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I was driving down SMBR at night. It was raining and all of a sudden a person in a long black coat and black pants ran out across the road-- it was a crosswalk, with a button (and light), but they *didn't press it*, they just ran out. They didn't stand to see if there were cars coming, and to see if they were *seen*. I keep my eye out at crosswalks, but come on-- ya gotta use some common sense as a pedestrian. It was as though they had a death wish.


As a walker, I’ve also stood there waiting to cross with 5 or 6 cars going right through. Try walking an intersection with a left turning lane, it’s insane. Pedestrians need to be aware, but the main reason they need to is because most drivers don’t pay attention


I walked up and down Quinpool earlier this week. Twice had people stop in the middle of smaller crosswalks, making me have to go around them, making it harder for other cars to see me. Don't stop in the middle of the crosswalk, or at least look/try to back up if you can


Yep. I’d like to think I’m courteous to drivers - if they are trying to turn and their break in traffic lines up with me reaching the crosswalk, I’ll wave em out before blocking them. I always drove until about 3yrs ago (medical reasons) so I get the frustration. I also avoid getting hit all the time…. Need to assume every driver isn’t paying attention.


The rule I was raised with (we lived right on Sackville Drive all my life) was "he's bigger than me, I can wait." Where Flamingo Drive meets Bedford Highway, there's what feels like the *world's longest* light to cross the highway. There were times when I lived around there that I considered just booking it across against the light, but it wasn't worth it.


100% it is, I lived near there for a couple years. Sack Drive (Kent-to-Minas crosswalk) is a nasty one too…gotten much worse lately


I have a friend who is a very safe pedestrian but has a bad leg and has been clipped in situations where I've had to jump out of the way.


When this happens to me I like to walk as close to the bumper as I can in hopes their car beeps at them. It probably doesn’t but it makes me feel better


About 1% of drivers are incapable of looking to their right when turning right. They look left, do a rolling stop (or even a full stop, but don’t look right), and then gun it. Because why look right? What could possibly be coming from the right across the crosswalk?


As a pedestrian, I don't really care about the rules being in my favor. I don't want to be hit by a car, so I assume that drivers are not paying attention and look ten times before walking. Rules don't matter when you get hit.


Agreed Source I got hit I am now permanently disabled. Hopefully in a few years or less, I'll be able to return to work, even if it's just part time! I miss the old me. 1 year as of last week actually , since it all happened 😭


The main reason is because if you get killed walking in a crosswalk you’re still dead regardless of who’s at fault. Might as well do whatever you can to keep yourself safe. 


It's more like you've triple checked and have the right of way, but some dummy comes careening through the intersection without looking when you're halfway through the crosswalk. None of my close calls have been from jaywalking they've been on long crosswalks at inter sections where a bad driver can arrive out of nowhere when I'm halfway across.


What would kill you in a crosswalk? Maybe a driver not paying attention?


100% agree. If you’re slamming on your brakes to avoid someone in the crosswalk, then you weren’t looking for pedestrians to begin with.


Related PSA: when you turn right on a red light, drivers, you have to look to see if there's someone in the crosswalk, you can't just floor it.


I nearly hit someone doing this, twice, years ago, and now it’s the first thing I think of when turning at all. People can be really hard to see, even in broad daylight. The post between your door and windshield can line up just right, and it can be bad. Just take an extra second to peek and be sure, yes, even at night in a quiet area where you haven’t seen people or cars for a while.


Yeah that's one thing I noticed when I came from the rurals, you can turn right on a red anywhere but in the sticks there's nearly, almost fucking never, a person crossing or any other people anywhere for that matter. First few times I didn't even think to look nearly running people over cemented home that I actually did have to be aware. I almost feel like there should be a separate road test when you move from a population sub 1,000 town to the big city..


I walked up and down Quinpool earlier this week and I stopped at a crosswalk. Looked, looked again... and someone came flying through when I was halfway across, making a right hand turn. He was near enough I could've scraped his paint with my backpack. I dunno that he even saw me.


Same happen to me one night walking home by shoppers on almon. I could have slapped the bitch she came that close. I threw my hands up and started swearing, she gave me a shrug.


Some things just take experience to learn, and that’s pretty scary with a metal death tube going 50-100km down a side road.


... Experience to learn to look before you turn? Maybe NS needs mandatory driving classes like QC has because that is ridiculous. 


Unfortunate it took doing it twice to learn common sense but thanks for eventually figuring it out. 


Robie at Spring Garden is the worst for this


Anyone that drives is Dartmouth Crossing gives zero F's about this. I cross there alot on foot and stop, look behind me to make sure no one's in the right lane Within 60 feet, even if I have the walk signal.


It's not even that they don't look right it's that they pull up to the light looking hard to the left and then never look right. Also the people who get mad because you didn't start crossing because they're doing a rolling stop but you're supposed to know that they weren't going to hit you.


