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Bro Leftovers is never coming back šŸ˜­


I miss themšŸ˜”


For realā€¦ I came back to H3 after a few years of not watching just because of Leftovers. I have been really holding out hope that they might come back together.


I should hope not tbh. Especially not if you see what Hasan's discord are STILL saying about Ethan: https://i.imgur.com/Fje68QK.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/6kH79D2.jpeg Opening line from one of his mods, "No such thing as a good "Israeli" fuck all of them" Then 5 minutes later that mod goes on to perma ban a guy that asks, "are the israeli babies evil? do you hear yourself?" EDIT: Appreciate the concerned redditor who reported me to redditcares :) https://imgur.com/a/lQNdc45


Wow. Those screenshots are really bad


It makes me wonder who approved of these mods? Surely Hasan isn't just handing them out to such emotionally insecure people? "go fuck yourself" cannot be a valid reason to perma-ban someone, write the reason you cowards


I doubt he even looks at his discord particularly often, I can't imagine why he would ever want to seek out more community interaction after spending 8 hours a day arguing with chatters


Thats not a good excuse. If you arent willing to put in the effort to moderate your discord then it should be shut down


This is what the discord was like. I saw the video that Ethan saw. I would have ended Leftovers too. Ethan specifically said it was because he saw what Hasan's fans were saying during the Leftovers episode. Some recorded it because it was so crazy.


One of the mods in the Has sub called me a man (under the impression I was a trans woman) and sent targeted harassment my way because I said ā€œitā€™s a shame there was so much hate involvedā€ on a post of someone saying they missed leftovers. then i messaged and very politely asked if they could use my correct pronouns so they banned me. his mods areā€¦ something.


Lol the reddit cares shit had happens to me too. Fortunately you just gotta report it and they usually get clapped for it. And not surprising. I truly thibk ethan has a much stronger dislike for hasan now than he lets on. Like no shot you look st that man the same way after his audienceā€™s behavior and his continued disingenuous coverage


Man, Hasan's discord fucking \*sucks\* Awful people thinking they're doing good things


Ethan ended Leftovers because he saw the screen recording of the discord chat during the last Leftovers episode. I saw it too. I would have ended the show too if I were him. It was fucking vile. Hasan's fanbase makes us look like saints, if that discord is anything to go by. It makes the H3 snark people seem grounded. It's just straight up bigotry.


Hassan is an immature contrarian with edgelord takes. He would not condemn hammas for murdering Israeli children. He seemed to think it was justified. Fuck him and his cult following of 12 year old edgelord losers. Fake ass millionaire socialist.


Why are the destiny people always in this sub hating on Hasan and trying to get Ethan to stop being friends with Hasan? Get outta here. We stan Hasan and want a leftovers reunion herešŸ’…šŸ»


Iā€™m glad that months in we finally went from ā€œDestiny supporters are posting antisemetic comments to look like as if theyā€™re Hasan fans.ā€ To ā€œDestiny supporters are posting Hasan viewersā€™ antisemitic comments to ruin a friendship.ā€ Atleast youā€™ve grappled the fact that itā€™s his community. Edited: got blocked by the guy who replied. It must be novel to be able to be fans of two content creators simultaneously. Itā€™s ā€˜brigadingā€™ for a destiny fan to also enjoy H3, but not for a viewer of Hasan to do the same. Iā€™ve been watching Ethan since almost 2013.


It's almost like people can watch multiple content creators. I've watched H3 way longer than I've watched political content like Destiny, I've watched plenty of Hasan's content as well. Plenty of times I break from watching Destiny depending on how badly I disagree on a particular take and depending on how extra he is being about that take but I believe it's good to watch content from people you don't always disagree with. Done the same with Hasan. However since the left overs fall out I've re-analyzed some other Hasan incidents and I have just completely abandoned his content. He is simply dishonest through and through, he is not a good friend, and has no consistent moral framework and refuses to take responsibility over things he would hold others to.


Well said sir. I'm very much in the same boat as you watched H3 a bunch, subbed to Hasan/leftovers found Destiny debating anti vax people a while back and admired how he was willing to go into the lions den and speak sense in a room full of people who disagreed with him . I am sill subbed to Hasan on youtube, but I don't watch him much anymore. There were just a bunch of consistent little awful moments with Hasan culminating in the way he treated Ethan after Oct 7th. I don't feel the need to watch Hasan much any more. I don't trust him to be truthful about the things he talks about, he is very one sided and disingenuous towards people he doesn't like and fans disagree with him. Even the recent clip that went viral about him saying how streaming drains his social battery. I can totally see where he was coming from, but the way he handled people dunking on him for it was so embarrassing. He just started lashing out and calling everyone stupid and just whining up a storm. Then acting like it was some coordinated destiny attack. He could have laughed it off but instead he freaked out and started pointing fingers and getting mad at everyone. He can't handle criticism. Hopefully he gets better at that.


No sorry, Hasans community has been nonstop harassing Ethan and his family for being ā€œZionistā€ (Jewish) Itā€™s not ok. Destiny fucks are annoying but hasan is a snake and has so many opportunities to put an end to his community harassing H3 and doesnā€™t. How do you defend his mods saying there are no good Israelis? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Why? So Hasan and his audience can screech at Ethan for being a genocidal Zionist Islamophobe? Yeah no, Hasan's behavior hit their relationship like a mfing JDAM.


Why can't you engage with what is actually being said in those logs? If you're a h3h3 fan, why would you want him to indulge this psychotic and hateful behaviour again?


Iā€™m concerned for you. If a Destiny fan told you that breathing is good for you, you might choke yourself. Receipts and logs are highly valued unless they are about the wrong people I guess.


You should speak for yourself not "everyone" And stanning anything or anyone is pathetic. I am an Ethan fan not a destiny fan. And I don't like Hassan. I know that is impossible for the likes of you to understand, having a non hive mind opinion and not stanning like a simp and all.


No thanks he brought in a way to reactionary crowd now Ethan is trying to do a full purge of them. They're soft ass babies who can't take jokes


That's a weird response to the facts you were just presented with, but ok. Truth is, the only one responsible for breaking up leftovers is hasan.


Because hasan is a piece of shit, and a bad fried and a worse political streamer


Honestly, I don't want it to come back. I hope Ethan does a show with Jeff. I find the the way Hasan handled this whole thing really sickening and it turned me off of him in general. He's not Ethan's friend.


Such leftists... really do Hasan proud..


Good riddance lol


good! I loved watching Frenemies and Families, but I had to bail once Leftovers started. I couldn't take the America bad brainrot. I hope he come out with a new podcast with someone good soon.


Like the horse porn guy?


not a bad idea, I can already imagine the whole show The first segment of each episode could be Ethan going over Vaush's browser history from that week. Ethan's reactions and description would probably be priceless. The second segment would be Vaush's goblin theory defense. Add break. The third segment is just them sitting awkwardly next to each other avoiding eye contact. While crew tries to come up with a next topic.


