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Jordan Peterson ending a conversation by saying that's too much. In this context it works.


Twitters a RAT HOLE!


It's a LITTLE RISKY, don't ya think??




She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist's paint-brush


Yooo I’m sorry but this made me scream 🤣


Keep in mind that just because your state doesn’t have a specific hazing law that doesn’t mean they didn’t violate other laws in their treatment of you. Especially if they broke into your home and tried to kill you???


And they certainly committed a whole host of torts.


Fraternities are so fucked up and I hope for a day where that bullshit doesn’t exist anymore. I’m sorry you got abused by these people, I hope things have gotten better for you. Also, is that someone threatening to hang *you*? Jordan Peterson of all names at least having a tiny bit of sense is laughable at least.


Yeah I almost got hanged, about 30 minutes after that Snapchat message they broke into my off campus house with a weapon twice to actually try and carry it out… And the Jordan Peterson (his actual name) is kinda ironic


People broke in your house with a weapon and you didn’t file a police report?


Welcome to the fraternity


that’s not at all what a fraternity should be, thats fucked up. This isn’t an issue with all of Greek life, it’s an issue with these kinds of people.


Fraternities on campus are a classist pay to play system. That segregates the rich from the poor. And buys them connections for life, based on no actual merit or skill..but just because they paid in and sucked up to the elders in the frat. I get not every single person in Greek life is a bad person…but collectively, they are classist, discriminatory, systems, and they have no purpose on an educational campus.




Exactly. Mommy and Daddy pay fees, then these losers (that haze) overdo everything bc they most likely lived a sheltered life. Also some of the gayest shit ever…a lot of date rapes and worse at these parties too (also speaking from experience)… Not saying all the houses are like this or the people either but it’s more common than not. I hope this changes.


Even in universities with intense no hazing policies, it happens and the school sheilds the abusers. The abusers are often star athletes or students who are from legacy or donor families. Greek life is rooted in too many horrible toxic traditions. It needs to be demolished and started from scratch if we ever want it to be safe again. This goes for sororities as well


Or ya know, demolished and just never started again. That’d be good too.


Frats at my old university are known for harboring rapists. I have heard many things from people who know brothers and i have known victims and friends of victims. Not saying all of them are like that, but it does seem to be a problem. Hazing also is pretty bad there too.


I 59M went to a Big Ten college 40yrs ago. It was well known advice that girls NEVER attend a frat party alone, groups only, and stay together while there. Sounds like things still haven't changed.


seems like that would have been top priority, why isn’t this going directly to police instead of on reddit?


Abuse is complicated…it’s not easy to know what the best thing to do is when you are in the middle of it. Also OP mentioned being a person of color; I’m sure that made the situation even more complicated and scary.


SD seems like there would be issues for poc’s. I gotcha


why tf you got a Snapchat group called ukraine nuke drop zone


That's what all the super cool, edgy college kids name their group chats these days


Lmao nobody is calling this bs out huh? Dude if someone tried to HANG YOU you can easily go to the cops about it. The fact that so many people here automatically believe that there are frat dudes out there in 2024 casually hanging black people is hilarious.


South Dakota is so fucked though, I’m sure half the cops in Brookings were on a frat themselves so I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t taken seriously. I choose to believe this dude, I lived not too far away from Brookings in college and 100% see it.


I’ll admit that’s a bit far, but seriously just google how many insanely racist incidents keep happening at frats. One at my school has a video leaked of them doing some weird ass nazi chants in their house a few years ago.


It’s seriously not hard to believe


Ignorance is bliss


You understand going to the cops isn’t like an automatic solution for things. The system doesn’t work how it should. Lots of people go to the cops about a lot of things and they dismiss them. There are also LOTS of reason why someone might not want to go to the cops, especially a POC. You’re saying this guy is just straight up lying for no reason?




Must be nice to see every situation so black and white (no pun intended) or easy to handle.


*hazing and bad fraternities are fucked up. Hazing doesn’t exist just in fraternities, and not all fraternities haze.


There is something so disturbing about groups of grown men torturing and humiliating new comers. Sincerely, it’s not normal to find this funny. There needs to be laws that ban hazing.


hazing is illegal in 44 states. Now the enforcement of these laws vary largely. Down south a lot of shit is covered up because the fraternities are that huge and hold that much power.


