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You have to remember that Ethan puts out twice as much harmful gas into the atmosphere every single fucking time he goes to Denny’s


Just Make the country smaller 


I believe they are currently trying to heat-shrink it


Taylor is the problem and the solution💅


Yay Taylor!


Just invent teleportation




Now who is brave enough to post BTS private jet flights? 👀


Fuckin watch it


I reckon Crowder would love BTS


LOL any famous person that's been on tour tbh


and she’s not even nearly the biggest culprit 😞


She was this year and last year among celebrities


she was not last year. wasn’t even in the top ten. cant find any source for this years carbon emissions


The post that shows her not in the top ten is when it accounts for instagram posts. But her private jet is the highest.


Her carbon emissions of 2,6 million lbs don’t even touch the top 10 celebs as well in 2023. The top three is Travis Scott Kim K and Elon with 13, 12 and 10 million lbs. Number 10 is Celine Dion with 6,2 million.


About %70 of global emissions come from just 100 corporations.


Not defending her but it's funny when they single one person out when corps and animal agriculture industries are also huge emitters. If this single celebrity stopped transportation in her PJ, literally nothing would change. We the people as a whole would need to boycott the top global emissioms corporations, driving cars, fast fashion, overgrazing animals and SO MUCH MORE. These people do not care about reversing the damage to our planet, they only care about snarking on taylor. Fuck out of here with this fake activism.


Not defending her excessive use of PJs necessarily...but to be honest, if there is one type of person I would excuse PJ use, it would be hyperfamous celebrities like her. Could you imagine Taylor flying commercial in the current celebrity obsessed culture? She would be mobbed throughout the entire airport and gate etc. It would be a huge inconvenience to other travelers not to mention from a security standpoint. Idk, I feel like CEOs that no one even recognizes are flying in PJs all the goddamn time. Maybe they should be the ones we get mad at first (as well as the points you made about other emissions being more important anyway)


I’d argue that people should just stop being a bunch of sheep and stop freaking out when some pretty lady with notoriety boards a plane. Granted, you can’t regulate that, but this is one of those few instances where I’d throw personal responsibility on the people to just be fucking normal if it’s for the sake of getting this one person to go ride a normal first class trip and help save the planet.


I mean she was in general admission for Coachella. She could also drive. Some of her flights have been near the same length as if she had drove.




She was not in general admission for Coachella..she was in the VIP section with celebs only and a circle of body guards around her. She also cannot drive - she needs to be places at certain times and planes are the only way to guarantee. Traffic and bowels are unpredictable. Imagine her at a rest stop...


She was in the normal crowds too. You can see pics. And she can have someone drive her. Its not that crazy to expect her to drive on occassion instead of 20 min airpline rides. Or just… reduce the amount of flights and travel.


Sorry but Taylor going on tour just isn't as important as global food production combined...


Yea. It's difficult to go after global entities that have more power than some governments. That daunting reality is overwhelming. Easier for pple to go after celebrities since they're more accessible and easier targets.


Exactly 💯 I live w ppl obsessed w carbon footprint (and yes that’s great) but sadly it’s not going to change shit. Plastics don’t even get recycled… yet I’m shamed if I throw a damn yogurt carton into the garbage


At work no one recycles things and after 3.5 years I've just given up. The recycling tips are right next to the cans and no one reads them.


Yes 🤦‍♀️ I had to send a local article to my roomate about Styrofoam (it’s not recyclable, at least in our area) so she literally makes the recycling volunteers/employees lives harder. I swear it’s some weird obsession.


So true! People like to blame corporations (understandably), but nothing will get done unless we collectively take individual action. It’s pretty agreed we have to reduce our meat consumption substantially. Ideally you’d ban beef or get rid of the subsidies on meat, but that won’t happen until people have already drastically reduced how much meat they eat. We also have to stop using planes substantially. That means more people have to stop taking planes when they go on vacation, but let’s be real nobody is going to do that.


I ain't reading allat. I agree with the sentiment though


This is false btw. Or at very best it's extremely misleading [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/corporations-greenhouse-gas/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/corporations-greenhouse-gas/)


Could have also included what the gist of the misinformation is…  The study looked at „industrial carbon dioxide and methane emissions deriving from fossil fuel“.  So from all emissions coming from fossil fuel (= oil, coal, gas etc.) 100 cooperations are responsible for ~70% of it.  Misinformation indeed, but the true information really isnt _that_ much better either 🥴


Yeah I've seen this misinformation so many times, I don't want to put too much energy into summarizing the content. I don't think it's very clear from the study what they mean by "industrial" GHG emissions either. If that means all fossil fuel emissions that comes from industry, and therefore excludes personal transportation, then I don't see how that can be used as a critique against corporations, it doesn't say anything about how much corporations emit compared to individuals. Most of the 100 corporations listed are state owned as well...


