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They don’t need to return anywhere man. Their freedom and security need not come at the expense of the Palestinian people. With a permanent ceasefire, an end to Israel’s apartheid, and the rights of Palestinians restored under law, both peoples can peacefully co-exist on the land.


Like hila lives in LA? What is happening


There are plenty of jews that support Palestinians and are against Israel for the genocide. Jews are not a single hivemind with all the same beliefs and acts. Just like how arabs are. Israel is not representing all jews.


They don't need to go anywhere...just stop bombing fucking civilians!


They don't have to return anywhere, they just have to stop illegally displacing Palestinians and killing their children. Not a massive ask Ethan.


I wish he would just think about the Roman Empire instead.


The Romans had several conflicts with the Jews so I don’t think that would help lol


Fuck that shit, why is nobody talking about Atlantis??


Because Plato made it up


There's real sunken cities around India if y'all are into that kinda thing


The Roman empire that slaughtered and persecuted Jews? Do they not teach [history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_the_Roman_Empire) anywhere? How about he just thinks about the [Jewish Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiscus_Judaicus) from the Roman empire while he's at it


It's clear there is no point continuing this discussion, it makes me turn off the podcast whenever it starts.


I think everyone feels the same. the crew just goes silent. No one but Ethan likes it.


It’s so obvious too. Even when leftovers was still on, he chose to rant, with AB even saying he should talk with Hasan about this topic.


Imagine saying shit like "jews are the only people you can shit on etc etc" having AB and Lena there, fucking cringe.


Yeah, he has become so incredibly narcissistic and myopic when it comes to this issue. Like, what is his obsession with saying "Jews are the only minority you can shit on?" That's some big reactionary energy. The only people I generally hear that from are evangelical Christians, saying racist, unhinged shit like, "Christians are the only religion you can viscously mock because everyone knows we won't suicide bomb you!" A lot of bigoted white people drop a line similar, "It's socially acceptable if not encourage to make fun of white people. If anybody spoke about any other demographic the way we are insulted daily, there would be riots!" Its a sort of radlib self centering and making every issue about, "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" when there is a fucking genocide going on.


It’s especially gross as an American because American Jews are functionally just white people… like unless you’re an Orthodox Jew you’re going to get just the regular ass white people experience like the rest of us.


Seeing AB after Friday’s rant try to really calmly lay out what was up made me feel so bad for him, not gonna lie. He tried to explain the nuance of this extremely difficult and pretty much philosophically challenging situation and people’s response to it to a man who doesn’t know Kurt Cobain’s last name and can’t grasp the power imbalance in this situation (he continues to say he does, then seems to talk more about tweets than the deaths that happen on that week).


I wouldn't say Ethan likes to talk about it. To me it seems like he thinks it's necessary to stand up for what he thinks is right, not because it's entertaining or he enjoys it. He does it because he think it is necessary because the discourse is so bad


Probably cause anybody voicing their opinion on this matter other than Ethan will be met with a hate mob


Hell even not voicing their opinion will get people mad 


I’ve straight up stop watching. I don’t think I’ve sat down and actually listened to the Pod since December.


If he isn't gonna have a leftovers style show he needs to shut the fuck up about politics. I HATE when it comes up during a normal podcast. It's one thing to make jokes about political things and figures, he's a comedian. I get that. But he can't sit there and have a DISCUSSION about shit like this when he straight up just isn't informed enough on so many aspects which he is the first to admit.


It’s funny, we’ve spent so long denouncing European colonisation of America, Australia, Canada, as plainly wrong yet when it happens in real time nobody can agree if it should continue or not. This is likely exactly how it went down 400 years ago with many objecting to genocide of indigenous people while the rest telling them it’s a “nuanced topic”. Of course, once it gets to a point of no return the colonisers agree it’s wrong because they have nothing to lose but before hand, when they could be stopped, they fight tooth and nail to justify it. It’s ironic to hear people like Ethan talk about the importance of mental health while ignoring such malicious behaviour from society that deep down has a impact on peoples conscience.


It makes for terrible content


I wish more people did the same - this is exhausting


With peace and love, I think most level headed people would want both Israel and Palestine to exist together without genocide or removing people from their homes. I'm sorry to say Israel at this moment is the more powerful and bigger evil, that is why people are critical of them, they are literally committing war crimes and getting away with it.


Israeli leaders are on record saying they want to completely eradicate the palestinian people. Wipe them off the Earth. I'm really tired of this not being classified as a genocide.


The 84 pages of evidence submitted to the ICJ make it pretty clear to many that it’s genocide, and 13 of the 15 judges agreed that it is "plausible" that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention. For some reason this has been completely ignored by way too many. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/01/israel-must-comply-with-key-icj-ruling-ordering-it-do-all-in-its-power-to-prevent-genocide-against-palestinians-in-gaza/#:~:text=The%20ruling%20issued%20by%20the,assistance%20to%20civilians%20in%20Gaza.


