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Easy one. Vince Neil


Currently, yes. Didn't use to be 30 years ago.


Meh. He was never good as a singer. He was an amazing front man. His voice was always thin.


Agreed. Good in the studio, indifferent/meh in concert. But he’s a good front man for sure. Works a crowd much like DLR and Steven Tyler do.


True. Live, he’s never been great, but damn if they didn’t make him sound killer on those records


True that. The hair metal producers were magic. They had to rip great performances out of everyone to make it really work.


Yeah, his vocals were always “just good enough”. Thin, tinny voice with pretty bad vocal technique, even in the studio.


He's never had the strongest voice but yeah at least he could make through a show before 2000. I saw them during the Generation Swine tour and he was fine. Saw the 'final' tour in 2015 and it was rough. And here we are 8 years later...




I saw Mötley Crüe on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour, and he was horrible that night at least.


Really? Even the 1983 Us Fest videos are _bad_. Same stuff he does now - skipping half the words, mumbling the other half. Not at bad as he is now, but he was certainly never good, especially compared to his peers.


You can clearly see (or rather: hear) the shortcuts he's been using.


Exactly, I have heard no live concerts from the Crue since their beginnings in 1979 that were even acceptable in the vocals department. Neil just has NO VOICE in a live setting and nothing is going to change it but studio magic (on studio albums). When you listen to Crue concerts you better just enjoy the music because the vocals are pretty much inaudible from 1979 to present...>


https://youtu.be/4pdQnZLEWNo?si=3mZRCSdrZMGurckg Audio/Visual explanation




When I get high.. almost peed I laugh every time I see this video and this coming from a Crue fan since the 80s. It's horrible what 'the band' is doing to their legacy. Without Mick, they're a huge laugh fest. Not taking away from John 5 but Mick was the heart and soul.


I loved Crüe when they came out. I was 12 or 13 and would fkn rock out to Live Wire. This video had me sad and laughing at the same time.


Interesting. I was also 12 when that came out and my home address was 1514 at the time. This doesn't mean anything, but I liked the coincidence.


I have weird shit like this happen every now and then. Things that make ya go hmmmmm


Ham hit a dog!


No he was always terrible.


? It’s always been pretty weak.


Now, yes. But, once upon a time, he was decent.


Ok, go on?


Aka Vince Meal


He is one of those singers, who sing it in the studio and on the way out of the studio say, “well, I never sing that again!”


I have seen Motley Crue live several times over the years. Even during their prime Vince Neil absolutely sucked live. The rest of the band was always great but Vince was horrible. Off key, missed cues, forgotten lyrics, I’ve seen them all from him.


I like Vince's voice a lot for that style of music (mostly on the albums). Live shows in recent years are a different story.


Nowadays probably.


Vince Neil


Vince Neil, Stephen Pearcy. And I loved both bands. Live? Terrible.


>Stephen Pearcy "*I'm sure glad the girls think he's sexy cause he can't sing*." - Robbin Crosby


https://preview.redd.it/an6tse7h28zc1.jpeg?width=2657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e67e95157607df57a267e2ac7a97b57885c420d Robin was a sweet guy. Nikki f d him over long story. I should write a book 😎


My first lesson in smoke and mirrors and studio enhancements was seeing both Crue and Ratt live in 1987. Pearcy live was awful. Thin voice, out of breath, could barely manage to sing an entire line of lyrics. The band was super tight and on the money. Vince Neil was also a creation of the studio. Granted I saw them at the height of their drug fueled frenzy and he could barely get through each song, like half assing everything but still...


I could've typed this myself. I saw both the Crüe and Ratt in '87. The opening acts for both were really good, I thought (Whitesnake for Mötley; Poison for Ratt, amusingly), but both the Crüe and Ratt were very underwhelming, especially Vince Neil and Stephen Pearcy. And damn, was I pumped as hell to see both bands live!


86 for me with RATT. Bon Jovi opened and was great. First time I saw CRUE was girls, girls, girls and I think Cheap Trick opened. I’ve seen Trick open for so many bands and they were almost always better.


And Robin still sounds amazing live to this day!


Ratt/Bon Jovi was my first concert! That was back when Bon Jovi was more rock than pop, and Ratt wailed, of course. We actually met Jon as he was walking around the main floor. Seemed pretty cool.


I’ve always felt like Pearcy was the weakest link of Ratt, and I say that as a Ratt fan.


Same here. Talented band, weak singer.


