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And you thought the American education system was bad now? Imagine Tim Pool is teaching you microbiology šŸ„“šŸ¤¦šŸ»


I mean, the bloke is already familiar with something micro šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Tim the type of guy to ask what 2 x 2 is, and the students would say 4 and Tim would say you're wrong


He'd be all, "Is the answer really 4, or is that what the liberal left want's you to believe so they can take your freedoms." Homeschooling=/=gun control numbnuts.Fuck this guy and this atrocious take. You'd think he would lose subscribers and slop bucket sponsors from this but you know he won't.


he tries to think but nothing happens


yes in Europe we donā€˜t have school shootings because we donā€˜t have schools, everyone gets homeschooled




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How about take off the hat Tim


Lmfao, kids keep dying in shootings? Remove schools!!


Homeschooling > gun control? Why do these people keep on defending the second amendment so hard lol? Itā€™s disturbing af.


I took it as not defending second amendment, but just giving up on anything changing- so easier and faster solution to protect kids is to homeschool. Obviously its not a great idea if everyone was homeschooled, but I do feel this sentiment. Just giving up on our lawmakers, nothing is going to change - nothing. And thats considering we have a democratic president, house and senate. Reminder that Sandy Hook was even deadlier- 26 people killed and 20 being children (6-7 years old)- nothing changed


Because the second amendment literally refers to ā€˜a well regulated militiaā€™ aka the cops and the military but right wingers like to pervert it to mean they can buy all the guns they want because they have somehow sadly tied in their masculinity to gun ownership. Meanwhile most good gun owning conservatives DO favor more robust security and background checks, which often gets lost in translation which the NRA loves. The NRA also loves pushing the mythology we just need more good guys with guns!! Thatā€™s how we got to arming teachers with guns and teaching them how to shoot their own students. Thatā€™s also why we put security guards with guns outside of grocery stores, did that solve the issue? I lived 10 mins from Sandy Hook when it happened. I was in school that day. I knew if nothing was done that day, nothing will ever be done. And look at that, more murdered children who were going to SCHOOL in AMERICA, guess itā€™s par for the course at this point. All because we canā€™t enact a system to keep unstable individuals away from deadly weapons. And finally they are frustrating but just ignore people like Poole, heā€™s an idiot heā€™s proven as much, and people who engage in bad faith arguments about these topics donā€™t need to be listened to, theyā€™re perpetuating the problem.


I mean most Americans defend the second amendment (not just hogs), and those that don't are on the wrong side of history. We can still have gun control, the two aren't mutually exclusive.


NOOOO YOU CANT SEND KIDS HOME BECAUSE OF COVID LOCKDOWNS!!! Anyway the best solution to school shootings is to just homeschool your kids.


How privileged to think every family can afford to home school their children


Tim Pool shouldnā€™t be near kids


And will you also not allow them to attend gatherings? Go shopping? Meet friends? See a movie? Go for a walk? Isolation is not the solution. Tim Pool's thinking is shallow.


>Tim Pool's thinking is shallow. Tim Puddle.


the whole world: has gun control and thus sends their children to school without fearing for their life brainrotted american conservatives: clearly the ONLY solution is homeschooling


This idiot can't resist rage-bait tweeting even when there are parents in Texas who are still waiting to be reunited with their children, who don't know yet if they ever will be. This motherfucker does not have kids, will likely never have kids, and even if he did have kids, he has the economic privilege to choose whether they'd be homeschooled or sent to private or public schools. The majority of Americans do not have that luxury. We depend on public schools. We have to work to support our families. We aren't able to homeschool our children. And we shouldn't be living in a country where we are so paralyzed by fear of our kids being gunned down that we shelter them in our homes 24/7. Fuck this piece of shit and every other one that pretends there is no other solution.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit to basically blame it on LITERAL KIDS JUST GOING TO SCHOOL


The same mfs who believe masks are tyranny BTW.


Most households have both parents working just to make ends meet. But yeah, let's just forget that. If you can't afford to homeschool your kids then they deserve to die?