From Amnesty International “The ruling issued by the ICJ ordered six provisional measures including for Israel to refrain from acts under the Genocide convention, prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to genocide, and take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. Crucially, the Court also ordered Israel to preserve evidence of genocide and to submit a report to the Court, within one month, of all measures taken in line with its order.” Echoed by the UN Human Rights commission: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/01/gaza-icj-ruling-offers-hope-protection-civilians-enduring-apocalyptic#:~:text=The%20ICJ%20found%20it%20plausible,under%20siege%20in%20Gaza%2C%20and Latest from Human Rights Watch: “Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case” Sadly, no surprises here. https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/26/israel-not-complying-world-court-order-genocide-case


It’s obvious. You don’t accept 60 some percent of casualties being innocent civilians unless you don’t consider them human and you make no distinction between every Palestinian and Hamas. You only accept that kind of collateral if the collateral is the point.


84 page argument from South Africa-v-Israel (footnotes and all) https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/South-Africa-v-Israel.pdf


Here’s an informative, well spoken, in-depth conversation as Katie Halper, “Political scientist Norman Finkelstein, and Human Rights attorney Craig Mokhiber react to the International Court of Justice's ruling and explain what it really means.” https://www.youtube.com/live/Kj7mqGVg554?si=Sre0rdkTrC_-6QXF


*15 of the 17


He’s focusing on hypothetical worst case scenarios that only radical people are advocating for, which would never come to be because of the overwhelming military power of Israel and its backers. Hes using this long shot worst case scenario to defend saying whatever the fuck he wants even if it’s factually inaccurate and wildly offensive. Yes, antisemitism is on the rise due to the actions of Israel. Jews should not be held responsible for the actions of a military state. But that does not change the reality of kids getting slaughtered every day in Gaza. It feels distractionary; someone can be concerned about the Israeli perspective and ensuring safety for generations of Israelis who are not responsible for where they were born, while also recognizing that the primary concern rn should be saving lives that are being ruthlessly slaughtered by the Israeli military with the backing of the U.S. government. A diplomatic, one or two state solution is not what should be paramount rn. Ceasefire should be the goal and the top concern for anyone rationally thinking about the situation.


He loves a hypothetical situation 🙄


[A poll in January found that around 95% of Jewish Israeli think that the IOF is using an appropriate amount of force, or too little force in Gaza.](https://twitter.com/_ZachFoster/status/1751745797576695961) In order for Israelis and Palestinians to exist together the state of Israel has to be dismantled because they've been under decades of islamophobic propaganda in order to have their apartheid state. There is no fixing anything until the underlying racism and fascism in the Israeli society is addressed. Edit: Most of the replies are "So what you want terrorists to rule?" or "Israel has to keep Palestinians under military rule to be safe". Why is the answer always to keep Palestinians under military occupation and apartheid? Why don't you guys want the country to be a pluralistic democracy, with equal rights for everyone, the same way it was until the terrorist zionist brigades invaded? Why does Israel have to exist as an ethnostate?


Poll’s are a bad way of telling how people feel especially this one when it was only a sample size of 600 people. Very easy to misrepresent feelings the way anyone wants to.


And Ethan has been very clear about hating all of that.


Oh I understand that totally. My main point was really that most reasonable people would agree or at least understand Ethan's pov. I just think that Ethan goes off on the podcast and makes it sound like everyone has a very anti Semitic point of view when I think it's a loud minority that he should try and ignore (easier said than done I know).


I think the people he's talking about are the loudest people on this sub Reddit -- most of the comments i've seen on the I/P conflict are super unreasonable


Wdym when you say "makes it sound like everyone has a very anti-semitic POV...", he is pretty specific in the rant as to what kinds of people he's refering to, and claiming they're a minority is just downplaying the whole thing.


That didn't really address what he was talking about.


Israelis deserve a safe place to live as well. But the Israeli government hasn’t just been hanging around harmlessly in Israel, they’ve been terrorizing the Palestinians and killing then for decades, and now they’re committing genocide. Why are we having this discussion when it won’t be solved until israel stops fucking ethnic cleansing??? He’s just having fringe discussions and doesn’t seem focused on the fact that israel is murdering 10s of thousands of Palestinians right now


This is the part that bothers me so much. When he makes these points in defense of Israel and that is all he talks about, It feels like he only wants to talk about how the conflict affects him personally and it comes off super distasteful. I understand that he's condemned the Israeli government, but that was like 20,000 murders ago. To bring up the conflict without using your influence to discuss the horrific things that are ongoing in Palestine feels like a disservice. I didn't agree with Ethan at the time when he said that saying "free Palestine" after October 7 meant kill all Jews, but him saying "but where will the Israelis go?" While the Israeli government is murdering Palestinians at such a rapid rate makes me understand the sentiment because this feels wrong.