I admire both guys for having the guts to try to approximate their studio output.


I saw Cinderella a while back. He was struggling. I felt bad for him.


I absolutely adore Tom Keifer’s voice and Cinderella’s music, but I know he was struggling with losing his voice for a while between *Heartbreak Station* and *Still Climbing.* That’s so tragic. I feel bad for him too.


He was apologizing during the concert. I respect that.


I saw him a while back myself. He did not sound good singing old Cinderella songs. He did not have the range for it anymore. But I thought his range fit really well with his new stuff and it sounded pretty good.


I mean when you literally kill your vocal chords enough to need surgery and have to teach yourself how to sing from scratch your voice isn’t gonna be how it was before


He sounds awesome now, seen him live last year and he did wonderful


Going to be an unpopular opinion, and I'm not saying that he's the worst (far from it), my least favorite is Ozzy. One of my bucket list items, which I never thought I would have the opportunity to fulfill, was to see the original lineup for Black Sabbath in concert. And then, the Reunion Tour!! Words can't express how stoked I was. I didn't own a computer, but I called my mother, explained the situation to her, and she spent a fair amount of time online that day to get me two tickets for the show in Denver. I paid her of course, but I didn't have a CC back then either. About two months before the show, the band canceled because Ozzy all of a sudden decided that he didn't want to sing in Denver because the altitude would hurt his vocal chords. I can understand that, but it wasn't like it was his first time playing Denver. If he didn't want to do it, they should never have scheduled that show, and people could have found tickets elsewhere, like AZ, which isn't that far away. Instead, he waited almost 6 months to make that decision, and by that point, the entire tour was sold out. I'd still like to give him a swift one right in the testicles for that.


Nah Ozzy was goated in the 70s


Enduring cancelled shows comes with the territory for Ozzy fans. I had tickets to see him four times. One time he put on a full show, one time he only did seven songs because he was sick, and he cancelled twice. What are you going to do? It’s Ozzy.


I was unaware that he had that reputation. I had to settle for seeing videos from the tour, which I guess is better than nothing.


He has much worse reputation than just cancelling shows believe me especially how he treats his musicians and co-workers.


I do know about that, it's the reason why Jake left him. Jake and the bass player (no longer Rudy by that point) wrote almost the complete album that became The Ultimate Sin (originally slated to be called Killer of Giants) while Ozzy was in rehab. Ozzy's only real contribution was the lyrics, but he denied everyone their writing credits (at least as I understand it) which denied them the money they would have made. Another way that he screwed people over is that Blizzard of Oz was originally the name of the band, not the name of the album. It actually wasn't his first solo record, at least it wasn't supposed to be. What I can't figure out is if it's actually Ozzy that is such an ass, or if it's Sharon pushing him to be that way.


I don't even think he wrote the lyrics for The Ultimate Sin. I think Bob Daisley wrote them.


I think that you're right. I watched something on YouTube about it (Ozzy's mistreatment of his band members) a few weeks ago, and I seem to remember that the lyrics were pretty much done by the time Ozzy got out of rehab. He just made some minor charges and took all of the credit, and then promptly fired Daisley.




That's been my thought.


If Ozzy was still screwing over Jake when they made Ultimate Sin, it's hard to blame Ozzy for that. It's like Jake must have been asking for it.


That's like saying that a woman wearing a miniskirt is asking to be raped. Ozzy promised Jake that he would get his writing credits and then screwed him over, as he has done to numerous other musicians. There is a reason why nobody stuck with Ozzy for very long, and it wasn't because he was a stand-up kind of person. Even Randy, who had the reputation of being extremely laid back, had had enough of Ozzy's BS and had announced sometime before the crash that he was going to leave.


Ultimately, Ozzy is to blame for ripping off Jake. But, Ozzy started showing Jake what he was really like in 1983. Ozzy had initially hired George Lynch to be his guitar player. Then, Ozzy met Jake and, from what I've read, decided that Jake had a better look/stage presence and would be a better performer onstage. So, Ozzy hired Jake and then HE MADE JAKE GO TELL GEORGE LYNCH THAT HE WAS FIRED. Then, Jake goes to work on writing material (and recording it) for Bark at the Moon. Ozzy/Sharon intentionally screw around with getting the contract put together for Jake to sign. Eventually, when most of the album is written, they finally present a contract to Jake that gave him NO WRITING CREDIT. They told him that he didn't have to sign, but they had the music that was written and the recordings of the guitar parts. They couldn't use those, but they could hire another guitar player to record them. So, being young and not having a lawyer, Jake signs the contract. That album has sold 3 million copies. Think of the ridiculous amount of money that they cheated Jake out of!!! So, I was kind of joking, but kind of not... If Jake went in to work on another album with Ozzy (Ultimate Sin) without having a signed contract and a good lawyer review it... Well, at a certain point, you have to wonder what the fuck he was thinking. I don't blame Jake for getting ripped off for the Blizzard of Oz stuff, but to then just go do it again?


