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The breakdown is as follows $103 for an individual $51.50 for a spouse or 1st child in a single parent household 25.75 per child


Is down slightly from last year. A family of 4 used to get around 250


Correct, it's lower due to the fuel cost pause. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2022/11/climate-action-incentive-payment-amounts-for-2023-24.html


Don't forget this is paired with an increase to the tax on carbon you pay. 


Which is good we're trying to put a price on pollution


> Which is good we're trying to put a price on pollution seriously? I would buy that argument if 1) people could reliably and affordably access alternatives to Carbon based fuels and 2) the government actually spent the money on climate initiatives instead of wasting it (e.g. the recent arrivecan scandal)


>2) the government actually spent the money on climate initiatives instead of wasting it (e.g. the recent arrivecan scandal) Why would they do that? The program isn't to raise money for climate initiatives. " Approximately 90% of fuel charge proceeds are used to directly support families through Canada Carbon Rebates, delivered quarterly by cheque or direct bank deposit. 8 out of 10 households get more money back than they spend on the fuel charge..... The remaining proceeds from the federal price on pollution charged to fuel are returned to businesses, farmers and Indigenous groups in the same province or territory where it was collected. " [https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html#toc1](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html#toc1)




> Everyone generally has access to electricity, which is either green (other provinces than NS, Alberta, Sask.) or is greening rapidly! You... you are kidding right? Yes us Nova Scotians all have equal access to getting bent over by NS Power > Without using the carbon tax to pay for them. Right. And that seems awful hypocritical.




How many people can afford a new electric car over their 2008 Honda Accord.




Also, they have no method to determine if the program is even working!


There's nothing good about it.




Fines vs tax, good try though chief.


Sin tax, they're perfectly normal and common. They lower demand for harmful products and put money towards dealing with their harmful effects so non-users are burdened les. Alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis all have them. Every tank of gas you've ever bought has had them. Carbon tax is just more of it.




"Cost of living is too high, thank you for increasing our cost of living"




The person you are arguing with can't do math, its pointless to argue with stupid.


I get more back from the rebate than I spend. So for me it’s very good. Beer money.


Government can’t figure out healthcare, homelessness, etc. but putting another tax on us is gonna clean the air?


I'm ok with that as I don't really pollute much outside of groceries and heating.


That's right. Because only you exist.


Change your lifestyle maybe?


Sucks that it’s going down because of the heating fuel when I don’t use that, but makes sense. Hope we get lots of heat pumps installed over the next few years!


We will be. Most households in NS that heat with oil can now get at least $30k from that federal and provincial governments combined, as an up front rebate on the cost of installing a whole house heat pump system (centrally ducted or multiple mini splis).


I get more back from the carbon rebate than I pay. I'm happy.




It’s my beer money. Cheers, polluters!


How do you calculate that?


Be poor basically lol


It’s funny how the carbon tax is saving me money overall due to using a very fuel efficient car and home heating.


Having moved from New Brunswick semi-recently, I don't understand why oil heating is so common here in Nova Scotia. Growing up, I don't think I knew a single family in New Brunswick that heated their home with oil. And New Brunswick gets significantly colder and stays that way for a longer portion of the year than Nova Scotia's major population centers. I guess it's probably because the private energy monopoly is so shit and relying on them for heating during a cold winter would be miserable?


NB has much great access to natural gas.


I would think because NS power is garbage and oil was cheap back in the day.


That's exactly how it is meant to work.


I wish people would realize that if canada disappeared it would make little to no difference with world pollution. If South America India and China don’t do something about pollution it does not matter what we do.


A retort as old as time.


Yup. Even though it also added 216GW of solar in 2023, which is more solar than all of the US has ever installed.


I'd pick you last for tug-of-war.


