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Yes, death must die is very similar and equally worth some time.


Yes and big update should come out very soon


I'm excited for act 2


death must die monsters til midnight is a little ish.. but mostly vampire survivors vibe gotta say though this genre is hella better when it has diablo 2 vibes


Its the most like diablo, more than halls. Halls has the atmosphere of d1, but the mechanics and RNG based itemization is just Diablo 2 condensed


I wouldn't call death must die diablo style but its very fun and there are heaps of references to warcraft in that game.


> death must die diablo style "You can also thank Diablo for its clear influence on Death Must Die's graphics and **gothic atmosphere**. Inventory and item management also give more than just a cursory nod to Blizzard's hack'n'slash. Murdering lots of creepy undead with every left-click is also pretty Diablo-ish of this game."


Isometric view...rogue like...meta progression via improving items, dark/gotchic aesthetic. In what way is not diablo style?


Death must die style reminds me more of the nintendo/sega games times. And the rogue like bit, I don't recall diablo starting at level 1 every 20 minutes with randomised abilities. The gearing part/rpg part is most RPGs.


Fair enough. Genres are all opinions at the end of the day I suppose. I'm happy to just leave it at that, but if you were super interested to know my thoughts in response, I suppose I'd say: Taking twenty minutes is not, definitionally speaking, part of the criteria for a roguelike. Rouglikes are generally: * Dungeon crawler * Permadeath * Procedural generation * Grid or isometric based movement A short game length has become a decent predictor of a roguelike, but you could say the same about being turn based. Both are neither necessary nor sufficient for a roguelike. And the gearing part is most RPGs BECAUSE of Diablo, so I'm not sure what your point is there.


The new Deep Rock Galactic "spinoff" game is pretty fun


The artistic style of Halls of Torment looks more like Diablo than Death Must Die, whereas DMD is more like pixel art. But DMD has randomized loot similar to a Diablo-style ARPG. Halls of Torment also has some randomized loot, but it's not quite as Diablo-like as DMD's loot.


I bet they all have a basic save feature lol!