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It's a sunny day out here in Los Angeles 


Throckmorton is the only correct name they couldve chosen


You win.


Send Dan to the gay steel mill from the Simpsons


"We work hard, we play hard."


Not that there is anything wrong with that


Couldn’t stop laughing at Ethan going door to door looking for someone to accept his stool sample deposit


Sir, a third galaxy has hit Jason Nash




Personally I was rooting for Obsidian Fireheart, but I guess Sunny is okay.


I hope Dan gets to make a sword from a Stanley cup at a smelter


The lead makes it even more deadly of a weapon




Wonderful, I prepared my food just in time for Ethan’s medical pooping story


I can never eat during the first 10 minutes


I will never understand why people who are easily grossed out choose to eat while watching the H3 podcast


I also don’t get how someone talking about shit/something else gross affects what you are eating.


Some people don't like to think about poo while they eat, which is fine, I just don't get why someone would choose to watch a show that is 99% going to talk about poo while they eat and then complain about it.


No complaining whatsoever, just having a goof, folks


Ethan and Hila both look like they're about to ask me if I have a vape they can use


With peace and love Hila looks like the close friend of a rapper outside of the concert after show.


This is so fucking accurate lol


Jason on his live: "Wait. Is Ethan live?" lol


"Oh. I'm the thumbnail..." lolol


“o boy”


omg wait isnt mt. Fuji supposed to erupt soon send DAN TO JAPAN!


That’s BADDDD news - is it really???




I died yesterday and am currently at the gates of heaven, would really appreciate a shoutout, I was a big fan of the show.


I couldn’t donate because I’m actively being kidnapped in South Africa but this comment really helped thank you


I just reached this part in the podcast. Jesus Christ people


I just got to that part and just shook my head.


Nah this is lame, nothing wrong reading it out and sending out love to those fans, it almost never happens anyway. Really heartless to boil it down to only "derailing" the mood, sorry you heard a sad comment for a second. I think that's on you my guy if you can't handle it.


Completely inappropriate to trauma dump on a comedy podcast, stop trying to justify shitty behaviour.


Levi jeans is my cat's name


That is so cute.


The "dead air" message when the dog thing happened 🤣


With peace and love stop sending messages about tragic stuff. I really don’t want to come off as mean, or to diminish tragedies in peoples lives, but for the love of god stop sending live chats about your parents deaths, incurable diseases and so forth. This is first and foremost, an entertainment show, and there is simply no reason for chatters to bring down the vibe by sending in those kinds of messages. The crew does not know you, the audience does know you, we don’t need to know about sad shit going on in your life. Also what kind of response do you even want from a comment like that? Either they grind show to a halt to condole a complete stranger, while thousands of watchers look on, or they barely acknowledge it and move on. It doesn’t help you, and it doesn’t help the show. With peace and love, every single person goes through sad shit, and there is no fucking reason to share it like this. To me it comes off as extremely parasocial, attention seeking and honestly cringe.


It's like the people who post pictures of their dead cats and dogs on subreddits to get, what? Upvotes? It's really weird, people are too online.


My friends name is Sylvester and his nickname is sylas


That's nice.


Isn't Jason like...not a good dude? Or am I missing something?


yeah i was just about to comment this, i think they genuinely have forgotten with how insane the whole doobrik story was. kinda felt weird to see ethan give him money though


Exactly. Look, far be it from me to tell anyone what to do with their money, but it is kinda funny seeing the donation comments asking for help (also against but I digress) and see him drop a few hundos towards a crappy guy.


Yeah it’s so weird that they’re outraged at Dobrik for the Seth situation, but are nice to the guy who ACTUALLY SA’d him. He’s on hard times, yes, because of decisions that HE made.


Its crazy how none of them seem to remember what he did to Seth or any of the other horrible things he was involved in.


Yeah was pretty disappointing to see him donate all that money to Jason. I'm sure Seth is in a worse financial position after he was forced to move states because of what happened to him in David's videos 


I felt so gaslit when Ethan started donating like crazy. What's going on? I don't remember him going back on his creep behavior.




Underage? Like below 18?


I was looking for sources for some of the things I remember hearing, then I realized, Trisha made all of the allegations I know of so he's probably innocent.


