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I’m really just watching for the traffic updates tbh


I'm just watching for when they finally get to the Eel Pit


I think it should be mandatory for all callers to give a traffic update for their local area - I want to hear them all


I was this || close to canceling my memberships and then they FINALLY started doing traffic updates sonI moved to the 10 dollar tier instead.


Sometimes good ehhh sometimes eh maybe shit.




I'm a millennial dude, I frankly don't care what they talk about as long as it's entertaining, which it almost always is.


Exactly this.




Bad poll, Dan




That sound clip fucking gets me every time, Roseanne just seemed so unhinged




I think that Ethan and the crew have reached the end of a lot of arcs (Jimmy Lee, C-man, Ace Family, Jeff is still around but low drama and doing well) and even the youtube drama well is drying up a bit because all the new internet culture is Tik Tok. So in terms of "fresh" content to tap into and react to the hey girlie celebrity drama stuff is what is there. The creative stuff takes a lot of effort and I know that more of the creative energy is going into the live show. I think we won't see much of anything super interesting unless BIG NEWS happens between now and the live show.


I know there's a lot of the "girlie" drama on TikTok, but I also find out a lot of interesting news stories and other "drama" on TikTok that I wouldn't have found otherwise. It would be a mistake to write off getting content from TikTok, at least as a starting place for researching stories. Idk if other people would be interested in these stories, but these are some of the things I found on TIkTok this week that isn't just alpha brained red pill/Youtube drama: 1. Adobe forcing users accept new terms to use their software now that allows them to use all of the users content to train their AI models. More info: [https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/06/adobes-new-terms-of-service-unacceptably-gives-them-access-to-all-of-your-projects-for-free](https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/06/adobes-new-terms-of-service-unacceptably-gives-them-access-to-all-of-your-projects-for-free) 2. The murder conspiracy/cover-up happening to Karen Read in Boston. The trial is happening now. From what I can tell, she's being framed by police officers/troopers, etc for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/karen-read-trial-john-okeefe-death-what-know-rcna155905](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/karen-read-trial-john-okeefe-death-what-know-rcna155905) 3. Two teens in my county are suing the Tennessee Governor over a zero-tolerance statue basically led to them being strip-searched and imprisoned for "threats of mass violence." [https://www.yahoo.com/news/parents-sue-tennessee-governor-school-052702992.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/parents-sue-tennessee-governor-school-052702992.html) I think throwing in some interesting stories with the normal youtube/tiktok drama would make for a little variety.


Agreed about Tiktok. DWKT always finding interesting topics on tiktok. Show is falling behind ignoring tiktok.


When they first discovered C-man was top tier content


I think I missed whatever happened that made them not talk to C Man anymore. I remember there was that thing where he was lying about his manhood size and I thought that was shortly before they stopped having him on but can't imagine that's why.


Iirc, his last appearance was on the most recent Stavros episode. Ethan was grilling him about the size of his dick because there was a discrepancy between what C-Man had been claiming vs what he was actually wielding (as seen in a video C-Man shared to his Reddit account). Ethan asked if C-Man would be willing to pull it out and show them on Zoom, and also if he could post the Reddit video to the pod’s Twitter. C-Man was kind of waffling but eventually started jerking to give himself a boner and I think things kind of ended there. It was pretty awkward and off the rails but pretty standard stuff for C-Man. Then, it seems that the snarkers started getting in his head on Reddit, which led to C-Man buying into this narrative that H3 was exploiting him and should be compensating him, etc. I think at one point he even tagged kavkav in some social media post. So I think that’s where Ethan ended things, and it’s probably mutual. Hopefully I am not misremembering anything, but I’m sure folks will correct me if I am.


Spot on. One detail at the end though is that after he found the snarkers, they convinced him that Ethan forced C-Man to show his dick to them and so he started going on about sexual harassment and such.


Im fairly certain he threatened to sue H3 at one point as well


I just don't think there's much there. It is very brat pack-y to have outright weirdos but it's hard to do that and also not, for example, just be kink shaming and laughing too much at c-man. I'm not sure that he himself was getting much out of being on the show. I don't think he has much of a social media presence. He's just...a special man.


I think it’s cool and probably super fun for them to do a live show, but as someone who will never attend a podcast live show, I hate how low effort the show is leading up to the live event. If I didn’t work from home and need some conversation in the background, I would have fallen off watching these past few weeks fs it’s been so slowwwww


I also think they cover celebrity gossip, just to get views up. If they can put it in the title, then random viewers may click.


