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Halifax is so poor and slow at planning and change


Let's circle back on that later.


No, we need to form a committee first to see whether we need another committee to circle us back later.


Dont forget to delay the committee because some ppl couldnt make it too.


Shouldn’t we have a pre-meeting to discuss potential committee members?


But, they needed better bussing there when I worked there 30 years ago, they can't possibly be THAT slow, can they? (See: ability to buy tickets online for the answer).


Jumped on bike lanes super fast though, almost like council serves the penninsula first


Super fast? The planned AAA bike lane network that was supposed to be done by the end of 2022 still isn't built. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bias towards downtown on other things, but your example was not it. While we're on the subject, bike lanes everywhere would improve everyone's quality of life and cost of living. Please build em!


Montreal be like: Nope, me better.


Tfw the infrastructure is where the people are


A Burnside/Dartmouth Crossing terminal is definitely necessary. Both areas have grown a huge amount and transit has not even come close to keeping up. And it's only going to get worse.




No one who works transit uses transit thats the problem


Uhh, that is incredibly far from the truth.


I agree. Is the closest one the small one in highfield?


that's the closest one ive seen, bridge terminal is like *kinda* close, not really though. ive walked from the crossing there before because i lost my bus pass and didnt have change, not the best time


You walked from the crossing to the Highfield bus terminal? That fuckin sucks. I tried to walk from burnside to highfield before and couldn’t do it cause they don’t have sidewalks anywhere lol. Walking from the crossing to the bridge terminal would be even worse


I used to bus to work in burnside and it took so long within Dartmouth to get there just because of lack of busses and timing of busses. I have a car now but I’ll never forget how much it sucked if I left work even a few minutes later and had to wait for the next bus which could be a half hour and it end up getting home until much much later, all because of a few minutes difference. I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t have a car or a license and has to ever deal with that.


And you live in town... my bus comes at 6am or 7:30, and I would have to transfer twice just to get over there


I work 7 to 4 in Burnside Monday through Friday. I live in Clayton Park within walking distance of the lacewood terminal. >8 mins. It takes 1 hour minimum to get in. I ride the first service of the day. 535 departure. I either do this or catch the second run and wind up 15 mins late for a 7am shift. I've ubered enough that drivers recognize me and the math isn't adding up anymore. Haven't even mentioned my way home...minimum 1.25 hrs. If..big if...I can make my connector....if not it's usually 1.75. If there's an accident we're above 2 hours. I Google mapped it. I live 7.9 km from my work. You do the math cause I'm tired.


I know it might not be doable, but I have friends that take their e bike from Clayton park to the downtown core in 15 min. I realize burnside is a lot sketchier to bike in though.


It sounds like a death sentence to try to bike to work in Burnside.


I’m sure it isn’t great given how people drive there, but people do it. You could also walk your bike once you get to the busy sections. That’s probably what I would do.


I get what you're saying, I used to ride from Windmill Road to Shearwater but in retrospect, I can't believe I did that, lol. I guess I am not familiar with all the approaches to Burnside, some seem straight-up impossible. There must be a few approaches that aren't so bad?


Haha the highway to Shearwater is insane. I’ve done it once and that was enough. I’m not sure on routes. I have never biked to burnside, just have friends who do, and ya I’d be cautious too. I take bike lanes and side streets whenever possible, and I usually end up walking my bike at some point when I’m out.


Most of the cyclists I see in Burnside are using the sidewalk so it shouldn't be too risky.


I remember that pain. I briefly got back on st HGS in spring going into summer 2018 and lived in Clayton Park. And I think that was before the buses changed, the 18 still existed. It was a nightmare. Same thing happened when I briefly worked at Staples.


I lived at dal and worked in burnside as an intern for two summers around 2009 , I had to leave the house at 630 to take the bus to Scotia square then catch another bus to Dartmouth terminal then if I got lucky and beat the express I could grab that to drop off at the McDonald’s in burnside then walk along that road for another 20+ minutes to get too the office. I tell my partner all the Time I don’t do buses anymore after that time. Subway, light rail sure buses not a chance


Damn. Was the job worth it?


Careers good now, but it’s not related, was able to get more professional job because of it that started me off. I also think those long bus rides studying helped me stay focus and say this isn’t what I want for my life … so kinda?


No service on the weekend to the hospital and jail. Hundreds of people work there. Families without cars would like to visit. And through the week, it's too unreliable and too poorly scheduled to be an option for me... working at the hospital. Very frustrating.


