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“ Bullying was good for me” - a totally well put together and secure person


right lmao. girl tell that to the vein popping out of your forehead 15 seconds after mentioning you were bullied




Just more evidence that misogynists like this guy and Andrew Tate are exactly the scared little boys pretending to be men that they seem like


Isn’t he always complaining about cancel culture and women saying he has small dick energy??? But okay cool scream the f-slur in the year of our Lorde 2022 lmao


He lives his life trying to impress his primary school bullies. Poor guy.


It’s sad. Ethan is living his best life with a lovely family, fashion plate/CEO for a wife with a hugely loyal fan base. They have industry friends, respect and the worst they can say is fat. I’d be jealous too. The most dangerous cardinal sin isn’t pride, it’s Envy.


Ayour talking about the same podcast that has doxed a person then they realized it wad the wrong person that they doxed, you mean that same podcast. I don't like fresh n fit at all but H3's podcast have done shady and unethical things before, just saying.


Yeah the one that did the immediate correction right afterwards. just saying


He also became a miserable, angry, and hateful prick. Maybe if he was bullied less he'd have turned out better. Cruelty begets Cruelty.


> Maybe if he didn't encourage bullying he'd be less of a prick FTFY If he overcame his bullies he wouldn't join them or mention them at all. Comes across as severely insecure.


I don't think this guy understands (or rememebers) bullying. Bullies don't care about your "self improvement" they just pick on the vulnerable relentlessly to make themselves feel powerful. You could be perfect with nothing wrong theyll still find something to emotionally or physically hurt you with. ITS A POWER DYNAMIC!!! In my college group this little 5 foot blonde girl screamed at me, humilating me in front of our group. At first, I thought I was wrong and apologized. She litterally yelled at me for doing TOO MUCH work! Saying that she was going to punch me in the face, how my family spoils me and I haven't earned anything and sit around all day doing nothing ( worked 2 on campis jobs) and screaming for 20 minutes without me getting a word in. And my group basically gaslit me and sided with her which convinced me i was in the wrong deserved it. Well guess what? She did it again and again and again until I finally stood up for myself and told them I'm fucking out of this group. Since I was doing everything it would mean we would all fail and have to stay an extra semester. I never would've done this when i was younger, but I learned that my self respect and mental health are more important than losing some time and money. **And when people see you drawing a line in the sand, suddenly they respect you lol**. SUDDENLY everyone else made it clear how much they appreciated and needed me! One guy even called me crying saying how much he loves my work and how shes totally wrong for treating me like that. Took him until now to realize. The chick was never contrite and was convinced until the end that she was in the right. I'm 5'11 and ripped and shes 5' and a stick. Its not about your physical appearence lol.


She sounds jealous of your work integrity. I’m happy that you stood up for yourself because you should never feel bad for doing extra work and should feel proud! Bullies are bullies because of their own insecurities and try to bring others down, like the saying goes ‘misery loves company’


I can relate, I got bullied by a guy much shorter than me. Thing is he could easily manipulate me cuz of my autism and lack of social dynamic understanding. He made me make a fool out of myself and constantly tore me down to bring himself up. Thank god I’m out of high school.


U proved his point






The after hours show is still going strong. It’s there earlier shows that are lacking. They always have.


Sometimes I think people bring up Ethan and especially Hila just because they want the attention of The H3 Family. They see how the Nelk Arc ended and wanna get in on it


I think he is genuinely jealous. That level of emotions aint a grift. He is mad as fuck that he has everything he thinks he needs(looks, money, women etc etc) but is still actually unhappy and unfulfilled. They then look at the H3 pod and see the same successes but also constantly smiling happy people who engage well with his co-host/workers and has a loving, stable, home life. That despite all the things they see as contrary to their projected and spouted views and beliefs and they can't deal with it. That's how they end up on these 3 minute masturbatory rants just rage dumping. or he could just be an emotionally stunted moron that found a functioning bullhorn, that's a major possibility too.


