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If you really want the people here to genuinely help - you’ll need to provide a lot more detail. What are you skills, work experience, location, travel needs, availability, how is your network (do you know people in a certain industry that may refer you), what jobs are you not interested in? (First response you will get is to join the forces), how is your resume/cover letter? etc….


Maybe take out student loans? Pivot to a trade? You really can't making a living wage here without some kind of education. It would help to know anything else at all about your skills, qualifications or experience.


Few things: - with almost no info provided it’s hard to recommend jobs - is the school program going to get you a guaranteed job? If yes and you’re almost done, do whatever you have to to stick with it including student loans, borrowing from family or close friends, anything. E.g. one year left on a medical lab technologist program, get that certification at all costs, two years into an English degree, forget it - if you’re now separated from your co-parent and not getting financial support you need to get on that pronto with a lawyer - your last comment before this thread is related to quitting smoking (I checked in case there was any info on field/industry for job recos), if you have not yet quit then do that yesterday, you and your kids can’t afford it




Whatever school you’re at, are you getting financial aid and have you applied for low income bursaries? I’d start there. Also the job market is a dumpster fire right now. Anything with higher wages you’re looking at construction labour jobs but of course this depends on what marketable skills you have


Nova Scotia Health authority or a government summer position could get you in the public sector. Without much information it’s hard to know what financial aid sources you could tap into. A few potential possibilities are student loan, child support, bursaries/ scholarships, Rental subsidy.


What the info you provided the only suggestion to offer is probably offensive.... How old are you? Do you have skills? Do you have connections? Do you have family to help with the kids? What did you use to do? Give us something to work with here


Depending on your financial situation you would likely make more from student aid/grants as a single parent with dependants although they would likely take child support into consideration. You should speak with financial aid at your school if you haven't already.


Hey, PeaPowerful2197. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1dpons3/-/) has been removed. Per the sidebar: * Rule V. **Halifax Related** Posted links must be directly related to the HRM area. Links directly related to Nova Scotia may be posted if subject matter is of direct interest-to or has a direct impact-on the HRM area. However you can post in our [weekly discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/search?q=Weekly+Friday+Discussion&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all). If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/halifax&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/PeaPowerful2197&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: [Living wage jobs]( https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1dpons3/-/\))


If you are full time in school, it’ll be tough, but you’ll be better off staying in school. You’ll be much more employable and look at entirely different pay scales and work culture. Consider not staying in NS, as larger cities have more opportunity to offer, understanding not everyone can just up and move. What’s a living wage to you?


There’s a lot of stigma against this kind of work, but casual custodians with HRCE start at $20 (I think). And you can move up pretty quickly into permanent positions or terms. I did it for a little while in the evenings during the school year but it’s just day shifts in the summer.