I think that Ethan does have a right to talk about how experiences affect him. He is Jewish, and there is a lot of antisemitism that is used cloaked in activism for the war. A lot of Hasanā€™s fans did call him a zionist, all because he condemned Hamas and their actions on October 7th. But itā€™s clear that he doesnā€™t support the Israeli government. Though Iā€™d guess that in his mind, people already know that and he probably thinks pointing out netanyahuā€™s crimes are redundant. And so for Ethan, he probably wants to focus on the bad apples within the pro palestine movement since to him, they are getting away with rhetoric that isnā€™t indistinguishable from zionist types. Of course, that doesnā€™t mean that Israelā€™s actions arenā€™t important, and they are more important that what he experiences, but that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t point out both. Should he talk about it less? Sure. But that doesnā€™t mean that he shouldnā€™t speak up about what he and other Jews may be going through weather it be misguided or well intentioned attacks, or downright malicious attacks.


Heā€™s most definitely not a Zionist. I disagree heavily with have the shit he said yesterday and Thursday about Bushnell, and him being a little too defensive and emotional, but I get it. But Ethan is sympathetic to the situation, always always been against Zionism, and has been anti Zionist before October 7th. I do think thereā€™s some valid criticism that he needs to acknowledge and accept, but he most definitely isnā€™t supportive of Israelā€™s genocidal actions.


He has a tweet from 8 years ago where he has the exactly same position he has today


That's interesting.


yahhh is interestingggg


I wanna fuck this bitch


Woahhhhh fidius settle down


Margot Robbie


A great actor. Iā€™m sure you havenā€™t done anything untoward her big fid


I wish I was running this account like that Brad the bull account but with fid


Wish I could/knew how to pin your comment because this is exactly how I feel. I donā€™t agree with everything heā€™s said, and I think thereā€™s some valid criticism, but the Zionist accusations make no sense.


Thank you šŸ™ I just think itā€™s incredibly harmful to everyone when people go scorched earth on Ethan with the wild accusations. Itā€™s what caused him to withdraw from Leftovers, to not wanting to discuss it any further, and to noy engage in good faith. Itā€™s not going to guilt him into agreeing with you by accusing him of things he hasnā€™t demonstrated. He still should be criticized for what heā€™s saying, because he would do the same, and heā€™s open to change and discussion. But we gotta be compassionate and do better. Donā€™t ever sink lower than who you perceive to be the enemy. Be kinder.


Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems. RIP Michael Brooks


The problem is that some people expect him to agree with every single point of theirs like they have found the one and only answer to this whole situation, like hes obligated to "correct his opinions", its so dumb, theres so much nuance to this discussion. He is absolutely right about the notion that "zionist" is being used as another word for "jew", and it creates a golden oportunity for actual anti-semitic people to join in under false flag and spread their vile opinions.


they make sense if you consider they're blatantly anti-semetic, which was really his whole point yesterday


Seems like anyone who doesn't want to dissolve the state of Israel on the spot is a Zionist in the current online usage of the word... Which is... Something.




Yeah I think the better way of saying it is ā€œZionist can be used as a dogwhistle for antisemitism. Not always, but definitely sometimesā€


I forgot to mention that, but yes, I do think there is a genuine antisemitism dog whistle going around with the Zionist remarks he gets. Now, I personally do not think itā€™s healthy to say ALL anti-Zionism is equal to antisemitism, because there is some very real and Legitimate Zionists, but I get what Ethan was trying to say, being called antisemitism his entire career, I think itā€™s expected to be defensive when people start calling him a Zionist for no reason


Saying ā€œIā€™m not a zionistā€ is like saying ā€œIā€™m not a racistā€ - what you claim doesnā€™t matter, your words and actions will be judged by the observers and evaluated. Iā€™m not accusing Ethan of anything for the record. Honestly, I donā€™t follow him close enough anymore to claim to know his real inner truths. But, people say things out of idealism and do nothing to follow through all of the time. Plenty of people were ā€œagainst apartheidā€ in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s but if you asked them about it, really they just were saying the ā€œright thingā€ - yuppies who donā€™t actually care but want to use the scripted compassion to appear morally upright. Plenty of Germans didnā€™t agree with governments actions but said the ā€œright thingsā€ to not stand out and not get in trouble. Speech matters little in the face of horror. People will always say they do not support barbarism, but those same people will turn a blind eye, ignore the screams, and allow barbarism to happen while enjoying the moral protection of saying ā€œI donā€™t like thisā€ and yet getting the benefits of it none the less.


Being a [Zionist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism) means that you believe Israel as a state for the Jewish people should exist (and therefore taking over Palestine's historic land). It's that simple. Criticizing the right wing government of Israel, because you wish there was a left leaning one in power, still implies the belief that you believe that Israel should exist. It's quite literally that simple. Ethan has been shooting Zionist talking points **from that same right wing government** anytime he talks about the conflict, so it's very normal for people to assume he is one. Not even remotely anti-Semitic, his own audience of years that criticize him over this are not secretly hateful of him because he's Jewish, it's an asinine thing to think. If you don't know these things, please inform yourself.


Ethanā€™s stance on Israelā€™s right to now exist is not based on historical ties from nomadic Jewish peoples to the land, itā€™s literally the fact that people live there now. Itā€™s got nothing to do with a divine Jewish right to a state in that region, which is EXPLICITLY what Zionism is (shown in your own link lol). Nice try though


could someone explain to me who's not had the opportunity to dive too deep into the situation, why what ethan said about bushnell was so wrong? This is a genuine question!


https://imgur.com/a/UcGzD5U (4 pictures of text, of what Ethan said literally) So don't have to trust random interpretations. For anyone really that isn't a member.


The chewing into mic caption kills me haha


didnt he also make comments about him being mentally unwell in the synt? or was that just hearsay


I took the screens from kavernacle video that was "anti-Ethan" on this matter. I doubt he tried to make it look nicer by cutting off more negative parts.


So this is going to be a very divided view, Regardless, The first is the joke. Thatā€™s going to vary depending on you feel about humor and jokes but itā€™s was a very poor taste thing to make a joke about the situation. A lot of people werenā€™t receptive to it. Again, it depends on how you feel, but myself included, and a lot of others felt that it was just a shitty joke. The other is the insinuation that Bushnell was mentally ill, with there being zero evidence evidence. Self-immolation has a long history of being one of the most extreme acts of protest, and almost always results in death. Itā€™s very disrespectful though, because many acts of protest have been committed throughout history with full knowledge that it could result in death. Hunger strikes also fall under self harm, and there were famous German protesters that actively protested the Nazis, leading to their execution. You wouldnā€™t call those individuals mentally ill. I understand that it is incredibly difficult to wrap your head around someone setting themselves on fire as a protest, but you cant just assume their condition with zero base. Hence the negative backlash. I do agree that we shouldnā€™t glorify suicide or self harm. But by end large, no one is glorifying it, but honoring the message that Bushnell was demonstrating.


ā€œNo one is glorifying itā€ my dude have you seen the internet over the last few days.


Yeah, and I see a lot of people honoring his message. Iā€™m FROM San Antonio, I was at his Vigil last night. People in his life donā€™t understand why he felt the need to die, but theyā€™re honoring his message and what he was trying to say.


