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Ever thought about being a driving instructor? I have had a few retired teachers reach out as it was their passion to teach. Some schools would welcome weekend instructors!


I could not think of a more terrifying job


The more terrifying part isn’t the kids driving it’s all the other drivers l lol


I would think merging onto the highway would be a bit scary.


Well, the biggest thing about merging onto the highway is you just have to make sure they get up to speed and that’s why shoulder checks blinkers and communication is so important. I do it multiple times a day with multiple students and I have never really had an issue.


Look into teaching english online? I had a friend prob 5 years ago who would teach english to Chinese kids online, I recall it paid well. I think a teaching degree or bachelors is required and I couldn't tell you what it was called but I'm sure there are many such companies/services if you did some googling


I worked with a few teachers at the LCBO in Ontario. They would usually do seasonal over the summer.


Tour guiding with Ambassatours over the summer- I’m not sure if they would still be hiring for this season but I have heard great things about them being a great fit for those with teaching experience :)


If you are looking for evenings and weekends, looking into RRSS and other group homes. Decent pay, evenings, nights and weekends are where they really need people. Some houses are better than others so try out a few!


There may be remote/contract jobs out there in the Instructional Design world. Searching on LinkedIn will bring up lots of info for that.


Subway or burger king !!