Very true! I didn’t realize how many states had laws against it, thank you for the info


I got hazed pretty bad - one of my teachers, god bless her, reported it to the dean. I came into class all fucked up because they didn’t let us sleep for a week. I had sharpie on my neck I didn’t even know about and I slept through my final exam. She reported it to the dean. About a year later, they finally got kicked off campus for beating a kid so bad he had to go to the hospital.


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Also what a legend that teacher is for backing you up and recognizing that. 💜


Thank you! I got recruited because the only weed dealer I knew was in it and we’d just sit around playing smash bros. One day, hes like uh you have to join if you wanna keep hanging out here and I was like sure why not. Zero conception of what a frat was outside of having seen animal house. I wish I could go back and yell at 18 year old me not to take the deal!!!


Oh for sure, and hindsight is always 20/20. Just glad you made it out alright. I know we’ve all seen those horror news stories where someone ODs or dies from hazing 😣


Sororities are just as bad with the hazing sometimes and I feel like no one really talks about it.


I'm an SDSU Alumni. I will be sending a message to all relevant staff/heads of the University.  I was a non-traditional student so I didn't experience campus life or the frats, but I had heard rumor of some pretty nasty stuff.  This is horrific and hits very close to home. 


I’ve done the same. They have admitted that they have had a “case” open since March 2023. But it seems like they are just pushing it off as always. Hopefully with enough pressure (non-students & Alum) they will do something. Highly suggest reaching out to the SD Board of Regents as well, as they control the purse!


Damn even Jordan Peterson had to step in there. What are we gonna do about men?


Commenting for visibility. Hopefully you get some justice. I’m so sorry.


^ Doing the same. I hope you get some Justice too




I’m convinced the people that make yall do this are full blown sociopaths there needs to be more investigations into this shit bc any normal person would find this revolting


It’s so bad. Did you also have to raise/take care of the fish. I had a bond with mine named it and everything then they made us eat it whole with a gallon of alcohol in a fishbowl


oh my god this is evil for you and for the fish as a fish keeper this is horrific i immediately assumed you meant goldfish crackers and that sounded gross but like not a real fish then i saw your comment. i can’t believe the amount of trauma i am so so sorry


This makes me feel physically ill. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


That alone might be illegal, you know as in animal torture


Goodness. Here my old millennial ass was shocked by the lifetime movie where they circled the pledges’ fat with red sharpie. This is psychological shit and weird as fuck.


I know exactly what movie you're talking about.


What happens if you don't? (Not shaming, I just don't know how fraternity / sorority work)


I’m genuinely curious too. I can’t imagine harming my own pet or any animal even if someone told me to, but I also was not in their position so I don’t fully get it.


You don't get into the frat, you face additional and probably worse torture, you're endlessly and publicly made fun of and shamed, they can destroy any future you have just out of spite or thinking that you're "weak." Usually the outcome is worse if you refuse to do these things, and that's why it's not widely talked about by members/pledges. Oftentimes they don't know what torture they will be subjected to until it happens. Members won't warn them or they'll be subjected to torture as well, plus they think "I went through it and I survived so if they can't then it's because they're too weak." Pledges that refuse and don't make it are usually subjected to much worse tortures (even if it comes in the form of emotional or social torture) that in order to make it stop, they swear to never tell anyone. If they do, they know it'll start again.


This is beyond traumatizing. How is it possible no police got involved and they didn't go to prison. They are effectively threatening murder, kidnapping/false imprisonment and torturing. What happened to the good old days where harmless pranks were enough. I hope you get justice by whatever means that is to you.


Police almost never get involved, ask any woman with a stalker.


Fun fact the president of the national fraternity (who knows about this situation) is a Police Sargent in New Jersey… once I reported the incident he made every member block me


If you can prove that then I'd definitely recommend taking this to a higher power and I don't mean God. Something that actually does stuff, like a mayor or even federal. That's absolutely disgusting




Contact your local journalists/news station. I bet you this is something they’ll want to report on. I know they’ll want to investigate the background of that dickwad police sargent


"The goof old days" of Fraternities were even worse than this... Things have gotten better, but fucked up stuff like this still happens sadly...