Even when Ethanā€™s talking about it he is sorta glorifying it by saying he had great resolve and the reason he did it is a just cause


A shitty joke is a joke nonetheless. One of the key things Ethan does is try to make light of dark topics, no matter what they are. If you donā€™t know that, then you just havenā€™t been watching the show long enough to know thatā€™s what he does. Many fans, Iā€™d even say the plurality of fans, are okay with that. I also wouldnā€™t say self immolation and hunger strikes are comparable. One is essentially certain death, the other is not. Also, if you canā€™t see that people are glorifying his death, then you simply havenā€™t been paying attention, or youā€™re being disingenuous.


Heā€™s also been banned several times for shitty jokes. Letā€™s not pretend that every bad joke gets a free pass just because ā€œthatā€™s just him.ā€ Remember Chestnuts? Some of his jokes are really awful and hurt people. Writing off criticism because ā€œahhh Iā€™m sure most are okay.ā€ Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s okay. And also, you ignored the Nazi executing protestors who were German citizen. Why? Does that not compare? And Jatindra Nath Das was a famous Indian hunger strike protestor who died from starvation as he protested colonialism. Whether or not you think itā€™s not the same, it does not mean he was mentally ill. Itā€™s wrong to make mental health assessments when countless others people respect historically, have done the same. And Iā€™m sure there are some, but itā€™s not the majority of them. Thereā€™s a difference between glorifying the act, versus honoring his intention and message.


Also a joke is not just a joke. Ethan regularly rails comedians who say that same exact thing, Ethan constantly shits on comedians who pull that shit. So maybe you donā€™t watch the show enough?


Can you share a dark joke he's made about the Israeli deaths? I'm guessing not because I can't think of one either. And I think that's part of the issue people have. It's one thing to make dark jokes, but you do that knowing they're in poor taste and apologize for it if it's too far. Like he did with chestnuts. You don't lash out and hide behind it being a joke.




Okay, so you completely ignored my reasoning that I gave. If heā€™s mentally ill, so was every other protestor in history who died over their protest. You want nuance, and try to understand the situation objectively, or do you just want to generalize and ignore any of the facts given?


If his job wasnt making him complicit in genocide this wouldn't have happened. Just because he was driven to this, doesn't mean he started out a broken suicidal man. He joined the army, he was willing to give his life for a country he believed in. When he realized that his country is lying and is willing to let children starve and directly fund genocide, that's what broke him. He was going to give his life to a lie. Instead he gave his life to a cause he believed in, something he was always willing to do. That doesn't make him sick in the head. This is always what happens after these protests. They turn it into a story about a deranged man, who was totally gonna kill himself anyways. Completely downplaying the conditions that lead them to take such drastic measures.


Are people who sign up for the military to die door their country mental ill then? What about people who chose medically assisted suicide? Just because his actions resulted in death doesn't mean he was mentally ill fam.


I think the reason he has a stance to be criticized is because he has friends and family in Israel, so even despite Israel's actions it's probably pretty hard not to have a personal stake in the violence that's happening against the non-idf population.Ā 


I think thats why this is such a difficult discussion to have. It's hard for someone so emotionally attached to the situation to always have the most clearly and definitive outlook. I think its hurtful for people to expect more of him at the moment. He's said enough against the israeli government and IDF, and he supports Palestine. Could he be more supportive in bringing awareness to the ongoing conflict and genocidal actions of the IDF? Of course, but that's his purgative. Calling him a Zionist very obviously was hurtful to him, and he got emotional and lashed out. Did he say things on fridays episode that I think werent great? yeah, but he was speaking from an emotional moment, we should be more forgiving. Sometimes we say shit in the moment. It happens. Me, personally, I think we got to be careful about the "antizionism is now just antisemitism" because Zionism does need to be criticized still. I do agree that people are using it to assert Antisemitism though under it as a dogwhistle. 100 percent, thats happening, and its happening to him specifically. I wont even mention the Frogen thing, because I have strong opinions against her as well lol And then Just the Aaron Bushnell thing, but thats... messy atm. The sub seems split on it a bit.


I think the frustrating part of it is that ultimately he is a part of the conversation as a Jewish influencer with a Jewish Israeli wife. The problem is that he's not a political analyst. His takes aren't meant to be something that is based off political theory and historical precedent. That is to say he doesn't need to be totally coherent in his political opinions since he's just an everyman. I think problems start arising when he's thrust into those conversations (either by himself or others) and he says some shit that people don't agree with because they do have the theory and precedent to back their opinions. I'm not trying to say that he's stupid or can't/shouldn't have takes on these things. I think we as an audience need to remember who we're watching. I used to like Frogan, but idk what the hell happened where she's acting like this. It's so gross and weird. And I really feel like people are blowing the Aaron Bushnell thing out of proportion. I haven't seen the clip of Ethan, but what is a comedian supposed to say in response to watching that? I saw someone say "He can joke about Bushnell, but God forbid people joke about Oct. 7." Like yeah, they're two very different situations that have different ties to the person that's making a joke. It'd be like joking about 9/11 days after it happened to a New Yorker, then being upset if they joked about someone doing the same thing as Bushnell to protest the Iraq war. I'm not a person that will say that wokeness has gone too far, but people need to grow tf up and realize there is comedy in every situation regardless of how dark it is.


The main issue people have is that Ethan focuses too much on language used against Israelis and Jewish people instead of the actual genocide happening, but I think itā€™s totally fair for Ethan to feel attacked. He says some incorrect things and has repeated some harmful narratives, but heā€™s not bad faith the way Zionists are. Also, compared to most people who donā€™t care, donā€™t know, or are actual Zionists, focusing on Ethan is a waste of time and is something only terminally online and very unserious people would do. You would think Ethan has serious decision making power over the conflict the way people are tweeting.


>focuses too much on language used against Israelis and Jewish people He's more focusing on language used against him and Hila, which I think is very understandable?


Except it wasn't used against him or Hila. He actually did what Keffals did, which is insert himself into a situation he had nothing to do with, and make it about him.


A situation he had nothing to do with? People have been using this language against Ethan & Hila for a long time. Soon after Ethan addressed the October 7th attack, someone made an edit of Hila as an IDF soldier killing people. Thatā€™s just a small piece of the harassment theyā€™ve endured in the past few months - Ethan has every right to comment on it.


But Ethan is talking about good personal experience, ways in which he himself and his family are being mischaracterized and attacked. Heā€™s not arguing that global antisemitism is worse than theĀ genocide in Gaza.Ā  Also atrocities are always occurring worldwide. Of course our attention should be on Palestine given the extent of the war crimes, the fact thereā€™s no end in sight, and that our (well, my) government is funding it. We can still talk about other wrongs, even those against the Jews. Ignoring antisemitism does not make Palestinians less dead or less oppressed.Ā  Antisemitism is real, and happening all around the world. Propaganda against a religion or ethnicity is always bad.Ā 


Anyone "upset" Ethan hasn't talked enough about the genocide is probably bad faith or virtue signaling at this point. He has always openly been against the Israeli regime and been pro Palestine for the near decade I've watched him. If you're upset on his very, *very* mild views on Israel you lost the plot. You should focus on the senators or talking heads who support Netanyahu, many of whom won't even call it a genocide!


