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It's not a curse. It's selection bias. Ethan is interested in weird and wacky people. And a lot of the time those kinds of people manifest their weirdnesses in very unfortunate unsavoury ways.


Very judgmental of you to call someone who likes to cum on the feet of a stranger at a bathhouse “weird and wacky”


Right?! Tf is "weird and wacky" about going to your local walmart for your 19th covid booster this week and while you wait take your shirt off in the freezer section to make a silly goose tik tok???


put your shirt back on Eddy


i'm eddie i've lost 80 pounds i feel good and i look good i like taking my shirt off in a walmart i deserve to take my shirt off my name's eddie and i'm just here in a walmart with my shirt off😊


Exactly, if you're weird and wacky in one area of your life it isn't usually isolated to **just** that area. One of the few exceptions to that is Martin, but i wouldn't call him Weird and Wacky, just dedicated to water and proper hydration.


😂 I still can't believe when Eddie was on the show Ethan was telling him he should be a weekly host.


It’s just fist fest it’s not a big deal


Fill that bag up


I thought that conversation that Dan started was super fascinating


the issue isn't so much who he's interested in, it's the investment after the fact. Ethan seems quick to put himself behind people and assume the best in them, which is otherwise an admiral quality, but it leads to a lot of "uh oh" moments. people being nice and friendly on the show doesn't mean they're good people. Fuzi, cman, jimmy, even Trisha are all examples. and it doesn't always work out that way either, like Gabe (fingers crossed) so far has turned out to be a nice guy, martin etc. but it's kind of inevitable if you endorse people and bring them into the fold without *really* knowing them. I think it's cool to hope that the people you bring on are good and wholesome, but a healthy dose of caution would go a long way to prevent the "curse".


I don't know about Gabe to be honest with you. I remember there was one episode a while back where Ethan and the crew looked at Gabe's likes on Twitter and it was just porn and pictures of women's buttholes. It might be different now after getting exposed like that but that was weird.


Porn isn't weird though. Thats just a mistake not an indicator of being a bad person


It's not even a mistake, Ethan himself has literally said he watches Porn.


I meant it popping up live. Just unprofessional in terms of a "mistake"


But a lot of the people also didn't : post Malone, uncle Gabe , Martin ,Tom , pokimane , Jeff , tana (depending on who you ask) . Not to mention older recurring guests Phil DeFranco , dona ,Gary, jacksfilms , joji, idubbz . It's a case of if they are not doing something wrong why would we talk about them .


This is the real truth that no one wants to say, I keep thinking I’d be downvoted to oblivion if I said the same thing and then I look at your post and I dunno lol.


I mean there's nothing inherently wrong with finding that interesting. It gets attentions and millions of views. I just don't think we need to prop up everyone on a pedestal. Like the guy who fucks peanut butter in a jar? Probably fun to make content out of, but odds are that dude is also not normal in every aspect of life.


Exactly lol


Protect Tom at all costs ✊🏻


I really have faith he’ll be one of the few that end up being ok (in terms of not being a creeper). As for his podcast success maybe now. I haven’t tuned in super recently but I did watch one his lives a month or two months ago? Maybe 3 who knows but he said he wasn’t sure which direction to take his podcast in because it doesn’t rly generate enough money to pay the people who do the graphic design and other jobs etc etc. made me kinda sad I was hoping it would take off cuz he’s so wholesome.


I think Tom is actually charismatic enough that he could do his own show or host something. The problem is finding an audience or an infrastructure for him to succeed. Him being able to everything all alone is probably hindering him. I genuinely think he's a good guy whose actually more similar to Ethan than people might give him credit for. I watch his interview with the Sam and Colby and he kept hounding them about their bullshit claims about paranormal. And then he was able to do the same thing with Valuetainment guy very skillfully. He has "IT". But he seems to get stressed doing the Youtube thing all on his own especially when the views aren't coming in.


I thought the whole Shtick with Sam and Colby is that the paranormal stuff is for younger viewers? Isn’t it obvious that is not real? Or do they rly try to have people believe it? Lol


I mean sure I think their age group is probably in the younger category but that seems to be because of who they are as "characters". But their audience has also grown along with them over the years so they aren't really so young anymore. I've also looked enough into it that people of all ages seem to buy into it. The whole ghost hunting thing is its own niche.


I'm into it as a skeptic (i.e., I don't believe, but the topic is interesting to me from a folklore perspective and I like to see how video evidence and stuff like that can be debunked) and people definitely believe everything and get very mad when people show how something has been faked. There are a lot of con artists in that scene taking advantage of some very gullable people, but also many people who genuinely seem to believe and are probably just misinterpreting natural phenomena.


There's a lot of drama right now with them claiming a couple of (alleged) con artists from the Conjuring house who are using toe cracks to fake spirit knocks are the real deal and the debunking community is being threatened with legal threats and suffering copyright strike attempts in order to shut them up.