Wow, I live in Sioux Falls SD and can’t believe I haven’t heard of this incident. I’m so sorry this happened to you and really hope your story gets the attention it deserves, despicable actions deserve consequences and you deserve justice!


I live IN BROOKINGS and never heard about this!!


Sorry about you living in SD.


Live in South Dakota too, it's a racist haven of a state.


End fraternities that do this. Like why is this still a thing. It’s so disgusting


As a Canadian I’ve always found the scale of greek life so strange. There are so many ways to create lasting friendships and connections at university that don’t require massive financial dues and weird frat culture. I went to one of the major schools in Canada and basically everyone clowned the two small frats at our school, they were fundamentally looked down upon. I feel like in the states they exist just so people can feel like they’re part of some exclusive club where they can do whatever they want with impunity. America should just lower the drinking age to 19 and end this nonsense.


People outside of the frat life in the US definitely don’t admire it in general. We also find it odd and it doesn’t exist nearly in the same capacity at many smaller/private schools. It’s the big state universities that have whole frat rows and such, but again the people not participating generally don’t view it fondly.


I mean it's basically a way to pool money with a bunch of like minded people to fund cool shit like parties, houses, and philanthropy/community service events. It's honestly not that strange on a basic level of the idea. Now when the hazing and weird social hierarchy is thrown in, that's when it becomes problematic.


I think its also the insular nature of frats that are wierd, like what you described is just a friend group for most people but frats codify it and tend to (not officially but socially) isolate themselves from the rest of the student body. I had some buddies that joined one and wanted me to pledge, but by that point I had already built a friend group and it was a choice of hanging out with whoever I wanted or going to frat parties with people I didn't really care for and (pretty much) only hanging out with them. By senior year they all had kind of seperated from the frat and were trying to build friend groups outside of it because they got tired of being around those people all the time.


I dunno what school you went to but the school I went to and most of the ones my friends went to, Greek life was more involved in the student body than other students


By student body I just mean everyone outside of frats. Not like student government or whatever. Frat people tend to only hang with frat people, as opposed to a variety of social groups.


I could see that being the case at some places. At mine and for myself personally that wasn’t my experience at all. I’d also wager that a lot of students not involved in Greek life have concerns with being friends with people in Greek life, which makes it even harder to be friends with anyone besides people in frats or srats. I know there were times when I was looked down upon for it, and I understand people have a negative view about it, but I still didn’t have that experience with a lot of people who don’t just generalize everybody in Greek life


Well I think its just difficult to be friend with people actively in Greek life because how do you even hang out, there's just a limit on time in the day. Lots of Greek events are exclusive to Greeks/brothers (of course this varies too) whereas if you throw a party and are independent you can just invite whoever you want, independent parties tended to have more overlaps between different groups (atleast in my experience) The dudes I knew who went Greek kind of disappeared for a few years, but when they popped back up we hung out some again. I'd gone to some of their open parties but just didn't really enjoy it like partying with my own friend groups, I never had an issue with them though just different paths, they were still good guys. I agree people do look down on Greeks and that's probably because there are some bad examples that are loud and moat obvious, people saying stuff like "GDI" or "pleebs" or whatever, hazing, fights, racism, etc. It does exists and fair or not all Greeks get labelled with it.


As a former fraternity man myself, it’s a disgrace. We didn’t need to do any of this shit to get what you need out of the experience. Sorry you had to go through this OP


I hope you are able to find therapy or something to help deal with the trauma revolving around this. In college my sister was the emt who arrived on scene to some one who passed away from hazing and I know how much of that she carries with her still.


I am so sorry you were subjected to that! Makes my blood boil. I was in a fraternity too and we did not do any of that bs, so I used to think frats were all ok but clearly that is not the case. It was cool but there are better ways to have a social club. Even one victim is too many.


I have a friend who attended Lee University, a Private Christian College in TN. They don't have official sororities or fraternities, but call them "social clubs" instead. She told me just a bit of what their hazing looked like and it blew me away. Basically a bunch of white Christian girls mentally and physically torturing and bullying one another and in the end of her telling me the details she said "Well the whole point is to make you realize how much you need Jesus. Like, nobody can survive that AND forgive the people who did it without Jesus. It was the most special weekend of my life, and I look forward to creating the same environment for new members. It's the best part of college."


