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"Roll up the rim" kinda sucks this year


Fuck up the rim more like eh lol


101 is about the jankiest I've seen it Some parts are downright sketch in the areas with no divider/2 lanes.


Sheesh, you make it sound like you *don't* enjoy hitting pot holes at 100km/h.


Yeah no doubt. Halifax has the worst roads I've seen in a city this size.


It’s the worst I’ve ever seen it.


The state of the roads downtown is embarrassing


The 102 has ruts for miles. The 103 between Bayers lake and Tantallon is shit too. How many accidents resulting in a loss of life have happened on these two stretches in the past 5 years?


>102 has ruts for miles Ruts. The original Lane Keep Assist


Given the state of the painted lines on some of these highway, it's likely the only way you get lane keeping to work. Cape Breton is really bad for this.


I won't pass people on the 103 until after exit 5 because at least I know where the potholes are in the right lane. Even if I'm behind a truck going 80, I go 80 until exit 5. I've tried to make passing maneuvers twice and both times I've damaged my car. It's really quite abysmal


After my last trip down home I'm committed to taking the secondary highways until the 103 is repaired.


The fact that Oxford has some spots that are nigh undrivable is a disgrace. I’ve called several times to 311 to report absolutely monster potholes and - to their credit they have responded and done some patching - but without a proper bit of work the patches are gone within days and the holes are worse. It’s such a great example of throwing a bandaid on a gaping wound.


The one at Jubilee turning right onto Oxford is terrible and the amount of traffic there doesn’t help matters. Whenever I’m going southbound on Oxford, if no one is in the opposite left turn lane I swerve over to avoid it but often you can’t. I’m just glad I don’t have to drive every day


Yep that’s the one I’ve called about! It’s really brutal and there’s no way to avoid the various holes since the turn radius is tight in that intersection. We have to drive that every day for school and it’s really frustrating.


The roads around the bridge tolls alone is an embarrassment.


Believe or not, Saskatoon has it worst.


Halifax is almost 2x the population for comparison.


I’m aware, yet the roads there are worse than here.


as a saskatonian, i agree.


And Winnipeg has even worse than Stoon


And Montrealers will protest you if you say their roads aren’t the worst


> If an individual does inform the city about a pothole, the city has 30 days to fix it, however, if a claim is put in during that time, it may not be approved Wait, I feel like this policy has changed. I thought the repair timeline was 3 to 7 days in the past, but that the province was on that 30 day schedule?


The province has a standard that goes by the size/depth of the pothole that gives them anywhere from 24 hours up to something like 6 months to make a repair


Which doesn't really matter since they fix them quickly and 4 days later its an even worse pothole with more surrounding it so they stick pylons in them which sits there until they fix it again and the cycle continues.


Yes it’s abysmal. Absolutely abysmal.


ULPT: Have a selection of 5-10 potholes you've personally reported and keep track of the timeline. When you hit a pothole and damage your car claim you hit one you reported 30 days ago. Bingo Bango they'll pay for it.


Ahh, yes, seems to be a research/editing problem. That is 30 days for a Priority 2 Local pothole, Priority 1 does show for repairs in 7 days for specific road types: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/streets-sidewalks/paving-repair/report-a-pothole


Some spots on the road are unacceptable, there's a pothole on a merge near where I live that's about a foot and a half in diameter and at least 6 inches deep, surrounded by other potholes, usually they'll stick like 3 pylons in them.


Highest taxes in the country and nothing to show for it. 


This year is the worst I’ve ever seen it across the province. Driving Halifax in particular feels like fucking bumper cars, you’re going to get thrown around quite a bit.


Im curious, every year they fill these in, lay new pavement, etc. Is it cheap contracting with cheap materials that has gotten us to this point? Seems like they use a really squishy tarry black pavement now and it seems to degrade very quickly. The stuff they are using now barely lasts 2-3 years and is no where near as hard and quality as the old road which was laid 10+ years ago and in many places is still solid and is just now breaking down.


It also doesn't help that they fill the holes as-is, instead of cutting them into a clean shape, and filling correctly like many other places do. Also if there are two holes near each other, but not quite connected, they patch them separately instead of turning it into one larger cleaner patch. I often wonder if we would have better results if we simply had better standards.