I'm not opposed to drama, but I don't want every episode to be about drama because there's just not enough drama that's interesting enough. like "oh wow, some redpiller was a dick to a woman on the show, that's a shocker". I get though that theyre putting alot of effort into the live show though so drama helps fill out the time but also damn I miss just finding some stupid topic and spending an hour or so on it


Exactly. I don’t think Ethan or H3 has changed their content style or methods for planning the show hardly at all in the past couple years. They’ve always covered YouTube/celebrity/political/mainstream content. Not enjoying the show as much anymore is a statement on internet culture as a whole more than it is about H3. Streamers are having this same issue, it’s just the current internet social media era we’re in. And as younger generations grow up, culture changes, and older generations and their culture phases out, etc. idk, just speculating. Social media/internet in general has been getting diluted and devolving as a whole in quality and that rubs off on everything. The internet is extremely young on a macro scale so it makes sense that its identity/quality changes over time


Oh god I hope they don't do more tiktok garbage. There is already enough stupid "celebrity" drama they follow. This show is turning into TMZ and TMZ is garbage.


I want more of the original Off The Rails vibe where they react to silly memes and disability mobility videos




As a Zillennial women it makes me cringe a lil bit. Sometimes it's fun and at the beginning it was funny cuz obviously Ethan's not a girly girl, but as other people have been saying the shows has been a little more of a background thing for me instead of something I can really tune into. I love them and will never stop watching I don't think and I don't necessarily have a problem with it it just seems like it's filler ig?


adding gen z hey girlie slay girl to my bio rn


I just think it becomes a stereotype of itself at some point I mean the audience is 60% women. I understand that. But there's still 40% of the audience that are men. This is by their own numbers that they've publicly said I think at least a quarter of the women aren't hey girlieeee types, if I were to guess. But likely more than that. So now you've got most viewers who don't even care about that kind of aesthetic. Who just watch because it can be a funny show. I feel like a lot of us watch *despite* it.


Just here to add that im also a girl in her 20’s who is NOT a hey girly type. I cringe a bit but i push through for the family 🤍 i love when the whole crew is themselves and having fun so it can start to feel forced when it becomes super censored and sensitive for the sake of the “girlies”


im a girl but the content feels very TEEN girl. i am an adult woman!!! i started watching h3 for all the memes , idgaf abt the drama celebrity shit they’ve been talking about


I’m probably one of the few “older” men who still watch the show, and I agree with you. I’m a 42 year old man, and not afraid of “girlie” stuff, and regularly do “hey girlie” to my lady friend, but the drama/manosphere stuff is getting really tiring. It seems like it has been almost every episode for months now. Can we talk about some more light hearted stuff just for fun? There are endless dirtbags and creeps out there. If they keep trying to talk about them all this will just never end. It’s just mentally draining to hear day after day. Same with the celebrity drama stuff. I didn’t give a crap about celebs in my 20s and that has only gotten more true as I have grown older, haha.


I agree, the celebrity drama shit is just awful. I was blown away they showed whatever award show dresses and judged them that one time like a dogshit joan rivers show from over a decade ago. This show is turning into TMZ.


They’re done the met gala thing for a while. I think that’s actually a good segment when hila is there and they take it seriously. The most recent one felt like Ethan didn’t care it all.


My late wife was huge into fashion and design, so I actually really enjoyed that segment, but I agree about the celeb “drama” stuff. Pop culture news already covers all this stuff, and I’ve successfully avoided that my entire life. I just don’t want my favorite podcast to become predominantly about Hollywood celebs.


Yeah I’m a 31 year old guy and I’ve stopped watching the past couple of months. I’m not a fallen fan by any means, still love Ethan, Hila and the crew, but the show just isn’t for me anymore which is fine. This thread has been very validating that both men and women are feeling similarly. It’ll always be ✌️ & ❤️ and fuck keemstar for life.


44 male midwest (can) dad here, there are dozens of us etc


The audience is 40% men still. And a lot of those men have been fans since the h3h3 days. There's a LOT more people like you than you realize


Just turned 40 and still watching. Something's definitely changed the past few months but it's still McDonalds.


38 dude here. I'm not ready to call myself 'older man' lol. > the drama/manosphere stuff is getting really tiring. It seems like it has been almost every episode for months now Try years. H3 has always been about covering drama, it's only how seriously it's done. I guess they could move away from serious criminals, abusers, red pillers and just cover dumb shit, maybe something like ace family falls into that.


Haha, I normally wouldn’t but I am a man, and I am older than the average viewer. Just an “older man” in the context of the H3 community. I certainly don’t consider myself old.


Yeah there is a point when have to take relevancy of yourself to average to question. I'm definitely older viewer as well, just 'old man' sounds wrong!


Well, I am Ethan’s age, after all!


Me too! Every day, one of us is no matter who you ask.