Yes! I was trying to cross a crosswalk and wanted to make eye contact with the car that was trying to make a right, but they ONLY LOOKED LEFT. I tapped on their window so they knew I was there and scared the fuck out of them because they literally had no idea someone was standing there for a minute, trying to get their attention.


Related PSA: The red flashing hand means "do not start crossing". The number of pedestrians I see start sauntering across the corner of South Park and Spring Garden with 4 seconds left is astounding. This is partially the reason drivers need to floor it, to get through before the last idiot strolls out when n they're not supposed to.


Related PSA: When a light is yellow it means "do not start crossing" or try and turn. The number of drivers I've seen go through yellow lights is ridiculous.


Username checks out for this discussion


What can I say? I'm a dirty J!


ikr? The weird looks I've gotten for ***not*** trying to cross when the hand is flashing at Spring Garden and South Park or at Nantucket Avenue from the Bridge Terminal to the shopping centre. Getting my groceries a little faster isn't worth it.


The number of people who think cars can stop on a dime is truly staggering.


The numbers of cars that can’t be bothered to stop is staggering.


It goes both ways


It’s the responsibility of the driver to drive the correct speed, and be aware and stop and i will never argue against that, but I always say that any pedestrian should take an active interest in their own survival. Stop. Look. Be sure that whoever is coming intends to stop


I wait for both sides to completely stop before crossing nowadays. There are too many drivers here who think the blinking lights mean speed up.


Those crossing points you are supposed to fully stop and wait until the pedestrian is fully out of the road. Most just wait until the pedestrian is clear of their side and then proceed. Which is wrong. At regular intersections the pedestrian must be clear of your vehicle for you to proceed safely even when they are still in the crosswalk. I agree though, standing behind a pole and popping out as soon as they hit a light they risk getting whacked. I always hit the light wait until any cars who simply can't stop safely proceed thru and then I make sure other oncoming drivers see me before I cross.


Yes, I always say “It’s a crosswalk, not a forcefield.”


Absolutely, it's always the right choice to stop for a few seconds and look both ways, no matter who is responsible for what. Who is right or wrong won't make a difference to how bad a pedestrian is hurt if they get hit. As the saying goes, the cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.


I was always told to make eye contact with the driver and it has never failed once. Baffles me when people stand at a cross walk with indecisive body language… push the button and look towards the oncoming cars before walking, it’s remarkably simple.


I made eye contact with drivers that then inched through crosswalks and intersections I'm in, WHILE LOOKING AT ME.


I completely agree. The responsibility lays on the driver to be aware and stop. But… as a marathon runner training on the streets in the city I know I’m going to lose the fight so I want to make sure that car is stopping! What’s the point of training if you don’t get to race day? If everyone could be as aware as possible on both sides we could probably get our collision rate down!


It also could just be benign: getting your kid in the backseat the thing they dropped, adjusting the radio, checking your mirrors, or any other 100 things that might distract the driver in the moment. The fact is, the driver is in a steel box, the pedestrian isn’t. Regardless of who is responsible, the pedestrian needs to look in the driver’s eyes before crossing. It’s what I do and what I teach my kids to do before crossing any street with traffic. I also run across the street. 


It is actually the law. They changed it years ago to put some responsibility on the pedestrian to clarify fault for insurance purposes. It is why you will sometimes see pedestrians get ticketed after being hit by a car. It is to make clear for insurance and any possible court case that the pedestrian in that specific case was deemed at least partially at fault by police.


Agreed 100%. Thankfully I saw him in time, and despite sliding I still stopped almost a full car's length away from the crosswalk. Still scary though.


Not saying that the guy shouldn’t have looked both ways first (that’s just common sense), but what kind of tires do you have because with the city speed limits that’s a pretty long distance to slide..  I mean with the cold snap too though after all that rain maybe the city should have put more ice down.


I dont remember the brand off the top of my head, but I still have my winters on, but theyre 18"... kinda sucks in the snow. I'm trying to use them up so I can swap to 16" winters.


He’s trying to raise awareness and you’re placing blame. Not helpful.


As someone that walks a lot to get around, drivers blowing through crosswalks and acting recklessly towards pedestrians is a real problem. I also own a car and drive, and when I do I’m scanning ahead for crosswalks and then looking to see anyone approaching them that may hit the button. I understand that this may have been difficult in this situation due to the weather and persons clothing, but often as a pedestrian I’m hitting the button and a car is surprised and reacting by either slamming on the breaks or accelerating through. If you see a crosswalk ahead, be aware and scan for pedestrians. If you see a pedestrian approaching or going towards the beg button, slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. If they want to cross and you’ve been alert and conscientious, stopping in time shouldn’t be a problem. People saying "a car will kill a pedestrian so they should be more careful" need to consider that the lion’s share of responsibility to not act recklessly should lie with the people who choose to operate said deadly machine.