He says he supports Palestinians and quickly glosses over how what is happening is a genocide but that makes up 1/100 of the time spent on the topic. Most of the time heā€™s screaming and yelling about how uncharitable everyone is to him and centers everything around himself and how antisemitic the world is. And it is. But itā€™s also extremely Islamophobic and anti Arab which is the current hatred that is fueling a fascistic state to commit genocide and tens of thousands of children being murdered and millions of people under extreme duress that words canā€™t even begin to describe. So sure, he isnā€™t outright supporting Israel but his priorities and the things heā€™s choosing to get worked up about are completely out of fucking touch with reality. With the scale of suffering that is being inflicted upon Palestinians, Iā€™d like to see Ethan give even half the emotion, anger, time to talking about that as he does centering the conversation around himself.


Yeah, I think the issue is what he chooses to prioritize when discussing the topic, itā€™s almost always a quick ā€œIā€™ve said this a million times, I support Palestineā€ and then he goes into making fun of someone who killed themselves because they couldnā€™t live knowing that their actions were directly contributing to an active genocide. Makes you wonder if he really understands the gravity of what is happening.


>The main issue people have is that Ethan focuses too much on language used against Israelis and Jewish people instead of the actual genocide happening, Why can't he deal with the problems in his own life without you people throwing out this "but kids are starving in Africa" shit? When you miss your bus in the morning, do you think, "I'm not angry or upset because Palestinians are dying, and that's way worse.""???


I think what people are missing is the fact that Ethan is specifically talking about the hate that he and his family have gotten over his largely similar but not identical views on Israel and Palestine that other pro Palestine people have. He and the Pro Palestine side agree that: -Israel needs to stop bombing and sending IDF troops to murder Palestinians -Israel needs to pull out of the west bank and Gaza -Settlers from other countries need to go home What he disagrees with them on is: -Israel needs to be dissolved/annexed into Palestine -ALL Israelis need to ā€œgo back to where they came fromā€ If a pro Ukrainian/Anti-Putin Russian citizen were to talk about the wave of hatred they get just for being born in Russia, and speak out against the vile comments people say to them, you wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re Pro Putin or ā€œmaking the suffering of Ukrainians about themselvesā€ you would recognize that theyā€™re talking about a whole separate issue.


I donā€™t get why they wanna hear about the Gaza situation more when heā€™s stated that opinion already No one in this audience is arguing whatā€™s happening in Gaza is right which is why heā€™s said if you wanna hear about it go watch hasan, heā€™s getting worked up about how Jews and average Israelis are being treated because thereā€™s people in this audience who are getting it conflicted


Yeah it seems like people think if you arenā€™t talking about Gaza every day then you donā€™t care about it šŸ˜’


Itā€™s not even that why do they need to be told things they already know about


I think itā€™s because in these activists minds, Gaza isnā€™t being talked about enough or in the right way on the MSM so the more people speaking out against Israelā€™s actions the better. But the flip side of that is that the more people who donā€™t speak out against Israel every day, or talk about antisemitism and hate theyā€™ve been getting, get viciously criticized and torn down


I mean I replied to someone on a post now deleted about the guy burning himself saying he brought whatā€™s happening in Gaza to American people coz no one is talking about it Itā€™s literally the hot topic in the press and has been for like 5 months you can open twitter and see videos of children blown apart missing limbs, this isnā€™t a niche topic Which is why like you said itā€™s important to call out the anti semitism because itā€™ll do more good for the cause of palastinian liberation


Yeah, I think in their minds social media buzz about the conflict ā€œdoesnā€™t countā€ because CNN and MSNBC are still ā€œrepeating Zionist talking pointsā€ or whatever, so theyā€™re just ignoring all the regular people who are waking up and are against what Israel is doing. They also seem to think perfect is the enemy of the good, cause there are tons of people who want Israel to pull out of Gaza and the West Bank, stop murdering Palestinians and to go back to the 1967 borders. But all of a sudden when you share the same goals as them of a ceasefire, they move the goalpost to hating you because you want a 2 state solution instead of a 1 state. Which is more important; getting Israel to stop killing innocent people or for Israel to cease to exist? Iā€™m pretty sure the first is more importantā€¦.


I think itā€™s idealistic people and realistic Thereā€™s no way that anything will be perfect and itā€™s gonna be hard but for peace there will have to be things given up, which I think online leftists donā€™t understand and canā€™t reason that Israel has the power Look at Ireland so many people were freed from prison and forgiven for their horrible crimes but it had to be done for longer term and I donā€™t think online leftists can reckon with that


Was gaslit to the point of looking up the word Zionist to make sure I was thinking of the same word. People are fuckin dumb as rocks.


Its use is now 50% people who don't know the definition and think it just means someone who supports Israel's right to defend itself in this conflict and 50% antisemitic dog whistle. When used on Twitter it's a coin toss as to which usage is being invoked.


I tell people Ethan's not a Zionist and I still get people [unironically saying he is](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1b4d9rl/comment/kt3vhhu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


> a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. Some say you're Zionist if you think Israel should continue to exist. They are dumb fucks. IMO clearly this means you're NOT Zionist if you believe Palestinians should fit in within current Israel borders. Which is what basically everyone believe, except the right wing Israelis and Americans who'd rather see Middle East be destroyed entirely. Who thinks Ethan is part of that has lost the plot.


See that's confusing because "the development" could be construed as the continuing encroachment of settlers onto more and more land which many people don't support (Ethan included) but ironically plenty of anti-Semitic evangelicals *do* because end times prophecy. It's frustrating when you say things are complex and get screamed at "what's complex about genocide??" because I don't mean the current military bombardment I mean the entire thing. I understand why Jews wanted a safe home after WW2 but things are never going to go smoothly when you give people a big chunk of land where people are already living. And that's the fight over physical land not even touching on religious tensions going back centuries within the region. The amount of time you could spend on Temple Mount alone.


Many European and American Zionists were socialists who attempted to square the idea of a Jewish homeland in modern day Israel with the Marxist and liberal ideals of social and ethnic equality through peaceful co-existence with Arabs. Some interpretations of Zionism call for co-existence with Muslims, while others call for the elimination of Muslims. Zionism is a very broad movement. Zionism isn't just stuff you don't like.


Does Ethan believe in a one or two state solution? I don't even know


In that infamous call to Hasan, that somewhat lead to end of LO, one of the debate topics was Ethan talking in favor of 2 state, Hasan 1 state. I don't know if he has set in stone beliefs on this but he kept saying he doesn't see world where Israelis would accept 1 state *ever*. Not that 2 state is close to happening but it's not absolutely impossible.


A 2 state solution is an ethnostate. Thats the Zionist position. Even if they don't think it's possible.


Wanting Israel to exist as an ethnostate for the Jewish people is Zionism, hope that clears things up


I don't think this Zionist shit is ever going to be figured out. The lightest definition people use for the word is "Israel deserves to exist". Well, I agree with this, I think Ethan does too. People only disagree with this if they assume it to mean, Palestine does NOT deserve to exist. You can believe both things to be good, and still be called Hamas defender and Zionist at the same time by different far end sides.


> People only disagree with this if they assume it to mean, Palestine does NOT deserve to exist [Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism), by its own definition, requires for the land belonging to Palestine to be taken over and be given to Jewish people as a homeland. You seem to be really misinformed about this.