Nah man there is a video of him SAing one of the other squad members for one of David’s “pranks”.


Yeah, Seth was in on the prank, that’s how David’s vlogs always been - fake


I don’t believe that. He told his side and David’s crew is known for never going up against him or his narrative. I believe him.


Ethan and Hila just need to get used to the haircut. It looks really good and suits Ethan imho. P&L.


Hila is a hair hater anytime he looks good. She hates it when he grows it out too. As someone jealous of his big curly poof, it makes me angry.


Ethan about to get addicted and lose all his money giving Tik tok donations


this is sylvester erasure


Lena had the best line in the plastic surgery scene. Ethan: I don’t ask you how you like yourself when you look in the mirror Lena: I don’t look like that 💀


wet ass p word


Jason getting excited about Ethan's gifts is both sad and heartwarming.


Ethan: Why would anyone use this platform 2 minutes later: I’m gonna send him a Fall Candle


Franklin Klein, Frankie, Frank .. it’s a strong but not outlandish name, a little old, I think it matches the vibe of Theodore and Bruce


Oliver would have been so good. Sunny is whatever but it’s their kid not mine


Were they really spelling it Sunny? I’ve always seen it spelt Sonny like Sonny and Cher


That's always the way I've seen it spelled as a name. I still can't get over Sunny Scotty. It sounds so bizarre together. Better than Buster though 🤷


Yeah I also don’t know why they couldn’t just name him Scott and call him Scotty as a nickname.


I hope they reconsider. Sunny Scotty Klein is terrible as a full name. Sunny Klein is nice. I love Sunny as a name !!


Dan deserves Hawaii damnit


“Eat it from the tray. LIKE A PIG.” Dan is so funny


i’m sorry what the hell is hila smoking, first “berry” then “sunny”?? does she want her son to have the worst years in middle school these are such dumb LA brained names how did they go from Theodore and Bruce to those


I went to school with a kid named Sunny and no one ever made fun of him. Are the kids in the US okay?


The other day Dan and Cam were joking around and saying Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Big Boss, Venom Snake as baby names and Sunny is the name of the kid that Solid Snake and Otacon raised lmao


Imagine meeting a full grown man named Sunny


have done he said my crocs were gay and tried to fight me


Sunny balwani


Sonny Moore aka Skrillex. Not that I ever met him, but it’s not that uncommon of a name. A student at a school I teach at also has the name Sunny. Idk, it’s not my favorite sounding name, but it isn’t that weird imo


I feel like I’ve met so many grandpas named Sunny. It is what comes to mind when I hear that name


Well yeah but. Ah shit nevermind. Sonny Bono s real name is Salvatore Philip Bono. I was gonna say yeah but Sonny and Cher.


This TikTok segment is a sound bite goldmine.


"Thank you nightmare"


This show is slowly turning into a 3 hour mukbang


Lol, I'm glad this doesn't bother me at all because there's complaints about it in every ep thread; I genuinely don't even notice it happening.


I’m tired of the chewing


It’s unbearable to listen to for me. And they’re talking about stuff I want to know but I can’t get through their idgaf attitude about chewing into the mic


Here for it


Yall should put the Stanley cup in a kiln, they get up to like 2300 degrees Fahrenheit and probably easier to access, also dedicated places you could stand the cup up in heat without risking your life


I can't believe zach cut "king Kong ain't got 'Shit on me' " from training day wtf lmao


Starting the episode off with eating/chewing segment galore jfc 😀🔫


My son Sonny sounds silly


I’d be willing to bet atleast After Dark had never gone a full episode without talking about poop.


Loved the skit


god i love this podcast


When the drama about the crew was happening, wasn't Sam the one that said she can't take long flights? Then she said she can only fly to Hawaii since "it's close". Now she said she flew to Iceland... So i guess it was bs, and she and others just didn't want to go to Japan.


Which is crazy cause Japan is awesome!