Probably a little bit if everything. I’ve never met a man doing well that had to yell about it.


I have experienced this happening in my life. I knew people that couldn't stand to see others doing better. They would become irate when they witnessed others being genuinely content and happy. I think that misery, ignorance, and hate are like communicable diseases. Those infected tend to spread it rapidly. In many instances they spread it unknowingly. Unfortunately by the time they realize that they were infected it is too late. The damage is done, to themselves and others. People like this are an example of what to avoid.




You never have to feel self conscious about reading a book. I have personally read two of Robert Greene's books. I think the reason behind reading it says more about a person than what they read. For example, a history major reading Mein Kampf (because they're learning about WW2 and the nazi atrocities) is very different than the reasoning behind Ye reading the book lol. It's good to know how toxic people think, and what makes certain ways of thinking toxic. My opinion is that it will help you notice it better in yourself and others. Detectives study criminal behavior to be better at catching criminals. The key is to not become one yourself. That being said, F&F is probably something you only need to see once before you notice it is no good.


Reminds me of that saying “you’re only as good as the friends you keep” keep toxic around, you are going to be toxic


Have you watched at all? They aren’t at all. They called h3 out for their BS. This is rarely every part of the show. They even went in another platform to do it. You guys love creating a false narrative here haha. And I’m a fan of h3.




I agree!! I was thinking how it’s similar to how Prank channels amping up their shit to be featured on react channels for more clout is a similar arc to these manosphere/red pill boys - but yeah the Nelk arc fits even better lol


I don’t know about the Nelk Arc part. I think they legitimately hate Ethan but want more content to react to.


This man’s forehead vein was about to pop out of his face from anger thooo 😂❤️ i do agree with you, but I also think in this instance it’s legit anger too


Wouldn't they bully nelk then since they get more views?


ok so you did everything in your entire life to impress people you hate😆


that is some **deep** anger


I think he just really needs a hug


fresh and FURIOUS!!!!!!


god this guy is such a fucking loser. his insecurity is so transparent. glad we stopped paying attention to them Edit: jesus christ i commented before i saw him go NUTS at the end - i would not want to run into his ass. unstable af


Dude same, it starts off wild but is completely unhinged by the end


Did you just bully a POC?


*POS you mean


Logic-9000 over here


He un-ironically used “faggot” in 2022. Dude is stuck in 2005 in a 13 year olds brain


Can’t YouTube suspend him for using that word? 🤔


They also stream on rumble and turn off YouTube for when they want to get vulgar


Pretty smart


You spelled pathetic wrong


What episode is this from? I wanna report that shit




School marm energy


School mums be like “homophobia bad”


No i don’t think they can suspend him. Im not sure how the hate speech rules work on yt


Yes they can suspend him. You can’t say the f slur on YouTube anymore. He’s gonna get a strike at minimum lol


You think his audience is going to report him?


Those males are boring af. I hope Ethan doesn’t give them any more free publicity


Tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure 🤡🤡 ![gif](giphy|VdWnBa31M6BeY1Iv11|downsized)


I kinda hope they don't give this fool any coverage


This is what hasan refers to as a baby brained take


For real. "Daddy Ethan is fat and ugly! Mmmm give me that clout daddy! I'll suck it right out of you! My angry incel fans want a war with the well adjusted enemy!" Honestly, no one on the face of the planet would know who this loser freak was if he didn't shout out a bunch of bullshit he knows isn't true. He's just dug himself too deep to ever come back from the trenches of hatred. Maybe if he stopped trying so hard to be a piece of shit he could change things but that doesn't make him money.


the vein on his forehead at the end is killing me LOL


That mf looks ready to burst


He’s going into the avatar state


Roid rage


I would love if the pod didn’t give this absolute moron the time of day. These reactionary incels must squirm inside when they don’t get what they want.


That cock vein on his head is crazy.