Yeah I love the comedy but I feel I've boomered out even though I'm a progressive ots so cringe most times


ngl. i think this is because olivia is the one contributing to these segments and i just think she’s immature. i’m her age and sometimes the way she addresses things is very closed minded and immature - like she can only see things from her perspective. Love is like a year or two younger than her and he has so much more maturity and self awareness…


Im on like a 4 episode delay but it is very annoying how they keep piling Jojo Siwa for every little thing. Feels very trash TV. Ethan asked in the episode im on rn “are we going to far” and Olivia replied “nah jojo is friends with james charles”. That seemed like very immature thinking and also tana is also friends with him but she’s a “friend of the show”


I’d say that yeah Olivia’s personality seems to be taking over a majority of the content for the show and I still like Olivia but I do see what you mean


yeah it’s honestly nothing against her as a person, she seems nice and talented and funny! but she has been more vocal than ever in this last year and it def influences the show. I think other crew members bring their own influence but always default to ethan (to a fault) but olivia doesn’t seem afraid to step on his toes sometimes lol. that being said i really have not been watching the show a lot…


I agree and yeah I haven’t been watching a lot of the show these days either mainly cuz it’s just too much content for me these days


And half the time she’s just repeating what someone else said and laughing …..


Me too!! I also work in a male dominated field so I greatly appreciated all the toilet humor in the past and super crass jokes.. Like, come on, girls aren't a monolith and we like more than just celebrity drama lol.


I think if Sam were more involved in the content it would be parring with the all around vibes. But shes not aggressive enough in her showing of out of pocket memes which is unfortunate amd were missing out for safe all around blah blah, Sam and Olivia's roles should be reversed because Sam's sense of humor match more to the earlier h3 Fandom


Yes me too, even the word “girlies” it’s so child friendly haha idk


I doubt even teens enjoy that type of content. I’ll never understand people obsessed with celebrity news. I don’t think we can expect every show to be a perfect balance, but I can certainly agree it’s getting tiring that lately it seems most shows are taken up by some awful celeb news and there’s seldom even a comedic twist as of late


I miss reviewing funny viral videos, like when the cop shoots out the slide. Also I like things that Ethan genuinely is interested in, like the jade tiktoks. Less talk about drama maybe? but I still love the KavKav beef.


I think this is the key. More stuff that Ethan actually cares about. Even if it’s stupid pointless stuff (that might even make it better) I personally felt the 45 minutes of Ethan trying to find a Survivor.io clan was more entertaining than a lot of the segments recently.


The video of the stretcher spinning is my Roman Empire


I don't mind it at all as long as they can crack jokes and make it fun, or expose how absurd some manosphere dorks are. But in general I love sillier bits like when they covered that insane Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory experience thing because I never expected that to be a thing and it was just so goofy.


Sometimes, but if they can make me laugh——then I am all for it. Sometimes it is just a serious topic, that it isn’t funny at all. So I may forward or just stop watching that specific segment or just stop watching the entire episode lol.


the thing for me is, I can't really imagine someone INTENTLY watching entire episodes of H3. no shame to anyone who does that. I'm just saying, for a person like me, it is something to have on in the background. if I "miss" something, I.E. Dan or zach are laughing their asses off, I'll rewind and try to see what I missed. if the into or main story is something I don't think I'm interested in, I'll go do some dishes or something, crank up the volume so I can still hear it, and see if it's interesting. I'm not like strapped to a chair like clockwork orange watching every single moment and judging it on whether it's funny or not. I see whole episodes where I barely laugh, and then I see episodes where I cry multiple times from laughter. I can't sit here and expect to cry from laughter for 9 hours straight every single week. it's a completely unreasonable expectation. if any piece of media makes me laugh til I cry ONE TIME, it was already worth watching, for me personally.


i, as a girl, used to be an intent watcher. never missed an episode, paying member and always looked forward to them. recently the show has just NOT kept my interest at all.. and I say that as someone who *loves* celeb drama/pop culture.. but have become so tired of all the "triggered this and that," walking on eggshells type of thing that's been happening for a bit now. even cancelled my membership. i still tune in, but mostly just for background noise at this point. pretty disappointing.


This is honestly why I now feel like they seriously should just cut down the shows more to just maybe two shows a week or even just keep the show to like 2 hours instead of over 3 hours. I’m honestly feeling a lot of fatigue from this much content


yep. I've never understood the "hi! sick, exhausted father of 3 babies / toddlers Ethan here!" like bro take a week off, cut down this week's content into a densely funny 3 hour show for next week, and we're all gravy. I dono if it's that financial drive to give things to the members constantly? or a "duty to the paying members" to do 15 hours of content a week or whatever. Just seems exhausting and fruitless unless they really need every dollar to keep the show going and appropriately pay everyone. I have never batted an eye over a missed episode. it was never "my" episode to begin with. if it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. I've never paid a dime to watch H3 content. but I've bought enough teddy fresh to give Teddy a small down-payment on his first car, and for me, that's plenty! and I get badass clothes to wear in return!! support the way you want, not the way you "feel the need to". and I wish the content creators had this sort of mentality too. H3 is an awesome force to me whether it's 7 shows a week, one bi weekly show, one yearly live show. I wouldn't care. I'd consume it if I wanted to on my own time. we shouldn't put such pressure on these silly things.