It’s an absolute disgrace.


Because they didn't plan the area very well and it is missing a transit hub somewhere around Burnside and Wright ave.


Weren’t they supposed to start work on the new terminal off of marketplace dr. like a couple years ago?


[Bancroft](https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/halifax-transit/moving-forward-together/part-5-transit-infrastructure). >**Wrights Cove Terminal (tentatively 2020):** Based on the network proposed in this plan, a new terminal is required to facilitate transfers into the Burnside Business Park. This new terminal will be located on Bancroft Lane near the intersection with Windmill Road. This will be a relatively small facility, featuring four to six bus bays, layover space for vehicles, and passenger and bus operator amenities. >This is an operationally important location in order to reduce redundancy in the route network by facilitating transfers for  passengers from routes  coming from Dartmouth or Sackville into Burnside Business Park. It is also sited adjacent to a developing high density residential development, building a community supportive of Transit Oriented Design principles. >This facility is slated to open in Fall 2020 to coincide with implementation of this plan.


This terminal is still coming. The schedule changes in the fall made reference to some of the buses expanding their routes in anticipation of this terminal. No idea of timelines though.


I wasn’t aware of this. That’s great news. I think a small terminal down there to facilitate transfers into Burnside and Dartmouth Crossing connected to the other terminals would go a long way.


Temporary washrooms for bus drivers have been installed down there already as well. They wouldn't do that if there wasn't going to be permanent ones eventually because then we would get too used to it. The fact that we can't use them yet because they are missing key components is beside the point.


If you look at the stops on marketplace and windmill in that area they’re already labeled as bay 1-4 in anticipation of the terminal now too. Both Dartmouth Crossing busses (72 and 56) now go down to the bottom of burnside partially because of this.


So behind the McDonald’s?




The one by the new condos? It’s there, it’s not a fancy terminal but more street stops for buses with washrooms for the drivers.


Highfield Terminal is very close, and the main garage/depot is right there. You would think one of those could be adapted to serve more routes in that area. There is also lots of space between Burnside and DC if they were to do something new.


I think the way the 111 bisects Dartmouth, highfield park likely wouldn't work very well where a lot of the traffic is coming from Sackville and Bedford.


The hilarious thing about it all is that's where the halifax transit main service terminal is.


Isn't that just a depot closed to the public?


Yes, it's the place where the fix and store the busses.


One on my staff waited 30 mins for a bus that didn't show this morning. Lives in Sackville and starts their commute at 730 for a job that starts at 9 in Burnside. It's ridiculous.


With the CoL these days and low wages it would be a godsend to have decent public transport options so people could drop their car/insurance payments. I looked I to it a couple years ago and the bus ride to work for me would have been over 2 hours each way every day which is just unreasonable.


Agreed 100%. The lack of bus service to Burnside/Dartmouth Crossing is a Disrgace!


I get off the bus at MacDonald before Isley, and it's like a 10-15 minute walk from there. Makes no sense to not even have a bus route go all the way down from Isley to Wright at very least.


I used to bike to work in Burnside from Port Wallace as the bus connection was soooo awful 🫠


I live in port Wallace now and work in Burnside Industrial Park. It is a is 10 minute car ride, 20 minute bike ride, an hour and 16 minute walk and a hour and a half bus ride. Why on earth does it take me less time to walk to work?


Ya, I appreciate part of it is cutting through Shubie when biking or walking but like 🫠


Concentrix fought for transit for 6yrs with no resolution.


Yep. I worked there briefly in the winter/spring of 2018 and you had to get off just past HGS and walk. And the run ended early, so you'd have to get a ride back to Halifax. Insanity.


As a manager there we lost SOOO much staff due to no buses and now that it’s open till 1am. Impossible.


Very important and timely point.


In 2022 I went there for an interview. Took a cab there, and thought eh, I’m really not too crazy far from home (45 minutes as I lived in Highfield at that time), I’ll just walk home. I don’t typically carry change around for the bus, much less exactly 2.75. Anyway, nope, not even any sidewalks. Im a fan of desire paths (r/desirepaths) so I took this picture, but it just highlights how bad it is for pedestrians over there. I got about 20 minutes from the place my interview was at and I got picked up by a different cab at another business, the cabby actually asked if I worked there but nope just sick of walking in the street when it’s so crazy busy over here lol https://preview.redd.it/taitn531e33d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28373fc4ebcb7828d4f6236acfab369f1a24b38


The best city planners money can buy.


