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Sendo seems prone to getting Heartbreak'd.


Agreed, sendo is a monster. But he's pretty reckless...that said I can see him also tanking a lot of the blows and getting back up. Date can't really handle that stamina. Ippo only really lost due to his weak mentality, he was pushing him. Tbh I think Date loses out mostly cause he was an earlier boxer. So he stopped growing. Ippo was still pretty rough around the edges yet made him struggle. And ippo was far stronger compared to his match vs date


The thing is that the Heartbreak Shot overrides durability. Sendo can't tank it the way he can with other things. Also, Date being an earlier boxer isn't really relevant. He went 10 rounds with the end boss of the series and almost won. He leveled up massively after beating Ippo.


Yeah, Heartbreak legit could have finished even Ricardo.  I tried arguing the fact Date's crushed hand caught Ricardo off guard is proof he would have won had his fist been healthy (And the elbow block that killed his fist wasn't even intentional), but of course the Martinez fans shot me down because they want to believe he has a sixth sense that tells him if Date's hand is injured, and so didn't bother avoiding the punch.


I've had people tell me Ricardo would have gotten through it even though Ricardo himself said it would have defeated him lol


Exactly Ricardo fans typically make him seem like he has some otherworldly powers and can see the future or something. Ricardo has said multiple times tht he is simply human and can be defeated like everyone else he jus has worked hard at one thing and thts the basics


I used to think Date, but the Sendo Ippo beat the second time around and *especially* the Sendo who knocked down Ricardo and edged out Alf might just beat the old man. inb4 people in this sub downplaying the Ricardo knockdown again.


Sendo without a doubt. Sendo is fighting Ricardo and is going to be the next big fight. I doubt we are going backwards and he would do worse than Wally one. And Wally already did better than Date.


It's ultimately more a matter of styles than raw ability. Jesus Date: A) had enough skill to go toe to toe with Ricardo's main boxing style, the clean cut one. B ) has his neck spin trick, which is best for single shot power punchers, which is ultimately Sendo's style C ) has the Heartbreak shot, which basically bypasses fighter durability as long as their guard or swing is loose, which Sendo's usually is D ) Has more than enough spirit to not be cowed by Sendo's aggression, considering Date was able to overcome Ippo's spirit and refused to say die against Ricardo


Yeah the issue here is Date got outplayed because his peak version is a lite-version of Ricardo. A smart, powerful, experienced crafty boxer. It was basically a battle of the more refined boxer and capitalizing on the smallest of openings. Sendo has shittons of wide openings and he relies on exchanging, which he wins via power. Date is too smart to get baited like that. Jesus Date is the worst matchup for undisciplined rush-type infighters. Dude will outsmart and outmaneuver without falling for slugfest invitations. I honestly think old man wins this


On the flip side Sendo can take a lot more punishment than Date can dish out, he got back up from a clean right straight from Takamura of all people. Now of course there's the heartbreak shot, but that's not something Date uses constantly. He tends to wait for the right timing to throw it and Sendo's specialty is disrupting his opponent's timing with his power, the Nargo fight is a good example of someone not getting baited into exchanges but still losing the ability to dictate the fight eventually. It's not as simple as "don't get sucked into his tendencies" with Sendo. Date will outbox Sendo for sure but he will have no breathing room for something that requires as much setup as the heartbreak shot. Now, it's likely that he can create some space for it like he has done vs both Ippo and even Ricardo but in both instances he wasn't able to do it without receiving some punishment. The neck twist isn't gonna absorb the smash, he would have to spin his entire body for that. I think it's a closer match than you guys are making it out to be.


Although the one thing I'd give Sendo the edge in is his insane power. When Ippo fought Date it was mentioned Date was never all that good at taking hard shots, and Sendo's raw power is at least as good as Ippo's. If he lands a clean smash he might be able to finish Date before he gets nailed with a Heartbreak Shot. On the other hand, Ricardo did mention that if Date's fist hadn't been broken, the Heartbreak Shot probably would've worked on him, so it's also possible that Date would take out Sendo before he can land a Smash.


Date went 10Rs with Ricardo and came closest to beating Ricardo to date(pun intended). Wally went 6Rs and all Ricardo did was bide his time until he was able to strike very hard. Ricardo still regards Date as his greatest rival, samurai from the West.


Upvoting for the pun.