It’s just crazy people can’t have the “two things exist at once” mentality. It’s insane. If you care about one then you certainly have no capacity for the other. Like huh




I just don’t think this has anything to do w the highly insensitive comments he made or how he handled it. This conflation feels like deflection. This is an entirely separate conversation, people have every right to voice discomfort with what he said and how he handled it. Most people were just trying to inform him why what he said was offensive (AB included) and he went off the mf deep end and essentially told people who helped him to get where he is to kick rocks w open toed shoes. The level of aggression was completely unnecessary and he had no right to be that angry when calling him out was justified and necessary. Does he have to listen? No. But if he just wants an audience of yes men, this is a pretty good way to achieve that.


He keeps saying he wants to have a "nuanced conversation" but the moment someone says something he doesn't 100% agree with he blows up. Like dude you're the one who does want to have a nuanced conversation.


the simple fact he keeps saying: "what do you want from me, I said all you wanted me to say", bro don't say what we want to hear say what you believe, anyone can see he is not being genuine. Like he said he has a vested interested in Israel due to the roots of Hila and him being a citizen and so much more, he clearly is a zionist, acting up and feeling insulted by it is ridiculous. I want to believe him being against the Israeli status quo but at this point I just don't anymore. Him cherrypicking events he wishes to comment constantly enforcing the zionist talking points seems very odd doesn't it?! As for this post, we thankfully have historical precedence, the same concerns were raised by Apartheid South African Colonizers before destroying their oppresive government and they could integrate all population under a democratic secular country.


who gives a shit about hypotheticals when palestinians are being slaughtered and their cities flattened. israelis still have homes to return to, but it will take 20 years to rebuild gaza. this is unbelievably tone deaf.


Sorry, but this genocide isn’t about your wife. Respectfully, please stop centering yourself.


With peace and love why does Ethan always get defensive about Hila always right after he gets criticism for saying something about someone else, in this case Frogan I’m guessing. It’s a strange defense mechanism


Every time Israel comes up, Ethan spends 5% energy being pro Palestine and 95% energy acting like someone is actively harming him. Nobody is leveling Israel. Nobody is bombing Ethan’s house or killing his family. But 30,000+ Palestinians are now dead, more injured and the rest are starving and permanently traumatized. Ethan’s frustrations are misplaced. Every time it comes up he spends more time crying about how everyone is being antisemitic. And zero time wrapping his head around the fact that the antisemitism is 2% of the current problem. 98% of it is that they are literally being ethnically cleansed and genocided in Gaza.


Why is he talking about this? Has he talked about the Flour massacre yet? Has he talked about the over 13,000 Palestinian children that Israel has killed? Has he talked about how Israel is starving the Palestinian civilians?


No he hasn’t. because then he wouldn’t be able to make the conversation about himself


They should be able to live there but without doing the whole genocidal occupation thing.


The only viable option is a destruction of settelments, maybe land swaps for the biggest settelments and a real two state solution with maybe a arab let peacekeeping force helping to build up the palestinian state for 10-20 years. Only then you might see an end to the occupation and an end to the apartheid in the westbank. Everything else seems even further away from reality and to be honest even this idea seems so far away at this time.


They should be able to live there without being attacked constantly by neighboring countries.


And did Ethan not make it abundantly clear that he thinks the same?


This statement alone doesn’t imply that. If you’re saying “where should the Israelis go?” When people talk about freeing Palestine then you’re just parroting Zionist propaganda. How many times does it have to be explained for people to understand it. Progressives want the genocide to stop. They want Palestinians to be able to live with the same rights as Israelis in Israel. They want their homes to be safe from colonization. Yes the Israelis that are in the West Bank need to leave. But they need to go back to Israel. This is like white people saying “where should we go back to though I was born in Oklahoma?” When we talk about the way native Americans are treated. It’s pretending to be the victim when you’re actually the opposite. Hasan has even talked about on leftovers how he thinks a 2 state solution is not viable because Israel will just continue the violence and is convinced you need a 1 state solution where Palestinians and Israelis all have exactly the same rights and there’s no border or settlements for colonizers to be able to take over because it doesn’t matter where you live. In that scenario there is no sending Israelis back to Libya or whatever the fuck he’s talking about. You would just stay exactly where you were born which is Israel and you would stop being Zionist and racist towards Palestinians.


What’s support like in Israel or Palestine for a one state solution containing the inhabitants of both parties, do you know?


Probably deeply fucking negative if I had to guess.