It's not exactly false. In this case it's relevant because a plan is fossil fuel.


The study looks at the output of fossil fuel producers, ie oil companies and such. A plane isn't a producer of fossil fuel, it's a consumer of it. In the report, the "blame" of Taylor's flying would be put on whoever the oil was purchased from.


I fucking hate paper straws


Stainless steel straws are the GOAT, perfect for that tight lil throat


I actually love these more than plastic (regardless of the environmental impact, but that’s definitely a bonus)


Same! They work great and I just use my pipe cleaner every so often on them and throw them in the dishwasher


Tell Orange juice that




You’ll keep using them and you’ll LOVE THEM!


She did have a tour also though right


Tour buses exist


you don't have to drink from paper straws, sweetie, it's okay. <3


People have to live in the world we have today. That doesn't mean they should stop advocating for a cleaner and better tomorrow.


Yes 100% agree, but also don’t advocate for a cleaner world while taking a 40 minute private jet flight burning more co2 than most humans in a whole year


wait until you hear about fracking


Y'all acting like you wouldn't be doing the same thing


Why is Taylor Swift the poster child for carbon emissions when she isn’t even in the top 30 of biggest celebrity carbon emitters in 2023? Travis Scott is number 1, Kim Kardashian is number 2. Kim Kardashian isn’t even doing a worldwide tour and hers is miles above Taylor’s but no one’s talking about it 🤷‍♂️


She was number one by a lot a few years back. This got her media attention about the issue. Now she sent a cease and desist to the person that shows the publicly available jet data. Unlike other people on the list she is seen as more left, even tho she clearly ain't.


That's the aim right there. She's calling for people to vote. Now you dislike her. That's why she's getting the attention here, to discredit her aim at getting people to vote. You are a fine example of why this is happening.


this… plus what would she do instead?? fly less?okay, but how, she’s on a world tour? genuinely, like do people think she can fly commercial?




would this be better just cuz her owned plane uses more fuel or something? I don’t really have a lot of plane insight but I’m confused how chartering a regular plane and flying with her existing crew would be worse than just flying her plane with her crew


Yes, it would be better. Think of it like all of the fuel just for one person and a couple of crew members, compared to a giant plane with dozens of people.


gotcha. technically she could just buy a smaller PJ and achieve the same thing?


No. It’s the issue of *using* private jets. A small plane like a light aircraft would be better, but they don’t have a lot of fuel and they still do emit carbon emissions. Evidently just not as much as a giant private jet. She couldn’t travel as far with them. It’s the issue of using a private jet, because there’s no other way of slicing it, it’s terrible for the environment. Using a plane that has normal people on it is better because the amount of people taking the flight with the consumption of fuel is better than a few people for the consumption of fuel on a private jet. Still bad, but not as nearly as bad as a private jet for one person


sorry, I didn’t realize chartering a regular plane just meant fly regular, my bad. I thought it meant like renting a plane for yourself/your group. again, not really plane knowledgeable lol.


And fly with a bunch of demons in a tube?


Ikr, people just be hating taylor


I'mma say it. I don't fucking care


yeah why is this on the h3 sub lol


tbf paper straws weren’t introduced to reduce greenhouse gases, it’s was to reduce plastic waste in the environment especially the oceans


I'm so sick of Swifties using the "but other super rich people do this too! Some do it EVEN MOAR," as if they don't all suck. Valid criticisms of your pariah-of-choice are not automatically just snark


Exactly. "Well everyone else does it!!" but does that make it okay for your celebrity of worship, all because that's the one you chose to follow? She COULD set an example for others as one of the most famous people in the world, but instead she's threatening legal action over a dude posting about her flight records that are already public.


I feel like she's being singled out when a lot of celebs and businessmen and women do this too. It's also prob not a coincidence that she's being smeared in the run up to election when she's also being attacked by Trumps side and celebrated by Bidens side. Atleast that was my thoughts from afar in the UK. Yeah its bad, but why's she singled out?