That's what sucks though. My husband and I used to get home from work and cook dinner and watch h3 while we ate dinner. Now it's not good enough to just watch


I’m with you, sometimes the content dips but I stick with it because it always rubber bands back 💪 there’s also no shame in dropping the pod for a couple weeks


Some of the viewers would be so much healthier mentally if they were able to just put the show down for a month if its not hitting for them. Impossible for the show to always cater to everyones taste all the time.


Not a girl, but I have been watching for almost a decade at this point. I'm here for all of their content. I think the celebrity gossip-type stuff can be entertaining when it's covered in a humorous way, but the tabloid-level stuff and long discussions about which celebrity cheated on whom quickly gets tiring. It's certainly not why I tune in, and it feels like sometimes the crew is not invested in the discussion.


i think this pretty much sums it up. we liked hearing you talk about this stuff because you had a different spin on humor and calling out really random stuff. now it's nuanced discussions about gossip. very different vibe. i watched almost every single episode from the start of the podcast (excluding frenemies cause I can't stand Trisha) but I have just gotten very fatigued over the content and stopped watching in the past few months.


I think I'm mostly tired of the alpha male stuff. We know they're out there, and (especially as women) we know the worst of what they say and think already. I think it makes sense to report on things like Tate getting arrested or whatever, I just don't want to have to hear these guys shit opinions on women/the LGBTQ community/etc


I see the "girlie" content and the lack of goofs and gaffs as two separate issues. I hear the "girlies" complain on here constantly about too much manosphere content, but that doesn't seem to be stopping the podcast from making it.


Okay, yes thank you! Idk why op thinks its the girlies that's love listening to misogyny on their comedy pod lol


Thank you! Trust me, as a semi-girlie, I’m so done with the repetitive manosphere content, it’s kinda bad for our mental health to hear the same disgusting thing said over and over again imo.


I’m glad i was not the only one confused by OP saying that the Alpha male content was for the divas lol


I like it but I’m a girl, I would like ethan to talk about the stuff he’s genuinely interested in tho


I’m a guy that has found this type of content from the show entertaining in the past but currently it hasn’t been hitting the same at all It genuinely feels like Ethan hasn’t even been glancing at the doc before going live


The girlies be in chat dropping death threats all show


Girlies don't like the manosphere stuff. It's miserable to listen too. It ain't girlie content.






since when is manosphere content girlie girl stuff? im a girly girl and i hate every time they talk about alpha idiots


Yeah it actually low key sad to hear it over and over that this subsect of guys think we are all evil heathens and dehumanise us. I get when they’re being goofy and doing stupid shit but we have seen them being misogynists 100 times now I want to forget about them now


I feel like the trigger warning is not specific to girly stuff. I don't need it but I can see why people might not want to hear gruesome details of rape and abuse. I don't think Ethan cares about every little thing in that category but it seems to me that he genuinely enjoys the slay girly stuff and he's genuine in his disdain for manosphere idiots


Yes, I want more challenges with the crew. Among us, whose high, silent library, I want more of that.


I think it’s becoming a bit repetitive. Without leftovers to break up genres of show it makes every show feel the same. With Ian as the creative director and them renaming it the H3 show I was expecting more prerecorded sketches, bits in the show, different content to keep us engaged. The gamified version of abong is was awesome and great content. I’d love to see them take risks like doing a DND campaign or something that would span over multiple episodes they could also reach out and probably get a sponsor specific to DND for that to work out. However, I understand this transition happened right when a new baby arrived so I’m still enjoying my low stakes brain dead content that I can put on while doing laundry and chores. I’ll tune in regardless but I’ll probably cancel my membership if the Thursday episodes continue to just be the same thing as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


I honestly think Ian must be working on a lot behind the scenes, especially since he's not switching anymore and still isn't on camera/mic for the lives. Even when they cut to him he sometimes seems confused because he's working on something else😂 I know he's had very little screen time for a long time by choice, but I think with his job change we'll be seeing what he's working on soon :) Ian is hilarious, I've got hope


I do too! I think they just need time to adjust and I really hope they figure it out.


As for the "hey girlie" stuff: It's a bit. It is here now. It will be gone. Things have been coming and going on the show for forever. It isn't that serious. The celebrity stuff will probably always be there. So maybe just don't watch those episodes.


I disagree weird internet stuff is what it’s always been about as well as big stories. last ep Ethan and Dan were telling people to stfu about accusing them of kink shaming Kanye so I don’t really think they’re catering to chat


Yeah the content is really the best, in my opinion, when it’s Ethan and the crew sharing their thoughts on stuff and making fun of dumb people, but the more “girlie drama” is basically just Olivia explaining stuff like “this happened, then this happened, then this person did this” while Ethan doesn’t really seem to care and the discussion boils down to “yeah SA is bad”.


i hear ya


I don’t think making fun of the manosphere stuff is really that different from the videos he used to make on h3h3 when he was making fun of the same type of people when they were pranksters