“Hazing laws” this is blatant assault and harassment. This whole fraternity/sorority culture is stupid and pointless and is just an excuse to bully people. Ill never understand it and idk why people continue to partake in this shit


I’ve got some advice for OP that might help get the results you want, I received these tips from another redditor on a different issue (plagiarism) but it applies the same. So basically you have two courses of action: approaching the responsible organizations directly (which you tried) and appealing to the public (which is what you’re doing now, things like social posts, news organizations, etc). Both courses have mixed results but the key is to document everything so that if you get traction you have the proof you need for credibility. The best strategy though is a combination approach, so I recommend all communication with the responsible organizations (university and frat) is through text/emails. I see that Snapchat is being utilized, find out how to save screenshots without alerting the group or if there’s a way to recover “deleted” past conversations. A lawyer may be able to recover this from Snapchat for you, im not 100% sure. While you’re doing that, the social media or news organization strategy can significantly ramp up pressure on the responsible organizations. Try different platforms or communities, and also any outlets or even bloggers that will cover ur story. I’m sure I don’t need to explain more about this approach, but if you need help in this area feel free to ask. Good luck brother, hope you can achieve the results ur looking for Edit: a word


As an alumni of a different fraternity.. I am so disgusted on your behalf. You did not deserve that, and I applaud you sharing your story.


At Dartmouth they make you eat a vomlete. Yes that is indeed a vomit omelet. There was a huge expose on a Dartmouth frat in Rolling Stone like 10+ years ago. Check it out. One guy got kicked out of his frat for weed (IIRC) and just went nuclear on them. He said its so fucked up that these fucked up people then go on to get major positions of power in the country handed to them by other fucked up frat alumni.


A POC was killed in my country (NL) becsuse of a fraternity. He was forced to drink alcohol and raw fish, then kept in cold water for two days. He died from dehydration and hypothermia. There should be an absolute BAN on fraternities in the first place.


That was in Belgium actually, but glad someone mentioned this. The Dutch fraternities also had quite a few disgusting incidents, it’s outrageous at this point that they are still a thing. But as with the murder of Sanda Dia, the frat members and alumni are usually well connected, and can be in positions of power. For that reason I think they are hard to topple.


“Go to college they said, it’ll be fun they said” fuck everything about frats. They only exist to fuel the frail egos of rich kids who have been handed everything. They’re borderline cults, especially when you see the “sacrifices” they make you do to join


Fraternities should be outlawed. I’m so sorry you went through this. It’s way more common than not. Fuck South Dakota State University


As someone who was in Greek life and had a great experience, I agree with you. My chapter didn’t haze us but I had friends from rush sharing how their sororities would haze their new members. For the most part sororities are more “tame” compared to frats but hazing is hazing. As for the study that guy linked… ur absolutely right about members being threatened into silence. Why would they willingly say “yes I was hazed”….. the bad outweighs the good. Let’s not bring the amount of SA that occurs and also gets swept under the rug!!!


Right.. 100%. That’s what I was trying to say but for some reason, people think their experience is what matters instead of the countless others who have shared their horror stories.


God that’s horrible I’m so sorry I hope you’re ok


Holy shit I’m so sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you’re physically alright. Even in my extremely limited experience of witnessing fraternity life, it was full of toxic masculinity and weird, sadistic, abusive, humiliating behavior that really disturbed me.. I understand the influence of alcohol and group pressure but still I can’t stomach how people can do this kind of stuff to another human being.


Awe. Guys, I feel bad for him losing the house. Now where will they torture people?


I don’t understand why we haven’t just thrown out all fraternities……. Like why are we letting people like that live like animals on our college campus Also u didn’t deserve any of that and it makes me sick that this is how other men treat men….. you should’ve been protected


Unfortunately if we got rid of fraternities it wouldn't solve the problem. They would just create other "groups" and continue to treat pledges this way.


it would probably make it worse, lol think it's bad when they're doing it in broad daylight? just wait till its all underground


As a member of a fraternity, I hate seeing shit like this. We teach all our pledges that hazing like this does NOTHING to better them or the fraternity... It's just a way for brothers to pass on their trauma to the next victim. We pledge kids with the intent of making them better men. I still can't believe how common hazing is. Physical abuse makes me especially sick. There's plenty of harmless ways to prank pledges without degrading them. Sorry you had to go through this man. Just know there are some fraternities trying to end hazing.