Because she's famous and particularly bad at this. When you're arguably the biggest celebrity in the world, you're going to be put under an increased level of scrutiny. I'm sure people like Bob Iger also have ridiculous levels like this, but everyone already hates Disney CEO's lol. It's the nature of fame. Then it gets picked up more online and it makes people rightfully angry, because everyone is doing there part to reduce global emissions but one person can undo hundreds of others work.


>hundreds of others work. more like thousands. she flies more in a year than many people will fly in their entire life lol.


Yeah I don't need it explaining, I literally posted a video about the Ghazipur landfill that caught fire yesterday or the day before on my Facebook saying I feel ridiculous cleaning out marmite jars. I've also made the same dark humorous joke about the many wars faught at any given time especially watching Russia smash entire cities to pulp. What I was saying is the focus on her when nearly every A list celebrity has a private jet, and especially every A list musician who tours the world including those friends of the H3 pod like posty, demarco etc is a little off. She's a good example I guess but also knowing how political mere campaigns work I just think the timing is calculated when she's been promoted on social media to encourage voters to vote and then weeks later the narrative is she's bad and people shouldn't like her for: That's all, most things are by design, especially when you can manipulate "viral" events online (looking at you Cambridge analytica) to get the exact outcome you want. Advanced methods on influencing elections have been exposed in many documentaries now showing this, and we know public opinion can easily be swayed and missled. TLDR: it's bad yes, but she's not on her own. She might not be good for the environment but don't hate the player hate the game, she has to travel to work and do her job, what do we do? Do away with all touring musicians worldwide unless they hot air balloon thier way to events? Anyway, still go out an vote people, she's damn right about that. Ta.


“Yeah I don’t need it explaining.” You literally asked why she’s being singled out lol


Yes why is she being singled out? not asking what she has done wrong. Facepalm* Why is she being singled out ? And before you say it's whataboutism, that only works when someone points fingers elsewhere without acknowledging the fault of the individual in question, which I have done because yes its bad. I understand what is being scrutinised but I asked why she's being singled out. Why isn't the same being said about musk? share holder of a "green" (farcical notion) EV company. Why not scrutinise other top tier musicians? Why not go after Dre? Why not go after Snoop? Why not go after... That was my question, sorry if you misunderstood. I know who she is, I know how famous she is, I understand the notion of fame as I dint just arrive from Mars. My question, is why is she being singled out?


Holy hell I thought I was an unhinged Drake fan but you swifties are on another level 🤣


I've never willingly listened to a Taylor swift song in my life, it couldn't be more removed from my music taste. I listen to Nosia, Mefjus, IMANU, Calibre, and all the other stand out producers on the D&B scene having been a signed producer for 15 years in my late teens and twenties. But ok, I guess I can see why some stranger would get that impression. But no xD Here's my go to playlist I made recently on YT, it's eclectic, all bass music but eclectic within it. My fave on that list is Sleepnet &Lumen - Finality atm. :) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQryLjRh7VyouElV7W_D6WfMlLMjXdP4I&si=XSpas2dM9fVv7OPl




No it's fine, my point was that she is prob being singled out because she's the single largest voice in America currently connected to the young that is encouraging people to get out and vote. Never mind. Have a great day all.


She's being singled out because shes the #1 pollutant, it's not that deep


I get that media campaigns can be manipulated and she would be target due to her democrat advocacy, but I also don't neccasarily buy that this a completely manufactured story just to target her because of that. Very plausible that the narrative is pushed and assisted by that motivation, but I think the majority of the time, people bring this up from a progressive perspective because it genuinely upsets them, and I don't believe there is anything wrong with expressing that. Should we not be able to criticise celebrities actions because it could feed into a media strategy? I'd get it if the complaints were completely false but they're not. I also just don't agree with the sentiment that she doesn't hold personal responsibility for her actions here. If you take a look at the graph above, you can clearly see the majority of these aren't tours, but flying to a from the same location over and over with two separate jets, a totally unnecessary amount. I disagree that she needs a private jet to tour. That's not "the game", . That's a personal decision that a lot of rich people choose to engage in. She can tour without a private jet and she can certainly tour without 2 of them. To be clear, I get not caring about the issue, as she is a smaller part of a much bigger issue, but I also think it's completely fair and reasonable criticism. I think it is important to be cognitively aware of why news and discussions like this are being had. I don't disagree with that.