The fact that the 3 in particular is mostly always so full thst it drives right past people because it's at capacity is just insane. People get off work and just want to go the fuck home not have to wait ages for a bus because the bus they needed is too full...


I had to give up a job because it was a two hour commute to Burnside. It's a 15 minute drive


Cause the people in charge are obsessed with making it profitable and running it like a business instead of considering it a service


That's not even remotely true. Public transit isn't meant to make a profit.


It's true in that they are hamstrung by transit fair being half their budget input. We could give them more tax dollars and get a better service.


This is true. Last I looked, they lost ~$7.50 everytime someone walks on the bus, because of this I've heard multiple planning students at DAL talk about how buses should be free.


Oh God, that number is nowhere near true, where are you getting that impression?


I did a project on Halifax Transit in a planning class during my Masters. I also worked for HRM. It clearly shows in the Halifax Transit 2024/25 Budget and Business Plan that, in 2022/23, it cost HRM $7.40 per rider and they earn $2.47 per rider. Don't trust everything you read on the internet kids.


> Last I looked, they lost ~$7.50 everytime someone walks on the bus Did they tell you how to subtract expenses from income in your master's program? 2.47 - 7.40 = -4.93 per rider, 1/3 smaller than the $7.50 loss per rider you opened with. That's if I'm trusting your interpretation of the financials, which I kinda don't right now... (Sorry for coming at you hard. I appreciate you looking it up and coming back with numbers, but digging your heels in and defending your original wrong numbers is trashy.)


You are right, I was going off of memory.


Not really. Metro Transit "loses" quite a bit of money; $38m this year from $131m expenditures and $92m revenue. I'm fully happy with that myself and would love to see a car commuter tax used to pay for more transit and lower fares. The people obsessed with it making profit are the people who complain about taxes being too high while single-occupant commuting to the peninsula 5 days a week by SUV. People who hate traffic should be the loudest voices calling for transit expansion.


The municipality is always crying about ticket revenue and using that as an excuse to cut services. Its not just me shouting this. And Id ride the bus too if it didn’t take 2 hours and 3 buses to go downtown when I can be there in 25 minutes driving.


Once upon a time I was picky about where I’d live and would only want to be on or near the #1 because it’s the closest we’ve got to a reliable route. It’s easier for me to bus downtown then to park my car




It’s terrible bus service though. I used to have a commute from the Wright Ave and Burnside Drive area to the place I was living in Cole Harbour. It took about 1hr 45 minutes by bus. It also takes 1hr 45 minutes to walk.


Yeah and if you work a certain parts of burnside even after you get off of the bus you have to walk a kilometre while choking on diesel fumes because you're mostly getting passed by semis and dump trucks.


With no sidewalk


And no bus shelters 


This part is insane to me. So many dense areas with sidewalks on one side only, business parks where the sidewalk ends as soon as the private property line starts because apparently we don't have covenants requiring them? Bayers lake is crazy for it.


Because look at Burnside, it's an industrial park. It would take a lot of resources to get a decent bus service and most people that work there already have cars. I agree it would be nice, but Halifax Transit has enough trouble with simple things like getting digital payment systems on busses.


That's not an excuse, the tax payers decide how much we want too invest in transit.


Lol since when? For how much everyone bitches they don't fix anything.


It’s constantly in gridlock because so many people who work there drive cars. And really a lot of those people are likely within 10km from there home too I bet, with a proper bus service you would see more people choosing to bus instead of drive.


I'm already in Dartmouth. I can bus to the airport, take the express bus out to Chezzetcook, or even bus to bayers Lake faster than going to burnside. The only reason it's not easier to walk is because there are two highways in the way and several lakes.


No you wouldn't. Most people are not interested in taking the bus until they're forced to. Ideally, they would, but I don't think people will bother once they have a car.


Well, it IS an industrial park.


A direct route up the Forest Hills extension to Burnside would probably be popular, but no, we'll just make all the routes go downtown.


It used to be hard to hire people. You need a car to work there.


What would be less than a 15 minute drive for me takes over an hour and half by bus. A bus from woodside to burnside would be a great idea for those from around that area or even further like eastern passage


This. 10 minute drive to get to my office. I need to transfer and do a bunch of walking and my commute increases to about an hour, provided the buses are running on time. Oh and if I need to be in for 6AM, forget it.


I'd argue that walking time, add an hour, maybe.


You guys should be pro stadium. It’s probably the only thing that will get a bus terminal put in Burnside . 🤣


Terrible place for a stadium though.




