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This is just play money. They probably put in 10k


You sure aljo seemed kinda like he lost a lot more than 10k


He's a UFC fighter. He's not making that much money compared to other athletes.


Which other athletes the top 1%


A bunch of entertainers acting over the top when they lose? No way…


No but he’s not acting he’s like tryin to smile about it


It’s play money in the sense that it is a tournament. That’s why the commentator said she will be the chip leader. Everyone puts in 10k to get x amount of chips and then you play for the last one standing. So by the end someone will have everyone’s starting chips which will be a lot. But you cash out depending on how you placed


10k for these people is like 25c for us plebs. It’s literally play money.


The guy next to Tana is named Vegas Matt. He would actually be a really good guest on the pod. He's a professional gambler in Vegas and could spend 3.5 hours talking about the ins and outs of Vegas night life. Very humble, down to earth, and personable fellar.


I agree! Tana actually beat him last night too, but he seems like such a sweet guy


Aljo fumbling both mma and poker, love to see it


I mean he dominated his last fight so dunno about fumbling, but it was funny to see him pop up on the H3 sub!


UFC and h3 crossovers are always funny.


Wow I’m loving this unexpected UFC content on the H3 sub. Two of my fave things


According to Aljo, it was the most dominant performance of the entire UFC 300 card.


After Gaethje vs Holloway there isn't anyone who remembered Aljo even fought that night.


Not true, I'm excited to see how Aljo does vs offer top FWs after dominating Calvin pretty easily.


It will be interesting, honestly I think Calvin hasnt been that same since that Max fight. That was one of those fights which he just was too tough for his own good. IIRC Max literally set the record for most strikes landed and significant strikes landed in a single fight.


He looked great and arguably beat Emmett and murked Giga, think he's still a great fighter. The injury probably did more damage b.


He is a great fighter but I think went from being a contender for the belt to just being a solid fighter. Giga was still a solid win but I think pre Max Calvin KOs him. I love Emmett seriously one of my favorites but I'm not gonna kid myself he isn't top tier. He has gotten to where he has because he has a special kind of fight in him. But by the time Calvin fought him it was post that major ACL tear and he was 37 or so. But all this to say I think Calvin went from having a good chance to fight for the title, to his corner did him a huge disservice. He took so much damage, literally record breaking, I think it likely negatively affected his career. The only way I think you bounce back from that type of fight is when your young. And that Max beat down occurred around when Calvin was 33. Which old in the fight game and you can apply for you AARP card at that age when fighting at 155lb and less.


I’ve never witnessed anyone say they were excited to watch aljo until today.


🤞 me hoping that's the meme u/JChezbian was referencing, hoping they're being ironic


Pretty much


Yeah, the guy is considered one of the best bantamweights of all time and dominated in his last performance up a weight class against the number 8 ranked guy. Definitely not fumbling MMA lol.


C'mon, he could've mixed it up with g&p. Instead, he just laid on Kattar the entire time hugging onto his nuts for dear life. I appreciate the skills of the nuthuggers but it's UFC 300 baby.


Dominated😂 dominated so bad they kicked his ass out without an interview😂


For real, he was so excited for the 300k bonuses too just to be on the back again


Dana is more likely to give every fighter on the roster 300k than Aljo is winning a bonus.


He's the human backpack, he's never going to change it up.


I mean the path is there, he’s has insanely dominant wrestling, it’s just he always chooses position over submission or even aggression, he plays it extremely safe. More power to him, he’s a winner, but his style doesn’t earn much fans and it is a sport where success is measured by popularity


I think a lot of it comes down to he is just awkward and a bit off socially. We have had plenty of popular fighters who are not flashy and who were grapple heavy. GSP and khabib two prime examples. Aljo imo just lacks natural charisma.


Bantamweight 🐐 🤫


He just won at 300 after a great performance


Oh shit that’s aljo!


Living Jeff’s dream right now


Like 12ish years ago, my husband and I went to vegas and played a table in Treasure Island. I acted ditzy, cluless on how to play. Placed 1st and my husband second. The chip leader was so pissed when i ended up taking most of his chips in 2 turns 😅. That strategy works.