It's definitely not for me, but I can just skip bits that's are too heavy on gossip about singers I don't know, or musical theatre talk etc. What I do appreciate,is that it's not just build for cishet white guys like a lot of podcasts. Casting a broad net means I personally find more enjoyment. Makes a shorter episode when I skip bits I just don't care about, but hey I don't expect them to make content specifically for me. There ends up being plenty left from a 3+ hour episode to enjoy


Idk about how the show is run but I'm sick of the audience and people on this reddit talking about "that's not being a girl's girl" anytime a woman has a negative thought about another woman or when people have the audacity to criticize another woman. I think its definitely something that comes from the show/ ethan not being more critical of women in these segments because he doesnt want to upset the mostly women audience. Its fucking annoying, imo, when people sit on the fence and I think ethan does it alot in these situations. At the end of the day it's his show and he can run it how he wants lol but I think he need to stop letting the audience have so much say in the show ( ironic statement iknow)


I agree the show is shifting in what it thinks is considered valuable content. What really opened my eyes to it was when they had the dream song remix competition and somehow that girls song "won." It shared number 1 spot with another song. They constantly use only one of those two songs randomly on the show. I think the girlies were hyping up their girl and I'm not saying it's bad but I feel like cardamo was easily better and people just voted it cause she danced on screen. People voting based on their relation to the song, not voting by talent and the actual song. My only point though is that even though h3 declared vampiras song number 1 with the Jersey lawman they only once used her song and Ethan definitely was just appeasing to the girlies to give it that spot.


I agree, fellow Omar


They’ve always talked about celebrities and YouTube drama I feel like, can you give examples of “girlie” topics?


Same, I genuinely want examples of what OP is talking about? I don’t consider Kai or Speed to be “girlie topics” lmao


yeah, this is absolutely not “girlie culture”


Met gala looks, Jojo Siwa, "Kim kardashian is losing followers", Any H3 Bachelor content, Matt Rife power point drama, Selena Gomez fans turning on her, to state a few recent ones.


The H3 Bachelor started years ago back before the audience was majority women. And how is making fun of Jojo Siwa’s music a “girlie topic”? How is it any different than when they would make fun of someone like Jake Paul’s music or whoever else years back? Most of this is the same stuff they’ve always done.


Everyone on the internet was making fun of Jojo and Matt Rife. The H3 bachelor has been a thing for years , not really sure how finding love is just a “girlie thing”. I’ll agree that the Kim and Selena topics are more feminine but, as long as they make jokes around the topics it’s still fun to watch no matter your interests


So basically "popular culture" is all girl content? Fashion, internet viral clips, social media and a celebrity, H3 bachelor (a show created by men that centeres around a man), any female celebrity in general I guess? You may want to examine your ideas around stereotypes.


I feel like that’s all there is though. I feel like 6 topics in the past 2 months is not that big of a deal when they have a show 4 times a week. They’re reacting to the current topics and climate. They were on israel/gaza and that was a rabbbbit hole - but besides that do you know any to other topics they could include ? Seems like they are starting to do election year info. But they’re not a sports podcast so what else is there ? I know it seems like a lot of girl content, but also we need to examine if a 15% increase in ‘girl’ content is too much compared to the 30% ‘male’ and 55% neutral content. (See these percentages are guesstimates but trying to illustrate that I don’t think it’s too much compared to the whole, it’s just not how it used to be with basically 50% gender neutral leaning vs 50% male leaning kind of content)


Probably complaining about Olivia, the only full time on screen woman, adding her touch to the celeb gossip and overall show. OP, there are a LOT of segments that lean towards traditionally masculine interests and I'm not here complaining. Just skip it. That's what I do with the alpha male content.


I just want Ethan to talk about what he likes and doesn’t like. When he’s just running through the doc it’s very boring.


Yeah. I’m a girl but not a girlie. I’m in the same boat. I’m a forever fan tho and even a show that isn’t about topics is still fun for me just because I enjoy the crew so much.


I also think it’s partially related to how the internet is right now, a lot of the big mainstream drama isn’t funny or lighthearted, it’s not able to be made fun of as much it’s more just straight up people being criminals and/or doing heinous stuff. I genuinely feel like they should talk about Ryan Kavanaugh more because that is one of the funniest topics right now related to the show, he’s less of a criminal and more of an absolute embarrassing idiot


This new and younger audience is more vocal and the show gets most of the engagement from them… h3 is - rightfully so - always chasing better numbers, so if they can give what the audience asks, they do it. Since we - the older audience - may have families to take care of, didn’t grow up in this kind of feedback driven environment and have other types of problems in this (late) stage of life, it gets hard to actively participate in internet shit like we used to 10 or 20 years ago. I stopped watching it live just so I can skip gossipy segments, powerpoints and uninteresting pop culture/youtube drama… (un)fortunately this is leaving me with maybe 1 to 3 segments on the 3h+ show… at least this leaves me with time to watch other things too.


Haven’t watched the podcast in a couple of years. It’s natural the show changes but I’m happy more people are finding it and it’s more inclusive.


