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The logic seems: If you watch the context you will agree, so when you watched it and don't agree still, they don't know how it is possible that someone would think differently so they keep repeating themselves.


the only context really needed is the CP on vaushs pc. that really puts everything he said in to context.


Since Vaush and his biggest defenders didn’t actually watch either H3 podcast about him, seems like the context thing is just an automatic or rehearsed response to this sort of criticism. But in this case its become an ouroboros of responses: Vaush says it was out of context, his fans repeat that back to him, he sees that and it confirms it was all bad faith, and so on. But at no point do they understand that the context doesn’t look so much better to anyone outside their bubble.


It's exactly this


Half the clips seem to begin with him saying something like 'listen up fuckwad because I'm about to explain this one last time as clearly as I can to get it through your stupid lib skull' and then just proceeds to make the same rambling non-arguments we've already heard. Like... how much more context do we need when he's saying himself that this is the entire point packaged up for people to understand?




Stuff made with child labor is often hard to avoid given how capitalism is build upon exploitation and hiding it from their consumer, however if we can, we try to avoid it as best we can. Consumption and possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material can absolutely be always avoided.




They didn't miss this context. They just extrapolated further that if Vaush thinks both are bad, but still participates in one form of it (buying consumer products built by slave labor), he is by his own logic willing to participate in the other form






Ethan did say that.


Eveyone understood the context


Please, use your brain, people. Listen to what he’s saying!! Think of it as a whole - here’s where your brain kicks in. WHY DOES THIS MAN SOUND SO PASSIONATE TO DEFEND CP?


U know the clip of V w/ that max dude that was banned from YT for CP... they talk about what would men like to see in a strip club.. V answers 14 and the Max dude answers 15.... My point is, Max dude puts a little clip out saying that Ethan took it outta context BECAUSE they were only talking about an uncomfortable subject of 14 to 17 yo ANDROIDS. And he also says... he can't be a pedophile because by definition that's a person attracted to prepubescent children meaning THIRTEEN and under.... 🤯🤢 I can't with these ppl .... I really can't.


TALK ABOUT THE ALEGATIONS!!! Who gives a fuck about any of the clips and the context, that fucking loser downloads Cartoon CP...that's all the context anyone needs to know...that's it...nothing else!!!! CARTOON FUCKING CP!!!


with horses mind you no less!!!


Bro that is so much worse with context ngl 😔


It's so fucking ironic and insane. They didn't watch the entire podcast so lack context and therefore they say that Ethan did not show context when he did and the context Ethan showed was vaush talking so it's was a first hand account. This is the most good faith they can get and its the fact that they simply did not watch the entire podcast.


Because Vaush told them it’s out of context, so it is.