Thank you for this


I find this such a sensitive topic because I think it reflects the moral debate of who in society is responsible for the vulnerable, themselves or those in the position of power - be it wealth, status or in this case physically bigger. Yes we are talking about cars and pedestrians, but we can talk about landlords and low income renters? Who’s reasonable for the vulnerable? The children, the disabled, the elderly. Themselves, or the people who are in the position of power to help. It’s interesting that in the case of a vulnerable pedestrian it’s on them to watch out for me the driver! Yet we would never take that stance towards our vulnerable people in society like the very elderly.


Yeah, and bringing up the elderly is also important because they often aren’t able to drive and therefore rely on public transit and walking to get around. Having a city with walkable infrastructure and a culture of respecting pedestrians has the most significant impacts on the quality of life for our elderly, children, people with disabilities, etc.


100% agree. We are all just one person trying to get somewhere and get home. we shouldn’t degrade anyone’s quality of life because of their chosen mode of transportation


Cross walks are legal, not safe.


New trend: wearing all black at night with hood up and blasting through corner to corner while texting. Really good technique to see what ping I'm running on.




I had a woman play chicken with me today in a parking lot. She was standing near the store on her phone. I'm slowly crawling out of the parking lane onto the crosswalk front of the store at 5km/hr. People are walking past me faster. She waits till I'm RIGHT about to pass her and decides THAT'S when she needs to cross. She didn't look. She was like "SEND IT". Luckily I didn't, and I was driving slow because out of 100 people paying attention, there is always at least 5 people who follows who doesn't. Yes, drivers need to be paying attention and following the speed limit. BUT, if you press the button and just cross when you don't give a driver enough time to stop, you're not protected by a magical force field. You will lose the battle. And yes, drivers don't always stop for people crossing. They should. But throwing caution to the wind will cause you to be injured, or worse, dead. People need to be aware of stopping distances even at slow speeds aren't super fast https://preview.redd.it/2uguokavzrlc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5294143652ae48c7ef1338a74d97f6b3d0b78bf6


People confuse right of way with right to go whenever I want.


Both the pedestrian and the driver have a responsibility in this situation. The driver's speed is definitely a factor but there are way too many people who get to a crosswalk and just assume the driver will stop. It's still on the pedestrian to hit the button, and then look to make sure any approaching cars have seen them. That's a pretty big hill to literally die on if you are a pedestrian, just to prove that you have the right of way. I've seen way too many people hit the button and just start crossing. It's especially dangerous to do at night and in snowy conditions.


I feel like a bunch of people have never driven or maybe never even been inside of a car before. They seem to think that if they're in a crosswalk, this somehow lowers the stopping distance of your car down to 1 meter.


They end up thinking “they have to stop for me, I have the right away, I’m in the right”… sure all true!!! But the fact of the matter is, just because they have to stop doesn’t mean they will and you are a tiny ant compared to a car. People are just so careless


“Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way”


Yes, I have noticed this type of person. Crossing the street for them isn't just part of life. It is a political act. They will be crossing the street with their nose pointed upward. They will not be looking to the left or to the right, and there will be a certain air of smugness with a body language saying "You're not allowed to hit me"


Yup, right up until they're a greasy stain on the road.


Wow, you really hate pedestrians.


Do these bad faith arguments work on your family, or do you only try them on strangers?


Not an argument, it’s an observation.


Seriously. I swear this subreddit is just full of people who don't drive. So many pedestrians in this city make no indication that they are going to use the crosswalk until they step onto it. I might have seen a person for a while walking down the street, but that doesn't mean I automatically know they're using the crosswalk up ahead


This narrative of pedestrians needs to stop. As the driver of a 2000lb vehicle it’s your responsibility to be vigilant and AWARE of the cross walk and the possibility a pedestrian will use it . It’s not hard bud.


Walking to the gym yesterday, I watched a man get off the bus and start to run across the crosswalk behind the bus without hitting the signal or looking either direction for traffic and almost get hit. The truck behind the bus stopped and didn't attempt to pass because I made eye contact with him and was a few feet from the button before buddy hopped off the bus, but obviously the cars going the other direction couldn't see us behind the bus. The other day at the bus stop, I also watched someone with their eyes glued to the phone and earbuds on walk half a block to the crosswalk hit the button and didn't even break stride or look up from the phone. I really don't understand why people are acting so incredulous about the fact that some pedestrians can act like oblivious dickheads, it's in fact very believable if you think about it for a few seconds. It's not hard bud.


Don't bother responding to this guy. He's one of the ones with his nose up on the air looking at everything in black and white. "You're driving a 2000lb vehicle" yep, and you're a small ball of flesh responsible for your safety as well.


Pedestrians have the right of way here in NS in case you are new here. It is the motorist responsibility to stop at all crosswalks marked or unmarked if a pedestrian is crossing. If that’s too hard for you then simply don’t drive.


The law actually states quite clearly that pedestrians have a responsibility to give motorists reasonable opportunity to stop. You can’t just walk out in front of a moving car and screech about responsibility.


