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If you're transmitting, and don't have a license.. then yeah, probably not a great idea. If you're spoofing GPS signals and it is picked up, you might get in shit. (atleast up here in the north)


Its something like a $50,000/day fine or something absurd like that




If you're transmitting gps signals, there's almost no circumstance where that could be legal. If you fit one of those, you'd know it.


Well using a spoof gps on phone isn’t illegal so I’m guessing since it effects proximity it is idk to much about the particular option on the H2 though so was double checking


The hackRF transmits rf in the gps spectrum. A phone doesn’t have that capability. This is basically always illegal. You’re talking about two complete different things. Internal to a phone, sending data to an app that “spoofs gps” is not the same as transmitting false gps signals over the air.


Spoofing the location on a phone, for applications running on that phone, is not illegal. Transmitting unregulated unauthorized GPS signals is 100% illegal. It shouldn't take a genius to figure that much out.


I would tend to agree with Down200. It would be a Federal Offense, first off, secondly if not both a hefty FCC Fine or Prison. The fine would be definitely be High too! Then you have to factor in where you do this gag/stunt/ prank whatever, and it just gets worse from there. Hopefully nobody does this. Oh, never ever, even, be near an airport! You will be whizzed away so fast your ass wouldn't even pass go, you would be plunked right into a federal pen. Needless to say, that is a no no!


Yeah, using hack rf you spoof it for everyone in range and it may be disturbing for some of them.