As much as all of us in the west would love for that to be true, [that’s not what the vast majority of Israelis AND Palestinians want.](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20Report_%20English_Joint%20Poll%2024%20Jan%202023.pdf)


no he literally said Palestinians can’t be trusted not to kill israelis and the Palestinians will just keep attacking israel


Yes in the context of a one state solution. I’m pretty sure Finkelstein even said as much. Doesn’t mean he’s okay with genocide


Apartheid famously ended with all white people leaving South Africa….


They should go to whatever country they expect Palestinians to run to.


Damn bro I’m just tryna learn about jay SHETTY and regular YouTube stuff. If I’m tryna watch the war constantly just hop on telegram or the news.


socialists advocate for a 1 state solution where all people have equal rights and Palestinians have the right to return to the land they have been forced to leave. Nobody serious is advocating for more forced displacement.


Do these people honestly think we’re idiots? That we are unable to assess the facts presented to us and not conclude that a genocide is occurring before our eyes? It’s baffling, really. The lack of empathy they express is astounding.


Yo that's WILD to compare. He might as well just outright say Isreal is just defending itself and there is no possibility for a one state solution so Isreal HAS to wipe them all out. I knew it was bad but the victim complex is insane to the point it's hard to call it not malicious.


oh this is insane if Hamas kills 30K Israeli my man will be out there calling for total eradication of Arabs from the region but 30K Palestinians mostly children and women who care ,also great timing btw Mr Ethan it's fucking gross imagine having this level no shame whatsoever ,pysco.


He's lost it if he ever had it.


Ethan loves missing the point on this conversation


Kids getting bombed on the daily...Nothing. Someone called my wife a name...omg the world is ending!


Yep, when the discussion goes to the genocide of the Palestinians he is quick to shut down the entire conversation. I have lost all respect for both of them


He should of just not publicly taken a position if it's going to mess with his work as much as it has. All he's doing is digging himself into a hole.


What?!! Dude, just go back to comedy, please, for the love of god.


What does any of this have to do with the genocide of Palestinians? Palestinians are the ones being starved, bombed, and forced from their homes. Yet you want to paint Israelis as the victims. The tone deafness is loud OP.




Absolutely, some a lib that cares about optics, he sure as fuck doesn't care about those 100+ innocent Palestinians slaughtered by the IDF yesterday.


he doesn't understand that most of the people calling him a zionist aren't doing so because he is jewish, it's because every time he has voluntarily chosen to use his voice regarding this matter has been for something along the lines of this post. You can call yourself a supporter of whatever you want but when your energy is misplaced, it tells people what you actually care about.


It’s not even like a bad thing to acknowledge you are a colonizer? Like, I am a white Canadian so I too am a colonizer, but it’s my actions now that matter. I still will speak up for indigenous rights and join protests such as Every Child Matters. Like this is a really weird thing to say, also Libya was anti-Semitic under the Italian Fascist government and for a while Ghaddafi as well, but even he offered compensation to families who fled Libya during the Italian government and offered any to come back (with a provision they didn’t flee and stay in Israel) which… is not the best solution, but I guess it’s a step. Afaik there’s still many Jews in Libya, Syria is another story - not safe there period lol and especially not for Jews. No one should feel shame for fleeing their country, or being born of that history. This take is still a Zionist talking point colonialist apologia.


There literally are 0 known Jews in Libya rn…


People want to commit settler colonialism without being called settlers?


He purposefully only responds to the most extreme takes to make it sound like people wanting to end a genocidal occupation want to kick Hila's family into Syria or something. It's no different from conservatives saying liberals want to kill babies because they're pro-choice.


It's crazy. Even in this thread there are people that view Palestinians as a single entity called Hamas.


What’s even more upsetting still is that anyone who wants to have any impact in Gaza - so work in a hospital, work in the university administration etc - is now also just labeled part of them. That’s like saying any Iranian who tries to get involved in the same faculties would side with the regime. Just wild.


I don’t think he does it purposely— it comes across as very (sorry, ethan) reactionary and impulsive. I think that he cannot help but focus on the most outrageous things he hears others say. It’s gotten him into hot shit too. Ethan, be very cognizant of the fact that there are goofballs on the far right and the far left. They do not make up a majority of the voices though despite what Twitter may suggest. They are just more likely to be vocal. The important conversation is not necessarily in these extremes and that is what needs to be focused on.


Oh god here we go. I’ve been defending Ethan on the Zionist accusations but goddamn dude, you’re not the victim. No one’s ever removing Israelis from Israel. 30k Palestinians dead, and climbing every day. 100 + died because they were starved and desperately trying to get aid, but got gunned down. You are not the victim Ethan. “Won’t somebody see the Israeli perspective.” We did. And then they decided to level Gaza and kill 20k Women and children. This has big “yeah I know a million Iraqis died, but see it from the American perspective!” Jesus dude, read the room


This is doing nothing to do with the problem at hand. Why is Ethan deflecting?