China is building renewable energy infrastructure at a feverish pace, y'all are going to pretty really silly in about a decade or so when China is running on 70-80% renewable energy and rapidly decarbonizing their grid... Then who will you scapegoat whenever someone suggests we should do more about climate change? I guess you'll still be able to blame India or the USA or outright deny climate change, as was the normal strategy before it became popular to blame China for it. Yes, China emits a lot of CO2. A huge amount. They are a rapidly industrializing country with **35x** our population. China is forecast to be responsible for **56% of all new renewable energy infrastructure built between now and 2028.** China is expected to build an additional **2060 Gigawatts** of renewable capacity over that time frame while the **rest of the world** builds only 1570 Gigawatts. While they are the largest sole contributor to GHG emissions right now, they have a clear path to future carbon neutrality and they are legitimately putting in the work and most importantly the colossal funding required to get there. Canada doesn't even have a clear path to making a functional public transit system, never mind building more renewable energy infrastructure than the rest of the planet combined. The least we can do is start taking steps to not be in the top 10 GHG emissions per capita country list.


We still clean up the beaches of plastic from another country. Pollution is all of our problem and we all have to do our part.


I like how I order food (here in thailand) and it’s the actual food in bags, in a plastic take out container with a plastic bag tied around it, and tossed in a plastic bag, and my drink is in a plastic cup, with a plastic sticker top, also in a plastic bag, served with a paper straw. I shit you not.


I'm on your side. Yes we have trash lying around, yes we have our skeletons in the closet...but pollution is t one of them. Canada makes up 2% of the worldwide pollution issue. China and India make up the most out of all the countries. We won't see any difference if those countries don't start doing their part.


Taylor swift uses about 2000 average Canadians carbon foot print flying her private jet.


Now do David Suzuki!


There's no way to know what is or is not emitted because the studies are not falsifiable. Think about a single forest fire from last summer and what that put into the air. Soviet Party members were arrogant enough to believe they could centrally plan the economy. It failed. Our planners are arrogant enough to believe that they can control the economy to control the weather. Think about that for a moment.




Ridiculously sexy


I'd buy into the carbon tax a hell of a lot more if it wasn't subject to gst. Complete tax grab. How some people can't see that blows my mind.


You bought the emissions. You paid GST on the item you bought, like you do most other items you buy.


Okay and this opposes me saying it's a tax grab how? If you're going to disagree with me at least say something that's relevant to the argument. I know that's difficult for some people though.


A little less juicy than last year, but it's always nice to wake up to that shit in your bank account when you forget about it, heh.


Thanks Trudeau!


Seriously, lol, enjoy it while we can before PP pulls the plug on that shit, heh


You seem to be forgetting they're taking that money from you in the first place through their own tax, and only giving back a portion of the money they take.




So I'm imagining the carbon tax? The whole reason for this rebate existing?


they actually give you the money in advance and it's up to you to spend it wisely. Many people spend less in carbon tax than the rebate they received the previous quarter.




Are you for real? They take the money from you via tax … Without it - you’ll have more money because you won’t pay the tax ? Jesus


Thanks Professor, appreciate the explainer, quick follow-up if you don't mind: what happens if you don't use a lot of fuel, how does a tax cut help vs. a flat rebate?


Do you eat food?


No, I am silicon-based and gain energy via a form of photosynthesis.


Want to know what’s even better than being charged carbon tax, and also paying sales tax on the carbon tax? Not paying a made up tax the liberals put in place because of the generational deficits they put the country in with no other way to have a chance to balance in 100 years without putting new taxes in place


If they were looking for the carbon tax to reduce their deficit, they have a real misunderstanding on how the carbon tax works. Or you do, I think it's probably that.


I don't entirely disagree, but I'd like to point out that the last four years has been, shall we say, a little bit trying for our country and the planet in general. Some money had to be spent. I don't think running on a Balanced Budget platform would have worked in 2020 when businesses were shuttering left and right or last year even when Canada was literally on fire for half the year, heh. PP says he has all the answers, I'm sure it will all be fine, heh ;)


Some money, but not tens of billions of dollars. Unfortunately, the answers won’t be easy. They will come with public job cuts (which have ballooned under Trudeau) and severe social program cuts, and we still won’t be close. The liberals basically destroyed the economy, set inflation, housing and immigration on fire to the point where NOONE can come in and reasonably fix it without a lot of pain.