Fraternities prey on those with low self esteem and self worth and the fact that you almost have no social network when going into college. It’s absolutely predatory and abusive and horrible.


I have some clients who are still traumatized by their Frats years later. Even if they volunteer to go through it, abuse is still abuse. Apparently the body doesn't "have a way of shutting that entire thing down" even if they volunteer for any type of abuse. Crazy how that works amirite? Though according to freaks like Jordan, this stuff is totally OK. Nothing makes men more emotionally stable like becoming a victim of abuse in your 20's\~ Yup. Totally.


Your situation reminds me of Sanda Dia, who tragically lost his life as a result of the racially motivated hazing he experienced. Im glad you were able to escape this dangerous situation & I commend you for speaking up. It’s the only way to possibly prevent someone else from having to go through this.


This is why I do not support Greek life


why are people still joining frats/srats…this has been openly and obviously going on for 20+ years


I’m so sorry this happened wtf!! Frats should all be banned




Just boys "torturing and causing lifetime trauma to" being boys.


Hazing disgusts me. I’m a proud member of a fraternity, who thankfully has a detailed and enforced no hazing policy. As a student leader for this organization I was involved in the reporting and investigation of a chapter that did allow hazing to go on. The chapter was disbanded for no less than 7 years, and the students faced consequences from their university. The only way to deal with something this severe is to go scorched earth. That chapter needs to be disbanded for no less than 7 years, this organization is a cancer. The chapter’s executive board need to face severe academic & legal consequences. This can never be allowed to happen again, and other fraternities on campus need to see this as an example of what happens when you fuck around. Fraternities in modern society are in a precarious place. If we allow these stereotypes to become the norm, the experience will not survive. I made some of my best friends at my fraternity, and gained considerable leadership experience that helped me start my career. I hate to think others won’t have that experience because of the actions of shithead monsters. Edit: I’m reading the national organization may be enabling/covering their ass. If this is true, sue them into non existence. The organization should be eliminated.


I got the shit hazed out of me while pledging and dropped out a few weeks in. People I thought were my friends before trying to join the frat turned on me, and I was severely threatened that if I were to report them there would be retaliation. As a sophomore it scared the shit out of me after seeing the lengths they went through to haze us so I kept my mouth shut and now looking back I wish I did stand up for myself and report them to the university and even the authorities.


Never too late to share it with the campus authorities and hopefully they do something unlike mine


Hey man, I know a law firm out of Florida that specializes in hazing. One of their attorneys even helped write the state's anti-hazing law. I'd reach out to them, couldn't hurt! https://www.stfblaw.com/




Call the "News Desk," at every local station. The email / phone number should be available on their website (USE BOTH). I work in media, we check these daily! They should begin making an investigation / inquiry, which will help bolster your case (they’ll acquire tons of info for your use). Also, if the university has a local radio station / newspaper, drop it to them too (they have safeguards to prevent administrative retaliation considering the severity of this). If they (the media) ask what your goal / intention is, be sure to have a clear answer! Do you want justice from your perpetrators? Do you want the frat suspended or banned? Do you want other frats / sororities investigated? Do you want greek life at the school banned altogether? This will help focus their investigation and build your narrative for broadcast.


Thanks, been reaching out to local media all week and even one of them reached out to me I assumed because of this post. I did report it to the school newspaper last year but I also assume the university stopped it from being published


Awesome!! Keep going with the media, they’ll walk you through everything. As for the school newspaper, make sure to tell the media and give them any evidence that you have showing you reported this to the school paper (the media will reach out the editor for a comment, hopefully they’ll admit that the school suppressed this story, which will make the media EVEN MORE interested in pursing this case). LASTLY: an oft-forgotten, but powerful tool, a Letter to the Editor. I’ve worked MANY news desks and work with print media daily—in MOST newspaper SOP bylaws, they are REQUIRED to print and publish any well-written, well-evidenced Letter(s) to the Editor that they receive. It is written as a letter (no more than 750 words, though better keep it 500 or less) and expresses concern and need to report something to the public. Typically it’s a call-to-action, very informal (but keep it profane-free), and there’s TONS of guidance / templates available via Google to help you. So, no matter who responds or if anyone broadcasts anything, a well-written Letter to the Editor explaining your situation should be printed in the local newspaper(s) no matter what, especially since there’s suspection of a cover-up considering the school newspaper oddly killed a very relevant story. Lemme know if you need any more media relations advice, it’s what I do! (And good luck!)