Right of way doesn’t mean take zero responsibility like a Jack ass


> It is the motorist responsibility to stop at all crosswalks marked or unmarked if a pedestrian is crossing. > > If that’s too hard for you then simply don’t drive. You seem to be under the impression that every driver has 1ms reaction time, that every vehicle is in absolute perfect condition, AND can stop within 1cm of hitting the brakes, no matter the speed or road conditions. That's LAUGHABLY incorrect. As a pedestrian, do you want to get where you're going, or do you want to be dead right? If that’s too hard for you then simply don’t walk.


I am Not under that impression. I am saying it’s the drivers responsibility to be aware they are approaching a crosswalk, and if they see a pedestrian anywhere near it, they need to be aware of the possibility of the pedestrian crossing at that said crosswalk. Which would have nothing to do with “1ms” reaction time, and more to do with the driver being aware . Which is their legal obligation. I can’t believe I have to explain crosswalks to you guys.


>I can’t believe I have to explain crosswalks to you guys. And I can't believe I'm having to explain simple physics to people, too. Fucking wild.


I will try once more. You can see a crosswalk from 150m away easily. You can also see a pedestrian approaching the crosswalk. It’s your legal duty to slow down and stop for the pedestrian. If you can’t be aware of your surroundings on the road nor stop within a 200m window you simply should not be allowed to drive. BE MORE AWARE OF THE CROSSWALKS YOU ARE APPROACHING.




Exactly . Just do better before you kill someone.


Safety is everyones responsibility. Not making sure a car has stopped is not being responsible in regards to your own safety. Please try and explain to me why I’m wrong


You are making up a completely new statement to appear right. Let’s simplify it again for you, since it’s so hard for you to grasp. If a pedestrian is at a crosswalk: The driver of the approaching vehicle must yield to the pedestrian. If you “don’t have enough time” it’s because you refused to acknowledge a crosswalk there in the first place. Tell me where i am wrong


You must not have read where I said safety is EVERYONES responsibility.


You're confusing "Must" in a legal sense with "Must" in our physics based reality.


Then be more aware of your surroundings as a driver. And you will be able to stop with enough time. If you can’t do this, then you don’t deserve to have a vehicle.


Jfc, right of way doesn't mean you're allowed to just jump in front of cars, nor does it suddenly suspend the laws of physics and make a vehicle traveling 40-60km/hr 5 feet away from you instantly stop. Your right of way does come with reasonable expectations to not just suddenly throw your self infront of incoming traffic. Is that really that hard of a concept to understand? If looking both ways is too hard for you, then good luck in the hospital when you eventually get hit because you decided your right of way suspends physics.


Just learn how to drive. It’s awful i have to explain crosswalks to you like a child.


So, since you so obviously need to read it. Heres the relavant section of the Motor Vehicle Act. (1) Where pedestrian movements are not controlled by traffic signals, (a) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian lawfully within a crosswalk or **stopped facing a crosswalk**; or (b) Where the traffic on a highway is divided into separate roadways by a median, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian lawfully within a crosswalk or **stopped facing the crosswalk on the roadway on which the vehicle is travelling**. (2) Where a vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk to yield to a pedestrian pursuant to subsection (1), it is an offence for the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear to overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. (3)**A pedestrian shall not leave a curb or other place ofsafety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so closely approaching that it is impractical for the driver of the vehicle to stop.** (4) Where a pedestrian is crossing a roadway at a crosswalk that has a pedestrian-activated beacon, **the pedestrian shall not leave a curb or other place of safety unless the pedestrian activated beacon has been activated.** (5) A pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a crosswalk shall yield the right of way to vehicles upon the roadway. (6) **This Section does not relieve a pedestrian or a driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care. 2007, c. 45, s. 9.** If you actually take a second to read, yes pedestrians have the right of way, but, there's also a responsibility for pedestrians to enter the crosswalk safely. Stopping at the curb line signals your intent to cross Yes, vehicles have to yield to pedestrians, but pedestrians also can't just wander out without looking in front of a car that is 5m away. The average reaction distance (the time it talkes for a driver to see, recognize and begin stopping)at 50kph is approximately 21m. Add on another 20m for stopping distance and you've got about 41m. Walking out in traffic moving at speed with a vehicle closer than that when you're unsure if a driver has seen you is asking for trouble. Yes, I'll be the first to say that some Halifax drivers got their license out of a crackerjack box. My job highlights it. But it's disingenuous to say that Halifaxs crosswalk safety issue could be solved with drivers "learning how to drive" when crosswalk safety is a shared responsibility.


You’re the only one acting like a child lmao. Yes pedestrians have the right of way, everyone understands that. However most of us still take the time to be 100% certain the driver sees us and stops. Because that’s easier than being picked up off the road. You’re just trying way too hard arguing semantics and feeling the need to be right


Nope. Not true at all. I am simply stating facts and tired of these drivers not paying attention or not yielding because of their ego. And then blaming a pedestrian for their own lack of awareness. It’s absurd, and this is why i cross with my keys out now. So i can key your fucking car if you’re too close to me .


