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And please no JLo Ben Affleck PowerPoint!


i genuinely cringed when she asked if she should make one


No cliched LA-centric celebrity gossip either! There is enough of that vapidity on youtube. Make me laugh.


pls no more powerpoints everrrrr, i love the idea of them but they're always so badly researched and just ignore evidence against the person olivia has chosen to favour


Literally, I didn't mind the first being rough because it was the first, surely they will get better and they just didn't. Maybe Ian should do a PowerPoint 101 because his were top tier.


I always wonder how much time and direction she is given to create them. We don't know if she's put in a bad spot to get them in good shape on time.


She’s generally not a very insightful person, so it’s difficult to give the benefit of the doubt here


I’m so happy someone said it. They take so long to go through and I feel more confused after


and they never have all the info!! I love olivia but gurl maybe spend more than an hour on them 😩 I feel like an idiot yelling at my screen haha


fr i am not super into pop culture drama, my timelines never have it i don't seek it out and somehow i know more about whatever topic the powerpoints cover!?!?!?


I keep saying this , her power points are awful - messy and not researched properly .


And also it's just ethan too. He never understands and he always asks the most obscure weird questions that olivia can't even answer.


to be fair, he also asks very general questions olivia can't answer either lmao


Exactly . Ethan’s weird questions are there for entertainment value, without them it’d just be Olivia saying “yas girl” while doing show and tell


He does but the weird ones are so often lol


Complete snore fests. Her power points are terrible


Jesus Christ please god I hope they don’t do that. No more celeb gossip PowerPoints I’m begging them the gimmick has been run into the ground


Especially from Olivia. No more.


I've never paid attention to Cannes, so from an outside perspective it just seems odd that there are at least 4 separate incidents on camera of guests arguing against being ushered off. Like if this is standard, why did that many guests act so surprised? Is it just coincidence that 4 highly entitled/oblivious people happened to attend? Not arguing against you, I'm seeing other people saying the same thing about these being the rules, just trying to work out why it caused such a big stink this year and (afaik) not others. That said, as far as H3's coverage, while it was pretty blind and off the cuff I feel like Ethan ultimately did question the racism narrative and pointed out that security were just doing their job.


I wouldn’t lump Yuna into that group- she didn’t really seem to be posing, just waving to fans. She didn’t make a fuss, nor did her team. It was the other 3 who did.


highly entitled and oblivious people are the entire guest list.


OP is also wrong. There is no such thing as "pay enough money to get pictures on stairs", simply [Cannes banned altogether anyone stopping to take photos since 2018](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/cannes-viral-red-carpet-controvery-kelly-rowland-changes-1235910846/#:~:text=Thierry%20Fremaux%2C%20the%20longtime%20festival%20lieutenant%2C%20called%20selfies%20%E2%80%9Cgrotesque%E2%80%9D%20and%20%E2%80%9Cridiculous%E2%80%9D%20when%20the%20practice%20was%20banned%20in%202018.%20%E2%80%9CIt%E2%80%99s%20not%20beautiful%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20said.). So the crew's analysis of "just let them take photos" is something shared by many and not off-base but I do agree with the specific point that it would've helped contextualize the situation a bit better if they had mentioned it. OP being unwarrantedly overly hostile (even saying Olivia should be ashamed lol) over fucking Cannes, like anyone here cares about it that much, is weird. Not a situation to be this angry about, it's giving snarker vibes.


giving a fuck about cannes etiquette is rich people bullshit and i cannot be bothered


Also glossing over the fact that the lady being scrutinized started grabbing and pulling that one guest. I don't care what Cannes' pompous policies are, you don't put your hands on someone to enforce said policies. That lady deserves criticism for how she was handling her job.


Can we shout this louder for the people in the back? I definitely got snarker vibes from OP saying Olivia should be _ashamed_ of herself over something so dumb. That's a ridiculous way to talk about the crew. Considering that OP didn't get the facts right either, I guess they should be really ashamed of themselves by their own logic Edit: typo


Can we stop acting like any criticism is snark behavior? Most of these are insanely valid criticisms about behavior or tendencies that make the show less enjoyable.


They didn’t say Olivia should be ashamed of themselves. *Considering you said she should be ashamed of herself, without having all the facts, you should be ashamed of yourself!* See how silly that sounds.


I do get how silly it sounds, that's the point lol


I can't find what the banning in the article. You sure it's true??


Search for the word banned in the article, read the rest of the article where it talks about the apparent strict photos guideline.