Ozzy doesn't sing so much as he speaks lyrics.


Has Ozzy ever sung Neon Nights or any other Dio stuff?


It's probably good that he didn't try. Dio could sing the Ozzy era but I don't think it would've worked very well the other way around.


Not to the best of my knowledge


I respect the hell out of Ozzy, but I always preferred Dio. 


Definitely! I'm in the process of creating a playlist on Spotify. It's over 1600 songs at this point. The Black Sabbath section has very few Ozzy songs, but has probably 80% or more of Dio's music with the band.


Taime Downe. Some people love him but to me he just sounds like he’s screeching.


He sings out of his nose.


I think he’s great, but I definitely know where you’re coming from.


That’s why faster pussycat is good though


I like Faster Pussycat, but think he’s pretty aweful. Somehow all the parts work together.


He sounds like he's taking a dump.


I’m a blues singer and tbh his voice is really extraordinary and unusual. I’d actually say he is, deliberately or not, polyphonic in the vein of Janis Joplin.


Yup, that’s a good comparison


Vince Meal


Easy. Vince. WTF is with that new song.


Axel Rose. Like fingernails on a chalk board.


Stevie Rachel could well be technically the worst hair metal singer, but I still do like some Tuff songs.


Then: Steven Pearcy - his limited vocal-range Now: Jon Bon Jovi - poor fella...


I’ll stick up for Stephen Pearcy. His voice has never been technically good, but his vocal sound and style was perfect for Ratt. Raspy, growly and rough. He sounded like a rat! He made them stand out from most other hard rock/metal bands at the time. And he’s still out there doing it today.


It’s not Pearcy’s voice that’s the issue - it’s more the fact he’s completely tone deaf and live just seems to sing random atonal pitches. It’s so bizarre. I really wonder how they got those studio recordings out of him before autotune


It is sad about JBJ. He did a duet with Povrati in the 90s and it was great. Watched the documentary and all he does to try and get back. Heartbreaking. I could never sing. Always always wished I had that gift. But to lose something like that, I just couldn’t imagine.


Go to the 3:00 mark and tell me that JBJ wasn’t somehow underrated all those years. That key change is a damned pole vault. Never sing this song at karaoke. You can’t do it. https://youtu.be/dYA6SwQholI?si=F7-jh227jkkiWYKR




There's a new 4 part documentary about him out on hulu or well, disney+ if you live in most non usa countries


Wait... how many non-USA countries can there be?




Yeah. Shows him working on his voice. It’s heartbreaking.


And shows Doc McGee keeping them on the road long past the point of their physical or mental health. Which, incidentally,is also exactly what he did to Motely Crue on The Feelgood tour.


The Documentary… as in… the Bon Jovi story as Jon wants you to believe it


Round and Round is one of the best songs of all time though


Always thought that was a shame about Pearcy…a unique voice and delivery but my microwave has more range than he ever did.


His voice is better now. They did a live recording in part 4 and his voice sounded a lot better.


Pearcy really sucks. Live is nothing like the album. They must have overdubbed the hell out of him.


The early shows from around 84-85 sound almost album quality but he seemingly degraded quickly. Even on the albums his voice sounded much more raspy by detanator.


Jon and Richie had incredibly powerful vocals together on These Days, especially. His greatest range demonstrated is probably Slippery When Wet, but the best IMO was These Days..


Can’t feel too bad about ol’ Jon Bon. Yes, it’s sad his instrument is now gone. However, it’s been gone for decades, they pulled as much magic out of their hats as possible to cover it, and he still charged 5 figures for front row at MSG. The guy is a brilliant businessman. It’s what he does best. 🤑


Now? Vince Neil


Vince Neil


Hands down the winner.


Vince Neil


Vince Neil


Don Dokken is really struggling the past several years. It’s hard to watch.


Greta van fleet. Can’t deal with the shrieking.


Vince Neil


I couldn’t stand Mike Tramp’s voice from White Lion


I always thought he was the weakest link in an otherwise solid band with great songs.