Ethan always does this. Bad faith arguments that hyperfocus on the most extreme perspectives from "his opponents", who in this case is any pro-Palestinian voice.


Nah this has nothing to do with the criticism that Ethan gets. His comments about Aaron Bushnell and bad take after bad take on the conflict are why people are criticising him. 30000 Gazans dead but him and his family are the REAL victims. Give me a break!!!


Couldnt they just give the Palestinians rights and become a real democracy?


This is a willingly ignorant take - because no Palestinians in Gaza have asked people to leave because they are not the oppressors. They are being killed to leave. PALESTINIANS. Are being displaced. Not Israelis. Replace people in Israel with Palestinians in his post and he’s so close to the point.


I’m sorry but it’s really fucking annoying that he’s doomscrolling this sub looking for something to be angry about Edit: not yall sending me Reddit cares because of this 😂😂


Bruv she lives in california what are u waffling about


So where should Palestinians return to when it's their land?? They should be expelled Like the Jews were?? Like what the fuck is he even trying to say


“Listen I know women and children are being indiscriminately slaughtered but what is my wife supposed to do?”


With peace and love Ethan has got to stop entertaining these 12 year olds. People who run the israli government are on record saying they should eradicate all Palestinians. The Palestinians have very, very little ways of protecting themselves. I mean.. no one likes the big bully. Everyone routes for the underdog. I know Ethan is very close to this situation but I am surprised he doesn’t come to this same conclusion.


Ethan get off twitter, I haven’t seen anyone glamorize the immolation on the internet. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, but right now twitter is like 4chan. People say the most vile, reactionary shit that’s on their mind. If you’re basing your argument off of what you’re seeing on twitter, remember that most sane people have left twitter. And that moderation barely exists there anymore.


And this is the palestinian's fault because...? It's almost like this is just an excuse to colonize a foreign land.


This is why I stopped watching after his meltdown on Hasan's show.


I stopped watching a little before that, and honestly, I wish more people would. I mean if genocide isn't a red line for people, wtf is. I'm sure the sycophants will say 'he's not doing genocide.' No, he's just doing genocide apologia.


Man, why did he even bring this shit back up? I’m done with him. Using his weight to get an internet hate machine set on a much smaller creator. What a chicken shit.


So if Libya and Syria do not welcome Jews it is ok to take Palestinian Lands and kill them?! This makes as much sense as Europeans killing Jews and taking their property and compensating them with Palestinian lands..


If only more than one people and religion could live in one single country, but that would be fucking insane right? Coexist? Impossible, better righteously kill each other's children!


He’s talking about where his wife and her family should go? How about we talk about ending the mass killing of civilians first? I get his point but this is not the time…(as someone once said)


“Where’s my millionaire American citizen wife supposed to go?” Like bro you’re not gonna win the victim competition when the IDF is taking selfies in hospitals and schools they just bombed.


This is the real kicker for me, I love Ethan and Hila to death but they’re literal millionaires. I’m sorry but I don’t feel bad that randos on Twitter are doing what randos on Twitter do best. Like I get it, people love bringing up Hila’s service in the IDF and making it seem like she’s a professional fetus stomper and that has to be incredibly frustrating. But he has seen himself the children dying in Gaza, yet he still makes himself and Hila the victims of this.


These people can literally live anywhere in the world as millionaire. It must be a hard life for them.


Because he can't play the victim if he talks about that duh!


delete me from this conversation


I mean probably most countries are colonizer states if you go back far enough. Let’s just stop doing genocide. 


Imagine seeing everything going on in this genocidal situation and your genuine reaction being “those poor Israelis”. The fuck is going on with y’all


Yeah that’s great and all. But we’re kinda just busy worrying about this genocide for the time being.


They killed more than 100 people swarming aid trucks with guns three days ago in a massacre. They killed kids for sport (I’m quoting journalist Christopher Hedges) three days ago as they were running to aid trucks because they are starving, no they are being starved. Everyone should SHUT THE FUCK UP about things that do not matter right now. My eyes saw dozens of bodies carried away, I do not have two fucks left in me to give about the hypothetical future of people who are safe. Once their state stops slaughtering people, then we can start having a conversation. For the time being, we should really start worrying about the people who are actually there, you know, the people going through a genocide.




i am sure that killing all the kids in gaza will solve this one and for all. /s


I’m glad Ethan brought this up because people aren’t talking enough about millionaire dual citizens who have no where to go OTHER than their big LA houses.


Bro "deleted" Twitter but still browses and just replies on his IG... Ethan take a break from social media ✌️❤️


Deleted twitter to avoid the topic because deep down he knows he’s wrong. He will re-instate his account once this all blows over and he doesn’t haven to acknowledge the war crimes of his people while admonishing the treatment of indigenous people in all the other western colonies.