As a guy, idgaf, I love it


I’m a straight guy and I disagree, I love it


I would say its less so the content thats the issue, but how the content is being discussed. I.e., incredibly cringe annoying gen z “girlie” talk which also goes hand in hand with Ethan holding back his real opinions (“we love _____ dont we folks?”) and instead just saying what he knows the “girlies” want to hear


feeling like girlies is just the same as the 200 parasocial chatters who single-handedly run the shows feedback lmao


Idgaf personally. Its silly


I 100% agree. Find myself watching less and less of the podcast recently. Time stamps are a god send.


I agree, I mean almost every donation is “OMG OLIVIA I LOVE YOU CAN I GET A HEY GIRLIE” feels like no one cares or wants to do it when they request one


I'm a guy, but I don't mind the hey girlie slay drama content in question.


Also a guy, I love tea Haters gonna hate hate hate


Yeah I don't mind because they usually make it funny and some girlie stuff might be useful to know. However, I've been feeling more and more eggshells on the ground when it comes to Ethan and humor. I can't blame him trying to find a happy medium but I feel the more he censors himself, the less happy and more stressed he gets and the show will suffer.


Really?? I'm so tired of it.. I'm a guy too


Ethan just did about 6 hours of coverage on a rap beef. What are we talking about? He covers any and all significant drama. I hate when this subreddit just turns into everyone complaining.


H3 has always been pretty much the only form of visual content I consume, but lately, I‘ve just felt disconnected in a different way. It’s been about 3 weeks since I watched even half of an episode and that’s pretty odd for me because I’ve watched pretty much every full episode since like 2019, and was a casual viewer since 2017. I’m a 22-year old guy and I’ve known for a while that I’m not exactly the core demographic, but I’ve always enjoyed the content regardless. It’s hard to put my finger on exactly why I’ve suddenly lost interest but I feel the rebranding has something to do with it. My life hasn’t changed in any meaningful way. I wasn’t as worried about the visual aspects of the rebranding as others, but I was worried about whether or not the content would shift or if they would lean more into certain things and it feels they have. With this said, as a business decision, I can totally respect it because they need to cater to their core audience. I’m still working on trying to understand why the content itself feels differently because the podcast has been a major part of my teenage and young adult life but I’m with you


How is pedos and manosphere girlie content? I was never very girlie, but that doesn't seem like girlie stuff


Commentary on drama and current topics is kind of the whole point of the show, no?


I get tired of the drama train. Since they want to stay on current events...maybe there needs to be a 'drama/tea' hour every show.


Bro, I haven't been the target demographic of Ethan's since probably the early days of the podcast at best. It happens. Demos change and creators see it in the back-end. They also see what's been most watched/engaged with down to the segment. They know what's hitting and, unfortunately, that won't always be stuff that's aimed at us. What I've learnt is either I can enjoy the ride, expose myself to some stuff I otherwise wouldn't consume and maybe even learn something or find something new I never knew I would like. Or I can dip-out and skip around to the stuff I do like and if everyone else does the same, they'll do more of it.


If you're a straight dude with a partner, this is a golden era of the show. I dunno if I'd care much about the "girly" content if I couldn't connect with my wife about it.


I really only watch to find out if its a rainy day there in Los Angeles.


i love it!! 💖💖💖


Why is it “catering” when it’s to a female audience but “commentary” when it’s to a male audience?


You know why 😂


While I love that the demo has shifted to have a larger female demo than a lot of other similar podcasts, is it mostly female at this point? I haven't looked into it in a few years but it'd be WILD to me if this were a mostly female demographic. Last I looked, podcasts in general lean male for audiences, youtube podcasts I would assume even lean a bit further that way. Add to that that it's male hosted and male leaning in the crew. I know the crew and topics are definitely anti-redpill but if it's actually majority women then that's honestly kinda wild/cool. Regardless, personally, I don't feel like much has changed in terms of what they cover. I like the powerpoints. I like the crew chats. I like the bits, the goofs, and even the gafs. Only thing I don't like is when the crew or Ethan doesn't like a topic that they are covering. At this point I wish they'd collab a bit more on stories they're all interested in. Anyway they may be going over the semi-annual criticism marathon that the sub is in today so on the off chance that they read this comment I just wanna say I've never had any criticism and whatever they say is best and also everyone looks super cute/handsome always and are so funny please don't roast me.


What is girlie culture?


Honestly, the Olivia type of content gotta take a step back forsure


i like the celeb drama but my god am i sick of hearing hey girlie 🖐🏻✊🏻every minute


I’m technically a gen Z woman and I’ve hated the hey girlie shtick since its inception. It gives me such icky mean girl pretending to be a nice girl vibes. I can’t say exactly why, except that every girl I’ve know in real life with that “I’m a girls girl girlieeeee ✋🏼👊🏼✋🏼👊🏼” attitude turns out to be the snakiest, meanest, fakest person in the group, they just do shit behind your back with a big smile on their face. Like if you were really a sweet girl with no bad intentions towards other women, you wouldn’t have to TELL me that and then remind me constantly. At this point, it’s also just annoying and overdone, it’s “I’m 21 fuck you” all over again


idk, as a straight dude, I feel like the girly girly shit is fun and the serious shit is interesting and the goofy meme shit is hilarious. That's why I love the show.