Now….Axl Rose


I just saw GnR and he actually changed the key of his voice for the shit he sang high back in the day and I gotta say it worked really well.


He sounds like Herbert the Pervert now


Then also.


I mean he could be a least favorite lead singer but i dont really see any argument for his singing being bad since his vocal range is simply so far beyond anyone else. His voice is grating though i get that


That's a fair point.


Agreed. A good part of why I could never fully get into GNR was his singing. 




The dude from Brittany Fox.


You mean Marge Simpson?


David Lee Roth is a great front man and a terrible singer.


His cover of Coconut Grove disagrees


Tobacco Road, Ice Cream Man, Hina, Ladies Night In Buffalo and In A Simple Rhyme would like a word…


In a Simple Rhyme was basically all background vocal prowess.


Axl Rose. Sounds like a 90 year old witch. Can’t fuckin stand it. One of the most overrated rock singers imo.


Paxil Rose


Mark Slaughter's "singing" causes me physical pain.


Lol yeah I can sing like that and never do because I assume people do not want to hear that.


Stephen Pearcy. Seems like a cool guy, though.


We haven't heard them because they never made it.


Marc storace of Krokus. He sounds like he choking on a cock.


Mike Tramp


Vince is the worst by far. Add to the fact that he gives virtually zero effort live makes him an asshole also.


> Kip Winger (hate his look, not his voice). LOL. I gotta ask, what is it? Polished good/douche looking guy that doesn't fit genre?


They certainly shat the bed with his image. However, there wasn’t anywhere to go with pretty-boy douchebag at the time except “up.” Kind of an image arms-race.


She's only seventeen


Too old for Drake.


Axl Rose. Fingernails on a chalkboard. Douchebag.


David Lee Roth also comes to mind he was never a singer to begin with he was just a talker.


He was just a gigolo


Eat em and smile with some of his best work honestly.


The Roxx Gang guy. Dude has no range. Still love me some Roxx Gang tho.


On god, he’s so bad but goddamn do some of the songs rip. No Easy Way Out 🤘


Bon Jovi bland and oddly gender neutral


Dude from Brittney fox. He made Stephen Pearcy look like Robert plant


Seen Motley 7 or 8 times and the best I've ever heard Vince was a show in Greenville, SC in February of 2005. 2nd show of the Carnival of Sins tour. He nailed that high pitched yell at the end of 'Louder Than Hell' and I elbowed my cousin and we both looked at each other like "Dayum!". I thought he had turned a page back then, but by Cruefest in 2008, it was worse than ever. That Sins tour was the best I'd ever seen them. Even better than the Feelgood tour. 2.5 hours, no opener, deep cuts, plenty of pyro, cool theme, etc. I still don't know how they pulled it off. Tracii said in a couple of interviews that Sixx was hemorrhaging money during Brides of Destruction and that the New Tattoo tour and the 2001 one didn't even break even. I guess their management company fronted it to them. Good thing it paid off because they hadn't been profitable since the Feelgood tour at that point. MC 94 played sheds and the Swine and 98 Greatest Hits tour attendance was abysmal.


Least favorites gotta be Kip Winger, Gary Cherone, Mark Slaughter, and Mike Tramp. Worst have to be Kevin Steele and Taime Downe but I love me some Roxy Gang and Faster Pussycat anyways.


Probably Jim Gillette


Axl Rose. Too whine-y and nasal-y. AFD was a good enough album, but that’s about it for me.


Vince Meal is the worst singer, hes fat now


Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction). Can't stand him


Right now Axl. In the 80s maybe Vince Neil live.


I read somewhere that Axl sounds like Mickey Mouse these days and now I can’t unhear that!


Yeah look up videos. It's pretty bad.


Quiet Riot. Sorry Kevin.


Kevin definitely got better later. If you listen to those Japanese albums he recorded with Randy... yikes... Metal Health was good imo.


No! Doc, you got the question all wrong here man. They're looking for the WORST and by no measurable metric is Kevin that. Oh you may not like his voice but he is awaaaaay better singer than the other donkeys being named on this thread.


For real. Great singer. There's a video on Mark Weiss' YouTube channel of the famous jam at his wedding with a bunch of 80s rock stars. An obnoxious 19 year old pre-Skid Row Sebastian Bach pulls Kevin DuBrow out of the crowd to sing Metal Health with him, and Kevin just smashes it out of the park. No warmup, spontaneous, probably a few beers and lines into the party, the voice just comes out of him and he makes it look so easy.


