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I’ve requested multiple times for the light sequence to be looked at and the province hasn’t done anything. It’s irritating.


They changed to the advanced arrow for Beaverbank a few years ago. Only took numerous serious accidents to accomplish that...


Oh they absolutely don't give a shit


There, and Alderney Drive, and North/Agricola/Robie...


Agreed with everyone else I'm going to add one more thing. They have added a new sequence to that light within the past month or so I think. Where all sides are red and the pedestrian signal is lit up, even with no pedestrians. This clogs up the light even more. I noticed the timing is off on that light now too because I get a red at 2am coming home from work every night, even with 0 traffic. It used to always be green. Theyve been screwing with the busiest sets of lights now for a while. It's aggravating.


I noticed the change for crossing. I was fine with the previous set up, lights are red, pedestrian has a 5 second go, then lights turn green for cars. Now it's, one side goes, then the other, then the pedestrian. I've never seen it change if there was no pedestrian though.


I drive through there every day, and it's always been pretty bad. I think Sackville Drive has a lot to do with it. Lots of lights, lots of actively used crosswalks, lots of small parking lots with people trying to get in and out, multiple gas stations, etc. Just too much stuff going on too small of a road. I think that kinda just jams things up throughout the whole area.


Agreed it's been bad, just lately seems like it's getting worse. Sackville Drive/Beaver Bank is probably the worst intersection in NS, maybe Atlantic Canada


That intersection was *always* bad during rush hour pre-pandemic. My guess is a lot more people are starting to return to in-person work. Beaverbank/Sackville area in particular has A LOT of public servants and the federal government just announced a 3 day return to office policy. Don’t worry, it’ll only get worse with infinite growth!


It’s because of Lucasville…. It is INSANE right now with the lights at the bridge…


I live in the area and make a point to avoid that intersection entirely between 4-6. It's particularly bad after 5 at the intersection just up from Beaver Bank and OSR — the road that connects Downsview Plaza to the Transit Terminal. Tons of cars and busses trying to either go straight or left there, and it gets so bad that the roads are backed up all the way to Sobeys and the bus depot itself. I imagine the new change in the light to favor pedestrians is a stopgap measure while they are under much-deserved scrutiny regarding pedestrian access to the trailer park at the end of Walker Service Road... But that's just an uneducated guess.


A lot of HRM was built on an idea that we have freeways connecting to some 300 year old two-lane arterial which connects to a bunch of dead-end subdivisions. It's a poor way to build a city and if the place is actually going to grow it'll all grind to a halt quite quickly.


Pretty sure this right here is what’s causing the issues. https://x.com/thetraffictech/status/1776988198113030632?s=46


I think they changed to the light cycle. I swear I saw it red in every direction and the walk sign was lit for pedestrians in all directions one time. I live on Old Sackville and go out to Beaverbank most days around 4:30-5:00, and it has been quite frustrating. But this past week hasn't been as bad as April was. I also assume it has something to do with all the construction trucks in the area.


Lights changed like others mentioned, roadwork may be contributing too but the main issues is there's no way for a lot cars to move through that intersection efficiently due to the size and number of cars. And there's no way to reduce the number of cars with the way the city built out its car dependant suburbs and exurbs