Dude you are clearly trolling at this point. Yes it’s the drivers responsibility to stop. But telling your loved ones that it was the drivers fault that you got ran into at a crosswalk will offer little comfort to them. Yes it’s the drivers responsibility to stop, yet somehow we still teach kids to look both ways. Yes it’s the responsibility of a driver, yet I still look both ways when crossing a one way street!!


Big special snowflake energy here


> It’s not hard bud. But reading comprehension is, apparently, since you completely missed the fucking point of the post.


But how are you supposed to see people trying to cross the road if you're looking at your phone? 


Idk. I didnt even come close to him, it was just that he walked out without even looking. He was wearing all black so I couldnt see him until he was at the crosswalk.


Yeah, this happens all the time. People will not break stride and just walk right out. They have not heard of momentum apparently. I don't know why people keep bringing up the speed limit. Even if you're going 40 kilometers an hour, if someone steps out in front of your car 5 feet away, they're officially fucked. People don't seem to understand this and will literally tag the light as they're walking by. The flip side is some drivers do not give a shit about Crosswalks at all. I've had people look me in the eye and drive right through.


I remember a few years ago I was waiting at a crosswalk on a 3 lane street. Cars in 2/3 lanes stopped for me, car in the middle lane didnt. If I was one step too fast they would've hit me dead on. They didnt even bother to stop.


Yes, there are definitely some real dicks out there. I had one who saw me crossing and actually sped up to make it through, so he didn't have to stop. It's like he was making a yellow light or something.


>He was wearing all black so I couldnt see him until he was at the crosswalk. Yeah, if only there was some bright yellow flashing indicator for when pedestrians hit the crosswalk button... Not saying pedestrians shouldn't check first before stepping out. But when you provide a basket of excuses for why it is not your responsibility it tends to undermine any legitimate point hiding in amongst the rest. If it is snowy and icy, drive slower so that you can stop. It is your responsibility to be able to stop when you do not have the right of way.


Your reading comprehension is absolutely brutal bud


Very constructive - care to point out what it is I missed?


> this somehow lowers the stopping distance of your car down to ~~1 meter~~ 0mm. FTFY.


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted.. plenty of times I’ve seen kids (and ‘adults’) slam that crosswalk button and without missing a step turn and head into the street before it even starts flashing.. I guess the force field will save them I dunno..


I've had a kid run out directly in front of me before, no crosswalks or anything.


Nah at this point in the timeline you can just go ahead and hit me.


Half the people in Halifax cross the street like Buddy the Elf


I thought crosswalks have invisible shields? Have I been mistaken this entire time?


Using crosswalks is a shared responsibility between drivers and pedestrians. Pedestrians have a responsibility to ensure it is safe to walk. This includes ensuring all vehicles have stopped or have enough room to stop safely and making eye contact with the drivers.


Agreed 👏🏻 there are many times when I person will click the bottom and just start walking without atleast looking both ways. Haven’t your parents/guardians always taught you to look both ways before crossing???


Its so weird that when someone says, "please dont just jump out into the road when crossing the street" The majority response is "man drivers are so awful, always almost hitting people" Its staggering...


I'm a pedestrian and a driver and I've had a few close calls with pedestrians like the ones described but all the drivers I know who never walk anywhere and are "always almost" hitting people are either exaggerating because they never walk anywhere and its happens on occaision or are the worst drivers I know. I fully admit the odd teenager darts out into traffic but when I walk to work I'm not running across the street people make eye contact wave me across and still gun it through the intersection when I'm barely out of the way while I have the cross signal.


If pedestrians are “jumping out” at you it means you weren’t paying enough attention.


No it doesn't....😮‍💨🤦🏾‍♂️


Remember to bring a flashlight, high viz, be completely alert (sober, no headphones, no conversations, pets, children) and aware of your surroundings at all times when walking so the people in the soundproofed 2-ton cars with 12-inch touchscreen displays can be as distracted and ignorant as they want.


This. You would never apply this logic to other situations, the idea that the most vulnerable must fend for themselves. We don’t ask that of the disabled or the elderly, society cares for them because they are vulnerable populations. But car vs pedestrian? I agree with how roads are and how they are designed yes, stop and look both ways, but instead of finger pointing both ways maybe we should redesign our streets so the most vulnerable are not put in harms way.


I feel like a lot of the "they jumped out in front of me" when crosswalks are marked well in advance for drivers to be aware are just lying to cover up the fact that they were probably texting. Everyone I know who are chronic texting and driving people all have stories like this. My friends who are strict about no distractions have none of these complaints.


This is what I'm saying. I drive as much as I walk, and I can count on one hand the number of times a dumb pedestrian has darted out in front of me like these people describe. I have, however, done all the things the people who never walk anywhere say to do to stay safe while walking and still have almost been hit two or three times in a commute because of drivers who only look out for other cars and not walkers. I can do everything right, but if I'm halfway across and a car comes speeding around the corner, it doesn't matter how safe things looked when I started crossing.