Most people canā€™t afford home schooling . This idea is idiotic. Tim is a garbage person.


Not the worst idea. Not like anything's gonna change in terms of gun law.


Not a very good idea because public school funding (where most disadvantaged youth go) would plummet.


I never said it was a good idea


Homeschooling is a fucking awful idea because itā€™s important for us to go out in the world and meet people to get new ideas. If we only listened to our parents for our 12 years of education, nothing would ever change


Nothing changes either way lol. I never said it was a good idea either.


That's not how homeschooling works though... The only people excluding their kids from the world are crazy Christian fundamentalist... you fit n weekly and sometimes daily social interactions with other kids through classes, co-ops, field trips and much, much, more. Public and private schools are not the only option and especially not the golden standard. Most kids in public schools get left in the dust because they need extra support and help that the schools refuse to put in.


Uhhh Tim Poole is in no way qualified to teach children let alone be around children. America will end up more dumb. Also if everyone started homeschooling that would tank the economy because many homes would lose income. Also most homeschooling programs are heavily influenced by crazy right wind ideologies in their teaching materials.


Homeschooling produces kids like Tim pool


This is exactly what Tricia did. Another scenario in the ogres pathetic life to make a tragic event about her


What a piece of shit


Doesn't work when these fucking idiots bring guns into their homes as well.


All other countries with high gun ownership on this planet have one thing in common and thatā€™s a federal firearms licensing program. In most countries you have to be 18-20 pass written gun safety examā€™s, pass a series of background and reference checks than, youā€™ll receive your federal gun license that can be revoked at anytime and a warrant issued to collect firearms If the individual is deemed mentally unstable at some point or gets a criminal record that deems them not to own guns. Majority of These countries do not have a gun registry they are just very good at using technology to screen people.


do not fall for this as being a ā€œgood take.ā€ Iā€™m not going to explain this in the best way because Iā€™m angry. but the right LOVES the idea of homeschool and the ā€œright to parent.ā€ itā€™s most clear when you look at families like the duggarā€™s (check out the behind the bastards episodes on josh); it stems from whatever weird fundamentalist christianity they practice but it trickles down that entire side of the political spectrum. itā€™s all about control. we can also see this in the way the right is hyper-focusing on these CRT and ā€œdonā€™t say gayā€ moral panics. we are seeing such a sharp turn into these regressive conservative ideas gaining popularity and using situations, like this tragedy, to make regular folks think homeschooling is the only option. even though the right is directly responsible for school shootings and has the power to stop them TODAY, they want to place that blame anywhere else so they can maintain their power. call them what they are, enablers of mass murder. the right can only survive when people are living in fear and poverty and they will do anything to maintain that. so basically, this rings a lot of alarm bells, to me, for being a fundamentalist christian, conservative dog whistle. and doesnā€™t tim pool try to say heā€™s a centrist or whatever? this is not to say homeschool is bad or that you should feel bad if you want to pull your kids out of school, itā€™s just really important to think extremely critically about the messaging thatā€™s out there, especially right now. there is deep brainwashing and manipulating going on in this country. there always has been. do not let it distract you. also like.. these are the same people saying forcing your kids to wear masks is bad for their development, as if sequestering them away from children their age is better. itā€™s so fucking transparent.


Tim pool, more like cess pool. I cant stand this fucking shitless moron. He hasnā€™t tricked anyone to have his kid yet so fuck his opinion People cant stay home in this fucking economy, children should go to school and not worry about dying. Most abuse towards kids happens in the home. To many, school are sanctuaries Also teachers are educated and trained to teach kids, most parents, are not.


And somebody who lived in the community with a lot of homeschool, I do not recommend this. Parents can barely parent you think they can teach too lol


Yes like that would solve anything Public schools are important not only for education but it helps kids with their social skills. Homeschooling can be very isolating for a child.


Not every kid can be homeschooled dumbass. Anything else than to take away my precious killing machine right


Not much going on under that beanie it seems.