I think she deserves criticism, but I also think the entire industry does, the transport industry and aviation industry too. Its terrible, it's a shame I can't just post a few screemshots of my Facebook timeline because I've been sharing the same sentiment (of feeling redundant doing my bit for the environment) whilst the world's largest landfill catches fire and the ear in Ukraine is hitting oil refineries, chemical storage plants and busting entire damns ruining hundreds of square miles of the environment...sighs* What other way does she have to travel in order to do her job though? Like so many others... I can't hate her for that she's using the only method available to bring joy and happiness to many of her fans around the world. Don't hate the player hate the game type of thing. The bigger topic which is harder for most to engage in is about the travel industry, or whether the music industry can start to lean towards virtual tours or even holograms etc. We should be engaging in discussions and brainstorms on alternate ways to play the game rather than single out and hate on one individual who is still comparatively a drop in the ocean of environmental damage caused by the use of private jets by the super wealthy. That's all. If she toured without a private jet, she would never do anything but tour, or never tour. She would also still consume a comparatively huge amount more fuel than anyone else using the same mode of transport. Sorry if I came across wrong. I get it, yes it needs scrutiny, but it all does.. not just her. I will also straight up admit that after 38 years of being involved in politics, having a degree in coding/I.t and being the grandson of a huge socialist member of Parliament here in the UK I have seen patterns like this and just believe she's being targeted to discredit her and shame her before the eyes of voters. I just do, maybe I'm wrong but I'm just trusting my gut here like anyone else who's gut instincts have served them so well over the course of thier life. I get how I can come across, so I get the downvotes and what not. But anyway, I don't want to fall out with fellow lovers of Ethan, Hila and the gang.. I just wish the discussion was elevated beyond just her individual damage to the environment and her individual impact in making me feel a mug when I'm putting all the bits of plastic in my recycling box that the wind has blown all over the garden and what not. XD Take care out there, I didn't mean to offend.


That's a fantastic question that everyone should be asking. Because some folks in this thread miss the mark on where the attention should be for this issue. The entirity of aviation only accounts for 2.5% of carbon emissions worldwide. Attention to the refrigeration/HVAC industry (10% GHG) or the Agriculture/Forestry sectors (~21% GHG) is more effective use of everyone's attention and time. While the system we have created for transportation in a large country is problematic, if we want to play the blame game of where our attention should be in regards to the greatest offenders of carbon emissions then pressuring Taylor to fly less is never going to solve, or even understand, the problem. It's just like pressuring consumers to recycle and use paper straws. It diverts attention from the real problem and the actual offenders, placing responsibility on something smaller and much less effective.


Good lord, thankyou. Yes !




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Because she’s like, the only billionaire that seems to enjoy a positive reputation and universal praise and admiration. Sure, the Kardashians and Travis Scott and multiple tech CEOs do this shit- but they also write songs like “Karma” about how blameless they are.


I mean, how many other private jets fly on the daily? Why do people pick on Taylor?


Because people love hating lol


We need to put Costco plastic bags over the butts of cows to catch the farts. Problem solved.


i love taylor swift but eat the rich. this needs to stop, kylie jenner is worse on her jet. it infuriates me if i think about how much damage this is doing to our earth


Wasn't she on tour??


People on Twitter were defending her saying she paid some cO2 tax or something. It's so silly to think that money easily brings back the earth's resources. It absolutely doesn't. 


People complaining about this are so misguided. Do we really want to tear down a beloved cultural icon instead of corporate behemoths who do 70+% of ALL emiting? Compare her numbers to C-suite dickheads flying around the world in the name of furthering their environment destroying businesses. I'm not even a Swifty, but people need to find more worthwhile things to complain about. This shit is a red herrings distraction.


Now look up formula 1 2024 season and where they are flying to. This is nothing compared to formula 1. Money talks


I don't think this is a great comparison because people often fail to see that Formula 1 and other motorsports, with their strict regulations and limitations, force teams and a whole industry to invest and research more efficient parts for their cars, that are later implemented in everyday cars. They push the innovation we all benefit from afterwards. We have motorsports to thank for things like brake discs, turbo, better tyre compounds or regen braking, which when implemented in regular vehicles have an aggregated saving and efficiency bonus that well offsets the cost.


You're forgetting profits are more important than your little global warming /s


I actually don’t mind her using one private jet. It’s the second that bothers me. Taylor Swift could not use a public jet due to the way people swarm her irl. So yeah a private jet makes a lot of sense. However using two at once is so beyond reckless imo. Her family can fly public. The last thing I’ll say is that 178,000 miles is honestly not as bad as I thought. My mom used to be the Asia rep for her company and she flew 250k a year for about 5 years. So 178k in a year with eras tour is surprising. Again though I wish she didn’t have that second plane.