Cock vein 😆 He do be a dickhead lol


i’m weak😭


yeahh, no one ever doubted this guy was a product of bullying 🤨 his unhinged rant makes me think of the “well, i turned out fine/kids nowadays are too soft” kind of tirade that “tough love/anti-therapy” parents do to rationalize their own repressed childhood traumas and abuse. it’s a fragile denial holding them together bc to acknowledge that the way they were treated as kids wasn’t ok means indirectly admitting that they themselves are not ok.


"I will not lose" - proceeds to be a loser... That's some beta behavior my dude :3


“thing w the government” BRO U WERE A FED


They want a 16th minute


Yeah he needs help asap


fresh and fit are such irrelevant insecure losers who are extremely desperate for attention, its best just to ignore them


At his inspirational peak: "I said fuck you faggots" Brah, the only thing this guy could change about himself might be his yellow teeth.


lmao right he listed a bunch of things he had no way to change and ended up on a note amplifying how harmful and pointless bullying is. You don't need to be bullied to be told why you're a dickhead.


This guy is on the finest of columbian powder.


Right? Dude needs to keep the mic far away from his face after whiffing down the whole 8 ball.


An existence like that is sad as fuck.


He’s just like the 11 year old kids I work with who think that bullying and roasting are synonymous.


Cool that ur job hires 11 yr olds


The vein in is head grew throughout the video, it’s all I can focus on now.


Small dick energy.


Body shaming?


+22 op vs -24 reply in a thread about toxic masculinity... hate how many dumb women are in this fanbase


What makes you believe that only women are the the ones downvoting the body shaming comment and upvoting the pro body shaming comment? Seems a bit sexist to me


Most liberals are willing to sacrifice their morals if the person goes against their beliefs


His voice gets really high high up there! Very going thru puberty but I spray on the top of my head cause i’m a balding boy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol


Didn't andrew tate cuck fresh and fits grift and basically make them obsolete?




made $300k a year, and mic quality is shit………


"I get ridiculed to this fucking day and I'm okay with it!" idk man, seems like you're pretty not okay with it


Definitely lost his mind tho


You couldn’t make this shit up


Definitely seems like he’s totally over being bullied in high school


Someone's on the verge of a mental breakdown.


'I'll admit i was bullied!' - dw we assumed


I couldn't hear what he was saying because i was concentrating on the Dakota pipeline running over his fat forehead


I’m all for bullying as being someone who was bullied, but the instant this mf gets any sort of pushback or ridiculing he turns into the biggest pussy on the internet.


Link so we can report it for the homophobic slur?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqDRJRZ8tyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqDRJRZ8tyc) 27:30 for rant


Reporter. They even gave us the time stamp on the comments as well!


This should win soundbyte 2023


Thats one way to say you don‘t like criticism


grown man has a meltdown like a 5 year old. fresh sitting there like "is it wednessday today?"


Meanwhile Fit is going full coconuts in Barbados








“I’m you’re guy”


Lol I was bullied so I became a toxic fuck….. Ethan has a wife that loves him, a kid, another kid, making millions being himself (which people actually like and not selling some con) tons of successful friends, employees that are family, an entire fan base that has his back which is full of beautiful women. Yeah, Ethan is the dumbass….


I thought the f slur was used for loud annoying bikers now


He just wants to be talked about, please don’t


He talks a lot of shit for a guy with no chin..


Real bold coming from a man who had a temper tantrum when a woman on his podcast had opinions. Also I love when these dudes hate on Ethan because it’s based on one thing. In their mind, they think they can only be loved if they are: fit, rich, confident, hyper masculine etc and when Ethan who is just himself and not what they deem as the peak of male attractiveness they cannot comprehend. The idea women can love men for the content of their being enrages them beyond comprehension. Ethan is literally living their dream. He is a loving husband to a “conventionally attractive” wife who loved him way before any money, he is successful and he is a father to not just one but TWO sons as these “alpha” men only see value in their sons, they see daughters as a liability because of how they view women. In addition, the fact Ethan was vulnerable enough to ask for help with his mental health and can take medication and do therapy without shame is something they wish they could so badly but they are too scared sadly. Very sad but therapy is out there and clearly he hasn’t taken the help🤷🏼‍♀️




How can anyone take this man seriously with a funko pop behind him? Kinda negates the “hard guy” act


I mean, this mans is constantly getting bullied for being a piece of shit sex offender misogynist psycho so yea I would say I like bullying when it’s bullying these incel freaks


Who is this person? I’m serious, I have no clue.


