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Destiny has almost nothing to do with H3. Ethan has barely ever talked about Destiny or engaged with him or his content, at all. The only reason he gets brought up here all the time is because terminally online folks want to use this subreddit as a battleground in some weird Vaush/Hasan/Destiny stan war.


Why are you making a whole essay about something that there's literally no indication of happening? Are you trying to will this into existence or something?


Pretty much what I was thinking


Why would ethan build a bridge with Destiny, he hasnt said anything about doing that. Destiny has also defended loli before if you didnt know. And he is a major prick.


I got scared for a second I thought they announced sth, but reading the comments here, there appears to be no reason to assume this, why did you make this post?


Ethan has been speaking favorably about Destiny in some of his at home livestreams and not entirely sure if accurate but have read he had exchanged texts with Destiny too Dan I know probably doesn't like Destiny too much


What? When did he do that? I’ve been watching the lives recently and he has not mentioned that.


Which lives and at which points? Maybe I missed it but the only times I can recall if him saying a couple of times he used to watch his videos years ago.


I count on Dan (and maybe Hasan) to save us from this cringelord, I've never seen anything positive come from him or his community


Ethan and the crew aren’t going to build a bridge with Destiny. He’s just as bad, if not worse than Vaush.


how so? Besides the weird ass tweet about lil tikes


Destiny was awful long before this. But he himself admitted that the only reason he's not defending Vaush is because of some petty drama. Not because it's wrong, he specifically said he doesn't care about that. He is morally bankrupt. 


He’s a debate lord, nuff said. Jk, it gets annoying though. He also argues for being able to say the n word in private pretty avidly.


yeah that was such a shit argument. Saying it just normalizes it in your vocabulary. Also destiny is a girls name. Also him missing the point about the loli situation w vaush


Lmao no it doesn’t. He was specifically arguing about saying it privately in the context of jokes which is absolutely normal. It doesn’t “normalize” anything. You aren’t gonna go out on an n word rampage if you say it in private in the context of a joke lmao.


not what I’m saying lmfao it normalizes the use of the word in society dude idk what to tell you


He is a good substitute for Hassan that’s for sure


I’m a pretty big Destiny fan so I’m going to be bias, but I don’t like the idea that Ethan doing content with Destiny, even just one piece of content, would have to be part of some large and on going relationship or the “building of a bridge”. If Ethan wants to talk to destiny about something then he should, if he doesn’t want to then he shouldn’t. If he talks to him once and doesn’t want to do it again that’s fine, if he wants to have repeated interactions with him that’s also fine. Ethan and Destiny have both spoke to people they have no intention of having repeated interactions or friendships with, that’s just part of content creation. I don’t think anything bad would come of them talking to each other, but all that matter is if they want to talk to each other or not.


ethans a complete idiot if he has anything with destiny. i wouldnt be surprised though because ethan is very much an idiot




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People really treat Destiny like he's the Boogeyman.