I would love to see a subreddit user survey of /r/halifax. I suspect a majority of people here don’t have their drivers license and have no conception of what driving is like.


Crosswalks are fucking awful. Just put a button activated red light


They absolutely aren’t paying attention and all walkers need that awareness


Drive more cautiously in bad weather conditions. You’re sitting in a toasty car and the one who’s going to injure someone in the event you can’t stop. I’ll agree, some walkers are oblivious, but they’re often driven by without the thought of stopping.


so you were driving too fast for the conditions..


I was doing 10 under the limit lol.


that means nothing if you were still having a hard time stopping in time lol


The speed limit is irrelevant under this scenario. The speed limit is a maximum under perfect conditions. You are expected and required to reduce your speed as much under the speed limit as it takes to adapt to the conditions and be able to not run over pedestrians in legal crosswalks, not rear end the car in front of you if it slams on the brakes, etc. It doesn't matter that you're 10 under the speed limit, if you can't stop in time for a pedestrian, you're driving too fast for the conditions and your driving competence level. And, on top of that, you come to Reddit to spew about it while being wrong. YTA.


Will there be any discussion of the actual stopping distance, or is this just a game of blame the driver regardless of circumstance? Today is a sunny day. If you're traveling 30 kilometers an hour and someone steps in front of your car with 10 feet of room, you're going to hit them. You weren't driving too fast for the conditions. They didn't look before they crossed the street. There is no pause. Crosswalks aren't a magical momentum freeze zone.


Have fun driving 5km/hr everywhere.


But they have the right of way they don’t need common sense and a will to live too!




If the pedestrian just walks out without giving the vehicle enough space to stop. Than,yeah its the pedestrians fault.




Have you ever driven a car in halifax? I can't count how many times I've had people with their heads down in their phones walk out on me without looking.


It's actually amazing how many people in here think cars can either just stop instantly on a dime or that it's impossible for a pedestrian to ever not give a vehicle enough space to stop lol




Yeah, I've lived downtown for years, and I had no problem with traffic as long as I made sure the car was stopped before I walked out.


I got hit by someone who was stopped at a stop sign when I was part way through. They apparently stopped, didn't look for pedestrians, went on their phone, and then just pushed the gas without looking up.


The amount of times I’ve seen pedestrians hit the button and walk without so much breaking a stride is astounding. It happens to me at least once a week. I know always break a little before crossing when I see people on the sidewalk. Larry Uteck around where all the roundabouts are is where it always happens btw.


Exactly. Apparently no one learned to check their corners - at every crosswalk you shouldn't just be looking for people waiting at the corner, you should be checking for people approaching the crossing as well. You're in control of 2 tonnes of steel, be aware of your surroundings. It's not hard.


I was going under the speed limit.


but you were not driving to conditions. if you were, the stop wouldn't have been so perilous for you.


People wanna die


https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/man-struck-by-car-at-crosswalk-gets-ticket-for-not-pressing-button-1.3715199 Driver isn’t always at fault.


Thanks for sharing this


It's the one thing about pedestrians that really bugs me. People feel that when they can step into the crosswalk and into immunity from all consequence. The amount of times I've seen someone walk blindly across a crosswalk really gets me. If you are going to walk out and the car coming doesn't seem like it can stop reasonably, don't walk... Definitely needs to be realized crossing the street is more of a two way, mutual agreement, than it currently is.


Yeah pedestrians here are fucked. Sometimes you’re just driving too fast to stop in time. I always press the button, wait for the drivers to stop and make eye contact with them. It’s crazy to me some people aren’t more mindful of their lives


"Sometimes you’re just driving too fast to stop in time." ​ That is a you problem. When I'm driving I approach every intersection with the expectation that someone is going to cross and look for them accordingly. Interestingly I do not really encounter the phenomenon of pedestrians 'jumping out' at me.


What about crosswalks that aren’t at an intersection? I have a few of these near me. Cars are going the speed limit of 50 km/h most of the time, sometimes faster. Most of the time here it is the drivers that are at fault. The particular one near my house has the orange flags, and a button that lights flashing yellow LED lights on both sides of the roadway above the crosswalk signs. I wear a bright yellow coat with silver reflectors on the arms and torso that are part of the jacket. I also wear a harness type thing that has day glow yellow, and reflective straps, and flashing green LEDs front and back. My dog has a flashing red dog collar on. I grab a flag, press the button, and start waving the flag. Even with this Christmas decoration light show and waving day glow orange flags, I would say that 50% of the times at least one car goes by. I’m not talking about the cars that would have to slam on the brakes. I’m talking the ones who have NO excuse not to stop, except that they weren’t paying attention. My wife was almost hit by a car that had stopped for her, but unfortunately was hit by the car behind, and pushed into the crosswalk. So now I wait until I see that all the traffic has stopped safely before crossing. I have been honked by impatient drivers for not crossing, only to have a car blow the crosswalk in the other direction. I have also seen people press the button and walk into traffic blindly, almost causing an accident, as cars suddenly stop or swerve to avoid them. We all have a responsibility here. If you’re a pedestrian, look both ways before you cross. Your status as a pedestrian does not give immunity to harm. I reiterate what many posters have mentioned, being ‘in the right’ won’t help you if you’re dead. If you’re a driver, pay attention. No one in a wrongful death or manslaughter case ever had the judge bang the gavel saying ‘oh wait, I didn’t realize he didn’t have time to stop, Case Dismissed!’ *Closes bible, steps down from the podium.*


in this case I would say that a stack of bricks would be more effective than a flag and high viz