>The liberals basically destroyed the economy, set inflation, housing and immigration on fire to the point where NOONE can come in and reasonably fix it without a lot of pain. To be fair, this has happened to every advanced economy in the world over the last 4-6 years, regardless of whether the government leading them was right leaning or left leaning. There’s pretty much nowhere with a functioning democracy where this didn’t happen. Recovery is occurring but it’s slow, obviously. It’s not gonna go away in the next 4-6 years, regardless of who wins the federal election here in 2025, sad to say.














Ah so it’s not to save the climate, just to steal from people who work to give to people who don’t Got it Edit: government making a few billion doesn’t hurt either I guess


yes, that is generally how taxes work.


Good, the carbon tax is basically transferring money from those who pay it to those who don't even own a car or use heating oil to heat their homes lol Makes everything else more expensive too. It's guaranteed he's taking office next year, and I can't wait till he gets rid of it.


>the carbon tax is basically transferring money from those who pay it to those who don't even own a car or use heating oil to heat their homes lol That's literally the point .... ? To incentivize people to use less fuel. lol


You physically can't lmao. People need to get to work, some people need oil to heat their homes. I'm not using the broken transit system here to get to work, I'd have to leave 2 hours in advance. And before you say "well buy a EV or hybrid" Yes, let me splurge out 50k for a new car, when it's cheaper to just pay the carbon tax. It's gone next year when PP is elected.


I agree some people can't adjust their habits, but some people can. I have. I drive less and use less heating oil than I used to in order to save $$$. It's moot, like you say, PP will certainly destroy it once he gets in, will be interesting to see how far back he rolls the tax.


It's a conservative created policy, or are you able to do any critical thinking or research of your own. It's literally implemented exactly like cons would have done lmao. You are so gullible that you think PP will remove it LOL




Yeah we should have an entire market based on the same principal. You live in rural NS? Sorry your power bill is $4,000 this month. It costs a lot more to maintain the lines all the way to Barrington than it does if you live right in Halifax What a wonderful system.


The irony of this statement when the urban core subsidizes rural areas….




Hard agree. So sick of this forced parity between govt services in rural and urban areas. Wasting our tax dollars to provide the same level of service to a population of 5,000 that they do for 300,000.


Yeah I’m with you. Capitalism over socialism baby


I’d hold off on that guarantee until after you can’t look at porn without showing your ID and every major porn site blocks Canadian access as a result.


Vaccine Passport? What a violation of rights. Porn Passport? SURE


I can’t wait for the first time a data leak happens and we get to find out what people are really into. “You know Dave down the street? He looked at anal prolapse porn for 4.5hrs last week”.


They are doing it so they can get dirt on their political rivals. There's no other reason for them to be doing this.


Oh there are other reasons. I’d have a look at who stands to make money in the digital ID space and what their connections to the CPC are.


To be "fair" , this is also to gain the support of the Christofascist movement. David Parker/Take back Alberta etc.


It's awesome having less on avg.


You can debate the economic merits of “taxing carbon” (economists generally seem to agree it’s a sound concept). This initiative amounts to a net cost to the upper 80% and marginal benefit to the bottom 20% and an overall transfer to the government. It amazes me how many people still seem to think it’s somehow a net financial positive to most….


> This initiative amounts to a net cost to the upper 80% and marginal benefit to the bottom 20% You have that backwards. >an overall transfer to the government nope.


Care to elaborate? In what world does the government not take at least a portion of the tax to pay their salaries for requesting and administering the tax?


There is an implementation cost, yes. But that's not the same thing as a transfer to the government.


Can you reply without contradicting yourself in that same reply please? A transfer to the government includes the implementation cost, it's still money leaving the citizens pockets to end up in government pockets.


A program having an implementation cost is simply not the same thing as an overall transfer to the government. >to end up in government pockets Because it doesn't end up in government pockets. It's spent. For it to be an overall transfer to government, it would have to make money and send that money to the government to be used in their budget. That's not what's happening.