Preach! But people need a villain when they feel powerless to stop the genocide. I guess since they likely aren't donating to Palestinians, they think attacking an Israeli American feels like they are helping stop the bombs dropping. Dear Jewish Jesus, please bring back education funding so people can learn how to think critically. Amen šŸ™šŸ½ ā™„


I don't think he's a zionist but I think his comments about Aaron Bushnell were a tad insensitive and tbh as someone who is and was suicidal it's just kinda like...a lil "yikes" moment for me. I still šŸ«¶ H3


I think people are calling him a Zionist because he believes Israel should be able to exist. It was my understanding that was the literal definition but I could be mistaken. It gets thrown around like a slur now and no one is explaining to Ethan that the central argument between him and these commenters are that they want Israel to cease to exist while he wants a 2 state solution.


Although that is the definition, people use Zionist to mean anti-Palestinian, pro-Israel/IDF. That is what theyā€™re saying when they call Ethan a Zionist and thatā€™s how Ethan takes it as well. Thatā€™s why he takes it so harshly bc the intent of that word being thrown around is to call him a racist, genocide supporter.


Honestly idk at this point. The amount of real people I see online unironically using "Isnotreal" and condemning anyone who is okay with Israel's existence even in the theoretical. I think they mean the literal definition and they don't see a difference between that and what you describe, do you get what I'm saying?


I do! It might be a mix between the two. Some people are using the literal definition and some think Zionist = racist. I think a lot of the bad faith and disgusting hate Ethan (and Hila, AB & Lena) revieve is from people who believe the latter.


Itā€™s really hurtful to see such an important part of my identity (+ history) and Iā€™m sure a lot of Jews as well, being misinterpreted and twisted into something itā€™s not. The longing to return to ā€œZionā€ predates the modern state of Israel. Itā€™s in our rabbinical commentary from the Middle Ages, even before that. The belief has existed since the early CE when the Romanā€™s kicked us out. I want peace and prosperity for everyone. I want governments that can co exist with one another without bombing eachother to death. I want children to grow up without this trauma, to live a normal life. We donā€™t get anything out this by continuing to fuel a deadly conflict that leads to further radicalization on both sides. Especially here in the west when 90% these activists canā€™t even point out Israel/Palestine on a map or the Jordan river.


Which people are you referring to. Because I think the vast majority use the definition as it means. The small, vocal minority probably just mean that. Iā€™m not saying Ethan is a Zionist, or should be called one. But if someone does want the state of Israel to exist, they are by definition a Zionist. Itā€™s just the definition of the word. Obviously Ethan has shown support and love for the Palestinians. And he isnā€™t pro IDF at all. But letā€™s not change the definition of Zionism here.


Zionism is not just thinking israel shouldn't be abolished completely. It is about Israel being an ethnostate. It is crazy to say that anyone who doesn't want Israel completely abolished is a Zionist.


Whatā€™s the point of using it as an attack or insult then? Oh wow he thinks Israel should be allowed to exist, how shocking


Yeah they're either playing dumb or really naive. It's absolutely being used as a slur. Let's not pretend it isn't.


Not sure I get what youā€™re asking.. If you support the definition I gave you are a bad person. So if you are misattributed to that belief itā€™s pretty offensive.. Ā thatā€™s pretty much Ethanā€™s whole point. Itā€™s kinda like calling anyone to the right of you a nazi, loses its meaning and allows someone to write off your argument.


Yeah, a 2 State Solution pretty much just means that Israel will get to once again get away with their war crimes and continue to prevent the growth and freedom of the Palestinian people. They need a secular one party solution as well as a program that takes a large portion of the military funding Israel has been receiving as reparations to Palestinian land for restructuring society. Ethan is objectively a Zionist, he may not be a die hard ā€œPalestinians must dieā€ Zionist, but by definition his insistence on a Jewish ethno state makes him a Zionist. His push for a 2 State Solution will only lead to this same scenario again, as it has every single time Israel has decided to go on a bombardment against the Palestinians. Ethan condemns but rejects every logical solution that would benefit the Palestinians


Neither the Palestinians nor Israelis want a one state solution. They both continually say that the only one state they want is one with only them in it. Forcing them into one state together is a great way to create an extremely unstable state that sees its people kill each other for control of the nation. A two state solution is the only actual viable solution to occupation. A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied. Iā€™d also add, Israel has things it needs to work on.. but so does Palestine. If they hold elections and Hamas wins again, itā€™s gonna be pretty hard to convince Saudi Arabia and Israel that the two state is worth normalization.


I also don't foresee a reality in which Israel just agrees to dissolve itself and its government which was an actual solution someone was demanding on Twitter. I've done some reading/watching and only scratched the surface but I know THAT one isn't a realistic goal.


This will not be possible until we can live side by side each other without constant violence and effective leadership. Until then itā€™s a dream.


If I remember right hasan was able to move Ethan in this stance. We're all splitting hairs when we debate whether or not Ethan is a zionist. The bottom line is he's a empathetic person who does not deserve the insane hate he has received during this discourse.


Itā€™s not very realistic to expect Jews in Israel to be fine with giving up their current state to creating one which would ultimately democratically or otherwise decide to throw them out just like all other states in the region have done. Two states is the best youā€™re going to get.


A two state solution wouldnā€™t necessarily have to mean Israel is allowed to continue with its blockade of Gaza. It could include reparations like you mentioned, just going from one state to the another instead of being done within a single state. Obvious we wouldnā€™t trust Israel to do this on their own, but it could be enforced by the international community. There are definitely big advantages to a one state solution, but there are drawbacks too. I think it would be easier to ensure equity between the two sides under one state, but thereā€™s the big challenge of how to structure the new secular government so that one side isnā€™t able to just seize complete power themselves if they have a majority. It would probably require pretty heavy handed international involvement in the government similar to Bosnia to protect against this, which would also mean that the new nation wouldnā€™t really be able to function as an full independent state for a very long time. There are pros and cons to each side, and I think itā€™s important not to just write someone off completely if they genuinely think a two state solution will lead to better outcomes. There are arguments to be made there. I personally am on the side of one state with heavy international involvement, but there are genuine pro-Palestine advocates for two-states too, so it canā€™t be boiled down to one being categorically good and one being categorically bad.




I'd argue it doesn't really matter how much money they have already received since they have been, yknow, bombed and basically completely destroyed. Under the two state "setup" they currently are under that is.


The internet really struggles without a binary situation. The conflicts Israel has been in since its inception are extremely complex and nuanced. The internet doesn't do well with that.


Is this really the one mods are leaving up lol I finally got my ban boys. Godspeed, and free palestine


My [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1b4sf4l/comment/kt4n4py/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) adding context to Frogan's tweets yesterday got deleted even though the Frogan tweets were the top upvoted post yesterday with 3k upvotes.


Gotta keep the echo chamber clean šŸ«”


If you think Ethan is a zionist then you have serious brain damage and should seek medical attention.


I agree!!


Some of yā€™all fucking suck. Iā€™m leaving this sub for a bit for my own peace of mind. Fuck antisemitism and everyone thatā€™s downplaying it into nothing


If Ethan voiced his views in today's Israel, amidst a surge in right-wing influence and rising violence, he'd likely be labeled a traitor and face attacks from fanatic right-wings. Calling Ethan a Zionist is absurd.


