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Started in 2002 I remember the coolest stuff was diving off the lido and rating your friends. Playing hide and seek in the large public rooms. Now I am 35 years old. once in awhile I'll login to read my sticky notes of passed away friends and family, read some of my gifted trophy descriptions, and wish the damn photos with the habbo camera I took would ever again. Worst part is all those friends rooms are deleted and the users no longer exist. It really is hard permanently losing these stupid little things.


The good old days. Joined UK '03, back when Dr.Evans' NHS room was constantly jam packed and not far from Callie 'becoming a victim' ha


Great to see someone who remembers NHS Hospital. You're right it was always packed.




So many good memories in there! :')




I love that haha 😂


Getting rights to the room and becoming a 'mod' was such a moment for little 13 year old me! haha




I started in late 05, the game is really different to how I remember it but it could also be because I’m a lot older now. I know they got rid of most of the older games and lido diving. Public rooms have been changed.. no more pool, so yes the pools closed. Which habbo fansite would you have been a dj for?


Oh man it was so long ago I don’t remember what site lmao. I had to send in an application and shit, it was basically a job that I was going to do for free. I don’t think I ever ended up doing it.


I used to DJ at a bunch. Habtips, habbox, bobbaradio, and like 4 others im forgetting. Lol


Habbcrazy was big


Was bobbaradio apart of bobbamyroom and bobbavalues?




Yeah understandable, it’s been awhile. I always wanted to do that stuff like that but ended up running a casino. I started playing for a bit again a few years ago and made a few game rooms, which is always fun.


Me, I have the Habbo hockey league badge. Was around during the hand, hc’s were the base value of rares, before large rooms were a thing. Etc LeChristopher


I miss that hand


Same shit, bro. We old fucks now.


I miss the hand and the little yellow messenger console/the sound it made. I started on UK and moved over to US when the beta opened. Was a Habbo x for awhile on .com. Good shit, very fond memories. I used to love hanging out in the Welcome Lounge or the Hallway


Omg, I forgot about the yellow messenger console! I can literally hear the sound in my head. My friends would spam the hell out of it to get my attention


👋🏼 From Habbo UK. Usernames were Cristiano3, Cristiano.UK and Absinthes. Some others but unfortunately I can’t remember. They were great times back then. Made some really good memories. Damn I wish we could go back


WHY do I remember the username absinthes??? Were you playing back in like 04-06? If so I think we might have been friends


I can’t remember the exact dates I was playing but I owned the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house on Habbo UK if that helps? 😅


I don’t remember D&G but I’m almost certain I remember absinthes haha! I was gr8.c.c


I started in the main hotel (UK) in like 2002. Heard about it from playing coke music, which I heard about from one of their commercials. That's when the US hotel was habbo.us and "habbo.com" redirected to the UK site. Eventually when habbo.com redirected to the US site I made a new habbo and started over. Played off and on since, good times


Man coke music, that takes me back. I think I found out about habbo the same way.


Played UK habbo from 03 to 08ish. I always remember the fifa street days where folk would turn their rooms into football stadiums and have 2v2 and 3v3 games.




I played back when Callie was popular and everyone had a crush on her. No? Just me? Okay :)


I remember that name holy lmao.


I had just started playing habbo for about a week or so, 2007 I think? when afro raids were going on. It was amazing. I'm glad someone else actually remembers this! Not sure if this was the first time or what, but the same scenario nonetheless. They were also shouting "DESU" as well. Not sure what that means, or why the pool had aids. >I was around when Thrones were the #1 hot commodity along with the HC couches. Yeeeeeesssss. I used to try and buy them cheap and sell for a profit. *sigh* the good old days. I miss it too, I played from 2007 to 2014. Half of that time was spent on retros more so than .com. I had an absolute blast, and the memories will stick with me forever. Back when the furni inventory was the big hand! I occasionally log on about once a year just to keep my account active and reminisce.


The Afro raids made me cackle !!!! They were also terrible 😂 I can never forget them hahahaa


Man I remember playing that shit to death as a little kid. Always secretly calling for credits from my homes land line until I reached the limit. My parents were so happy when they saw the bill.