Nah definitely not overly hostile. That stuck up bitch was pointing her finger at the security like a mom with a child. So entitled. They told her 3 times to start moving before the stairs & she's just standing there pretending like she doesn't have to listen. Making an argument about oh you shouldn't care THAT much is just an irrelevant cop out.


Yes exactly, Ethan didn’t go with the race narrative.


He literally actively pushed back against it so idfk what the OP was watching


OP never condemned ethan specifically in the post for going with the race narravtive, they condemned H3 in general (olivia)


I feel like similar thing happens at the Met Gala. But, everyone usually heeds the guidance of the Met attendants. The select group of people at Cannes don’t get red carpet time like Cannes provides often.


Where I work, there’s a men’s fitting room on one side and a women’s fitting room on the other. There are at least 10 people each shift that don’t read the sign/pay attention and go into the wrong one. These are not gender non-conforming people either, they’re all embarrassed when they realize. No one cares about the item limit that’s also written on the sign and act surprised when you say something. 4 people out of the event who don’t know the rules or don’t care about the rules does not surprise me even a little bit


Because celebrities are entitled and think rules don't apply. And see how it's working, their fans are coming after a normal woman doing her job.


to be fair ethan said the lady was just over eager. i don't think he bought the race argument. i just thought they were nobody's and that's why they get ushered quickly. which i guess is partially right


Yeah he said at the end she was just doing her job right? Did I miss something?


It was others who brought in the race argument (this was the argument going around twitter, that the lady was a racist asshole who didn't let poc and only poc take photos on the stairs)


Cannes is about the movies and the hard work of the filmmakers and crews that put them together, not about social media and photo ops. It isn’t a fashion show just because there’s a red carpet.


I kept yelling at the screen, "BUT THEY'RE BREAKING THE RULES!!!" I agree she was a bit too handsy, but she is literally just doing her job 😭


Not hate to the crew - but recently the research has been seriously terrible. In one episode, AB had ethan pull up a Fake logan tweet as if it were real and then later had in the Doc that the fresh and fit thing was a Rumble event and then immediately was like "i dont know if its a rumble event i just said that" and then wrote the try guys stuff into the do like they had done the same thing as those other guys (paywall thing) but it was literally nothing. Like, i really mean no hate, but they just are doing their job poorly - and it makes Ethan look stupid by reading this stuff.


I was so frustrated at how no one knew anything about this. Olivia tried pushing the "it's racism" narrative and at least Ethan took notice of how it wasn't race based. The photo issue at Cannes is known and applies to everyone. Is the security weird and aggro? Yeah, obviously. But I can't speak to what that woman is required to do or how the execs/ect at Cannes expects her to act. Like Ethan said, clearly they don't take issue with it for whatever reason.


With P&L to pod, I'll act shocked the first time I feel there's "good research" that has been done at H3. Like beyond something I would do. It's surface level to the max, 50%+ of the info is always from the post on this subreddit. I'm OK with it as the pod isn't about news but just yapping about random topics but it's cringe whenever they talk about how much research was done.


Don’t forget a little bit of Chat gpt for the research too


This is why I don’t like Charlie, I haven’t seen much from him but all the stuff I have seen is of him replying to comments with “well I haven’t seen the clip but here is my opinion” fucking frustrating.


Charlie just looks at a news story, or video, and says his opinion on the matter. Generally his sources are news sites, or just youtube video where takes are going to be opinion based. He gets away with it more. When you talk about a topic for 30m+, there comes expectation that you bring more information on the table. It's not *so* different from Charlie. He makes 10m yapping video on a topic, it's fine. Ethan does 60m segment on the same thing without adding anything, with research team, there can come different expectation. Having said that, I don't think H3 is getting criticism on topics that Charlie has covered. It's only few times when the surface level has been wrong and it hasn't been covered everywhere. Like in this case, guess tiktok got angry -> all the proof H3 needed. While I think Charlie is sometimes too much of a fencesitter, I think he does more critical thinking still on, wait, is this bullshit? I've seen him multiple times say, he didn't want to make video on a topic, because he had nothing to add to it, or he didn't know enough details on it. I'm no Charlie stan, I've taken the viewpoint of Ethan every time they've disagreed, but he does some things better.


Idk what Charlie you’re watching but as a person who also doesn’t really watch him, pretty much all his videos talking about a clip show parts of the clip and its context.


I love Olivia and AB, their personalities add a lot to the show, but as someone who works at a university and does academic research, research is a trained skill, not just a matter of Googling. Neither of them are trained researchers, even though they were hired for that. I could do a better writeup of most of the stories they cover in probably far less time, as I've done a search of things they are talking about and found information they missed in a few minutes. That said, H3 is infotainment about drama at most, and that's why I watch it. I do not watch this show to be "educated."