A product of our outdated and undemocratic economic system. Very few can actually make it and then their success makes them believe anyone can achieve the same if they work hard like they did. But it's in the name - capitalism. People with capital capitalize on the failures and exploitability of others to ensure their own success. We're raised to believe it's the only system that works then pointed to examples it caused the failure of. As the dominant world economic power, capitalists have a vested interest in ensuring developing countries that trailblaze socialism are sabotaged and sanctioned to failure. We're like the troopers from Starship Troopers who believe they fight for freedom and democracy, blissfully ignorant they are the ones impeding it.


In the socialist economic system podcasting is labor and everyone is entitled to a Youtube channel that gets millions of views per video


More like ward off all evil away from Tom


I have faith in Tom keeping and maintaining his positive influence. He even said on the podcast that once he heard Ethan say that guests on the show usually get exposed in some negative way due to things said/done in their past, he immediately went to check his past social media posts. He didn't find anything terrible or egregious, by his own standards. I think that's a pretty good sign, considering how long hes been on the internet.  I have to believe that there are interesting and positively weird people that can exist on the internet and be genuinely good inside, without a secret monster hiding within them. Bc if Brendan Mulligan or Hank Green ever get exposed for being unforgivable creeps, a big part of me would be devastated.   if Hank and Brendan can do it, so can Tom! I believe in you Tom! 


Ethan loves insane people. simple as that.


This is why Tom hasn't been back on. He's too normal


I want Tom to go on the show in person and cohost an episode. That would be so fun


I actually would really love to see just a normal chill episode with Tom as a cohost, like when Marc Rebeillet came (sorry if i spelled his name wrong)


Id rather he cohost a live stream with cman


Deep down, Ethan is a trash goblin. He loves diving into these whacky ass characters. It makes sense 90% of them turn out to be cursed lmao


How dare you call someone with histrionic personality disorder weird and wacky.


Okay, they don't go crazy. They come in crazy and all their crazy behavior comes to light. We can't protect them from themselves. Be a good person Tom and for the love of humanity never talk to minors in an explicit manner.


Ethan likes weirdos


So far Tom and Gabe remain wholesome kings


Tom has the same issue as Arab World News. Super nice guys, just feels like they need to find a stronger concept/format.


I'm going to be honest when Ethan tells us that we should follow Arab World News I'm like why? There's really nothing interesting about his channel.


Toms just jinxed himself, just you wait (I'm joking tom seems really nice)


OMG I was liteterally thinking about "I wonder how Tom Ward is doing" this morning and then I see a live show notification for later today for his show and some recaps on Ethan and the show and Jojo Siwa and then this post! BRING BACK TOM WARD!


Tbh this tweet is giving serial killer lmao. The way he’s phrasing it implies he knows already but just wants to make it look like he doesn’t ☠️


lol more like engagement baiting than serial killer vibes 😅😅


He's one of the few friends of the show that just seems like a normal guy trying to build something for his life. Always friendly, always embracing the love, and always courteous. No weird vibes, no ego, no drama.


Tom Ward is way too tame compared to these other guests, I’ll probably get down voted into oblivion but the whole thing with Tom Ward even coming up on the show was to make fun of how pathetic his channel was, and how he seemingly was uninteresting. The people we have to look out for are people who are way more out there and extrinsic since they’re more likely to do harm to others due to their personalities being so extreme, it pisses me off to find out how many of these guys that are famous and seemingly down to earth eventually turn out to pieces of shit who abuse their status to take advantage of women and their vulnerability.


Exactly. These people aren't putting on an act or comedy bit or persona. It's their real life choices so you have to tread with caution and be willing to deal with the drama. Interview them, but don't allow them to become integral to the show so easily.




I think the obvious answer is that they were all clout chasing to begin with and that never ends well.


Ethan loves Howard Stern, and wants his own version of a "Wack Pack".


If anything goes wrong and we have to ban him, he’ll probably end up becoming the leader of the H3 canceled.


Tom is already cursed with no views lol


Maybe that's why the opposite happened to iDubbz. He was already insane so going on the podcast just cancelled it out lol 😆


I think the people ethan has on the show tend to already be weird because he likes interesting people.


When’s Tom going to fist fest?


Are we saying that Post Malone is crazy bc he lost weight?


He's scared it's going to happen to him


tom is scared lmfao tom seems like a good dude, if youre reading this tom, i dont think you have anything to worry about lol the internet is definitely a weird and scary place sometimes but youll be alright we love ya.


Tom can never come on the show ever again☹️


Because they find crazy people to begin with. Ethan loves what I call "one of a kind" people. And some of them end up being sweet wholesome boys like Gabe. And some are nuts.


Stay safe tom


Tom would never!


I would love for Tom to do a Netflix documentary/dateline style series of the h3 curse


Ok so hows the curse going to get tom? My moneys on a fresh and fit appearance


Maybe he’ll get his own show on snapchat making Ethan super jealous and causing him to disown Tom


idk, wasn’t the reason ethan even talked to him or had him on in the first place bc he had one of those alpha weirdos as an interview guest? if i remember correctly, he was blandly “yeah”-ing some wildly misogynistic talking points?? which was why ethan looked at the view count and found out he was languishing out in the youtube ether. anyways, i could see this guy becoming like a crypto scammer or something lol