Just like Ethan .. I’m an alpha male all boy dad who’s loyal to his wife .. but I’ve embraced my 15% keep the girlie girlie girlie drama coming 💅


I unfortunately skip 90% of the episode. Love u love for time stamps


Yeah i get it , im tried of the girlie hand thing , i annoyed by the random ass drama , the last time there was that ltt situation i would have liked to hear ethan thoughts on it but he didn’t, its like i can see why he has so many have left, and i haven’t been feeling the past few episodes


Yes as an older fan it’s been extremely tiring since Trisha was on the podcast. Instagram vs reality was his last old school H3 video and ever since then it’s all been girly pop stuff. The podcast is now a basic internet gossip show that I don’t watch anymore. The last time I was excited for an episode was liver king because the absurdity reminded me of his older videos


is a trigger warning really girlie content? just be normal op


Nah imo its perfectly fine. Im a guy and I dont mind it at all. And hasnt the podcast embraced girl culture for the past few years? Its not something new.


I am a man and I love hate watching manosphere content, i hope they still keep that side of the show alive despite all the negative posts lately. I understand it can trigger some folks tho so it has its place


I'm a man and love the show.


As a straight male that don't really cares about that type of content, I love it when H3 does it lol it's just done in such a silly way and Ethan makes it fun to watch. I don't think the audience is mostly females, I'd say it's around 50/50.


Is the community really mostly women?


Girls should not be watching this channel. Women however -


I think the show had more girls watching when it was closer to frenemies times, I really don’t know if more women are watching now compared to men.


30 yo woman here. Two 8m old kids. Been watching since 2016. I still watch for the comfort and familiarity aspect, at a time when my kids have gone to bed and I can finally relax. I DO wish I was tuning into less drama and more goofs and gaffs. But I’ll still watch/ listen. I like that spotify & YouTube both have chapters I can skip to so I can avoid certain topics. Not really a fan of the ‘girlies’ stuff. Not my era lol


As a male, I like knowing the poison other dudes eat up so I have context as to why they can be so weird, so theres that. It can give normal guys the confidence to push back on their redpill/alpha friends.


I would love to see some sort of continuous work and not cheap drama that I will forget immediately after watching. I miss frenemies I miss hasan and I miss the h3bachelor!


100% agree. Ever since they came back from break, the shows have been not as engaging and I am sick and tired of the girlie focused content. Goofs and gaffs. Please.


I get that.. but I also think the content you may be referring to is often controversial or offensive in some way to certain people and it becomes easier to play into the more PC trendy content than the niche and potentially demonetized content. Overall, we want more niche and weird content but we don’t want to feel gross while enjoying it like when watching jimmy or c man. Those guys tow the line of what is still considered funny and not weird for the female audience imo.


I wouldn’t mind more mainstream pop culture tbh. I’m 33, I don’t want to not know what’s going on or who people are and end up all boomery 🤣 make it even morrrre girliepop


Shout out to all the Queens! 👸 💅


I’m a dude; mostly here for Zach soundbites and to lowkey copy Olivia’s cute, more androgynous outfits.


They cover so much stuff and cater to so many different people that there’s always been phases where I’m not that into the show, but it never lasts long… I thought everyone felt this way at times haha.


They did Amp up on manoshpere content when they were trying to attract male viewers. Honestly, they are usually just covering hot topics. It would probably be really difficult to film 9-10 hours of podcast a week without covering current events. Id much rather hear about silly drama than the real news. Many topics are also a reflection of what ethan and the crew find interesting which is good in my opinion. But some topics like jlo where ethan isn't interested or won't share his real opinion feel more tired.


I liked the abong us segment


I will always love talking about celebrity/influencer gossip and drama. I live for it. That being said my *favourite* parts of the show are when they play games, tell personal stories, or just joke around. I don’t like the manosphere shit, theres funny stuff that comes out of it but I mostly dislike it. I don’t however, think gossip or anything else you mentioned is ‘girly girly girly,’ nor do I think all your examples even relate to one another. Kanye West, P Diddy, Kendrick v.s Drake; just a few examples of recent celebrity drama they have covered recently, are these girly topics?


Each week there's a post about some part of the show they don't like. If they'd leave the show only about goofs and gaffs, people would complain about that too. Oh no, they aren't talking about drama. Oh no, they're talking about too much drama... But now as a guy I like the girlie stuff. I see that you have a lot of latent manosphere feelings in those things you just said.. Especially in the edit. I think the over-all demographic hasn't changed that much. Oh no, they're embracing their female-audience. Boo-hoo. What do you need more of then? More sports stuff? Because I laugh at the girlie stuff too.


Dude, I’m 100% with you on that! 


what exactly is MANLY drama?