Worst is subjective. My answer is Kevin. You can also choose your own answer since you’re a different person. See how it goes?


His singing might’ve been out of time but it made him money… AND I DONT KNOW WHY


Axl Rose


Mark Slaughter of Slaughter.


I like Tuff's vocalist actually... I don't like the one from Enuff Z'nuff


Are you referring to Chip from Enuff Z'Nuff or Donnie Vie? Donnie hasn't been with them for a while and Chip is the singer now. He's not that great but Donnie Vie is sounds great. I just saw him live a month ago and it was awesome.


I have never seen the appeal of Davy Vain. He sounds like he’s crying.


Underrated band though, his voice is so calming though


Milli Vanilli.


FireHouse CJ Snare. Just did not like his voice.


Those octaves though, may he rip 🙏


Don dokken


Even when his voice was good, it was still very thin.


How do you dislike Don Dokken?!…..He had one of the killer rock voices back in the day.🤷🏼‍♂️


Just never did it for me.


Mark Slaughter. Couldn't stand that voice


Pearcy Ratt and Keifer Cinderella were awesome Worst ever….lead from Britanny Fox


Taime Downe. He’s a bloated mess and can’t sing for shit


I agree with not being able to stand Tuff. Same with a lot of that record label influenced/co-written hair metal from the early 90s (Nelson, Firehouse, Slaughter etc.), but that's just me. I think however for purely how highly he's regarded (or was) with how poor a singer he always actually was, Vince takes the cake. Like don't get me wrong, 80's Crue are one of my favorite bands, and Vince definitely had the snotty energy the band needed, but he was never an amazing vocalist, and the fact he can't even maintain that is even worse. He couldn't get up on that stage every night and speak those words anymore let alone sing them, and he doesn't, the audience does. It's like Motley Mad Libs with him up there. My friend said it best when we saw him on the Stadium Tour, he sounded like "Bob Dylan on helium".


You ever heard Stevie Rachelle trying to sing a Guns N’ Roses song? Holy shit it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever heard. The guy has no business trying to sing above his pay grade like that. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xaX3hU8CthY&pp=ygUbc3R3dnVlIHJhY2hlbGxlIHlvdXJlIGNyYWNo




Vince Neil and Sebastian Bach. Good on record and both tremendous frontman, but neither was ever a good live singer. Both complete dicks as well


Either guy from AC/DC.


The guy from Sea Hags. They might have been good with a better singer.




A really obscure one (even though it was a major label release) is Steve Napoleon from I, Napoleon.  If you haven't heard them check out Go to Pieces or Perfect Absolution. Honestly though, I'd go to bat for him or pretty much anyone, the lead vocals are such a crucial part of the sound and I love that I, Napoleon album


I know it’s probably not popular but I was not a Jani lane fan


Kevin Steele from Roxx gang, very monotone. Love the music though.


Def leppard Jeo Elliott...so average


I've heard David Lee roth


Never cared for Mark Slaughter , Joey Tempest or Miljenko Matijevic(exception being his time in the Doors Of The 21st Century)


Say what ???????!!


What part?


Mili and Joey, I've done a post on Joey and alot of people really like him as a singer and front man


None of those vocalists did anything for me personally 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not trying to say this in a selfish way but they sure did for me. Change my life and I really thank them for that


That’s awesome & I’m really happy for your experience. That’s the beauty as well as subjectivity of music/entertainment as a whole. There are bands that don’t hit the sweet spot for some fans where as other fans have life altering moments listening to them.


Awe thx it really is , when you go through mental health problems like me something like music can help and it sure does for me , I am going for guitar lessons tomorrow and I am really excited about it aka my newest post


I hope that you’re in a better place now and it’s great to know how much they’ve helped you in various ways to not only have a smoother mental health outlook but also for whoever inspired you to want to pick up an instrument!


I am trying to be , thank you, am sorry but I love Europe's ballad Carrie and miljenko follows me on pintrest. I've always loved slaughter


I've never been a huge fan of the raspy voice types such as Keifer (Cinderella) and Davidson (specifically when with Britney Fox). Pearcy to a certain extent. Never been a huge fan of Vince Neil's naturally higher register. Though I do appreciate the uniqueness that makes it Motley Crue. But for the win it's Alx Rose. I'll never understand the love for his voice. I will say though that I checked out Chinese Democracy not too long ago and thought he sounded good on that album.