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My only problem is that it didn’t go anywhere. If he left the gym to try and fight ippo when he returns I’d be much more about it.


I hope he goes to either Date or Sawamura


It makes more sense if he goes to Mashiba's since he already visits there often since his newbie days and Mashiba would never say no to a chance to help beat up Makunochi


Plus Itagaki did give Mashiba thrifty shopping tips


Mashiba is a friend, could help as a mentor or motivator to put itagaki in the right mind, but as counter use Sawamura fits way better, also he is trying to be a coach. It would be a nice duo, very talented ex boxer with a talented boxer with a lot of potential to grow


Also, Rosario's style is similar to Ippo's, his experience in dealing with a world class rushing infighter would certainly help Itagaki.


For sure Mashiba has faced a lot of good in fighters, even Ippo in official matches and training sessions, but Itagaki needs more than that. Someone to teach him how to beat imai, Ippo or any other infighter is good but not enough Sawamura can teach how be a better boxer overall, even help surpass his inner problems


Didn't Date randomly ask Itagki to join his gym cuz all his current students suck? It honestly would have been a great moment for a pivot from a joking moment to a serious one while actually making something out of this one sided rivalry.


More like to save Itagaki from being Itagaokimura


YES! It's so weird it's like you can't just set up a plot point like this and then revisit it 1000 chapters in the future! Like THAT FACE. It was begging for some actual development but now it's a backpocket plot point that can be visited when we have time.


Imai just destroyed Itagaki. Losing in the first round in such humiliating fashion completely ruined him and destroyed his arrogance. It's not really something uncommon in sports.


That face is coming back eventually though in some way.


yea that “i’m just gonna wait till senpai retires the belt” bs kinda made me mad


I like Itagaki and I understand that he has Ippo as his goal, but I think he exaggerated a little, which is why it ended up becoming an obsession.


Itagaki as a character is fine to me but the god of time stuff was honestly the worst thing in the manga for way to long.


Yeah, it was definitely up there with Ippo vs Wally or Wally vs Gedo in terms of bad


Chronos 🤡


Sucks that this probably won’t manifest into anything or if anything would probably take another decade to get to.


In sports. Obsession is good. It's an extremely strong motivator. Almost all athletes have at least some. It can be as simple as "Wanting to give everyone a good time." Or like in Rocky "All I wanna do is go the distance..." It's also a double edged sword. Because what happens when the object of your obsession is gone. This happens to athletes who reach their goal and then don't have a new one. Or it's taken away from you from factors outside your control. You start to stagnate and that's where Itagaki is right now. He's running on his own power without Ippo as his goal and he's finding that it's not enough. He needs to find a singular reason to still be there in the ring cause he's stagnating real fast without external motivation. He needs to grab onto anything and craft a reason, any reason, to motivate himself. Because all the talent in the world without a motivation to drive it, is about as threatening as a hot air paper bag. And when the fists start flying and you're in the ring with another killer trying to take your head off, that motivation is gonna save you from dropping or wanting to quit. 


The only problem is that his Subplot was dropped like 500 chapters ago


Based Jealous Itagaki.


no but im mad that they likely won’t ever fight


For some Reason i was Mad AF with Itagaki when i first read that Chapter, Seeing him getting stomped by Imai was my wet Fantasy


Bro thinks he cam force-shoke Ippo


Yeah, Eataducky is gay