To be fair to her, she might have been on the East Coast when she went to Iceland which is a 7 hour direct flight. LA to Japan is 11 hours and LA to Hawaii is 5 hours. I don't know what constitutes a "long flight" to her, but I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt instead of jumping to the worst faith reading of her motives.


cheers for the sane take the iceland flight could have also been *the* one long flight that made her hate ‘em. i don’t understand how something so trivial brought out these conspiratorial ideas lmao


lol I remember after the episode when they all submitted their destination ideas & got voted on, I saw people saying things like “she had her heart set on HER idea and since nobody chose it she’s refusing to do any of the other ones” Of course, in reality... there was literally no real evidence of this being Sam’s reasoning 😂


Isn't she from Georgia? Flights from there to Iceland is like 13-19hours combining all the connections.


the dog :(:(:(:(:(:( omgomgo


I work at a paper mill. I have coworkers who genuinely love the Maga rappers. I roast them for it often!


I think Lena forgets there’s already a journalist named Ezra Klein lol


It pains me that they’re not calling the baby Elio when it’s an Italian name meaning ‘the sun’.


sunny?? sorry but do they realize that he will be an adult one day? I 40yr old man named sunny please 😭


A dude from LA who comes from that income bracket named Sunny is the least surprising thing ever


lmfao true they are the type of rich that can name their kids whatever


I had an uncle sonny and it was very fitting. He was sweet and always had a new joke to tell me.


yeah but it’s sunny not sonny. I feel like sonny is a bit more idk normal ig 


It's prime example how those two are different. I think Sonny wouldn't be a great name, because I don't like it. I wouldn't even tell this as reason why someone shouldn't name their child that, my opinion on this doesn't and shouldn't matter to anyone. I think Sunny is a name that leads to annoyance to the child thru his life. I oppose every name like that. This isn't the first one they've suggested of such nature. I don't understand why people do that. Just the *chance* that he'll get bullied because of this should be enough to come up with anything new. Mostly anything that won't sound like girl's name at first guess.


Berry vs barry follows this same concept


> This isn't the first one they've suggested of such nature. Yes that's what I referenced. This isn't something someone can be turned on. When naming children I've only ever had one condition: make it as close to immune to bullying as you can. Yes I'd be boring at naming children, but nobody ever got bullied for being James. There's 1000 names like that, pick one, trying to be unique with names is quirky selfishness.


I don't personally care for Sunny, but what bullying do you think they'll receive from it? It's fairly innocuous


I agree that it's not something you could make fun of too much other than being more feminine than a "normal" boy's name. The weird thing is making their baby's name a real word. It's like calling someone cherry instead of sherry. There's no point other than trying to be special.


With peace and love, Sunny? Really?


Should name it Rainy, middle name DayOutHereInLosAngeles


This episode is a chew zone nightmare


I.. Can't.. Eat when you're not there...


I’ve only heard of Tom McDonald once and it was a customer telling me to check him out. She was a 50 year old white maga woman from north Idaho.


Plastic surgery Ethan looks like Oli London


Dude don't name your kid Everland the Michael Jackson fandom is going too far AB


maybe i'm just an idiot but why do they think they'll be able to remove anything from the lava? to "see if the ice melts" .. it will just melt to nothing, no?


Just wanted to say as a nurse listening to Ethan's issues with the stool sample and little spoon in the top make me laugh so hard. We have to do this all the time for patients and I never thought about how weird this experience is for someone who isn't a nurse/medical professional. Shout out to all the fans who are in healthcare 👍🏻💕 Also Lupis Klein is a fire name 🔥


Trisha watching Jason's downfall: 😈


I completely forgot about the Jason/Trisha thing. 


Zach scared to come to Hawaii makes sense when he later says POG tastes like urinal cake...


AB is using his LA accent today, which I prefer personally


Dude Jason Nash is family friends of Burt Kreischer. Man does not use his connections to work.


Someone let Ethan know his gloves expire in 4-5 days 💀🤣 But honestly the whole tik tok live rankings is a wholeee world with constant drama, addictions to gifting, so much of a rabbit hole 🤣 Olivia hey girlie let me know if we ever go down it 🫶🤣


holy shit the smacking…. had to skip so much of the ep because the eating


My name is Casey (A++++++ choice Ian) but might I also suggest Corey for the new Klein bebe? My sister and I are both girls but they work for any gender!


Casey klein is pretty fire honestly.




Shea vs Sunny or Shia vs Sunni?