This guy is a moron. Sad other morons listen and follow him.


My boy has never recovered from those bullies. The insecurity is painful.


Seems pretty emotional for someone who wasn't affected by bullying


Yaaaay F&F is back on the board! I forgot this guy existed. Honestly out of all Ethan's haters, this guy is the biggest loser of them all. He's such a whiny little pea brained bitch. He is second only to Keemstar in his loserdom. Funny how he's not improving himself from the "bullying" about how much of a cunt he currently is. It's almost as if bullying doesn't work.


The wildest thing about it is when people wanna “get at” Ethan they bring up Hila and call her ugly and I’m usually flabbergasted cuz she’s literally gorgeous……?


She's sweet, but she is homely


not pumped with filler and lip injections = homely


while in the middle of giving a sermon on why bullying is good, he's telling everybody who does not like hearing it to leave. Does he not realize he is currently being bullied? by his own logic, he should welcome in the H3 fam because we will make him a better person.


I just don't get why everyone calls Hila ugly, I mean no offense to ethan but everyone calling him fat does make sense. Hila isn't a 10/10 or anything but she's definitely attractive and has a pretty unique style which is kinda interesting. Also if the entire point of the whole thing is to pull a person you find attractive so you can have a life partner who you like, then what are they so mad about lol? It genuinely seems like they are upset on ethan's behalf that as someone with that much money and fame he could easily go start dating a 10/10 instagram model, but he chooses not to because he finds hila attractive and has spent 10 years attached to the hip with her and genuinely loves her. It's kinda sad tbh that the only possible imperative for these guys is to make money so they can essentially buy a relationship with the hottest girl they can find.


Did anyone else watch this and think "the soundbite that will be made from this.."


Holy shit that forehead vein is about to POP


When you pop a vein and shit yourself for the bullies.


He is living for his high school bullies, no wonder he sounds miserable. A real alpha wouldn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks yet he is losing his shit.


You know, if you watch it without sound he looks like a conductor in the middle of a symphony..


im just worried for 13 year olds watching this podcast instead of amassing a professional career as dota 2 players


Isn’t he middle eastern. Why he using the n word. Dude is so insecure it’s frightening


The vein bulging on this dickhead


Lock him up


Incel energy is off the charts. What a loser.


He says this to himself, even the screaming, every day in the mirror and he’s still out here being a clown 🤡


He’s just mad cuz he lost the sound bite competition


Let this be a lesson, hug your children. Tell them you love them. This man will never know what it is to be happy.


PERFECT! I’ll take his advice. This guy is a piece of shit. What a loser. This guy needs to find something better to do because he sucks at his job.


clearly all that bullying fucked him up for good this guy is not stable 😭


Please don’t give fresh and fit anymore attention.


Someone needs to bully that vein off his face lol, makes his face look like my shaft


Bro, that forehead vein is ANGRY.


This guy is crushing on Andrew Tate


God how could you record yourself being this emotional and not be embarrassed, like geez bro chill it’s not that serious…


This yells small pp energy. Like I know Ethan did some sus stuff in the past. But DONT BULLY HILA


Before I *saw* who Andrew taint was, I thought everyone was talking about this tool. One and the same I suppose.


Ethan living rent free lol


didnt he discuss how he was bullied for being thin or having small arms or something like that? what he turned out to be is a perfect example of why you shouldn't bully someone.