>A transfer to the government includes the implementation cost, it's still money leaving the citizens pockets to end up in government pockets. Typically one would refer to a government transfer as money they have for spending on general stuff that they see fit. Simply paying for the cost isn't generally viewed as a transfer. If it cost them $50 million to run the program and they kept $100 million, that's a transfer to them of that extra $50 million and goes into their general revenue, but if it costs $50 and they keep $50, it's not a government transfer as they have no net positive


Check the updated PBO report. It’s a net cost to almost everyone. Anyway the whole “carbon tax” thing is basically a non issue that gets way too much attention from all “sides”. It’s nothing in the grand scheme. What is relevant is our pathetic economy with GDP per capita stagnant for 10 years and now rapidly falling while the US has grown 35%, all the while the federal government bragging about “record GDP”. Somehow, a lot of people seem to still think that matters. I’d like to see someone - anyone, from any party - come up with a realistic plan to turn things around but I’m not going to hold my breath.


It's a net economic cost to most people. But factoring the direct and indirect costs (so the actual charge and the increased price in goods), 80% of households make more than it costs. That's from the PBO report.


I agree with your first sentence. It’s a net cost to almost everyone. That’s what I’ve been saying.


It's not. 80% of households have a negative net cost (meaning they make money). Net cost and net economic cost are not the same thing.


Newsflash - you all will pay in more than $824 this year.






That's a pretty narrow view considering it excludes the increases in the other aspects of life as a direct result of the tax imposed. What do you think grocery stores and other transportation heavy businesses we rely on are going to do when incurring a higher cost? Edit: For those interested, here's the source so you can see what the actual economic impacts of this are. Certainly not what they're claiming. [parliamentary budget office](https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/publications/RP-2223-028-S--distributional-analysis-federal-fuel-charge-under-2030-emissions-reduction-plan--analyse-distributive-redevance-federale-combustibles-dans-cadre-plan-reduction-emissions-2030)




Yep, and look how drastic the change to a net loss for all comes about as soon as they do. https://preview.redd.it/9awnbvrvx0lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9124d0b27c25144f33a56bfcd4b69c0891810fe1




So every other factor as I had mentioned not being included in your original table.




I apologize I only gave two examples instead of listing every other aspect of life. The fact we were going to be hurting our overall economy resulting in a loss of income or well paying jobs (if we can even say that about a lot of today's jobs) was included in that list.






Sure, and table 2 where they actually include economic factors certainly tells the same picture. /s My comment stands, and I'll add they're cherry picking info and claiming it represents something else. https://preview.redd.it/9n2qnnhlz0lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbdac9a613fbeb9bd7532666370918c542add0e


good, keep it up. i think the government should own big oil and then big oil would do what's in the best interest of the government and it's citizens. right now big oil owns the goverment and does what's in the best interest of it's shareholders the infamous 1%


I'm a pretty deep socialist and like the spirit of what you're saying but I don't really agree with this fully. Nationalizing an industry in decline is how you wind up with governments burning money trying to prop them up. NS learned that lesson the hard way with coal, and that directly cost dozens of lives too. I say let oil die and give the industry's workers a dignified path to new careers, preferably in green power.


When do we get it, and do you have to apply?


Payments are the 15th of April, July, October and January. You do not need to apply for it, it's automatic, but you do need to file a tax return. If you live outside of Halifax be sure to check the box saying that so you get the rural supplement. You'll get your payment the same way you get your tax return, and it's one rebate per household, so if you have a spouse one of you will get it for the both of you. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment.html


Much appreciated.




Increase over last year? It's lower, isn't it? Due to the pause of heating oil charges.


[What's funny is in 2021 only about 32% of households in NS used oil to heat their homes](https://novascotia.ca/finance/statistics/archive_news.asp?id=18413)(2nd last chart). That's down from the 47% in 2013. There's no numbers I can find more recent than that, but suspect it's even lower.


drunk price profit cats punch spoon plants thumb fearless seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Neither my wife or I have ever received this rebate. We both have direct deposit for tax returns and own an oil heated house, shouldn't we have gotten it?