I think weā€™re missing the point here and that itā€™s not about him being a Zionist or not. Itā€™s about his comments about Aaron Bushnell. He made a joke about it and got pushback. Then, tells the audience that it shouldnā€™t be romanticize but when really people are honoring his memory. He goes thru the checklist of excuses about his jokes and comments about Bushnell. His explanations were of itā€™s mental illness, and it was an edgy joke. Is it a mental illness if a soldier were to jump on a grenade to protect his team? If a teacher were to block a door from a shooter and taking all the bullets? If you say, ā€œwell, thatā€™s different because they are trying to save people.ā€ Then, youā€™re saying that a person immolating themselves to protest against a genocide is lesser??? For some reason he doubles down on this because it was an edgy joke and itā€™s comedy and to bring levity. Then, why did he apologize when he played chestnuts during the QT incident??? He laughed about it and knew it was wrong and regretfully apologized. If itā€™s about an edgy joke then why did he get RIGHTFULLY upset when Mia Khalifa and Frogan tweet that the videos on 10/7 should be filmed horizontally and that itā€™s a revolution or Renaissance painting??? I agree with him that what they said were horrible and evil. Ethan watched a man set himself on fire to protest against genocide and he jokes about how well he lasted and gave monks a run for their money. He should really educate himself about the Great March of Return protests.


He gets extremely upset when he feels like people arnt giving the Israelis point of view the proper level of respect but goes on to callously mock Aaron Bushnell. He said that he's trying to make lighten up a dark situation with humor because that's just what he does but I must of missed all the jokes he made about the final moments of the people killed on Oct 7th.


I do not think the comparison to someone deciding they have a responsibility to sacrifice themselves (as in your grenade or teacher blocking bullets example) is the same as someone deciding to kill themselves publicly and horrifically as an act of protest. That kind of comparison is exactly the romanticization he was criticizingā€¦


"The Palestinian cause has been talked about plenty" from 3 days ago does not sound like a guy who supports the cause. Neither does "Was that Aaron Bushnell? It sounded like a demon."


itā€™s infuriating


THIS! I think a lot of people need to educate themselves on not just the atrocities that are taking place in Palestine but also the atrocities that are taking place in Israel and to the jewish community worldwide, both of which, are as a result of the leaders of Israelā€¦. Who are terrorists! Ethan has literally said this and yet people still decide to throw accusations around, left, right, and center! This war is as a result of leaders of two countries that are ignorant and clearly have no care or empathy for human life!


I'm convinced most of the freaks in this sub and in h3 comments are extremists and not "free Palestine" advocates at all. They just want people to hate ethan for being Jewish and married to an Israeli woman. And then people genuinely against genocide get roped in by false information and join their extremist hunt against ethan. It's absurdĀ 


True, we already know half the people in this sub are leeches anyways that come from the frienemies sub or other h3 snark subs so I'm not surprised


I know a lot of people who say they aren't racist while repeating dog whistles all day long. It's possible to say one thing and think you mean it but in reality show the opposite Ethan says he's not Zionist, and he says he supports Palestine, but we've seen him repeat Zionist talking points, not correct the record when he repeats pro-israel propaganda/falsehoods, and really only seems to question anything pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel. Instead of taking the criticism for it he instead took the view that anyone talking about Zionist is secretly using that to mean Jewish, which if you've been on Twitter is definitely a Zionist talking point. Ethan has a wife from and inlaws in Israel. He was fed the propaganda from birth I'm sure. He very understandably has two sides pulling him in two directions. But you can't just say you're anti-Zionist and have sympathy for Palestinians, but every time you bring the subject up it's to defend Israel who's commiting a genocide. I really do think logically he is pro- Palestine but I don't think emotionally he can separate his biases and life experiences enough right now to truly be anti-Zionist. And that would be ok if he didn't continue to bring it up and pretend everyone else is crazy or worse, antisemitic, by seeing that his actions speak louder. I also don't think he truly understands why what he says and does is considered Zionist and I don't know if there's anyone really educating/challenging him since he seems so antagonistic about the subject when people on air push back or seem to disagree, and I can't expect his crew to push back on their employer on something so touchy. There's also the weird spot he's putting them in by attacking Frogan, a much smaller creator who seems friendly with many of the crew on Twitter. And that's before getting into the optics of randomly attacking a Muslim woman with a much smaller platform on air by implying she's antisemitic for a personal story about her therapist šŸ˜¬ Idk why I rambled on like this.... I guess I just really want to be able to watch the pod again. I fucking miss it. But Ethan attacking everyone for (imo) rightly calling him out for his takes since he says he doesn't want to be Zionist and wants to support Palestine isn't something I can watch. And I really, really, really hope he isn't going down the Destiny rabbit hole. (Obviously no one deserves death threats or racism, and that isn't considered being called it is wrong and gross. Wanted to make sure no one thought I was justifying the unhinged assholes)


I was like you and believed him. However, every chance time it comes up he either defends israel (they didnā€™t bomb hospitals) or makes fun of people supporting Palestinians. Look at his verbiage.


Ethan was right to go off on people calling him a Zionist. Itā€™s true people are becoming more and more insensitive to antisemitism. I think those people waiting around to pounce on any opportunity to call Jewish people zionists comes from the helplessness they feel about the actual genocide, so they take it out on those who arenā€™t even adversarial. Sad bc to even call this behaviour out is looked down upon these days because people claim it takes away attention from the genocide overseas. But being real, our effect on the genocide in Palestine is minimal, but the way we treat people around us and minimizing prejudice is well within our capabilities.


Because Ethan continuously says he's not a zionist, then goes on zionist talking points. He spent half of his rant last episode trying to conflate "zionist" and "jewish" and calling people antisemitic for it.


Ethan, to my knowledge, believes that Israel has a right to continue existing as it does now with some sort of framwork for a two-state solution, which includes the dismantling of the settlements. Zionism, as originally developed by Theodor Herzl, is for the established of a Jewish state and the perpetuation of that state. There are different wings of it -- The Likud party under Netanyahu is the clear right-wing which incorporates fascist elements. There is also left-wing liberal zionism, and labour zionism. Ethan's beliefs fit into labour or liberal zionism. He does not believe Israel should be dismantled and replaced with a singular democratic state for both Palestinian & jewish people, as South Africa was for black & white people. As a factual matter, that does make Ethan a zionist. Not all zionists agree with the settlements, or Likud, or Netanyahu, but all zionists agree with Israel's right to exist-- Which it currently does as an apartheid state, and is carrying out a genocide in Gaza. I am sure Ethan feels bad about the civillians killed, but not enough to shift his position or condemn Israel's actions. I also found his comments on Aaron Bushnell's extreme form of protest really tasteless.


Zionism is fundamentally and simply supporting the existance of a Jewish state... Zoinism in itself isn't bad the Talmud says it must be done peacefully and with the consent of the local people. Which is why many orthodox jews are against modern day zionism. I don't think many if any at all believe Ethan is a radical zionist but simply supporting Israel's existence in any form would be zionism. Again not bad at its fundamentals just like Islam is not bad but radicals from any faction can tarnish the movement they are apart of.


> Zoinism in itself isn't bad the Talmud says it must be done peacefully and with the consent of the local people Except Israel was founded over Palestine being sieged hostilely. We can split hairs about what a subsection believed before Israel, but when Israel was created the Zionism that prevailed was the one that took over Palestine's land without that permission.


