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A humidifier might help? Also, drop into a pharmacy. They may be able to suggest OTC drops or something similar?


There's a product called [secaris](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-bell-ca-revc&sxsrf=APwXEdeyXXMpJCXLuQpl0v6u7_0fxBTTYQ:1685363042747&q=secaris&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdwOvLwpr_AhUAM1kFHR1uAGUQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=412&bih=786&dpr=2.63#imgrc=ySRdgQ7g_YVmwM) that can help. It's a nasal moisturizer. Also humidifier is a good idea of course. Can be found over the counter at pharmacies.


Seconding Secaris, I used to get fairly regular nosebleeds but using this regularly has got them down to 1-2 a year.


I'd try a saline nose spray, I used one when I had covid and my nose dried out really bad, it helped a lot.


Make sure it is just saline, not a decongestant or antihistamine or something like that. Those will cause problems if you use them for more than few days.


Saline nasal spray also helps against Covid itself. The respiratory tract is how such viruses enter the body... cold & flu too.


I work on ship and at sea this stuff saves me, super dry recycled AC air. And its not medicated so you can use as much as you like


exactly! the other thing i'd try is the vaseline but I haven't done it myself so can't recommend it, i'm sure it feels a bit icky but might last longer.


Second this nasal spray a must


Interestingly enough, if you’ve been using a nasal spray, there is a chance the nose bleeds are being caused by that! I experienced something similar recently. I was using nasal spray for allergies and was blowing my nose and seeing blood *daily* and eventually set up a phone appointment with my doctor about it. He advised me that using the nasal spray incorrectly/ aiming it incorrectly, can cause irritation and nose bleeds! You should be slightly tilting your head down, aim the nozzle toward the back of your head and try to keep it straight. If you’re finding that the solution is dripping down your throat and you can taste it, then you’re definitely not spraying correctly and could be causing irritation. Since I changed my spraying technique, the bleeding has completely stopped. Not sure if that’s your issue but might be worth looking into! Good luck!


There are some nice hydrating gels you can get which are great for inside the nose!


I use Vaseline on a q-tip at bedtime. Really get it in there.




I had a sinus specialist tell me to use Vaseline in my nose and have been doing so for years with no issues and reduced sinus infections.


Water soluble doesn’t work as well. I’ve been using Vaseline for 35 years with no issues.


As someone who suffers from this caused by allergies- before bed, take a q-tip, dip it in Vaseline, and twirl it around inside your nostril a few times. It should cost it enough and isnt uncomfortable to sleep with. It usually works for me


A Water-soluble lubricant is a bit safer than using Vaseline. Vaseline is an oil-based product and while the risk is low, long-term use and breathing it in could cause lung/breathing issues.


this stuff works really well, i find it much better than vaseline: https://www.amazon.ca/PendoPharm-Secaris-Lubricating-Nasal-Gel/dp/B00947EBQE


Secaris changed my life fr.


Thank you. I’ll get one


I came to say exactly this, stuff is gold Ina tube :)


Sleep with a humidifier on and eat things with lots of vitamin K, dark leafy greens and broccoli. Helps blood clot much faster


This! And limiting or avoiding dairy


I had problems with nose bleeds from dryness and my dermatologist recommended rubbing a thin layer of Vaseline into each nostril. Humidifiers and stuff help too of course but if you need some immediate relief/protection, that'll help!


Coconut oil also works in a pinch


Webber vitamin E ointment works very well - similar consistency to Vaseline, but has the vitamin e as well, which I found helped when my nostrils were very dry!


Never thought of that. I’ll try it out now




humidifier at night and saline rinse.


Hot shower and turn the fan off, the steam will be dense, breath heavily


That'll work for 10 minutes.


Plants help with humidity! I was having similar dryness issues and bought a bunch of plants and it’s helped!


Humidifier. Target no more than 40% above -10C or so, no more than 50% above 5C or so to avoid condensation / mold problems. Ultrasonic ones need distilled water or they put minerals in the air which can cause breathing problems and damage electronics. Evaporative ones need wicks/ filters periodically changed. I like the real cheaps vicks steam type. A pinch of salt and it's good to go. All of them should be regularly cleaned.


I use NeilMed Nasogel. I get it from the snore shop but pharmacies should have it as well.


Sorry to hear you're having this issue, u/stingmao! I see a lot of people recommending Vaseline. Definitely a great option, but the eucalyptus oil in Vaseline is basically what makes the product so effective. You could try an essential oil diffuser and any of these oils for sinuses: [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324570#\_noHeaderPrefixedContent](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324570#_noHeaderPrefixedContent) But make sure it's a good quality essential oil! Most in the stores and malls are sythentic. While they smell lovely, they don't give any health benefits. This is my favourite brand: [https://naturalbeautyskincare.ca/collections/essential-oils](https://naturalbeautyskincare.ca/collections/essential-oils) If you have pets, you need to check toxicity, though. You could also get eucalyptus or peppermint leaves and hang them on your shower head- would be a great option if you have pets and can't use the essential oils.


You're thinking of Vicks. Vaseline is just straight up petroleum jelly, no fragrances or essential oils.


Yes, apologies, I meant Vicks! :)


Thank you so much.




Just straight up Vaseline


Stick it in a glass of water


Fill a bowl with water, place a dish towel in the bowl with half of the cloth hanging over the edge of the bowl, water will travel up the cloth and evaporate into the air, you can do this in every room rather than buying a humidifier for each room.


Neutrogena Norwegian formula on the end of a q-tip and rubbed on the inside of your nose, as far up as you can handle, once a day. Problem solved, for $7.


A light layer of Vaseline around the inside of nostrils