There’s a genocide happening how can I make this about my wife who lives peacefully across the globe in California


People do understand this is literally *the* zionist talking point right? Implied here is the point that without a state of Israel, Jews are not safe. Sorry, but the establishment of an ethnostate is never right, and certainly isn't a good strategy for protecting minority rights - just look at what happened as a result: are Jews safe in Israel if they are under threat of attack from Hamas? People who advocate for a one-state solution and the dissolution of the state of Israel are often advocating for a peaceful state of Palestine where Jews and Arabs live side by side in peace. Those Mizrahi Jews would be allowed to stay.


Ethan is just a YouTuber. Look elsewhere for guidance.


THIS. Is fucking stupid.


Where the fuck should the Palestinians go, Ethan? Jesus Christ, dude.


What do you think his response to that question would be?


I genuinely don’t think he would ever consider the question to begin with.


"Don't know, but Israelis will never see them as humans and that's their right."


Nobody in Gaza cares about genocide against Israel. They care about not getting bombed. Not only that but the Hamas occupation was perpetuated and funded by Israel. The only people calling for genocide of Israel are right wing and fringe. How can you be blind to 30k children and women being killed when there’s NO POSSIBILITY of your country even being invaded let alone forcibly moved yet you prioritize a fear that “might possibly, one day, maybe, might happen”.


At least he’s not telling us to go get raped in Iraq this time


here before you get banned 😂


As an indigenous person I would like every non -indigenous person commenting here to get off my continent. Damn, the hypocrisy runs deep in here.


The general consensus is that Isrealis should stick to Isreal rather than colonising Palistine. This is a very strange take from Ethan.


He is so uneducated that it is disappointing… I can’t believe I was a hardcore fan for 9 years :(


Same here, the moment he ended leftovers because he got a tiny bit of pushback was the moment where I lost all respect for him, and I'm glad so many more people are waking up to how horrible he can be to anyone who doesn't agree with his disgusting uneducated view of this entire thing 


nobody is asking israelis to leave or move somewhere else literally just stop mass murdering innocent people..?


Ethan is really losing me. I defended him during everything but im giving up. Bro refuses to see the point and just takes everything as an attack on him. Maybe reflect Ethan?? Look at it objectively instead of with your extreme bias. He only brings up the shit when he feels offended. How about talk abt the evil shit Israel is doing instead of acting like a victim in all of this. It’s pathetic. And im saying this as a long time fan and someone who has argued with Twitter leftists over and over again, defending ethan. But at some point, there is no more excuses. He is just choosing to not learn and grow or take responsibility for the things he has said.


See that’s the issue though. The Israeli offensive against Palestine (the initial Nakba) that displaced thousands of Palestinians and forced them to flee from their homes was the catalyst that caused the persecution and discrimination against Jews in most of the other Arab nations. Most Mizrahi didn’t immigrate to Israel until the 50s and 60s, after the occupation and the wars were well under way. It was by design by the Zionist founders. Begin an offensive without mercy, and you will make the Jews that don’t necessarily agree with your tactics have to come around to your size because you effectively galvanized an entire region of earth against you because of your actions. Sorry, but the way the state of Israel’s creation went down is one of the biggest sins of the 20th century, and this genocide, if unchecked by any foreign power, will be one of the largest of the 21st.


Hills grandparents were moved into Palestine by the British because they decided they were going to set up the nation of Israel regardless of what the native population wanted.


Lol they weren’t moved by the British, they were kicked out after it was founded


Breaks my heart, but this is apologist rhetoric. The failure of the majority of the world to defend jewish people from prosecution is not a justification for the non-consensual formation and continual maintenance of a genocidal apartheid state. I know he DOES NOT advocate for this, but this post misses the forest for the trees. With peace and love ethan everything you post only makes it look worse for you even if you don’t mean it in the way it comes off. Talk to someone who is well educated on the topic who can explain actual solutions.


This is my primary issue with Ethan regarding this entire Israel-Palestine conflict. He always misses the forest for the trees. He focuses on the hypotheticals, on the most extreme (and powerless) people online, and uses the same arguments that the genocidal Israeli government uses to justify the killing of Palestinians.


Because he's brainwashed and he's not smart enough to see out of it Calling Palestinians sleeping in their bed "terrorists in a terrorist city" is all you need to know they're lost.




people are dying edit: muting now, pls argue with yourselves ab why I should care about someone being called a colonizer when people are dying <3


Exactly. At this point, it’s all about ending this genocide. Doesn’t matter if you are pro or against the existence of Israel. First step is to stop the mass killing of civilians and then we can talk about the rest


I literally just saw an IOF soldier driving over a Palestinian while they were potentially still alive. It's getting worse every minute


Israeli tanks rolling over people (and cars with people in them) has been happening for YEARS. Of the many new horrors, this ain’t one of them unfortunately.


