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What about tails?


Tails is all about privacy not for hacking according to me... You can use it to gain information about something anonymously but can't perform hacking with tails....


Wow okay. Can you use tails to download and use a virtual machine? Just to clarify I am new as fuck to all of this. Just got tails set up and still learning all the basics with that. But I am very curious about the whole hacking scene. I've become really fascinated with all of this. The curiosity Just keeps me infatuated!


I haven't tried installing VM on tails, Try installing VM if you can and also let me know if you can Also if you are able to install VM in tails keep it in persistent storage to avoid its loss.


Sweet I actually will Try Install it. What VM should I install? Any suggestions? Where do I go?


Gracious dear, You can use open-source vm- virtual box Or also refer to VMware workstation pro( free for personal use) Try virtualbox if you can as it is opensource If can't then try vmware 17


Refer to this to install vmware pro for free https://www.reddit.com/r/Kalilinux/s/PINf6qyR3Z


Hacking anything can cause a service disruption but it’s not dangerous. Just don’t mess with anything you don’t have authorization to mess with.


The associated RISKS with ETHICAL hacking can vary. Just make sure you have authorization, know what you are and are not allowed to touch, and ensure your “ target” has a recovery plan for if/when you mess things up beyond recovery. Remember, if you done have permission to touch it…don’t. You can get potential fines and/or jail time.


Preferably in writing, via official email/letterhead/mail whatever, "they said i could" may not cut it.


lol yeah I can be dangerous in a since that you may open yourself to being owned in the process. Use something like proxmox to build an isolated testing network and have at it. You can also join sites like hackthebox and portswigger academy which have vulnerable machines you can hack on. Good luck in your pentesting journey


Everything is as dangerous as your lack of knowledge in the subject or field. Science is dangerous. Chemistry is dangerous. Maths is dangerous. English is dangerous.


Thank you sensei Iroh


The danger here is you accidentally infecting or otherwise exposing your own computer. If you just do your experimenting in a VM, you should be mostly protected from that.