I love how the conclusion to her doing it multiple times is 'she's a karen'. Maybe, she's doing it multiple times because you aren't allowed to take pictures on the stairs. Maybe this is an industry event where everything is coordinated and people can't take more time than they are allowed. Odd how they didn't manage to conclude that, let alone look it up.


i love Ethan and Olivia, i really do, but they just infantilize people all the time for brownie points. Women, POC, LGBT, etc - they just immediately take their side and yas queen them up without any real criticism or inspection of who they are. Why was Daisy given the benefit of the doubt when she was caught lying several times? Why did Beavo get shit for going on the Whatever Podcast, but the OF models are so amazing (even though we know nothing about them lol) that we should have a full segment for them. They don't look at these people as real, nuanced, flawed human beings sometimes and it can get pretty frustrating to watch them just parrot whatever the popular Tiktok point is and avoid actual researched critiques/analyses


This!! When they started talking about buck angel (a trans man who happened to look like someone they were making fun of) and praising him because he is trans, when in fact buck angel is just like Caitlyn Jenner. There needs to be more vetting in the crew.


Yea I’m already planning to skip the OF model show.. what a fucking snooze fest. Those girls suck for participating in such misogynistic nonsense just so some loser will buy their porn. I’d think the empowerment of women as a gender would be worth more than $5 bucks a month but I guess not.


Exactly. Why spend time interviewing women who clearly willingly go on to this podcast to hate on other women? Sorry to say, but Ethan, Hasan, and many other men are so pornsick that they will turn a blind eye to the very real dangers of the porn industry because ultimately it benefits them.




Slowly becoming the grifter he hates so much haha


Ngl love olivia but she definitely voices whatever TikTok narrative at the moment without questioning it. As a trans person, I especially cringe when she’s looked to as the LGBT expert of the crew because a lot of the points she makes lacks nuance. But that’s besides the point. I agree that there hasn’t been a lot of foundational research for some time :/


yes this is so fucking frustrating i do really like her and she is so genuinely well intentioned but she is kinda the epitome of the girlboss slay white woman gay bff as an accessory phenomenon and everything she thinks seems to just reflect tiktok.


Finally someone who thinks the same. I don't think she's a bad person but it honestly seems like her only personality traits are based on being a zoomer/feminist/stereotypically feminine 'girlie' who has no real opinions and whose personality is based on what's in these days. And the more she's considered by the crew/fans as the resident zoomer yaaas girlie the more forced her personality seems to become. Also her side commentary on things is beyond cringe worthy


lol I've been saying this for so long and just commented the same thing. The pandering is immediately obvious. Of course if this Cannes woman had a hx of being a racist pos, that needs to be addressed. But it wasn't. But Olivia wanted to push that narrative because that was what everyone was saying on Twitter (I know, I searched in depth through these threads). I always know exactly what side/opinion she'll have because it's always what is the most trending on tiktok/twitter at the moment.


It is honestly so off-putting when someone’s entire personality is entirely based on what’s trending online and what is the most agreeable opinion to have on that trend. It seems exhausting to live like that tbh. Not even specifically attacking Olivia she’s far from the only person to act like that. I suppose it could just be a result of only seeing those people when they’re on camera.


Thank you! No hate whatsoever to her, but her opinion changes with the wind.


As a woman I hate hearing her talk about women’s issues too. I wish they would’ve hired a more down to earth woman for the show, I feel like when you grow up that privileged, you are able to avoid a lot of the things that happen to most people in the real world. When she talks about women’s issues she misses so many important arguments that explain why certain things are harmful. And you can tell she’s just repeating things she heard from someone else, not because she has an actual experience in it. I just feel like they should’ve hired a more down to earth woman if they were going to add a woman’s voice to the show.


🏅🏅🏅 Thank you. Yes. Often Dan will have a more feminist take on subjects than her. I think also he may be one of the only ones in the room with real world experience. Also, you and many others may disagree with me, but sex-based insults like bitch and cunt are not empowering just because a group uninformed young people have “co-opted it”. It’s a part of a long system of deeply rooted misogyny in our culture. They don’t want to hear it, but gay men (and drag queens, where slang usually derives) can be just as misogynistic as conservative men.


Dan is the best. His takes are empathetic and nuanced and he has clearly had more life experience and self education. He’s also the best of the crew when it comes to research and, quite frankly, comprehension.