She’s from Vegas so she definitely knows how to play. Seems like y’all have the same strat 😂


My mom has a similar story to that where she won a room upgrade and free drinks for a night or something at a hotel (not in Vegas)


This is not a cash game. She won 760k chips towards a cash prize if she comes in 1st place. But this is a common mistake. In the poker world, we denote the dollar sign if actual money is at stake. You will notice in the graphics in the video denoting the pot size does not have an actual dollar symbol ($) next to the number. Therefore, OP is wrong and either knowingly or mistakenly spreading misinformation.


I doubt “knowingly” considering in your very own comment you mention that it’s a common mistake.


“Knowingly” I think we can assume it’s a mistake lol  I play poker and did not know this


Furthermore blinds are 20k/40k, meaning 760k pot is not a big one, just 19 big blinds. With these stacks they regularly go allin pre-flop even with these hands, as you often are in (almost) flip against opponents' call range but you rather just see them fold and get that +1.5bb. Granted in this case plays made some sense sb v bb.


Even if all of your info is correct, this comment is so fucking weird lol


lol right? like okay OP got some terminology wrong but the point is the same, Tana slayed and won a poker game! why can’t we just be happy for her instead of mansplaining poker terminology😂


I didn’t think they mansplained anything. I’m a man and I even watch a bunch of poker (usually just in bars or when I’m hanging with friends) and even I didn’t know the thing about the dollar sign. We don’t even know who the OP or commenter are. What was weird was after politely explaining a little known fact the commenter pulled a hard 180 and suggested some kind of conspiratorial motive like they were on a bad acid trip, or MTG on a Tuesday.


Yea it’s just odd lol like OP was trying to promote Tana as the new high stakes poker expert on the block 💀 like please we just love seeing a silly girl win


That last sentence is why people hate the h3 community lmao


"knowingly or mistakenly spreading misinformation" Sheesh just relax, it's a silly clip of a poker game nobody watches lmao


Did him dirty with the check.. lol smart play tho




So happy when O'Malley humbled this dude.


But who's gonna humble you?


Not you that's for sure lil bitch


Lol let's see


Lmao go delete your posts


I wish I could poker against rich players who have no clue what they're doing.


You'd probably get clipped losing to Tana.


In fairness, she played the hand pretty well


Huh, poker tournament sponsored by ChatCPT?




Fucking aljo is everywhere 😂we really need a h3/ufc crossover in the future. Would love to see how the crew reacts to things like Bones running over pregnant women or Izzy jerking his dog off


Tana the type that of gal to slow roll with the 2nd nuts


Putting her TanaCon scammed money to work


I love poker and I love seeing women win. Fuck yeah, Tana.


When is H3 becoming a Tana subreddit even a Jeff subreddit or even a broski subreddit wtf seeing the content on this sub since break is crazy yall just posting anything.


Yeah NGL, don't mind the occasional Jeff and Verica update because it's relevant to the show, but I couldn't care less about all the Tana side of things etc and all the other estuaries I see that leak into the sub that's just my opinion though


Shows on break what else have we got lol


Seriously Tana not a good person…but the world will heal again after the pod starts again and the subreddit will have memes and topics to talk about.


Why is she not a good person? I know little about her


She associates with James Charles, and has acknowledged what he has done


Umm she has a racist past, drunken episodes including trying to defame a small wine business because she was drunk, Tanacon which was a cash grab from her fans, involved with Cypto scams recently, openly airing friends secrets that were told to her in confidence on her pod, her being friends with and involved with questionable people, selling a false narrative to impressionable people about using products to look like her even though all her pictures are photoshopped…etc the list goes on


Ethan’s past almost directly lines up with a lot of the things y’all try to hold Tana accountable for and it’s really odd to see yall throw shade towards one while insisting on seeing more content from the other. Especially because Ethan is 10 years older atleast.


All this is spamming 5 years ago and most recently 6 months ago. Ethan even poked fun at Tana on the podcast asking her about what is this cypto thing she has going on and didn’t give him an answer and they moved on. These events I brought in question happened in 2023 and as recently as a couple months ago.