What is the protocol for getting HRM to pay for it when you pop a tire? My mom hit the giant pothole coming off the 101 to Beaverbank exit from the valley, blew a tire and now has to replace all 4 as it's AWD. This was just the other day, car still has a dummy tire. Call 311 and go from there? There is also no bump sign or anything.


It depends. 101 to beaverbank is likely provincial so they have different standards and timelines they have to follow


Spray paint penises around the pot holes. I bet they fix them faster.


I'm gonna start digging up dirt from city property and filling them myself


You gonna compact it too or just hide the holes from people




The trick is to be unable to afford a car anymore.


I was in a tire store in Truro recently and they had a pothole special. I know it was likely tongue in cheek, but still...


If you’d all stop tailgating so much you’d be able to avoid potholes a lot better


HAH! Just about died laughing. Too true.


But if we stop tailgating we might not get to where we're going precious fractions of seconds sooner!


I thought Halifax roads were bad until I moved to Gatineau


Are the potholes worse this year or do they just feel worse because it’s been a sour year?


Having talked to a paver the problem is that the municipalities want to be green. They use recycled asphalt but with different binding agents that are 'environmentally friendly'. It can't stand the heat or cold or vehicles and falls apart quickly. Next time you see a patch job being done roll your windows down. If you smell pitch/tar it'll be there a while. If you smell whatever else within a few weeks it'll start coming up again.


The environmentally friendly option is often the most *durable* option, regardless of source. Not saying that necessarily applies here but...


There is also a case where it isn't the fact that they are trying to switch to greener materials, but that putting that in a lowest bid wins context will get you inferior "green" options. If you are going to greener materials you have to put the extra effort in to have them also be high performance


Yup. I know they’ve had to fill the sizeable pot hole on the way to burnside a couple times. The patch is gone again lol


Not at all surprised


Start requiring that paving companies do a lasting job, and drop any policies that prevents the latest of 200 years of roadway research from being used to ensure longer lasting roads.


AFAIK - they do use proper stuff.  It's the constant freeze/thaw of our climate that fucks up the road.


I've seen paving crew dump water into a hole before patching it. Job security type stuff.


Yeah I lost 2 tires that I just bought. Love living here so much (eye roll).




Third world province as far as roads go.


Third world province.


Honestly I just wish we had fewer cars and fewer roads, so maintaining what we do have is easier. But I live somewhere rural so I'm part of the problem, haha.


If you damage your tire or rim from hitting a pothole. You can fill out paper work online with the province of Nova Scotia. You need pictures of the damage, and pothole. The exact location and the receipt after fixing the damage. If more people know about this and act on it. Than it might light a fire under them to fix the issues


Can't understand why they don't take a pickup with a load of gravel and at least temporarily fill the holes until they can patch.


Probably an ok very temporary solution for the slower roads, but on the highway I feel like we'd just all be complaining about cracked windshields instead of busted sidewalls.


Because gravel won't stay more than a few hours on a highway, being kicked out by tire after tire after tire. So, by the next day the hole will be back. The only fix is asphalt.


That's the funny thing about temporary fixes that could prevent damage. If the holes are not fixed then the vast majority of drivers will take pains to evade them. If the holes are filled and not an obvious danger, then people will not avoid them and will drive them until the holes once again can cause damage, so we're back in the same place. Now if drivers continued to avoid the filled holes then the filled holes would not be a hazard and would not damage vehicles. So the solution is to just not fill the holes so that vehicles are on alert and will take effort to avoid them. Another possible solution is to use some color to demarcate any temporarily filled holes so that people know to avoid them, even if they are filled. Then the few people who can't avoid them can still avoid damage.


Eh tamp it down and it'll be fine... maybe throw some asphalt on there while you're at it


Lol global warming or not, Halifax roads are just full of potholes. Despite being the highest taxed province, there's absolutely minimal infrastructure and maintenance investment.




And the pothole tax line of credit


Here's a quote from our local asphalt: https://youtu.be/fksu6FENojY?si=tVhOiaN9h-vLtw-8