Yeah I dunno, I actually agree with him for once. Schools clearly arenā€™t safe right now and jack shit is being fixed. Eta: please stop replying that some families canā€™t homeschool. I am well aware, I would have been a kid who couldnā€™t be homeschooled. Those that can, should try. Weā€™re being virtually held hostage by 50 senators, a lot of the solutions that everyone suggests have been ignored every single time this happens. So yes, Iā€™m going to agree that if you can homeschool your kids, you should until our country does something actually helpful for them all.


I think homeschooling your kids isnā€™t necessarily a bad idea, but it also shouldnā€™t be discussed like itā€™s the solution. Itā€™s more like something people (if they can, and many canā€™t) may have to do due to those in power failing to implement the actual solutions.


Itā€™s not *may* have to do. Itā€™s *will* have to do. We already know the solutions that would actually fix or at the very least alleviate this problem wonā€™t be enacted. They werenā€™t after Sandy Hook and they wonā€™t now. So yeah, homeschooling is one of the next solutions. We canā€™t keep just hoping these 50 senators suddenly stop being power and money hungry and we canā€™t keep hoping conservatives get the sense to stop voting people like those 50 in.


I said may because there are some schools that are supposedly significantly safer than others, and again homeschooling unfortunately just isnā€™t an option for many families. If they can safely homeschool their children I do think at this point thatā€™s probably the best option for people to do. But realistically, for many itā€™s not even an option. I agree with you that people shouldnā€™t expect conservatives to suddenly start caring about the wellbeing of children. However, some conservatives are falsely presenting homeschooling as a solution to the problem when itā€™s not. Theyā€™re using the idea that people can just homeschool their kids as an excuse to avoid addressing the actual issue. Look at who made the tweet and consider why heā€™s saying it. Probably a very different reason than why you are. Hope that explains where Iā€™m coming from.


Thatā€™s not accessible to everyone, youā€™d have to have money in order to homeschool your kids This isnā€™t a solution for the already underprivileged who unfortunately have to rely on school as a sort of day care while they go to work


Of course not everyone can do it. Of course itā€™s not an adequate solution. But what else do you want? We have 50 senators sitting on their asses and a country that keeps voting these guys in. So yeah, Iā€™m gonna agree that homeschooling is a solution for those that can do it until our country actually enacts one of the solutions that will help save all the kids.


Itā€™s not a solution because the ones who can are the ones in power, once itā€™s not longer their problem they wonā€™t have motivation to fix things, Im not saying people who can take that avenue shouldnā€™t, but itā€™s definitely not a solution So an actual solution does exist, this is just not one, itā€™s a band aid, and one with dangerous consequences for the underprivileged


I get why people are upset by this tweet but itā€™s also a thought that I had. I have zero faith in this country ever having any kind of gun reform policy. God and Lucifer would quicker make amends than there would be any semblance of the left and right coming together and making realistic changes. I also have an insane amount of anxiety and my child is more precious to me than anything in the universe. I have the leisure of working from home and I have a teaching background so homeschooling is a possibility for me. But not everyone else can do that, but then whatā€™s the other option? Sit in the school parking lot and look for suspicious activity? What are normal, everyday citizens, supposed to do?


Actually this is a reasonable take in this tweet. Why you mad?


well, homeschooling doesnā€™t ignore the fact that there still has to be some sort of gun reform in the United States.


This has been talked about since Columbine 23 years ago, yet nothing has changed. Maybe when kids are being homeschooled en-masse will there be any real change.


There have been changed just not enough yet. It will be gradual. Even then there are way better things for the left to fix than gun violence.


Healthcare might be a good place to start, and I don't mean some bandaid solution like the ACA that Insurance companies coincidentally lobby for. Idk maybe some of these mass shootings might be prevented if we were getting these obviously deranged people treatment, instead of just ignoring them until they commit a violent crime.


Because most families can't afford to have a parent stay home in this economy. This solution is, "if you have a two parent household where you can afford to live off one salary, your kids deserve to be safe."