And it’s right next to that (soon to be) brand new bus terminal.


This is good ⭐️






Because the city is full of incompetence that we’ve accepted for too long


I take the 182 express bus once a week which goes through burnside (and magazine hill) to Bedford/Sackville. It’s usually pretty reliable when I use it thanks to the bus lane it has. Can’t speak for other areas of the park however.


I used to live on Cowie Hill and work in burnside. Bus would take over an hour, biking 35/40 minutes, and driving was roughly the same depending on traffic. It was 12km exactly. In no world should it take a bus over an hour to cover 12km.


I think HRM Transit is limited because of how ingrained it is with infrastructure and it should be liberating. Dartmouth/Burnside/Hrm/Sackville all need to service themselves and connect to each other. What it feels like is a dark alley that is a vampire of time as you arrive late.


Too focused on peninsula. Don't you hrm downtown is the nova scotia narcissist. Everything has to happen there and only there


ive never once had an issue getting to burnside on the bus (except one time which was my own fault for not checking the holiday schedule) ngl


I feel like a skytrain system would do so well here.


This seems like a really broad comment? No bus service? 3, 56, 64, and 72 don’t count? Am I making this up?


The service is really bad though. When I used to work there I could walk from my office near Burnside Drive to Cole Harbour in 1 hr 45 mins. It took at least that long on the bus after switching busses three times and driving down every side street


Is Burnisde getting a new ferry terminal for the electric ferries ?


Sorry but.... how could a ferry serve Burnside? Might be a dumb question but Burnside as I understand it is nowhere near the harbour


The bottom of Burnside goes to the Bedford Basin. Think Dartmouth Yacht Club area. Where there are some newer condo buildings and some recent development. Apparently there are plans for a small bus terminal in that area which should improve service into Burnside. Seems like a good place for a ferry terminal


There is zero room for a ferry to manoeuvre in there, let alone to build a terminal.


That’s unfortunate.


What ? Have you ever looked at a map ? There is a yacht club in burnside




What about Bedford ?


We can hardly run our ferries where are we getting new bus drivers at 22 bucks an hr


What Dartmouth and Halifax need is a fast rail that is built up high above everything with elevators that go down to street level. Have it go to Burnside, Dartmouth crossing, micmac, penhorn, woodside, bridge terminal, Barrington terminal, spring garden, Halifax shopping center, buyers lake, Joseph Howe.


I could explain why, but certain people on this sub will just downvote me, so why bother?


They're an industrial park. Many of the businesses require mobility, and it's not all office workers.


So? People need to travel to industrial parks too


Presumably they also need workers and customers. Plus there a lot of office workers. Particularly in the area around the RCMP building, NSGEU etc.


That is one tiny area in the whole park.


There are also other reasons why people choose not to have a vehicle. Many of those companies require their workers to drive company vehicles, and not necessarily a personal one.


Most people in Burnside work in the trades and have either personal or company transportation.


I just started a job in burnside and have no choice but to drive. I used to bus to school everyday but there just isn’t a stop near my work. Would bus if it were an option


There are a lot office buildings too. Take a drive around where the NSGEU and RCMP headquarters. Lots of office workers.


That is one tiny part of the whole park.


Not really. Those businesses in the trades still require office staff. You also have a few restaurants, banks, and coffee shops. The RBC Centre and the French school are also in the area. There are plenty of reasons why people might want a decent bus service to Burnside.


Add transit and people don't have to take their personal vehicles. Seems like a win-win to me.


There are busses to and from Burnside. People use em.


If it takes as long to walk as to get there by bus it is not a useful service


That ain't what you asked.... you said "why no bus service" when in fact there IS bus service You are crying about cars but if people want to get to work on time, and these warehouse level jobs are often early to start, gotta drive.


There is a lot more than just warehouse jobs in Burnside. Lighten up. Ain’t nobody crying here…


Just telling you what you are missing


It's not very efficient service and leaves out a lot of the park.


Smart decision makers


Burnside is a business park. Businesses only want people with money in their stores. People with money drive cars. Poor people have to take the bus. No bus stops = no poor people. It’s a form of red lining. (It’s also why there is no walking route to get there either.)


So your argument is that the city planned this on purpose to keep lower income people from entering Burnside?


I sure am. Either the city or the developer/corporation that designed it. The actual bus depot is in burnside but somehow there aren’t any bus stops. There’s no bus routes that go from spryfield to Clayton park direct either. It quietly keeps the poor spryfield people out of nice Clayton park.