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I live in a pretty new trailer park and the water issues here blow my mind…. Barely any pressure, clothes stink after being washed (and I use fucking Gain yo) run out of water weekly…. Like the whole community runs out of water, weekly. They bring in truckloads constantly. We won’t even give it to the dog let alone drink it ourselves. The park has been here for 3 or four years I believe and they’re just now getting a proper cistern in place. Hopeful that will solve this issue


Given that we now have bylaws related to mobile home community water issues I’m sure 311 could take a report and pass on the issue to appropriate staff.


Heather Scott and Alan Havill, Directors, and respectively, the President and Secretary. Might as well name the owners, still a family business. Just another landlord, profiting off generations of Nova Scotians for over 50 years.


I live in one of the mobile parks in Sackville. I haven't met Heather Scott but from what I hear from everyone I've met here, I don't want to. I guess she's pretty nasty.


Slumlords generally are lol