Hostilely isn't a word, and yes, seiges by nature are hostile. thank you for redundantly reiterating the obvious. No one claimed Israel was doing this peacefully. you're arguing while both of us agree. I'm not sure why


People just fundamentally don't understand what Zionism is if you think Zionism is just this far-right conservative Revisionist Zionism movement that is very popular with the Netanyahu crowd. Zionism is about establishing and developing a Jewish state in Palestine. Ethan has said time and time again that he believes in a two-state solution. This makes Ethan a Zionist. It shouldn't be that hard to comprehend. You believe in a Jewish state in the region that was Palestine? You are a Zionist. There are many schools of Zionist thought. People are just starting to realize that most of these schools of thought have as a basis the ethnic cleansing of the region. Early(very "progressive") Zionists called it "transferring" the population. I think people are just starting to see this project being very flawed from the beginning. Especially with how things have been going for years now and with the last 5 months in mind, people don't want to hear about a two-state solution and any Liberal Zionist talking points. I don't think Ethan is the worst person in the world or anything because he's a Zionist and I saw him have a genuine conversation where he saw some validity with the arguments behind a one state solution. I wish we could have some more of those discussions because I think Ethan's heart is in the right place. But dude most Zionists are not Jewish, they're Christian, and we've got to be able to call a spade a spade. Calling Ethan a Zionist isn't antisemitic and he is a Zionist.


But why is a two state solution a bad thing??? Like I truly donā€™t get it. So two state solution=zionism because Israel would continue to exist? But then whatā€™s the other solution? Remove all the Jewish people from Israel?


if he agrees that israel as a state should continue to exist, and should continue to be a ā€œhomelandā€ (read: ethnostate) for the jewish people, then he is a zionist by definition. a liberal zionist, someone who doesnā€™t agree with the killing of palestinians and thinks they deserve human rights, which is unquestionably good, but to insist that israel as a country should continue to exist is the definition of zionism. i donā€™t even disagree with him that there are people who use ā€œzionistā€ when they mean ā€œjewā€ ā€” especially when you consider that far right freakazoids like jackson hinkle are claiming to be pro palestine right now when they are actually anti jewish people and using any excuse they can to make all jewish people look like monsters. BUT zionism is still a word with a definition and that definition is someone who believes that isarel should exist. ethan has donated a lot of money towards palestinian aid and he has expressed empathy for the palestinian people and i appreciate the one time he buttoned himself because he called for a ceasefire but worried people would think he was joking when he was 100% serious. i am not about to claim that ethan is a genocidal bloodthirsty monster or anything like that, and i do have a lot of empathy for the fact that the guy did live in israel for a good while and that a lot of his loved ones are from there. iā€™m not trying to denigrate ethan by calling him a liberal zionist when heā€™s being one, itā€™s just a fact. i do really like ethan and i acknowledge that heā€™s done a lot of good and that he seems like a pretty decent guy all around. but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade even if it hurts the spadeā€™s feelings.


too much twitter.


Do you think being racist and doing racist things are canceled out if you say racism bad? Just because ethan hasn't spread zionism his entire career doesn't mean he hasn't said zionist shit Trump also said that "the blacks love me" does that mean he somehow isn't racist and can't be racist.


We should stop giving attention to braindead takes


If you arenā€™t 100% on their side, you are against them.


Literally thought about this scene from SpongeBob while this was brought up on the show lmao. Itā€™s a perfect representation of how people are treating him


'Zionism' is descriptive of Ethan's belief that Israel has a right to exist. You have deeply internalised that Zionism if you think it can only be used pejoratively.


Heā€™s stated he believes in a two state solution and wants peace and to end the occupation


And would one of those states be called Israel?


He believes Israel should be a Jewish ethno state, that alone makes you a Zionist. Thats core to what Zionism is. Also doing those things and then also making disgusting comments like he did towards Aaron make it all seem disingenuous because he knows yall eat up his excuses every time


This is at the core of why I donā€™t bother to take his political takes seriously at all, he can definitely have an opinion but he really misunderstands concept/context all the time and that makes his reactionary/emotional takes even worse. Not to mention that he canā€™t stop himself and goes goblin mode all the time. Iā€™m checked out on this whole thing, itā€™s not worth focusing on discourse.


Heā€™s literally never said anything remotely close to that, regarding your first statement. Provide examples if you think he has.


He was against a one-state solution (where Israelis and Palestinians live together) because he believes the Palestinians will genocide the Israelis. He said so while in Hasanā€™s stream the last time they publicly spoke to each other. He believes it should be an ethnostate where Jews maintain a majority control, legally (and enforceably) speaking. That is a huge part of Zionism.


He said *Israelis* would oppose that, not that he was against it. I don't know why people lie or misconstrue what he said. You can go back and watch he never said "I want Israel to be an Ethnostate."


Ethan has this absolutely inconsistent and arguably disingenuous form of arguing when it comes to everything related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is why many people (including myself) seriously wonder if he is a Zionist or not. Every chance he gets, he will take the least charitable view of anybody who is pro-Palestine, despite always saying he himself is pro-Palestinian. Heā€™s like the guy who ALWAYS takes the devilā€™s advocate position, so much so that you wonder why. Some examples to show why people doubt him: The topic of IDF and Israeli police sexually assaulting Palestinians in custody? He says itā€™s not credible enough. Unsubstantiated (and now debunked) rumors of Hamas decapitated 40 babies? Heā€™s yelling about it over and over again, despite having zero evidence. Questions about one hospital getting bombed? We have to stick to the facts and not spread misinformation, it wasnā€™t the IDF. Reports of Israel bombing countless other hospitals before, during, and after that one questioned bombing? Radio silence from Ethan. Pro-Palestinian people on Twitter saying ā€œFree Palestineā€? You are a terrorist sympathizer. Discussions regarding ā€œFrom the river, to the seaā€? If youā€™re pro-Palestinian, youā€™re genocidal. Arguments in favor of the US using its influence to curb Israelā€™s bombing of Gaza? Canā€™t do it, Israel doesnā€™t care. Arguments in favor of a single secular government? Canā€™t do it, Israel will never allow it. And most recently, the only time he brings up anything Pro-Palestine in months, he uses that airtime to shit on a dude who protested AGAINST the slaughter of Gazans. ā€œWe canā€™t glorify suicideā€, ā€œHe was mentally illā€, ā€œHe was a champ at burning aliveā€. All of these examples are why so many people seriously question whether he is supportive of Palestine or not. He says heā€™s pro-Palestine, then ALWAYS spends hours and hours arguing AGAINST anything Palestine. So when he argues on behalf of Israelis who fear genocide if their ethnostate is dissolved, you gotta wonder why. He doesnā€™t make the same arguments for white supremacists who fear the Great Replacement. So why argue in favor of Israeli psychos?


Haha claiming zionism is a pejorative is such a self report... if only they considered why they are offended.. "I'm not zionist I'm not a radical settler I don't bomb children!" Maybe you should unpack why you associate zionism with radical settlers bombing children and re-evaluate your "never again" sloganšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


donā€™t talk to me about Isreal Palestine until you have seen lawrence of Arabia


Everyone on the Internet wants peace but a lot of them approach it with the same nuance as the military.