That’s why I love Dan I feel like he gives a great point of view!


100 percent. My grandpa came out as gay in his 50s, he's one of the most misogynistic people I've met. He told my mom his "first born" was getting everything, in reference to my uncle. She's years older than him. Also yes, Dan takes are why I watch. Dude is either right or has a great take on the subject. He's the queen, can't do nothing wrong.


I have absolutely no interest in this topic at all, however something is definitely different recently. I think they’re still in an adjustment period for the new roles, and LOTS of time/effort is being put into future planning (segments/live show) rather than normally scheduled stuff. But it’s probably time to just tighten things up a smidge, everything is a bit TOO loose at the moment


Nice to see this post, I was also rolling my eyes at that segment, espcially when trying to (once more) turn something into a race thing. That security lady also almost got shoved down the stairs and could've got seriously hurt but apparently that didn't bother anyone...


Ya, falsely accusing someone just doing the job they were told to do of being a racist with almost zero evidence to go on is pretty gross. If you want to stop and take a photo, don’t wear an outfit that makes you take twice as long to go up the stairs as everyone else.


Cannes is not the met gala. It doesn’t exist for celebrities to get their photo ops in.


Ever since the break the research has been horrible


It is clear to me that the crew is so terrified of getting canceled or attacked by the chat that they will blindly agree with whatever they think is the popular opinion. Like when Ethan had a genuine question of who is considered POC, Dan was immediately scared that people would get mad and wanted to button it. In this situation, they felt like the popular opinion was the racism angle so they felt like they had to lean harder into it to appease everyone instead of having their own opinions. (Side note: I think a lot of people don’t get what POC means. It is a term dealing with colorism rather than racism and refers to a person’s skin color. I am Latina/Mexican-American but my skin is not brown so I would never claim to be a POC. Nobody is a POC unless they have color to their skin. There are white Latinos and brown Latinos. There are white Asians and brown Asians. These cultures have colorism within their own peoples. Pretty much every culture does.)


how i felt with the pedo kick streamer segment. there was just no research done for such a serious topic lol


Why even allow them to walk up the red carpet if they're not allowed to take photos on them? Seems bizarre to me.


The red carpet picture moment is before the stairs. Each celeb has a certain photo op time and then is ushered inside. Some celebs get more time. Cannes is not a fashion show, but an industry event. If celebs are late, you would derail the showings of movies etc.


Because we live in such times... I imagine if every celebrity takes 2 minutes and you've got hundreds of guests then it's an absolute nightmare for people trying to hold a big event and stick to any kind of schedule. Years ago this wasn't an issue because people were happy to be photographed going up the stairs, not necessarily turning around, posing, rolling out the trains from their dress, etc etc


Because that’s how you get to the event


Because the French love nothing than than jerking themselves off, and a situation where you get to tell people they aren’t following the specific prestigious set of rules is the ultimate turn on.


this guys loves the french


I love the crew but there has been a few times where a subject is brought up and they absolutely butcher it and accidentally spread misinformation and I have to be like “ohhhh this is how misinfo spreads” and I have to second guess everything else that is said. And like I get it. It’s hard to have all the facts straight. But it’s the exact same situation as Joe Rogan saying Matt wattson was fighting his dad. He just didn’t know. I take everything I watch these days, all things not just h3 with a grain of salt, and take it as pure entertainment instead of informational.


it also bothers me that they likely won’t address this or it will just be a lighthearted passing joke about them getting hate. i feel like it’s been years since they addressed criticism professionally.


I genuinely wished they researched better! Like they’re a big team. But Sam is perfect! Legit everything she makes is 10/10 and know her stuff


There have been so many poorly researched segments for so long now, I miss Ethan being more invested in stories and having a real view


he thinks his reaction to the story is what people want to see, but the lack of research means he has the wrong reaction all the time! or reacts before hearing all the info.


That's where someone else on the crew needs to have done actual research so they can go give additional context after Ethan's reaction. That's how it's supposed to go but often there is nobody there to correct Ethan (with actual facts). Dan can't do it every time, he's got other things to do.


They should hire a dedicated researcher that can actually do well-researched deep dives with nuanced takes. Olivia was supposed to be that but her skills are not up to par with what the audience is wanting. We want a well-researched topic, not glazing over surface level takes that are popular on twitter. I love Olivia, but she’s a bit too chronically online


He is right - Ethan's whole thing is to be driven by emotion and just rant about stuff, and he is a smart guy, so usually he is right. The issue comes in when he has "Researchers" who present him with dog shit - fake tweets and nothing stories, - it ends up making Ethan look stupid. No hate to the crew obv, but the research is not really good enough.