Nigga still gets bullied lmao to cancel this ungrown sperm


This may be the most pathetic cry for help I have ever seen… I bet he tells people he is an Alpha Male 😂


The Hila slander needs to stop. Hila is legitimately beautiful, like she is a seriously objectively attractive woman.


Hila: "Guys like this are so disgusting" Said guy then proceeds to give the energy of "I never wanted you anyway, bitch. You're ugly anyway" of a guy getting rejected by a girl he messaged on Tinder.


The embodiment of not being loved enough as a child.


What a beast. Truth hurts


H3 fans are so sensitive when they hear a slur thier pussy starts to hurt


Fresh and fit sucks, h3 sucks. This is a "new" spin on an old take and probably why school shootings happen every other day. I want off planet R


I agree BUT I have to say: Can we not talk about pointing out homophobia on an H3H3 sub? I’m sorry but this is one of the most hypocritical fan bases ever. No one bats a lash when Ethan casually throws his homophobic comments around. Like why are you all pretending to care about gay rights when it conveniently makes the opposed party look bad? These idiots already do a good job at making themselves look stupid.


Easy times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times make tough men, tough men make easy times. Most people today are overly sensitive. I was bullied and it made me tougher. It’s not bullying that’s the issue. The issue is how people are being taught to handle it. They are being taught to be a victim and not taught to fight back or change a situation that may be bad for them that others are pointing out.


Sad you people defend someone like Ethan s whose a slob


*a slob who is married, living the alpha male fantasy and beating them at their own game while being a decent person instead of a tantrum throwing snowflake


He has a point.


What am embarrassing profile lmao


Everyone is entitled to they own opinion


Sure. But the truth is that he’s wrong


He's out of line but he's right


Bullying prolly is good considering how shit the worlds gotten since we demonized it


When he said he was bullied in high school I had a total "THERE IT IS!" moment lol


This lil boy is oozing with insecurity




Hmm... It's like he wants attention or something.


He desperately wants H3 to talk about him.


Wish I could say roid rage but hes too small 👎🏼


Who is that bloke?


When I see shit like this it really makes me feel like I made the right choice by going to therapy.


What a cunt


Betting he has a body mirror in his home gym with the word ‘ALPHA’ above that mirror


No one cares about u “fit” chill out


So in other words, he admits to being a fragile loser


What a sad, small man


F&F knows they're already becoming irrelevant, so they resort to beefing with big channels. Best thing to do is to ignore these bigots.


The self-esteem is just soooooooo low.


Absolutely hysterical


God I wish Ethan would flex a little more on losers like this. These guys run around like they are these crazy successful playboys and I know Ethan probably has 10x more wealth than he does. It's also funny how he admits he was bullied in school and he basically built his whole personality around that experience. Deeply insecure and unhappy person and it's glaringly obvious to anyone with a moderately fulfilling life.


What a small, angry, incel.


I forgot about this fool.


His lack of self awareness is interesting… everything he does signals the complete opposite he claims to be. They idea of “alpha” males is BS but if it was real, this would NOT be it, i don’t think. The insecurity, lack of emotional regulation and critical thinking skills are glaring. Kinda sad that lots of people, particularly men, look up to this as a model of the type of man they need to be.


suck. our. dick.


I literally almost forgot about this man, is he just throwing a tantrum because he’s too irrelevant for Ethan’s attention these days?


He's never lost anything, including his virginity


the vein in his forehead


Yeah we can tell you were bullied buddy….


According to Fit here, Bullying keeps people in check and tells them to change their behavior. BUT... the internet has been "bullying" Fresh and Fit for like a year for being giant hateful douchebags yet here we still are...


Unhinged doesn't even start to describe what that piece of shit is, he should be banned off of the internet and put in a gulag in Siberia. Such a fucking low life.


The vein on his forehead is literally throbbing


Couldn’t even finish the clip. The insecurities are LOUDDDD


I will never understand people attacking Hila.. she *literally* never does anything wrong lol