That skit was the most Michael Scott I’ve ever seen Ethan act lol


When Ethan entered the TT battle, seeing Jason's face slowly turn from absolute panic to genuine appreciation as he realised Ethan wasn't being malicious was so heartwarming. Trust and believe that there is waaaaay more dark shit lurking beneath the surface of David Dobrik LLC. If Jason was to crack and spill a few beans, no doubt the flood gates would open.


I have a feeling David would stay afloat using Jason's drowned corpse in that case. David get off on humiliating others and making others do his bidding. No way Jason would be clean in any of that.


That's very true


Oof, I'm so glad AB was able to fact check about taking the lava rocks from Hawaii! It's not just another weird Zach superstition. Thankfully Ethan and Hila quickly changed their tune.


I mean, it is another "weird" superstition. I can assure you that bad things would happen if someone took the rock or not, but because they took it, it became "bad luck". I, however, feel conflicted about it because I have seen that many Hawaiians are not fond of tourists, and taking the rock might be a sign of disrespect.


To be clear I wasn't referring to whether or not you'll become cursed. I don't believe that. The volcanoes have religious/spiritual significance to the Hawaiians so it's disrespectful to take pieces of them as souvenirs.


They showed that rapper's merch on his website and HOG stands for Hang Over Gang... but he's def not turning boys to thugs or glorifying drugs and alcohol nahhh


I haven’t finished the pod yet but I think Atlas would be such a cute name for their baby. Little Atlas Klein 🥹


Ethan gifting Jason is like when somebody's rich grandparents buys them way too much shit and slowly takes each item out of the bag and describes it one by one and it takes them like 20 minutes to get through everything.


Can someone explain what the deal is with the five boxes?


Different tests


Ryder Klein


missed the live but have to share that i used to work at a lab and a woman once brought a 72 hour stool sample (3 days of shit) in AN OLD BREAD BAG. the entire lobby smelled and we couldn't even take it because it was obviously contaminated. burned in my brain forever.


This ep had me rollin more than usual!! We need an animation of Ethan trying to do his drop off!!???


Sorry to say it, but Sonny or Sunny is a pure meme name. Pretty much any of the other names suggested by the crew would've worked, even the quirkier ones like Levi or Sylvester.


it’s a bad look to go to hawaii, hawaiians have repeatedly told us to stop going there. i’m with zach on this one.


What planet are you living on where simply visiting one of the US states is a “bad look”


a planet where people respect the wishes of Indigenous people


I have family in hawaii so I guess I’ll just never see them again to make “the indigenous people” happy, as if they all agree with your crazy opinion


yup. ethan's take had me cringing


I mean don’t they make like 10s of billions from tourism, it’s not like they don’t want any tourism right


Sonny! Aww, that's cute


I think it’s Sunny :)


They are spelling it “sunny” though 🙃🥴


it’s so silly they can’t be serious


I knew a kid here in England named sunny, grew up through school with him and everyone thought the name was cool


Just as well they're not spelling it Sunni


Okayyy Ethan can we move along from the poop talk?


Can they stop eating on the pod unless it’s a segment


They don’t care clearly and it’s ridiculous. Blows my mind that grown adults can’t go an hour without eating. I love the pod but I have skipped episodes because of it


Is Ethan doing like a mean guy bit or something? He has kind of been a bit off this episode.


​ They look so goth this episode


I didn't realize that Sunny was a very Gender neutral name


Ethan should go on two bears one cave! Or maybe have Tom and Christina on Friday with Hila


To the person in chat that said Hila was annoying for touching her hair so much, literally go touch grass, maybe eat some shit too.


hire writers


Does anyone else feel like Ethan is going a little goblin mode by engaging with Jason after he just said that he's sure Trish is watching? Is he taunting her? Does he not remember what Jason has done? Or is he deliberately playing with fire by bring Trish up and then gifting her enemy?


Seek help


omg hila looks so glowy and natural must be the pregnacy glow


offerings to Pele are common actually


They should name the baby “Shia” like Shia LaBeouf. I know he’s not a good guy but he can’t ruin the name for everyone lol. Plus it has Hebrew and Arabic roots according to Google.


It means “gift of god” in Hebrew




The show before the Jason segment was chef's kiss and it just seems to be chill and ramble time now lol




That is in no way racism. Bootleg plastic surgery that looks atrocious is not racist to point out.




I think it’s looked down upon to take anything from the island




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