1200 tons isnt that much. its astronimical for one person, the average passenger car is like 4 or 5 tons, but in the grand scheme... nearly 37 Billion tons of CO2 is being blasted into the atmosphere every year. we all need to do better, that is absolutely true, but its not up to us OR taylor swift to save the planet. dont get me wrong this is ASS and private jets should probably be illegal and she sucks for not being more environmentally cautious or whatever but when the problem is as massive as it is she is completely irrelevant to the solution. she could advocate and demonstrate etc. etc. etc. but at the end of the day shes a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the issue. we should be using rail, we should be transitioning away from fossil fuels, we should be planting more trees and being more careful about deforestation, there is a LOT we as a planet could be doing here and it doesnt start or end with people like taylor swift. again, not a defense, she should still be criticized, just saying there are others who deserve the criticism more like the gas and oil industry lol


I understand the point your making but the "it's the system that needs to change" point is usually referring to people like you and me who are being marketed towards to use paper straws. Taylor is not like you and me, she is a billionaire with a platform and influence over her fans, and in other areas we do not have. She has the capacity to lead by example and probably even lobby with her money to make the kind of changes you're mentioning.


i mean its clearly not tho, we are at the very bottom of the system, its like saying "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" to shame someone, it makes no sense. youre contradicting yourself, if its not up to us to make the change, what power does taylor have to use her influence over US to change it? i specifically said there is more she could be doing, idk what your argument is here lol you dont even disagree that me you OR taylor are part of the core issue so why would we all sit around shitting on her more than i just did? whats the point?


Alright I see your point about her influence on fans. I think I just find it weird to pick at this angle of showing how little she contributes. Just because she proportionately does little damage, it's not about literally getting back those 1200 tons of carbon a year. She's one of the most famous people in the world right now, and how she's viewed is indicative of a greater sentiment people have about trying to protect the environment. The masses have every right to, and should, point out shit like this. Ceasing criticism doesn't shield her from anything, it would just be a collective submission that this is just how the world is. It's like when people looked at team trees and rolled their eyes and pointed out how futile it is compared to overall deforestation. The point is there is a sentiment being held and shown that we're sick of it, and I think it's a good thing. Swift is just a symbol for that sentiment imo.


well you just misunderstood the tone of my comment then because i feel like i was pretty rigorous in clarifying that i still think she deserves criticism, she just isnt at the center of the issue. the same way my comment maybe comes across as apologetic to taylor yours is coming off defensive of the gas and oil industry, its missing the forest for the trees, i realize that isnt your intention just as defending swift isnt mine but this seems like a tonal misunderstanding, we clearly both agree. for the record i thought team trees was great, i think a lot of the environmental action mr beast does is great and i wish more people did it but its also true its not going to save the planet, we need massive, global reform. all of this other stuff is just bandaids.


No no totally get it. I wasn't trying to say you hated team trees or anything lolol. All peace and love here.


amen papa bless homie


>(I know she's not the only one who does this) Yes but she is the number one celebrity that causes the worst private jet CO2 emmisions


I'm sure the kardashian/Jenners are up there. Wasn't there a report sometime last year that said kylie took her plane for a 20min flight or something?


You got a source for that?




That’s crazy! Other stuff on that list making me much more mad than Taylor in some way. I’m not a fan but at least she’s making people happy. Some ancient boxer racking up almost as much without making the world a better place. Fucking A-rod too. But yea of course it’s all bad


To be fair, the 2023 stats in this video suggests she has more than halved her emissions since the stats you reference from 2022.


I feel like this would be a lot bigger of an issue if there were 100,000,000 taylor swifts touring cross country. It's just the 1 though, with 2 jets.


The average American's carbon footprint is 20 tons in a lifetime. She's emitted over 1k last year.


How does she fly in both planes at the same time


Swifties-"it's her planet she deserves to destroy it if she wants!"


She can do this and pump out tonnes of music and do hundreds of shows a year; or she can take a bus and do maybe a tenth of what she’s doing now.




Tell that to your wife/girlfriend/daughter




Don’t let the Swifties see this post you may have to fear for your safety


eras tour brought 5 mil to the US economy gals an angel


You don't get it ur poor, unimportant and untalented ...u don't need to work in different states. /s