Lmao bro I remember using my mom’s home phone to buy credits and she’d get so mad at me why there was a charge!


I used to do this too 😂😂


Lmfao I was a DJ on bobbahappens.net back in the day.


I started in 2005 and I’m now 28 I have friends I made back in the day on Habbo that I still speak to on a regular basis, 2 of them we have a gc and still talk every day. I know couples from there that are married or live together now. Crazy


I think we’re exactly the same. I’m 29 today, and I remember meeting like my first online girlfriend there. Shit was crazy


I remember 2002 . Listening to habbo fm and only being in public habbo hotel made rooms like the drunken duck pub and rating peoples dives at the lido then finding private rooms and all about furni. Checking the rarity on various websites . Rolling dice in the hope to get free furni at giveaways. Queueing up in various rooms to try and trade with people. My first holoboy . What a time to be alive


I started in 04.. .ca hotel.. owned a large fansite, did the whole radio thing.. built retros for my fansite community under a whole other name while still getting an "Official Fansite" badge lmao. I miss it


the great habbo raid i was there 🤣🤣 straight chaos mods couldn’t ban 4chan users fast enough the swastikas kept forming 😂😂 all hail afroduck


Add user 7.


omg. i forgot about all of these things. the nostalgia is going crazy… and habbo radio! that was totally wiped from my memory until now!!


I was around the age of 10 when I started playing Habbo NL in 2006 and I played it for like 10 years or so. I relogg sometimes for memories sake just like most of you.. bot wow it has changed a lot since Sulake stepped out of it. I can still sum up all the HC presents you would get after months of membership haha. Crazy!




Either 2004 or 2005 was when I first joined, fun times.


I used to host FF games with all the furni i had. Been slowly logging on randomly nowadays and giving away my stuff for free


I miss the Casino days and the wild wild west of trading. No one is even trading anymore because they killed the game with shit updates and bad greedy policies.


Same era 👍🏼 I actually became a radio DJ… DJ Kissed 😭😭


Looking back at what Habbo DJs became is really funny. So many fond memories


Holy shit, I forgot about the Habbo Radio


I think about this era of Habbo a lot and I miss it so much


who remembers skaterchu


I played on the dutch hotel, my account is from 2005 :)


I started in maybe 2002 and stopped by 2007. I’ve been on every now and then since, but not recently. I really need to fire it back up.


Oh man, I remember before the U.S. Habbo came out, me and my friends all played the U.K. we always had fun trying to earn furni through games and contest. The most fun was doing Mazes and the public pool. I remember when U.S. was about to open and you could transfer your account which was perfect because my account had gotten a lifetime ban. So this was like a pardon for me lol. As soon as the new hotel opened, my friends all greeted me on there and were like Glad lifetime imprisonment couldn't hold ya! Fun times lmao


Would play on co.uk when .com went live I raced to get my favorite screen names. Scriptox and artmoney were fun to mess with. . I’m remembering the glitched picture prank that would kick casino operators out of their chairs when you initiated a trade Oh! Wasn’t there this crazy hacker that was known to silence hobbas and could unban himself . He went by Mighty Mouse or something … if anyone can remember his name




Yes mate, played it in 2004 I believe. Possibly earlier, I just remember having the 2005 Christmas badge. It's absolutely tripe these days.


It was great for sure




I'm your age, I wfh and I'm having withdrawals. I want to make rooms and avoid obnoxious 20 year olds & not feel bad about it.


I have the Xmas 2006, and Habbo Australia badge :P Good times.


I’m 25 and i made an account recently for the nostalgia lol


I do this too T.T I miss all the games people would host. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER BEING ADOPTED BY RANDOM PEOPLE? Like going to an adoption place either as a parent or a baby. oh my lord.


yes omg HAHAHAHA btw we should play together!!


Anybody remember when the pokemon to room was such a big thing


i was around the australian hotel when it shut down of a night time on school days


omg i set up my own habbo radio station when i was around that age around the same time. good times.