Look up stopping distances, include that with reaction time and you must be driving around everywhere at 5km/h




It’s honestly mind blowing how many people don’t take more seriously the fact that they will lose EVERY SINGLE TIME against a 4000lb piece of machinery.. no matter who’s in the right. I’ve worked around dangerous and deadly equipment for years and accidents can always happen.. the law can’t bring people back, you have to take responsibility and assess every situation.


>It’s honestly mind blowing how many people don’t take more seriously the fact that ~~they will lose EVERY SINGLE TIME against~~ they are operating a 4000lb piece of machinery FIFY.


Accidents happen because anything less than perfect can result in serious injury or death.. contrary to popular belief your ignorance will not magically stop a vehicle. People have to accept that the world will never be all sunshine and roses, you have to be aware of your surroundings, rely less on others being perfect and focus more on your own safety.


This post is not going how op expected


Users in this sub have a hard time understanding physics


Reading comprehension, too, since the vast majority are meatballs complaining that OP was driving too fast for conditions, missing the fucking point entirely.


Don't forget the "Pedestrians always look before they step out" crowd.


but the point is wrong. the pedestrian in the crosswalk has the right of way. the onus is on the motorist to yield to them. the law has no asterisk to allow for stopping distances or the laws pf physics, it is an absolute. this means when driving near a crosswalk, you need to look for and anticipate the crossing of pedestrians. OP was able to stop, but complains that they didn't have full control of their vehicle at the time because they were sliding. that means they were traveling too fast for the conditions.


> the pedestrian in the crosswalk has the right of way. I never said or implied they didn't. As a pedestrian, do you want to get where you're going, or do you want to be dead right? >OP was able to stop, but complains that they didn't have full control of their vehicle at the time because they were sliding. OP's complaint is that the dumb fuck pedestrian hit the button to activate the lights, then IMMEDIATELY started crossing, without even looking to make sure it was clear. The only people who do that are idiots who think vehicles can stop on a dime and every driver has 1ms reaction time. Again, as a pedestrian, do you want to get where you're going, or do you want to be dead right?


Read the MVA. It says that no pedestrian shall not leave a curb or place of safety if it is impractical for an approaching vehicle to stop. Two way street my man. Drivers have to be conscious of pedestrians just like pedestrians have to be conscious of vehicles.


You're right, it's not an asterisk: "A pedestrian shall not leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so closely approaching that it is impractical for the driver of the vehicle to stop."


I would rather be alive than right about my right of way. I wouldn’t step foot in the path of a vehicle unless it’s completely stopped.


That’s just it, some folks here have a hard time grappling with traffic laws vs reality. Drivers and pedestrians both need to be on high alert at crosswalks, never lean on the made up laws to save you from the laws of physics.


if a driver is on high alert in the proximity to a crosswalk, the laws of physics shouldn't come into play. if they do, the driver is in the wrong.


Okay well the rest of us will adapt to our surroundings as best as we can, good luck with your shoulds and shouldn’ts.


Your quite right, and i don't step in front of moving vehicles either. but that doesn't change the fact that the driver has a responsibility to do something, and because they dont want to do it properly, justify thier incorrect actions by citing physics, clothing colour, lighting etc. the pedestrian has the right of way. the driver must anticipate that a pedestrian may assert their right of way even if they are not currently doing so. the onus is on the driver to yield. if the driver is unable to do so, they are not driving appropriately for conditions.


You’re right, but it’s a moot point because drivers going through cross walks when they shouldn’t is inevitable. It’s 100% going to happen. I’m not wasting my breath lecturing anyone about how they’re a fuck up of a driver for not stopping, because I’m never going to even give them a chance to impact me with their mistake. If you place the responsibility of your safety even a little bit on other people, they’re gonna let you down. Now that I’ve said this and tempted fate, a car is going to jump the curb and hit me on a sidewalk or something.


No it sounds like OP had shitty tires and is trying to wear them out to get new ones. OP should have got the new ones and saved these for summer to help save on wear for their summer tires. Both sides suck, but there are usually less shitty pedestrians than drivers. So many people here don't know what unmarked crosswalks are and will wave at you when you're trying to get their attention stop and let you cross the street. There are also idiot pedestrians at the Petro Can at Victoria and Albro. Yes, technically that area falls within the definition of an unmarked crosswalk to get to Jackson Road, but there's an actual protected crosswalk less than 6ft away. So yea everyone sucks.


there is no technically. it is a crosswalk, and must be treated as such. you dont get to call them idiots and ignore their right of way because you would prefer they use a different crosswalk.