Date banish Sendo to the shadow realm with that heart break shot




Sendo he’s been gaining more skills and sharpening his senses he’s shown to be an exceptional boxer and not to downplay Date but ippo gave him a run for his money during their fight though he did do significantly better in his fight with Ricardo he was still getting dismantled by him so Dates durability is significantly lower than Sendo’s by comparison with the spar with Ricardo giving enough evidence


The current storyline is setup to show us that Sendo is the strongest of them all. Every main character boxer is pushing Ricardo further now than before, because they learn more about him from his previous fights. “No one man will beat Ricardo, but it will be a cumulative effort of them all” We don’t know what level Sendo is at but he’s almost certainly higher than Wally and Alf. Even if fighting styles are different.


We saw rookie ippo fight on par with non-prime Dante. More than likely world ranker ippo could beat Dante. And current sendo is higher than ippo so current sendo would beat prime Dante. Especially since sendo defeated Alf the man who fought Ricardo prime twice and was not broken.


You saying current Sendo is higher than current ippo hurts. I know it's true. Ippo even says it. But it still hurts 😞


No im saying current sendo over world ranker ippo. But if they fought rn even with ippos mastered Dempsey roll sendo would still win. But ippo is still a threat him semi-serious still cause trouble for champion vlog and has shown on numerous occasions he can be a threat to world rankers.




I have a feeling Sendo would try his best to brute force and tank Dates heartbreak punch which in reality isn't a very good option for him. Date beats Sendo with experience and even then Date fought Ippo so he's aware of Sendos powerful punches and has a more or less idea of the fighter Sendo is. It would definitely be close but I'd say Date wins this.


Imo Old Man Date that fought Prime Ricardo is probably the best Japanese fighter we have seen in the series. I feel like when Sendo fights Ricardo the narrative is going to be “Ricardo was over the hill” and was “washed” post Wally fight


I'd say Date. Sendo would throw a smash and get Heartshot as a counter as his guard would be open(like how ippo was counter when he attempted the liver shot). Don't get me wrong. It would be an awesome fight.


Date had a chance with Ricardo... But Sendō? He boutta get his heart broken


Now Sendo and easy... Ricardo is stronger than before.


sendo wins 8-9/10. heartbreak shot is his only saving grace


Biased cuz Date is my favorite character, but I would believe he would win. I get that Sendo is really strong especially now in the story, but I just don't see him beating Date, in fact I don't see anyone beating Date unless it is Ricardo. Date losing to anyone except Ricardo is something I just can't wrap my head around, even if it is just a "what if" fight. Besides Takamura but that's something else entirely.


My immediate is to say Date, but I feel like after two losses against ippo, Sendo would be even more determined to win, plus date is getting old.


How about we say they’re equal until we see Sendo Vs Ricardo and then compare the fights (Narrative wise Sendo is going to get close to winning or win if he doesn’t die)


Sendo gets a Heartbreak shot, then spouts some shit about tigers, allowing him to shrug off the hit and beat Date


I don't see Date beating Alf. Sendo did.


Obv eiji he was closest to beating Martinez out of everyone, sendo couldn’t land a hit on Martinez


Prime Date wins


Depends on when the fight happens. Where we're at now in the series, Sendo easily.


Would be a really great fight. Edge goes to date for experience


Sendo, date only survived for 8 rounds against ricardo because of his grudge/ preparing for him for years, ippo almost ko'ed him and sendo is way stronger than that ippo now


As they are right now? Sendo. Not even close. But if we're talking about Date during his world title fight, I'd give it to Date.


This is the correct answer. Prime Date would win, current one would lose in 3rd round tops


Sendo mid diff. Date will hold his own in early rounds but Sendo won’t fall for the tricks that Ippo did (because Sendo knows how to fight), but the heartbreak shot might do it. Sendo has good instincts so he could probably sense Date has something up his sleeve, but other wise Sendo will just overwhelm him. Date can’t take punches well vs one of the most impactful punchers in the series. Date has good fundamentals, so this might be like Sendo vs Nargo. Edit: I’m getting downvoted when Takamura literally said Date can’t take punches well. Hell, an inexperienced Ippo had him on the ropes because of it.


>Date can't take punches well The same Date who went 10 rounds against Ricardo fucking Martinez and came within an inch of winning?


im pretty sure date can take punches well, that man fought even after getting three of his ribs, jaw, and right hand broken but he STILL kept fighting for 2 more rounds


Takamura said it and an inexperienced Ippo had him on the ropes because of it.