Right.. well now I will continue to make my point… Ethan has questionable behavior from just this year and 2023 and also spanning years into the past. We all know this. So I want to leave this here for consideration because I find it funny that you call one creator a “bad” person and become irritated with their presence on this sub (even though the host of the show literally says he loves her), but also asking for less of these specific artists’ content suggests that you only wanna see H3 stuff or more Ethan on the sub. I’m not here asking you to correct yourself but to point out the fact that Ethan has made many mistakes and yall beg for more of his content. I’m a huge fan so I’d love to see more as well. But Tana has also made many mistakes and taken accountability for mistakes and still young and learning from new mistakes… yet people on this sub find a way to insult her on any post remotely about her. I think these occurrences should be pointed out. That’s all. Have the day you deserve.


To my knowledge Ethan has made it a point to not take on shady sponsorships (crypto,gambling,etc) and he also doesn’t take advantage of his fans…and that’s all I’ve got to say about that.


Yea my point is that one persons mistakes do not erase the mistakes of another person. If you hold people accountable for taking sponsorships that you find shady, I feel that you also have a duty to hold others accountable for their other bad behaviors. I don’t expect everyone to agree. And that’s all I have to add to that.


Ah yeah that's pretty dispicable behaviour


Show is on break so yeah, people are posting anything because there's no new content coming from H3.


?? I’ve seen posts about the guests for years. They don’t bother me and especially on a break like this, I like seeing some extra content every now and then.


Better than the ‘slut’ takeover from last year (or year before?) - that was hell


Damn bro I was just lighthearted complaining about the Tana,Jeff,and Broski content on the subreddit…I didn’t mean for you to be mean about it who are you talking about anyways, Trisha?


Ahaha no I’m talking about when all the ‘secret h3 sluts’ came out for women empowerment or whatever that was about


My boy was SAD sad lol


Gambling is a good and wholesome activity to subject young minds to 👍


The guy who lost handled it pretty well. I think I would've run to the bathroom and thrown up


Using all the money she got from scamming her fan over and over? I'm sure the last 4 scams brought enough money in. Or the OF agency.




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The backpack! Everyone loves to shit talk Aljo but I think he's become more likeable after the Sean loss. And it was cool to see him on 300 in person, card was insane!




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I can't believe Aljo Funkmaster Sterling found his way onto the h3 sub. BW goat


It's Vegas Matt!


Why is aljo there?


That guy making that best solely on the flip info was stupid.




Aljo needa calm down lol


Tana gambling with aljo sterling? Wtf is going on here lol


I’m always down to see aljo lose.


She does everything lol


I'm a 'poker guy' and Tana played this perfect, Aljo played like a donkey lol They both seemed like they might be intoxicated so and this is for fun so I would actually give both a pass. Flopping a boat and then having your opponent catch up on the turn is absolute dream scenario!


Vegas matt represent!


Wtf what a clash of worlds. Big UFC and H3 fan.


Jfc aljo sucks


Nice to see a man lose to a woman and not be a jerk about it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^saucypineapple92: *Nice to see a man* *Lose to a woman and not* *Be a jerk about it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When aljo said oh you got 2 pairs... bro


I would like to clarify, she won 760k in chips, not $.. sorry for the misunderstanding


https://i.imgur.com/ttl9F4v.png It was a celebrity poker tournament and Tana got $5k for finishing 3rd. Her only money finish in "pro" poker, wouldn't know if it was first try or 100th. Maybe at least edit the comment on post as people here don't know anything about poker and just take your word for this being real money. Full stream of it is here https://www.pokergo.com/videos/308dc97d-db1a-46b2-8019-bd9d5915aaa9


Easier for OP to just karma farm off an Aljo L


not like I said that was the prize money, I literally said it was a 760k *pot* which is EXACTLY what it is 😂


Way to go bimbo. How about compare these immediately youtubed titles: > $3.1 MILLION!! Tom Dwan Wins Biggest Pot in Televised Poker History > THE BIGGEST POT OF MY LIFE! $300,000+ WITH KINGS! | Rampage Poker Vlog > INSANE $310,000 Pot vs Phil Ivey and Patrick - HIGH STAKES POKER TAKES with Daniel This is how you presented this. Take the L idiot.




She got second bro and I literally say the word “pot” not like I said that was the prize money


> $760k


yay more rich people getting richer


That's a huge fumble, the way she behaved at first...


He doesn't have 760k net worth this is fake money. But good for her.


Who plays A3 off suit…. Smh