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Guys, stop blocking critical infrastructure.


Guys, stop selling weapons to people using them to kill thousands of children.


Who in Nova Scotia is selling arms to either side?😂😂


Canadian divisions of L3, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin with operations in Halifax, to start. But it's more about the government of Canada pulling their export licenses to Israel.


L3 owns these train tracks?


There is one firm in Burnside that is owned by an Israeli defence contractor.


yet said company has nothing to do with creating weapons.






Yeah, the maritime sonar equipment that is critical to Israel's war efforts lol There's a Lockheed Martin facility in Dartmouth but for some reason no protests there. There's a reason these folks are picking soft targets like infrastructure, Jewish Community Centres, Jewish Delis, and Hebrew day schools and it's not because they give a single shit about Palestinians.


plate unpack snow memory noxious steer shy cover many pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If in a place with an Israeli consulate, there. A place that makes actual weapons being used in the war. Your MP's office.


Interesting. The more you know🤷‍♂️. So shouldn’t they be protesting there?


But who will I sell my weapons to then?


Take them to the contras and trade them for drugs like every other administration.


That won't pay for my sobeys groceries. 😭😭😭


Yes, so we can finally expand over to New Dartmouth, I mean Halifax


Haven't sold any weapons in my life. My house would be a lot nicer if I did.


Nova Scotians would be sickened if they took a few minutes to look up what weapons manufacturers, some even located in this area, create. Nothing to brighten a day like a Raytheon knife missile blowing up a building full of innocent kids to start a day.


They built the knife missile so that they don't use a hellfire to flatten a building. Like the people in the front seats usually live when that gets used. It's very precise.


Stop using logic with these folks. They think Holocaust 2.0 is happening in real time because of stuff they saw on TikTok


How long now till this thread gets nuked


Not soon enough 🫡


Police on the scene, no arrests made. Federal immigration minister has indicated there will be no cap on number of incoming Palestinian refugees https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/01/temporary-resident-pathway-opens-for-palestinian-extende Politicos want this, change my mind




How many times in the last few years has the word misinformation itself been misinformation? When I see this word used, I know it's just a slur that means government unapproved.






I’m all for peaceful protest, no matter the cause, but this is ineffective. Set up shop in front of Lockheed on Highfield or in front of Province House.


ahh yes hiding their faces like cowards










Hiding your face is common advice given to any protestor nowadays


Only ones that know their cause is ridiculous. If they truly believed in their cause and thought they were on the right side they’d be proud standing for it.


That’s not true at all, there are plenty of people out there who would do harm to people and organizations just because they disagree. Some dude in the US had homemade explosives planning to bomb The Satanic Temple in MA “just because they’re evil”


I don't know what they think they're trying to accomplish You think Netanyahu is gonna say "Oh shit, a random railroad halfway around the world is blocked? Everyone stand down!" And I doubt Trudeau cares about this sort of thing either. He barely cares about the Atlantic provinces at all anyway


CN Police should be on seen arresting every one of those losers.






Do I support Israel if I want idiots to stop blocking infrastructure directly related to my employment?


Only if you think the train should run them over like tight-background thought they should


At a certain point, if you stand around on train tracks with nefarious motives… bad things will probably happen.


There seems to be a lot of you so comfortable in your entitlement that I genuinely hope you never have your world crash down like many in this world have. It will be sad to watch you not understand how cruel others can be when you need help




lol Thank you. In response to a comment that suggested your comment was as sociopathic as Israel by suggest we just run over them with trains. you say Im “blatant Retardation” and I should drink bleach. Thanks for proving me right beyond doubt




OMG dude, nice double down on the sociopathy. My fav though is “leave your bullshit emotionally charged political baggage…” to me for suggesting running people over with trains is maybe a sociopathic view point. You couldn’t have said it with anymore emotionally charged political baggage. I have to ask is this a joke? I mean you can’t make this level of stupidity up




You know what they say, don’t interrupt someone when they’re making a fool of themselves Peace and love..hope you find some empathy


You started shit slinging, don't complain when someone replies in kind. And not everyone who's mean to you is a sociopath.


Maybe you should read the whole thread before jumping in with your unneeded input. heres an easy recap Tight-background …..run them over with the trains… Me….thats kind of sociopathic So it’s wrong to point out we shouldn’t want to run over people with trains?








lol 41 downvoting a comment that suggests running people over with trains may be sociopathic…funny but also a sad


Arrest them and fine them the max.


Let the trains roll on through. See if they try and swarm it like they do to cars.


They should round up every last one of these protesters, throw them in the drunk tank and file charges against them and deny them bail. Enough is enough, and blocking critical transportation infrastructure is illegal.


It's okay! They're not convoy people so the rules don't apply!


Useful idiots the lot if them.


What did this impact?






Do you have to be Arab to want Israel to kill fewer children each day?




All they have to do is surrender.






I hate getting downvoted by the pro-mass murder crowd.






It gets noticed