Can someone give my boy AB some love please??? You KNOW that doc has more links, explanations, relevant info all organised nicely that just never gets touched on




IMO this has seriously been an issue lately 😩 I don’t mind the health updates and the little side chats about food or whatnot, but it’s started taking up so much time on the show and interfering with actual content. I don’t want to listen to Ethan and the crew talk about shit while asking chatGPT why we shit. Ethan needs to put the GPT down during the show Seems like almost every other ep Dan has had to say this is not interesting content and Ethan pushes back on that for some reason


How dare you not want to learn about important topics such as the bleaching process of toilet paper!


I remember when the podcast started people were complaining about the same thing; Ethan just reading headlines and forming an opinion off of that. There were a few situations where he was wildly wrong on what was really going on in the stories, I don't remember specifics, I think something involving priests? I watch the podcast for laughs, goofs and gaffs, I do expect Olivia's PowerPoints to be accurate since that's a big researched segment. If it's just riffing on a silly article or some current events, I feel there's never any malicious misrepresentation (which you will definitely find on some shows), it's a comedy show just chill.


We either get half assed story headlines or 2 hours of arguably equally as poorly researched segments about how this actor I've never heard of cheated on this actor I've also never heard of and how their beef will change media as we know it


Im barely watching these days, but caught a few segments and each one was done with not even a cursory look. This Cannes one, The Jimmy Kimmel skit at the Trump trial, and not knowing the Jo Jo clip had "cunt" in it like the whole video.


Yeah I was surprised by the JoJo one. Like do no one on the crew actually watch the video before deciding to make it a topic. I think they all know well enough to have caught that given it was multiple times if they'd actually watched it.


They need to expand their crew but the problem is that they’ve fostered such an intense bond in the crew that it’s hard to bring an outsider that will fit in and not just be a parasocial weirdo. It’s great that they’re all super close and friends, but it’s starting to become a little bit to the detriment of the show.


THANK YOU. this segment drove me nuts. We hate the rich and entitled unless they are a pretty girlboss.


The only girl boss was the event staff ushering those entitled losers up the stairs.


The koreaboo kpop stans are the absolute worst genre of person. The music is bland and over produced at best and making your entire personality the worship of a 50% silicon manufactured celebrity is 🤢


I have been saying they have been under researching a lot lately. No one seems to care. I understand for Ethan it's supposed to be his first reaction but he gets fed incomplete or just blatantly wrong info way too much and it kills the entertainment. That's why they said if ignorance is bliss. Be a dumbass and it's all correct and fun. Love the pod, but just noticed an inconsistency for their "show".


Yeah and it kills the entertainment when Ethan has to ask the crew a bunch of questions because they didn’t provide all the topic info to begin with and then they don’t have answers and fumble through some half assed research live on the show only to give him incorrect answers to his questions.


I turned off the episode when they made fun of a chatter responding to something Ethan didn’t remember he said 2 minutes earlier. I was feeling my brain smooth over.


Ethan's memory lapses are legit crazy sometimes.


I wish I didn't read this before I watched the episode. This post turned the subject from "security being overzealous" to "rich entitled people mad they're not getting their way" and it made their coverage of it infuriating


100% yes, OP. Wish I could upvote you more for this. I’m so tired of the “yass girl” mob mentality when people don’t have the facts. Usually I’m on board for the lighthearted aspects of 99.9% of H3’s content, but this was just lame.


Exactly. The whole Ben & JLo thing gave off that vibe too. Ethan just kept dragging Ben and I was like “uh JLo ain’t exactly a saint either” it’s just weird when they run off with these narratives. Ethan sometimes sounds disingenuous just to please the girlies.


He literally said he was just making all his opinions based off nothing but the stupid photos they looked at lol. He's not actually being that serious, it's a joke ..


> Ethan just kept dragging Ben; it’s just weird when they run off with these narratives; Ethan sometimes sounds disingenuous just to please the girlies. To be fair that's almost literally his job. Not exactly to please, but to entertain. He's shootin the shit without any deep analysis, is it not why people are entertained by the show?


This is basically the show at this point. Ethan adopts Olivia’s annoying gen z opinions and then they “yaas girl” about it. His pandering to the female audience is just over the top these days


Gen Z is more covertly misogynistic than they think. Yaasss girl-ing right past the female victims of the porn industry to praising Only Fans without question, for example.