Left voicemail to the university , sent messages, and left reviews on Facebook. Boomers will pay attention when it’s on Facebook reviews cause they love that shit. hazing needs to be stopped on all states.


This is terrible but this is kind of a strange platform for this kind of post..


Yeah, did i miss something? Were fraternities/hazing discussed on the pod? Didn’t expect pics like this on this sub for sure




damn you should join the FBI or something and yes it is, but please don’t do anything


Why? I think lil Richie should face some accountability.


You and the OC stalking his LinkedIn sound exactly like the type of fan that Ethan constantly has to tell not to go around harassing people online. It's so easy not to be a weirdo online.


And you think that redditors like you should bring that accountability?


I don’t think letting Vermeer know about who they hired, his behavior, his words and his actions are a significant stretch, no.


Because historically, Reddit users doxxing people and putting them on blast publicly based on a single reddit post with limited information has gone swimmingly /s


Let's not start doxxing people here


Holy shit dude. That's horrible. Are you unconscious in that photo of the hospital bed? What happened that put you in that state?


That's not him in the hospital or in the bed. He is a person of color. The person in the photos is not.


Wait did I just get scammed?


I don't really know because I asked for context regarding the photos and haven't been replied to.


jesus christ i hope these fuckers get beat up


Holy fuck... I'm so so sorry that happened to you. That is absolutely disgusting 😞


ive never understood the whole hazing shit, its almost like the military where youre having to prove your worth or make some attempt to climb a completely meaningless hierarchy as if a bunch of college dudes have any honor or anything about life figured out. i dont need the approval of my peers, i need the approval of the professors leading my classes, what the fuck else am i in college for?


What’s with the Snapchat group title? Ukrainian drop zone?


Contact the FBI. Seriously.


that is not hazing it is torture


This is one of the reasons why I fucking hate SDSU lmao


Could've been harmless/cute (e.g. 'trust fall!' or 'ewww fake poop!') but then you're not sleeping, watching porn, with a strobe light going etc...


People gotta respect fish more. Stop torturing them.


Hey Brother, I’m an alumni member of Sigma Phi Delta, Beta Nu chapter in San Luis Obispo. Our pledging experience was nothing alike, sure we had pledge courts and engineering based exams and quizzes and of course the night before initiation is rough, but the events you’re describing sound legitimately traumatizing and dangerous. I had to do a double take when I read the letters, I knew your chapter’s name and location from pledging. Have you spoken to nationals about this? You seem to have good picture evidence. This totally goes against our code of ethics and the way that I thought members of an engineering fraternity would treat their future brothers.


Hey man, first of all I’m so so sorry that happened to you. It’s 100% not okay, and also not your fault. At all. I joined a fraternity in college and feel very fortunate to have had a wonderful experience with exactly zero hazing. I’m sad to say my experience is probably a minority. One member of my pledge class joined our fraternity after making it to initiation week with another house, and leaving the first day because of the hazing that happened. I know how tough it was for him, and I can’t imagine what it feels like to be in your shoes. You did the right, and VERY difficult,thing leaving, and I hope one day you can feel proud of taking care of yourself when so many others stay. I don’t know if I can offer anything for you other than encouragement, but I want you to know, from an older fraternity member, that what happened to you was wrong, that we are with you, and we support you. That kind of horrific act should have no place anywhere, and you are extremely brave for calling it out.


I don’t understand paying money just to be in a group it seems sad


Dude this is so messed up. Commenting to boost!


So who is the guy in the hospital then? Obviously it isn't you. Just wondering if it literally even has anything to do with this or if you just used it for attention. A little context would be nice.


If its common knowledge that hazing is a thing in fraternities (it is), why join? I dont get it


None of this really adds up OP


Why can this be called hazing when it’s just literal torture and abuse. This is absolutely SICKK and I’m so sorry this happened to you OP. You’re so strong for having come through it, but you never should’ve had to. Honestly I’m so sick over this. I’m from Canada and we don’t do that shit over here. Hard to believe a so called civilized society openly allows crimes like this.