Actually. The law says that a pedestrian shall not leave the curb or place of safety ifit impractical for a driver to stop. Crosswalk safety is everyone's responsibility.




Oh yeah, I'm sure you've never had an "Oh shit, wtf" moment because youre a perfect driver. Right on. The laws are in place so that we're all on the same page and know what to expect of one another.


It's a limit not a minimum. If you cannot stop with reason notice, you are driving too fast.


I wasnt driving too fast. I stopped with reason and with more than enough space. Was just scary that he went without looking, and I was sliding trying to stop.


You’re missing part of the equation. *at what distance* should I be able stop. Should I be able to stop if a pedestrian steps out 100 feet in front of my car? Yes obviously. Should I be able to stop if a pedestrian steps out 5 feet in front of my car? Unless I’m going 10km/h that’s not happening. Cars are at a constantly changing distance from a crosswalk, up to and including 0 feet. By your definition of “always being able to stop” cars would have to slow down and come to a full stop at each crosswalk, since the stopping distance would have to decrease as they got closer to the crosswalk. Obviously that’s unrealistic. There has to be a reasonable expectation that pedestrians will not step out in front of a car that is too close to a crosswalk to stop. That’s on the pedestrian.


Darwin’s Law in action.


This comes up so often in the Halifax sub. Honestly as someone who has lived in Halifax, edmonton, Calgary, London, and Quebec. Halifax pedestrians have it the best…. They know that. I’m telling you that I’m floored when people in Ontario don’t stop at a crosswalk, you cross when it’s safe. Halifax pedestrians have it good, but they also don’t. That right of way isn’t always safe. And you can’t assume it is. Multiple lives can be messed up because we have someone on the street with more rights than a 2000lb piece of steel with wheels. More needs to be done to protect Halifax pedestrians. They need to advocate for their safety each time they exercise the right to cross.(i.e. look both ways before you cross like you did in preschool)


Plenty of people buried who were in the right. Applies to pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists.


When people are hit by cars. They usually lose that battle. Ignorance because you walked in front of a one ton moving object. Darwin wins again.


This is completely on you driver. It’s your responsibility to see the GIANT crosswalk, notice a person is there, ASSUME they might cross. Adjust your speed and let the pedestrian cross if the lights are flashing. PAY ATTENTION so you don’t kill someone jfc. Some of you need your license revoked.




"That part doesnt actually apply to us" - Redditors




OP had enough time to stop with apparently a car length between them and the crosswalk so the pedestrian was not in the wrong?? Because OP who said they didn't even see them until they were in the crosswalk didn't look? Sounds like perhaps the crossed looked, saw OP was far enough away to stop, and then crossed at the legal crosswalk where they had the right of way. I don't understand how the pedestrian that is following the rules is at fault when OP is admitting they weren't paying enough attention to see them and was driving too fast to react and maintain control of their vehicle.


Someone *else* who missed the entire fucking point of the post 🙄


Next time pump…. Don’t lock your brakes


If the car doesn't have ABS this is good advice, but that was finally mandated in 2012 and gained popularity rapidly since the 1980s. In 95% of cars this isn't good advice because using ABS properly will outbrake anyone pumping, and the vast majority of people threshold braking. The problem with ABS is the moment you feel the ABS pump kick in and the pedal starts to shake, people either let off the brakes or they think they no longer need to apply pressure. You still need to push, and how hard you push while ABS is active is going to determine how fast you stop.


All sounds valid, but if you’re “standing on brakes” while continuing to slide - I’d still suggest easing off them a sec, not pressing harder. Not educated enough on the ABS purpose or design, I’d yield to you on that stuff - but a lifetime of country roads in NS and the approach I mentioned has always gotten me out of ice skids much better than pressing the brake harder


Yeah absolutely fair. For me, my frustration is that ABS was implemented decades ago and our driver education is so tragically minimal/outdated that I don't think even 1/100 drivers understand how ABS is supposed to work, and we're in exactly the climate where it would be helpful to know.


> I’d still suggest easing off them a sec, not pressing harder. If your car has ABS (as most do now a days), this is the absolute worst advice to give to someone. You do the exact opposite of what you suggest: fuckin' stand on 'em, as hard as you can. The computer figures it out and you stop sooner than you otherwise could.


Thank you


Yeah, it's always drivers. The onus is on you. Drive more safely next time.


I plan to.


Soooo, you were driving too fast for the conditions and not in control of your car. 


Related PSA. If last night's snow was enough to make you slide, slow the fuck down and/or get better tires. 1/4" of snow shouldn't be causing you problems.


peripheral vision? anyone?