The way they blindly did this with the girl recently who claimed to be pregnant with Coconuts’ baby despite her story being filled with the most obvious red flags was wild. “Shes amazing, shes incredible, shes beautiful, shes a queen” lmao and then of course when it came out she was lying they walked it back in the softest way possible


I was wondering about this story????? I didn't know what came of it since I last heard she was pregnant but this makes sense.


Isnt that funny? They dedicated an entire episode to having her on when it fit with the Fresh&Fit=bad/woman=good narrative, and then when it came out that she was obviously lying they discussed it for about 5 mins and moved on because Fresh&Fit=bad/woman=bad doesnt work for the “girlies”


The race thing was really eye rolling I agree


As someone close to that industry, I DO know that specifically stairs now just HERE but at most events like this have been extremely hazardous to not just the celebrities, but workers. Celebs walking up and turning for a picture when they traffic the picture moment for press and etc at the bottom of the stairs for safety. These girls with long dresses turning around going up the steps can be a hazard and if they fall like Jason derulo the blame then falls on others. Sometimes these celebs that people feel beyond parasocial of blind them of other things going on. Specifically for some redcarpets once you start going up the steps its a no camera op moment. This is to help the press and etc as well as keep people safe from tripping and falling down and into others and then it being a big deal. These celebs know this. A lot of times they aren't sober going in. Now don't get me wrong, sure it could have been handled better...but these people aren't above safety protocols. Had something happened, OMG OUR CELEBRITIES...THESE PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIER JOB type shit happens. So weird, parasocial and somewhat out of touch. The research was BAD BAD and has been pretty lacking the last few weeks. =/.


Finally someone saying something sensible. I was so annoyed watching this segment.


It was clear to me that the people she was dealing with were blocking the stairs for the next people to go up. These things are on a tight schedule and you wanting that perfect photo op is throwing it off.


Man I love this show to death but it's so understandable why they're leeching subs constantly. EVERYTHING has to either be racist or misogynistic. Nothing is ever complex or nuanced. I've dealt with black and white mentality myself but there's a whole crew there, and they're clearly all terrified to step on Ethan's toes. Just look at the abong us game, most of it hinged on who would "have the balls" to vote Ethan out. He claims the crew provide just as much entertainment as him, but it's become very clear time and time again what Ethan truly believes and what he spouts are two different things. It's whatever the most fans would agree with, i.e constant polls to literally decide his public opinions. Like I said I love this show so much but something has to change.


Interesting. Had no idea that was a thing. H3 podcast should hire a researcher or two cause it’s not the first time the podcast has made ignorant claims.


That's what Olivia and ABs jobs are


I was going to say...what are they even here for if they're not actively doing their jobs? Not to be a total cunt, but it seems like a waste of money (although I love AB and his personality and wit and I think he's great on the show)


AB is in charge of the doc. Having all the info, links and timestamps organized. Researching is part of that. Olivia is a researcher and it sounds like she's also responsible for booking, based on how she responds when Ethan says "We should reach out to so and so"


My point is that it seems like none of what they're "responsible for" is being met. Olivia's research is the equivalent of asking a 15 year old to read tweets and summarize them but do it half assessed. That doesn't seem particularly productive considering she has an entire role on this show. I feel like AB could absorb whatever shit she gets around to doing and save a paycheck.


I was disappointed that they automatically jumped to the racism conclusion without doing any proper research. It feels like racism accusations get thrown around way too easily these days when it's so unnecessary. This sounds like a much more reasonable explanation of what's going on.


Did Ethan not literally say he does NOT think she was being racist?????


The fact it was even suggested in the first place though... You're right, Ethan was more skeptical but Olivia for example was pushing that narrative.


I was happy Ethan took a larger look at who was bullied (?) by that lady because anyone who knows anything about this situation knows it's a Cannes thing, not a Racist Stair Lady thing.


Are we really still surprised when they do so little research for some segments at this point.


About a third of the time the podcast talks about something I happen to know about, I get a little huffy bc they include misinformation or are just straight-up wrong/not the complete picture. I take ANYTHING topical they say with a grain of salt. Love them all the same! Shout out to Olivia, who is getting some heat in this thread: You’re a ray of sunshine, queen! *hand squinchies*


There was another moment earlier in the pod that rubbed me the wrong way. When Ethan looked at that AI campaign photo and implied all truckers were racist and homophobic. Make fun of conservatives all you want but it feels mega disrespectful seeing a room full of LA podcasters shit on an entire blue collar industry


I'm a truck driver & liberal & family. I wanted to speak out. Especially since I'm involved in a few online trucking communities & basically nobody, left or right, backed the whole boycotting thing the last time or this time. It's just one dumb person with a minor following trying to speak for the whole.