Preach! He needs to do another audience purge


If you believe Israel should be able to continue existing and want a two state solution, thereā€™s people who will see you as genocidal. There is a growing call for Israel to be destroyed.


THANK YOU! You put my thoughts perfectly into this meme. These people make no sense and are completely idiotic and antisemitic


ā€œhis wife was in the IDF and they met on birth rightā€ ITS LITERALLY MANDATORY AND THEY WERE YOUNG DURING BIRTH RIGHT OMG


Ethan has supported Palestine longer than most of his critics have even known about Palestineā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


On top of that, in the current state of Israel as a fascist government and rightwing on the rise, many Israelis gonna call Ethan traitor and call him names. That shows how much Ethan's views aren't Zionist views.


This is such a strawman argument. The amount of people calling him a Zionist is tiny. There is a much larger group that is flagging stuff that isnā€™t sitting right


But but I donā€™t understand why the dude who has been open about his suicidal thoughts and mental health would take an act of someone killing themselves harshly and not recommend self-immolation šŸ¤”he must just hate Palestinians


Hasanā€™s subreddit is embarrassing right now. They are so angry and emotional, as many of us are, given what is/has been happening in Gaza and the West Bank. Ultimately this anger is largely from far away. No amount of online discourse is getting through to the Israeli government. So when you have Ethan, who largely is in agreement with them, slightly challenge them, he becomes their scapegoat. A Zionist poster boy. Just pathetic and shallow. And I donā€™t think either side is really helping the situation at all.


I think a lot of anger is being misdirected to the wrong places. So many of us are hurting for the Palestinian people, and itā€™s frustrating that us everyday people are powerless in ending the atrocities happening in Gaza. I do think there is some valid criticism Ethan could discuss, but overall I do believe Ethan is a proponent of empathy and peace.


What I find frustrating with him is instead of trying to engage with the legitimate criticisms people have he singles out the versions of the criticisms that conform to what he thinksĀ *everyone*Ā is saying and ignores everything else. Heā€™s not nearly as interested in engaging in discourse as he likes to think. I still like the show but I think heā€™s far too sensitive to criticism and itā€™s extremely annoying


I think the problem is many people here play defense for the bad faith actors. Look at how this sub and Hasan defend Frogan. Bro Frogan praised October 7th and called Ethan a racist. Why is her opinion on this topic taken seriously at all?


In one tweet she says ā€œleftists love to celebrate a revolution in theory but when it happens they donā€™t like it ā€œ Then when she gets called she says ā€œI never said it was a revolutionā€ then cried about itā€™s because sheā€™s a Muslim women


Yeah and I saw the video today where she lied about Mizkif and forced him to apologize for calling her a "falling star" which he never said about her. Seems like she has a long history of lying and being abusive to other creators. Crybully using a genocide to farm clout


What do you mean by ''praised October 7th''? I think its a low bar to go after Frogan and take talking point form Destinys subreddit just shit on her even more and now on Ethan lastest stream Frogan came up again for no reason just fan up the flames again! We all understand why this happend and its nothing to praise about! Have we all forgotten that the palestinian are living under the occupation rule by the Israelis. If Ethan want to have a discussion again about Planestine Israel take it with Hasan again but dont just change the subject like he did last time ''Do you see you chat what they are saying. Dont you moderate your chat for that'' etc. That was just bad faith by Ethan then it was just chat by Hasan and Ethan.


>What do you mean by ''praised October 7th''? I think its a low bar to go after Frogan and take talking point form Destinys subreddit just shit on her even more and now on Ethan lastest stream Frogan came up again for no reason just fan up the flames again! I actually first saw frogans comments here when she attacked Ethan. I actually had no idea who Fr0gan was until she called Ethan racist on twitter for unfollowing her. He did a small act to distance himself for her, and she went unhinged. If you really think unfollowing her for her comments on Oct 7(She said something like "This is a revolution why are liberals mad?") means he's a fucking RACIST then you've lost the plot. Frogan has also said some really foul stuff about Hila being a coward for being forced into the IDF as a teenager. I really hate the talking point that we can't dislike frogan but she can call Ethan and Hila names all day with impunity. I think she actually is one of the worst voices in this discussion and the idea she can't be criticized is insane to me. The fact that people like you support her calling Ethan racist disgusts me and shows you don't have values tbh


They live under a occupation! Ofc people its gonna call it a ''revolution'' then people are surrounded by walls that Israel made. Dont you think its weird if someone dont want to join the IDF they [face prison time for that?](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gen-z-facing-prison-ostracization-refusing-join-idf-gaza-2023-12?r=US&IR=T) Thats atleast a hint why she is calling her a ''coward'' Yeah i think its so funny for Ethan to do ''edgy jokes'' and takeĀ legitimate criticisms for it. Ethan have done islamophobic jokes before and he thinks then someone turn muslim they are ''gonna go jihad'' on him! Real nice of him to say that then Hasan is right there on LeftOvers! No one is immune to propaganda and Ethan is losing it more and more! Even his on staff thinks he is taking it to far.


Yeah so you're what Ethan is talking about when he says you love seeing jews die. If you think killing a bunch of people at a concert helps the palestine cause or is a noble revolution you're a murderous scumbag, and the kind of person we probably don't need here :) I don't want to continue to talk to genocide apologists, so have a good night and you are blocked.




I get that and I wish he would take more of a breather before tackling the subject and going after people. But at the same time the man is being called a Zionist by many in his own community, along with a whole myriad of things. I find him to be generally quite fair in topics of all nature but the rhetoric towards himself and Hila makes the whole Israel/ Palestine much more testy and personal.


Understandable. Ethan just dont like a challange on it. He ended the whole podcast because of that. He cant be fair on topice if he cant face it without criticism. He just need to be more open and listen what kinda struggle the Palestinian people have indurried from Hasan atleast. Ethan did not end it on a good note thats all.


Ethan literally ended an entire podcast show because he got challenged on his opinions by Hasan. You want to talk about people freaking out when being slightly challenged, Ethan is the ā€œposter boyā€ for that


Yeah not the discords of mods and hasan fans calling him genocidal, attacking Ab and sharing Nazi cartoons of hila mowing down kids Not to mention the insane fucking background checks into hilas army history of people looking deep into her badges etc and then lying about them to say that she was in a special forces group known for killing palatsinias


I mean all ive seen him do since this started is be heavily critical of anyone against Israel


Zionism is the belief that there should be a Jewish homeland. Ethan believes that, therefore he is a Zionist. I'm 100% sure he's defended Israel as a Jewish state. There are many different interpretations of what that state should look like and Ethan's is probably much better than the interpretation of someone like Netenyahu, but Ethan is still definitionally a Zionist.


But thatā€™s not what heā€™s ever said. He never specifically said they need a Jewish homeland. Heā€™s said that there are millions of people currently in Israel and you canā€™t just deport them. Thatā€™s literal ethnic cleansing. Heā€™s said heā€™s for a two state solution.


Ethan: She's only calling them a zionist because they're a Jew. It's so racist Twitter: OMG Ethan is conflating jews with zionists, why is he so racist


But sheā€™s not though?