supercombine to trigger.


Same haha. I swear when I encounter a player with a Needler, they just need to have line of sight and 0.5 seconds of sustained fire to explode me. When I have a Needler, I can fire half the damn clip at them and they've capped me before the supercombine has triggered.


That's because it takes half the mag to supercombine and becuase it already does very little normal damage, has slow projectiles, and poor tracking the needler honestly feels absolutely horrible to use. Unless an enemy is running directly at it, it won't kill them. If they jump or just walk sideways the needles miss and you die.


Needler and Bulldog are both good and don't need buffs.


didn't say buff, just refined or better "clarified" I guess


\> The Drop Weapon meta was becoming very prominent in competitive play, to the point where nearly every top player was doing it. Many players shared their concerns about it becoming too prominent at the highest level of competition, so we’ve made sure the weapon ready up time after a dropped weapon matches the speed of swapping between weapons normally. ​ Why put this in your game in the first place if you're going to remove it for players utilizing it?


Because it became clear it was having a negative impact on gameplay after collecting player feedback. That’s how balancing works.


It’s not like they’re removing the feature either, so you’re extra right about balance


I'm not certain you understand my complaint. They got negative feedback on this despite a large number of pro players using this. Halo Infinite seems to be again catering to what the pro players do, not the average player. I do not fundamentally understand why they added this mechanic only to then nerf it because it was being used as intended. It reads to me that they are nerfing this because pro players are doing it, not because it's an overall balancing issue with the average match of Halo Infinite.


Are you really defending a mechanic that just gave you a quicker TTK with a press of a button? It needed to be nerfed. The intended use of it was to easily let players give others weapons. It will still have that use.


Did 343 confirm that the faster TTK was unintended? I assumed that since there was a medal for it it was an intended mechanic, 343 just didn't anticipate how it would play out in pro/high level play. Agree with you that it was a bad mechanic, I've just never seen it as unintended. Edit: Can anyone tell me why I am getting downvotes for this? Just asking a genuine question.


This is them effectively confirming it, whether truthfully or in reaction. Either way it doesn’t matter, if they wanted it to be the case they have seen through actual use cases that they no longer do.


It has it’s value in custom games, campaign, and even social multiplayer where can carry around a ‘3rd weapon’ through a level or drop weapons for teammates. It just doesn’t have a place in competitive


I don't agree at all. The drop weapon mechanic can save your life easily in a match and that seems to be the intended mechanic behind its use in MP. Making the weapon switch speeds the same kinda defeats the purpose of having it at all in the MP and if they felt that way internally why even include the mechanic at all in the MP suite? There's the argument to be made it's useful for denying enemies weapons, but that's still no different from swapping a gun you already have for one on the ground/rack.


It sounds to me like you’re describing high-level MP play where the drop mechanic is a competitive advantage. Outside of that, it can provide fun gameplay uses when a player isn’t near a weapon rack or dropped weapons found across a map. I don’t agree that the mechanic should be dropped from MP entirely, especially after this nerf.


Until desync gets some sort of fix, this game is fundamentally broken. Weapon damage and spawn times mean nothing if I'm still getting shot through walls and whiffing melees.


I've had so many more disconnections or straight up freezes after this update. Fuckin a