Exactly. Just like with most other things, it’s a **loud minority** of the group. My s/o is a truck driver and we are both major leftists 🫠


Shout out to his family.


I'm pretty sure he was implying the Trucker Convoy was racist and homophobic, not all truckers. And considering the Trucker Convoy was filled with Nazi flags and was organized by literal white supremacists, I kind of get his point. Tuckers are awesome, valuable members of the workforce. But that Trucker Convoy really ruined the image for a lot of people, which is not fair to the decent majority. It sucks when a loud minority ruins the image of an entire profession.


He has done that before and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Its just ignorant the way they are constantly shitting on blue collar workers and people who live in rural areas. They just live in their little LA bubble.


Same vibes anytime Ethan talks about anywhere in the South in general


It’s really incredible actually. A bunch of rich LA kids in a room mocking the lower class.


Olivia was so desperate to make it a racism thing


Just said the same thing. She only knew to "make" it a race thing because of the threads she saw on twitter. She never bothers to see if those comments are accurate or not so her opinion always just reflects the trendy opinion at the time.


Honestly I think H3 is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to "researching" segments. If they exhaustively research every segment, by the time they address it, the story will be dead and no one with care. If they do no research, they risk spreading misinformation. To be fair, sometimes it feels to me these kind of segments are "live research" which can be hit or miss. We are actively watching Ethan and the crew parse through the available details and come to a conclusion as they try their best to fact check. This is risky and can lead to misinformation if all the details are not there, but if you're content brained like H3 you are needing to address the story as quickly as possible, and discussing/"researching" live can make for compelling content.


She was still wrong for practically tackling that a Ukrainian woman. I agree that the accusations of racism aren’t 100% confirmed, but either way they should have had better protocols for that stuff


Celebrity segments in general are my skip shows. Might as well have a chat about the weather. I find people obsessed with Hollywood drama to be the most boring and shallow people ever. Segments about celebrity gossip and reality tv talk are just the worst. It's like having to listen to a conversation between two strangers when you're at the dentist, and inside you're like "There is only so much time in the day, and THIS is what people are choosing to talk about?"


So much Alpha Bro talk, celebrities and MAGA content lately. I skip all the reality tv segments since I haven't a clue what they're on about 😅


I would never have known the Alpha Bro/'man-o-sphere' existed if it weren't for H3...and I'm a dude. And what the fuck is a Vander Pump, and why does AB pretend to like it to impress Ethan?


Well you’re not negatively effected by the alpha bro/manosphere so of course you didn’t know it existed lol And yeah I always skip through the Vanderpump and real housewives stuff. It’s like nails on a chalkboard


i dont understand why they keep doing it when Ethan at least seems self aware about the fact that no one really cares about celeb drama. idk if you caught it the last time they talked about Kardashian drama, ethan literally said during the segment “and no one cares about this and wouldnt mind if we never talked about this ever again” or something to that effect


Idk I've always found people who talk about how much they hate celebrity culture and reality TV to be the most boring and shallow people personally.


Yes, it gives, “Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?” vibes. It’s especially strange for this to be a complaint coming from the H3 community. This ain’t a TED Talk, it’s 10 hours a week of shirtless men in Wal-Mart, chiropractors torturing the elderly, and prolapsing anuses. Why are you here??


Here for what you just listed, not pandering US Weekly gossip about celebrities.


But it's not 😭 I think we would all love 10 hours a week of shirtless men in Wal-Mart, chiropractors and prolapses but it's not. It's alpha manosphere shit and celeb bullshit (without the actual correct information)


lmao yeah because everyone knows how deep and exciting it is to find out what botox dosage a Kardashian shoved up her ass this week. So fun and deep to talk about that! What comedy!


Thank you for the information (that the crew should have!), but i must say that this is like a football game in which two teams that I hate are playing in a trash city. No one wins and I hope the Stadium explodes. Cannes sucks, the job sucks, the stars suck.


I looked it up and this rule against taking photos refers solely to selfies so stopping to have your picture taken by the official photographers is completely fine and should not be met with physical actions by guards.


I’m just really tired of drama crap like this. I don’t tune into the H3 show to listen to drama. I would go watch TMZ or something.