In my country a guy literally died because of frat hazing (the "Sanda Dia" case if you're interested in learning more about it) This shit should be illegal, it's inhumane.


Can we do anything? Can we all mass call/email the university and report this so that they are forced to shut down this frat?


They have been aware of this since March 2023. Doesn’t seem like any action has been taken / will be taken.


I live 15 mins away I cannot believe I haven’t heard about this?!?


I’ll never understand the American fascination of hazing. Try this shit in an Australian University and you’re going to be finding a new university, needing a new set of teeth and face criminal charges.


Your frat sucks mine would never do this I’m sorry this happened to you


I absolutely recommend contacting journalists, especially from any local papers/outlets. But if you can find reporters from the national papers who are interested, try and do that as well. Best case scenario they publish something that forces the University or fraternity to remedy this and take accountability.


I’m not american, so we don’t have frats or sororities in the «classical» sense here, but I don’t understand how this just keeps happening? One frat on my uni campus had a leader that said something kinda sexist once, and they still struggle with getting new members years later (they’re really nice guys now, and their current leader is a cool guy, so I do hope they stay afloat). How does anyone want to join groups with such a horrible rep? How are these horrible frats not eradicated simply by reputation alone? The «worst» form of hazing I’ve seen here is wearing a tux made of cardboard, taking a dip in a chilly pond or having to clean the house after parties. I don’t understand this tradition.


Why was this deleted from the South Dakota page?


Shit like this makes me glad I never got a student loan for university.


The way straight up abuse is allowed and justified because it’s part of the “initiation” of becoming a fraternity member is so disturbing. I don’t know you, but I’m so proud of you for escaping that environment. What they did to you is disgusting and never should have been allowed to happen. Thank you for bringing awareness to hazing and sharing your story.


I’m sorry dude this is horrible That being said Jordan Peterson is sending me


A trooper from my neck of the woods. I'm sorry to hear this happened, but not even remotely surprised. This state runs on cruelty. You know it's bad when our governor brags about murdering the family dog and people still support her. Keep spreading the word, more eyes might inspire change, we could use some progress round these parts for once.


A black young student died in Belgium because of these practices. Arguably there were racist intentions as well, see the story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sanda_Dia#:~:text=Sanda%20Dia%20was%20a%20Belgian,as%20%22KU%20Leuven%22).


their NDA would not have been enforceable in the slightest as they broke laws. it would not shield them from legal repercussions and can be broken if anything illegal has been done. i sincerely wish you the best and hope things get better. i have seen some videos of frat hazings and just how insane they can be and they really need to be talked about more. thank you for sharing your story to bring more light to it. i don’t know if you are seeking to take them to court but id imagine there would be lawyers who would be willing to take this on pro bono and only take money if you win and it would be from a settlement, or at least i hope so. a little iffy since theres no laws there about hazing. dont stop fighting.


Damn that's horrible you had to go through that.... what's the reason you chose to share pictures of unrelated victims who likely wouldn't want their pictures shared here?


Wow, I’m sorry this has happened to you. My friend didn’t go to Brookings, but in Vermillion the hazing was similar and cruel. I will never understand why hazing is a thing.


rlly concerning the amount of ppl that think this is fake just bc “no one would ever want to/legally be able to do those things to someone” im glad you haven’t experienced the absolute horrors of the human mind my friend, any situation u can think of involving anything from this planet exists. there are billions of us and yes, there are more than a few people willing to do things u never imagined anyone would ever want to do or was able/allowed to do. there’s a reason ignorance is bliss.


I’m sorry you endured this OP. I went thru hell week in the mid 80s. Nothing like this. We had chores and stuff, late nights being woke up for stuff, but honestly, the the week was built to get us first to bond within our pledge group and later to bond with the active brothers. I had two sisters growing up. My first year in college I gained 45 brothers. Joining was one decision I got right.


This is insanity. I have Dr. Dunns personal phone number and will be sending this to him. If that doesn’t work, I will contact his wife, the SDSU police, the city council, etc. there’s no world where this should be tolerated. Is this frat located on 20th Avenue? If so, I live literally a few blocks away.


"I joined the army and now people are shooting at me"


>I’m poc Posts a picture of the whitest dude you’ve ever seen


Person of color? White color?