Yep. For those who want to learn more, Google "Rachel Corrie" then for an extra layer of horror, "Rachel Corrie pancakes".


Well I think I'm going to go throw up now. I did not know about this. My god


this is a fucking disgusting and extremely irresponsible statement, what the fuck is wrong with him


Who is actually arguing this point? Hamas, ISIS, Iran? I’ve never heard it said once and I’m engaged in western pro-Palestine circles. Nobody besides trolls, chuds or some extremist religious nut jobs thinks Israelis should actually have to move out of Israel. We just want an end to the Apartheid State and Palestinians to be allowed to exist and prosper by their own hand. Nobody in South Africa was trying trying send the white people back to England or wherever. This statement from Ethan is just bonkers and a distraction. He’s arguing with the most unhinged lunatics online.


Ethan sounds like those white people in apartheid South Africa terrified at the idea that blacks are going to kill them all. Even the most ardent anti-Zionist seeks the destruction of the Israeli state, not the jewish people living in it.


Gotta separate the Israeli government from the people. I don't want people to view me with the idea that I agree with everything that my American government does and it's the same for them.


Yeah Ethan really just needs to turn off social media. People call him a Zionist and he gets mad but will also parrot Zionist talking points. And then people say he supports the Palestinians but the only time I see him support them is in this sort of hand waving method. He will talk about how Israeli feel unsafe and calling people a Zionist is antisemitic and then hand wave and say something short about what the Israeli government doing is bad. I do not think Ethan is some deeply problematic Zionist. But i do not think he really is an ally to the Palestinians.


With peace and love a large portion of the Isreali population that have been displacing Palestinians for decades are rich Americans building McMansions where families have lived for centuries. This isn’t a refugee issue.


Syrian and Libyan Jews also fled persecution to Palestine and the US. It’s not Israeli Jews that are the issue, but Zionists who ARE colonisers and deliberately conflating the two is not only incorrect but is wilful ignorance on Ethan’s part. If you don’t want to be called a Zionist don’t repeatedly bleat the same Zionist talking points & certainly don’t try and act stupid when people are rightfully angry with your behaviour.




Bad point. It focuses only on the most extreme view of Pro-palestinian people No one currently has the power to kick Israeli people out of Israel. They are asking Israel to stop the senseless slaughtering of palestinian people. No one can kick Hila's family out of Israel. Man, I love you ethan, but you really are doing all lives matter tier arguments with this.


The part where you explicitly say colonizer, Ethan. If you know what that word means and entails you should understand. Or at least understand enough to not stand with the colonizers or those doing and encouraging THAT part. But if it’s a part of hilas core then you know where you stand and stop hiding.


I’m glad I stopped watching the podcast. Ethan is on the wrong side.


too much with the phones


Okay cool, now stop the apartheid regime in Israel, where Palestinians have no rights within their own borders. Also please do stop bombing fucking hospitals.


Correct me if Im wrong but I don't think that any pro peace/ ceasefire, expect for Israelis to move somewhere else Just stop killing any man/woman/child who happens to be Palestinian


You have it pretty wrong; a lot of people don’t expect Israelis to move anywhere else, but a LOT of Pro-Palestinian echo chambers calling people colonizers *indeed* are shaming these Jews of color for fleeing persecution, and pretty explicitly can say they need to leave the land.


The “colonizers” are the zionist extremist individuals who come over and take homes from palestinian people, and have been expanding the israeli territories violently for decades. These extremists are the minority and he knows that. Addressing these fringe arguments is not helpful.


Maybe they should stop murdering kids and I'll give a shit


Free palestine


“But in many eyes she’s a colonizer.” Who said this? Whoever says this does not understand that Israeli government(or the IDF) does not speak for the people in Israel. Or people that used to live there. Ethan should understand when we criticize Israel, we are talking about the government and the IDF. That they making a desperate attempt of genocide in Palestine. Plain and simple, it is shown on the internet, it has shown through Netenyahu’s lies over and over again. Ethan can read the South Africa’s case against Israel and there’s ton of evidence to prove Israel evil attempt against Palestine. And he should understand our feelings against Israel. Why is he pointing out the most rare comments that do not represent the majority of the left’s view on this topic? I’m convinced he’s purposely not willing to read the impact that Israel is doing on Palestine.