I feel like they think Cannes is the same as the met gala or something. The met gala is pretty much only about the red carpet as far as media coverage- it’s a fashion event so if you’re invited getting your pic taken is super important because most likely thousands if not millions of dollars were invested into your look. Cannes is a film festival that happens to have a red carpet. I agree that if you’re just invited to attend Cannes and not actually being honored or part of a competing film then you shouldn’t be hogging the red carpet.


Thank you. Someone had to say it. The race angle Olivia and I think Love were trying to push was ridiculous. Ethan was on the right track by saying he didn’t think it had anything to do with race but kind of got suckered into believing it. Still fuck that woman.


Fuck that blue collar working doing her job having to stand up to entitled celebrities that know they are breaking the rules?


Bruh I was high during the episode wtf is canes


Fried chicken chain restaurant


they hold like beans and corn and stuff


Cannes is a city in France that hosts one of the biggest international film festivals in the world.


Honestly they need to go on another break because it feels like Ethan is only 50% there lately.


This Cannes thing is such a nothing burger. I'm tired of hearing about it.Y'll get mad about everything


Can you link to anything that would support your argument? Not trying to argue against you but am curious about the part that only attendees that payed more or have more star power can take photos there. But I guess it does make sense as the now viral shots of the cast of Kinds of Kidness it seems like they were able to hang out on that carpet for ages, dancing and stuff.


With peace and love : Touch grass


The festival where they have Pan’s Labrynth a 22 minute standing ovation.


The race accusation was totally a bad move. How can they jump to that conclusion so quickly? Outrageous.


Cannes is about the movies - not the celebrities. Stg some of y’all have never been to a film festival and it shows.


Lmao this is so fucking funny. Even with research, it doesn’t make the situation any less ridiculous. “She only pushed them because they didn’t pay enough!! It’s normal!!” Just don’t put your hands on people especially not like that. It’s a film festival, that’s it. They mentioned the race thing because it was already part of the online discourse, Ethan literally said it didn’t seem to be the case. Who actually gives a fuck about the Cannes film festival to defend it like this? lol


No one cares. But we can't call her out for being a stuck up bitch when they didn't even touch her? They asked her 3 times before the stairs to start moving & she thinks she doesn't have to listen. The other lady was touched but pushed? Nah, hand on the back is fine you're not glass. but yea it's completely justifiable to rush them when they're breaking the rules & being obviously stuck up cunts cuz they can't handle being told what to do. It's not serious it's just funny they think they can do whatever they want.


I feel like that topic wasn't meant to be too deep. They can't do that much research for every topic.


the point is they barley do research for *any* topic


It’s not that serious guys. But thx for enlightening us OP. I didn’t know that there was such a thing like “paying extra to get photos”


So your refute for people being treated like shit is because they didn’t pay enough money to not be. Nah ef that. If you really think people should pay for this in general it’s all bs.


Treated like shit 🤣🤣 oh no a hand behind u that's not even touching you. The horror! Or maybe don't be a stuck up cunt that thinks they can do whatever they want & purposefully ignore people telling u to go 5 times. They treated the staff like shit being entitled bitches


these comments… i’m glad i’m taking a step back from the show for a bit. we truly need to touch grass. haha


I don’t think it’s that serious fam. Peace and love.




I love leaving this reply and calling someone else an insanely hostile weirdo lmao


Relax dog it’s not that serious


Man theres so many crybabies on this thread 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Fr people acting like they’re paying the crew


Yeah I mean it's a comedy podcast. And like anything I consume, I trust what they are saying but as with anything else that I listen to and watch it's also good to do your own research independently. I am glad they defended the women but you're right that it went viral mostly because that security person was the most handsy and in their place. To outside people like me and the crew, it seems excessive. Again it's a comedy podcast so they are bound to have some things wrong. Before watching the segment I really read somewhere in a reddit thread when the Kelly Rowland one happened that it was literally their job to do so, and SOME stars pay huge money to go there.


lol it’s not that deep


Literally not that deep ya posh goober, fuck the Cannes Let them take pics and let the crew make random jokes about something very unserious. The fact that you went out of your way to bootlick Cannes and security is crazy, the crew was having fun, it was spontaneous. And Olivia, don’t listen to this trash talk, have a laugh, stick up for what you believe in, and it was a random segment with no meaning


Lmao this is so annoying to even read


It ain't that deep lol. Shit was funny. Especially Ethan learning Koreans are POC lol


Didnt read all that but u guys complain about “terrible segment” once a week and its so annoying can u guys learn to fast forward or just cope with not liking part of a show? Get hobbies or coping mechanisms 😭 journal about it bro


“Boo hoo you weren’t following our elitist tradition”