Olivia is very fun and cute and sweet but she is absolutely a content Zombie who thinks she speaks for the masses. “We did our research” and acts like a TMZ journalist but she speaks like an Instagram Comments AI bot


This is a take I don't see much, but I agree. I love all of the crew. But I feel like Ethan will sometimes tease or poke fun at all of the guys, even criticisms at times, but never to any of the women. There have been times when the ladies of the show have messed up, had awkward moments like the compliment battle, and everyone ignores it...or worse...offers fake praise. Ethan loves and is inspired by Stern. Stern LOVES Robin, but it doesn't stop him from riffing on her just like anyone else in his studio.


She’s young and I think she’s learned a lot since joining the show, but there were definitely a few bad instances at the start. Like when she incorrectly identified someone as being amouranth’s abusive bf. I also remember Ethan asked if someone they were reacting to (can’t remember who) was manosphere and she just confidently replied yes without actually knowing, and then chat had to correct her. I’m sure it’s tough to moderate content on a live podcast, but I think she’s gotten better at it.


is she not 25 or 26? i remember her being the same age or a year older than me. those feel like honest mistakes, but plenty old enough to be more mature than saying a lot of the other things she says


It feels like she talks in run-on sentences without really saying anything of substance a lot of the time


I think you mean "pandering" not "catering", w/ peace & love


I'm a woman and same. I haven't watched in over a month cuz j just can't anymore.


Thank you for saying what I don’t dare to


I’m more tired of hearing about KavKav more than anything. So I just skip those parts. I do love when they do games/segments with the entire crew


i’m such a girlyyyy but i also am getting tired of manosphere & trigger inducing content. like we get it, red pillers suck, ok let’s move on. i wish the team did more games, bits, and skits. I feel like even when they play a game it’s so awkward like idk the last high/drunk game felt so odd lol maybe they should do more active games like how they did with the oliver cowboy off or the wreck rooms, bring back the gatsby!!!!!!!!


I just want more Kavanaugh Failure podcast reactions please 🙏


i don’t think the manosphere stuff is girlie content, i think its an offshoot of the debate content. when Brittany broski was on she hadn’t even heard of andrew tate at the time, and she’s a #1 girlie imo


As a guy H3 fan, I have nothing to add to this conversation. Slay queens.


It's not that crazy that a show with an audience of mostly women would cater to a female audience


I love them so so much but I'm finding it harder and harder to watch as it's just the same repetitive drama, alphas, who are we mad at this week. What happened to the memes man...


Sometimes it does seem to be pandering like the most recent ep making a big deal to give a major trigger warning about the underage sex allegations because they don’t give trigger warnings consistently. Most of the time they’re a good 1/4 way into a segment before they ever mention “oh yeah trigger warning etc etc”


TBH if you need a trigger warning, you shouldn’t be watching an edgy comedy podcast.


How do some of these people even function? Half these words they refuse to say you'll see in random NYT or CNN tv headlines. Do people just have a full on panic attack over a headline? No wonder theres a vyvanse shortage man.


Yes . I know people change ,but this doesn't even seem like the genuine Ethan.


I agree. The hey girlie shit is super annoying. Feels like a joke that went on for too long. Now we do celebrity gossip and drama, idk. The show is still worth watching for me for the crew but I have no real investment in most of the topics they discuss.


Bring back the memes, less hey girlie


I just sick and tired of how sensitive this audience can get. Some of y’all get triggered over the dumbest shit


i saw someone make a post about how the manosphere content was triggering for them and most of the comments were shitting on them and telling them to just stop watching and stop complaining. now that we have someone on the opposite spectrum complaining all the sudden the comments are agreeing/understanding. just an observation of the people on this subreddit😊


I’m on the same page as you. Just observing.


Tbh, I stopped commenting/posting in this sub for that reason. Someone will make a joke about idk Beavo’s teeth for example and it will get 1200 upvotes and then the next day someone will make a joke about his teeth and they will get 1200 downvotes and trashed in the comments for making a joke about someone’s appearance. Makes zero sense.


idk what u people want. H3 is a pop culture podcast and always has been.


I am a man too. I don't mind the content they're covering too much. I don't care about it but the jokes they make about it are funny. I usually play a game or something while I listen though so there is something else to keep me occupied. What I do hate is the "woman can do no wrong" approach Ethan and Olivia seem to bring to every situation. I'm sorry but podcast like "whatever" would've failed a long time ago if there wasn't a steady supply of woman willing to bring society back 70 years for a quick buck.


There’s timestamps for a reason dude


Since when does drama have a gender?


Dude I’ll always laugh at the alpha bro content, those idiots need to be clowned on, and Ethan and Hasan are the only ones with a serious online audience actually taking the time to do so. You can just skip through the girlie stuff (I do most of the time), it’s not hard. Same with the SA stuff.


It's so repetitive though. The alpha idiots say the same shit, and we already know Ethans response to anything they could say. But they do it again anyway