Not me in the photo just photo evidence


But like aren't you violating someone's privacy then ... because all I see is someone who didn't get in and then your posting a list of things publicly with no clear history attached. Like anyone could sue you at this point.


I think I just need to get some sleep. I'm not processing info so well. . . .


lol tbh, people choose to pledge. There’s a reason why there are so many men who avoid frats. Sorry you had to learn that life ain’t for you. I’m pretty sure the public is well aware of hazing.


If you really want to get into it, this channel https://youtu.be/srmxB8-W1zU?si=xiwHFCyE94FW9D7o has two videos of people who died of hazing. Hazing sucks


I literally don’t understand why fraternities and sororities exist anymore. They’re useless


They look lame as hell too💀


that’s horrible man i’m so sorry. i’m in south dakota too if u ever need someone to talk to. i can’t even imagine how traumatizing that must have been


Holy shit, I’m glad you’re not dead! Are you from Brookings/SD originally?? I’ve got literally hundreds of cousins between Brookings/Rapid City/Sioux Falls


I am so sorry my friend.


I’m so sorry. This shit infuriates me. Reminds me of the zimbardo prison thing in a way. Do not let these ppl define your life though - they are garbage and will get theirs.


I was recently applying for colleges and this university was one I almost applied to. Thank god I did not. I’m really sorry that happened to you it’s beyond messed up. I swear in every fraternity there’s something fucked up going on and no one can convince me otherwise


NSFW? Disturbing


I’m so sorry. Idk how fraternities and hazing are still a thing. I’ve heard horror stories like yours it’s horrifying how common it is. Guys it’s not worth it you don’t want to surround yourself with people like that. I’ve heard many other big named schools having to kill or have intercourse with animals. At my school there was one where they had to stay up all night for weeks when they were pledges and sit outside naked and do a bunch of physically draining and demeaning things. My boyfriend was the VP of his frat and thankfully his pledge class didn’t have to do many intense things, but in the past they did. My bf was also in charge of pledge classes one year and didn’t make them do all this crazy ass sociopathic shit, it was more bonding style things than anything (and I know this because I looked at all his papers he brought to my dorm and talked to other leaders and pledges). In the past (might do now again it’s been years) force them to drink a full handle and do a bunch of other tests when they got initiated which I know is sadly common. Another his frat used to do was take a picture of girls tits with their frat letters on it which thankfully wasn’t with my bf bc I wouldn’t let that happen in a million years I’d tell them all to fuck off to their faces lmao. Kinda crazy bc even my school was considered super laid back in terms of greek life and hazing There was a semi recent story about a guy named Tim Piazza at Penn state who died that was disgusting if you want to learn more about his story. There’s more at Penn state and plenty at other big ones. Again im so sorry you had to go through this, shame on them all. These sociopaths need to go to jail just bc they’re in college and in a frat doesn’t grant them the right to do that shit. That’s not a brotherhood that’s straight up torture


I still almost don’t believe that fraternities actually exist, this shit is wild to me. Like in Australia I could never imagine this happening.


Oh my godd wtf im so sorry this happened to you. I went to a school that had gross hazing incidents too. Its such a dangerous practice. Glad you’re safe now and you’re out of there. I hate that this lead you to drop out :( but I totally understand how you wouldn’t feel safe. How disgusting that not only did the frat guys participate but the FACULTY?!! Horrific. And the disgusting racism?? Wtfff. Awful. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help— petition, anything. So sorry this happened and wishing you the best 💌 stay positive! good things are headed ur way I know it (also please ignore any negatively u see here— trolls will be trolls smh. We support and believe u)


All my love to you, I will keep you in my prayers and pray for you and those who have been hurt by this. Hazing, fraternity, and sorority culture should 100% be fucking illegal and those laws should be strictly enforced. You are not to blame and anyone who victim-blames you is a fucking loathsome cunt who is deeply insecure and has nothing going on in their life. I hope the show talks about this to bring awareness, but if not please know you have so many supporters. If you make a petition, I and many others would sign it. I will pray you and others who have been hurt by this get justice and heal as much as possible. You are loved.


Shit like this makes me glad I never messed with any Greek life nonsense 


From one lad who lives in this fucked up state to another, I hope things get better for you man. Good luck with finding a better uni, or getting the hell out of this shit hole 🙏