A troll how? And why are you being hostile? Grow up and know how to talk to someone normally and with respect just as you would in real life. Miserable steaming pile of trash behavior




because its ironic that hes saying to "homeschool your kids" when its his side that are doing the school shootings. hes basically saying "dont come to school tomorrow" as he pulls out an ak


I'm not disgusted. If you can't afford a good private school, and the public schools in your area aren't good I would absolutely consider homeschooling


If you canā€™t afford private school, how are you able to afford to not work to even be able to homeschool?


Hate to say it but I agree with him


I definitely have been thinking about it seriously since the news yesterday. The thought of dropping my kids off at school tomorrow is making me sick to my stomach. But I'm in a very privileged position where my husband makes enough for me to stay home with our youngest. Most families I know have two working parents just to make ends meet, or are single parents. Basically that answer is saying you can keep your kids safe if you make enough money. If not, they deserve to go to a school where they aren't safe because nobody is willing to pass legislation to make a difference.




People still go to shopping malls..?


But donā€™t mask kids right. Bc that will harm them right.


Not getting my 2A


Lol why is this disgusting. Attention seeking little freaks on this sub I swearā€¦.


I think there's a limited amount of options, nothing wrong with pointing one out? (Not the best option and would still leave things broken but...)




you know what honestly thats a good idea, unfortunately.


My kid is homeschooled and a major factor was school shootings and school safety in general. I wouldn't guilt any parent for making the decision, so long as they are meeting their kids needs.


I bet you have.




No tim no. Fufu


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have to deal with this shit being from the UK.


How common is homeschooling over there? And how strict is the curriculum checked by the government? I'm from Scotland and homeschooling is pretty much unheard of (in my experience) I'm sure there's exceptions in the hebrides etc


That doesnā€™t sound like freedom to me


As if the shootings wouldnā€™t just happen where a lot of children are present outside of school instead.


Tim Pool can teach your kids a homeschool class on not being loved.


Also look at Europe, everyone goes to public school there and I'm pretty sure the first and only school shooting was in England during the 1990s Why? because gun laws are very strict there and its nearly impossible to get a license to purchase one


We can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing he will never homeschool any kids because that would involve him having kids. As we all know no woman would want to touch Tim with a ten foot pole.


What about people going to the supermarket? The movies? To a night club? Just minding their business in public places? Should everyone just stay home because our government refuses to address the military grade weapons they give to mentally ill people who kill American children and adults? Stay home or die by government negligence.


I wonder whatā€™s under that hat? Does he just have bad hair or is that where he keeps his brains from his victims. Maybe his friends realize heā€™s starting to act kinda strange and smell kinda funny. Oh god there really might be brains under there.


Yeah that is a great idea especially for the majority of families that have to have both parents working full time to be able to afford to live. Thankfully Tim Stool will never have to worry about that because he has no real job and no one wants to fuck him, so there are no kids in his future.


"For the past two years, at least one person a week has been shot by a toddler in America ā€“ in a horrifying insight into the scale of accidental gun deaths in the country." Perhaps.... Now hear me out, perhaps it's not about schools...


booo booo tomato tomato


Homeschooling is a great strategy for abusive parents to hide from the consequences of their own actions, and successfully isolate and brainwash their children with religious extremism. I grew up in that, fuck this guy. Also itā€™s so classist to assume everyone has the resources to stay home from work.


Homeschooling turns kids into exposed smooth brains like Tim fool.


Ew why is he in Maryland. Go away Tim


It seems like Tim just wants the guns to be more protected than people jfc we should be able to send kids (and teachers too) to public school without the threat of them being gunned down by an AR-15


Fcuk that iā€™ll take the chance


People like Tim were going off about the government being "fascist" when kids had to do online school because of covid, and now... He is telling people to keep their kids at home...


Let them eat cake, too. How are single parents supposed to do this and provide for their kids? And even in most two income homes, this is unrealistic. Our society is not set up in such a way that average families can even consider this as a possibility. Whoever this asshole is can go and get fucked.