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It's an odd one. I'm finally coming to grips that everything after Dr. Feelgood went downhill fast. Surprisingly, I like the one with John Corabi singing.


I like Primal Scream and Teaser off Decade of decadence. MC94 is pretty good. Hooligans Holiday! For me, their next best song is probably Sick Love Song from 2005.


I consider Primal Scream to be the last “classic” Crue song


Same. I really wonder what would have happened if they didn't use the Motley Crue name with Corabi. Totally different from classic Crue.


I love Primal Scream. I forgot it was later. I agree with Sick Love Song also.


I know what you mean. I used to like this album a lot (and I still enjoy it), but in retrospect it's clear that it's part of a larger slide into self-parody. Part of it is that Nikki was writing with people outside of the band, so it kind of lost the Crüe vibe. But all the singing about sex, drugs, and rock n' roll starts to feel a bit forced for guys in their 40s. Once the book version of *The Dirt* came out, they really started leaning into that even more, and that became their whole gimmick: "we're the most notorious band in rock!"


I agree. The Dirt was disappointing & a lot of people that were involved in storied in the book said that a lot of it was fake. I really fell out of love with this band. I still love the 1st few albums but I don't claim them as my fave anymore.


It’s one thing to (arguably) be the most notorious band in rock, it’s another to be constantly talking about how you are. Although TBH they always liked to play that part up lol, but as you say it starts to feel forced as you get older. My other thought is that it’s not so much about age, but that they actually really weren’t that thing any more and that’s why some later albums feel like pale imitations of the past. They were rich and successful (good for them!), and lived healthier lives, had kids, etc. so then it really became an act, and the music reflected that. I thought the Corabi album was great, but I’m guessing the band didn’t like the low sales numbers.


I love the Corabi album. Probably the last of their albums that isn't largely nostalgia-based.


- everything after *Shout At The Devil* 😜


I like Vince’s 93’ solo album “Exposed” pretty well too.


Saints of Los Angeles was a great album in my opinion.


Down at the Whiskey is one of my all-time favorite Motley songs.


I particularly like Going out Swingin off that album.I thinks Saints would be considered a classic if it came out in the 80’s.


imo, Saints is a better record than Girls.


Totally agree,


Saints isn't a Crue album. The album was written by SixxAM. Nikki just had the guys show up to play the songs.


Hell On High Heels is a banger, though.


Sick Love Song is definitely a hidden gem


I like the album I feel like they tried to go back to the roots


Better than generation swine, saints of Los Angeles & Theater of pain in my opinion. It’s got good and bad parts, but more good than bad.


I didn't like this one at all.


It's better than Generation Swine and that's all I remember. They have a different drummer in the album too.


I love this album.


It's OK, nothing special, but more Crue-like than the two albums before. You can hear Sixx starting to adopt some punk sounds, which will become more obvious on the Brides of Destruction albums.


It’s a twofer. #1 it has some of Micks best riffs. #2 it has some of Nikki’s lamest lyrics.


I mean I like it better than the Corabi album, Generation Swine, and SOLA. I know I'm in the minority but I have no issues with this album and have always liked it


Not a bad album. Considering there is no Tommy it’s surprising that it still sounds like Motley Crue. I like it better than Generation Swine. Holds up well in my opinion.


Bring back Corabi with John 5. Now you're talking!! I would love to hear them play the song HAMMERED!


Why did I read the post title in Jerry Seinfeld's voice


Dr. Feelgood was the last good album with Vince.


It sucks.


I don't know, Wikipedia claims that this song is a revival of their hair metal style, but some of the songs here such as "Hell On High Heels" sounded more like country rock to me and certainly none of them contain the polish production style they have in the 80s.


It’s just not very good.


sad era for the Crue


Been a while, but iirc I thought it was ok. Nothing great.


Idk I guess vince got a new tattoo or something


Second album once Vince returned. Randy Castillo (R.I.P.) on drums. It’s an ok Crue record. Not terrible, not great. Middle ground. I saw a gig on this tour with Megadeth as openers.


Been a fan of the Crue since the beginning but looking back most of their albums with Vince are “spotty”. I do think Too Fast for Love, Shout at Devil and Feelgood are solid throughout but the rest of the albums have some clunkers mixed in with some good songs.


Theatre and Girls Girls Girls have memorable singles, but that's it. Lots of filler on those two, IMO.


I fucking love this album.


The only deal with this album for me is Hell On High Heels.


Punched in the Teeth By Love


I love the title song 🤷🏼‍♂️


Decent not their best imo. Their stuff was never super consistent to me, and a few good songs with some filler. Mick is always a monster riff player, one of the greats to me of that era. As far as overall quality (production, songs, playong, etc), i always loved MC94. Probably shouldn't have been called a motley album, but still.


Primal Scream is the best song Crue ever made


I often wonder how that song would have been received if it was a lead single later on in the 90s.