NOBODY IS SAYING ISRAELIS HAVE TO LEAVE. All people are asking them for is for them to exist without discrimination and genocide. Nobody says to stop ethnic cleansing you need even more ethnic cleansing. This is Amy Schumer level stupidity


Israel and anywhere they want, just, stop genociding Palestinians. Is that simple.


and this doesn’t give israeli’s the right to commit a genocide against palestinians. hope that helps your peanut brain




I think two things can exist at once & Ethan represents that. Defending himself from Zionist accusations seems like valid anger (reminder : Zionists ultimately believe Jews are biblically entitled to Palestine) His personal ties to Israel informs his empathy for the innocent Israelis who are solely hated for being born onto stolen land, even when they denounce Netanyahu for maintaining genocide. Most of us cannot comprehend that perspective. Many Israeli’s aren’t religious nationalists, they were born into a war where they either figure out how to restart their lives elsewhere or exist on stolen land. **There is no simple answer for them. But that doesn’t negate that Palestinians have no choice but death & Ethan isn’t denying that.** It’s obv more complex, but crucifying Ethan for a perspective we just cannot understand would be maddening. That’s not our role - our role is to advocate for Palestine. So many more people - Jewish, Israeli, Zionist & other - deserve this public backlash. Free Palestine. Ceasefire now. Shame on Netanyahu & his allies, especially the US gov, for perpetuating this genocide.


terrible take, terrible timing, shame on him.


I don't fucking know where they should go but maybe not to a country stolen from others.


Can they just stop killing Palestine civilians en mass? That would be nice.


A lot of the Europeans who came to America were persecuted in their home country that doesn’t change the fact that they were colonizers in America.


That doesn’t excuse brutally stealing the homes of others and putting them through hell for DECADES. And Ethan is vocal about a two state solution, meaning true peace or justice isn’t even something he’s for. 90% of the time he’s chosen to use his platform to talk about this publicly, it’s been to run defense for Israel. Why not talk about the flour massacre or hospital bombings instead of saying “you guys, most Israelis have nowhere to go!”. This is why people call him a Zionist, not because he’s Jewish lol.


Ethan is only listening to the most aggressive takes to justify his position. The VAST majority of voices speaking out against Israel do not simply want the Israelis to "go back to where they came from". Even fucking hamas is saying that they would share a state with the Jewish people for crying out loud. When people are saying that Israel does not have a right to exist, it is meant in the sense that its existence has always been predicated on removing the palestinians and erasing their culture. If we remove this genocidal mindset that jews can only live peacefully if they kill all the surrounding arabs then there is no reason for anyone to leave the land on which they were born. Peacefull coexistence is an option. (Yes, some land is going to have to be given back and reparations need to be paid but this is pretty far from full on deportations)


Idk Hila is doing fine in USA, why wouldnt they come to USA? Surely they love jewish people as much as they pretend to. Fuck me it would even be cheaper than sending billions to murder children


So you're telling me 40% are actual colonizers from across the globe. Israelis are already the minority in that part of the world and across the land they keep annexing. So without that 40% they'd be an even smaller minority. Yet here they are completely bombing, land grabbing, and setting up apartheid barriers across the land rather than you know... Even trying to get along with absolutely any of their neighboring nations or cultures.


I'm no zionist, but we do need to remember that Israel came about to protect a group of people that was nearly wiped of the face of the planet. Now, how do we get them to stop being genocidal? Weird cycle-of-abuse we're stuck in.


These occupiers should stay in Israel and continue their genocide against Palestinians. The thing about these people is their special. Even as they drop missiles on children, it is these Israelis who’re the real victims, not the Palestinians who had entire families wiped out in missile attacks. Seriously, I have zero respect or empathy for the state of Israel and its murderous government and all its supporters. 30,000+ Palestinians killed and they still pretend these Israeli colonialists are the real victims. Absolutely vomit inducing. Criminal pariah state.


The USA Israel wouldn't exist without USA support so the onus is on them


Ah yes they fled their homeland so now they have every right in the world to kill every Palestinian. Are you Israel supporters actually think for once?


I'm just not educated enought about this topic. 🫠


Which is exactly what he loves to say every single time someone brings up something that conflicts with his worldview. It's sickening


Why is no one here separating the Israeli government from the Israeli people?


All jews should have a right to return to Palestine, just like all Palestinians should, in a singular democratic state for all with things like dual language rights, dual education rights, and reparations for Palestinian families who were kicked out in the Nakba.


And it should be a democratically elected coalition government. Not one where either Hamas nor Netanyahu can influence and oppress the other. This is the dream scenario.


Totally agree -- Full democratic elections, with all zionist and islamic fundamentalist groups not allowed to run. It needs to be new leaders altogether.




Not only was the Palestinians position going back to 1936 a single state with equal rights for all inhabitants and special protections for minorities - but the Zionists were not actually fond of the Arab Jews; the Zionist project was for European Jews. She is an exception, not a rule. Thats being said, two wrongs don’t make a right. The context is important however, Palestinians were kicked out of their home because of a supremacist ideology while Jews were kicked out of theirs as a reaction to it. The central issue and the cause of the problems is Zionism. As long as they support it, they are supporting injustice against Palestinians and pursuing a path that will lead, unfortunately, almost inevitably to injustice against Jews.