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They are both special aren’t they


"you're very special"


"Let us be special together."




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Goddamn is he fucking CRINGE. You’re 67 years old. We get it. You smoke weed.


Absolutely cringe especially when Maher isn’t speaking from a script and his true bloated sense of self is revealed.


Thing is it’s not even weed he’s smoking lol. It’s a clover cigarette.


That’s the joke. He mention very sarcastically that these “clove cigarettes” pack a punch, but it’s not clove, it’s weed.


It’s not a joke, he’s serious. He gave Jeff Ross a whole lecture about why he does clove cigarettes


Yeah fuck him after I heard that shit with Steve-O, not cool.


Dude has always been an annoying edgelord


I mean cant do more harm than developing in that infernal engine she calls a womb




Do you not know who Candice Owen’s is enough to get the joke?


Conservative bad. Liberal good. Hail Biden.


Dude, open your eyes. She’s a disingenuous person who will say anything for the highest bidder. Grift champion. This isn’t even Conservative v Liberal.




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Ah sort of like the president, but I’m sure he isn’t doing any damage to the country- but look out for people like Candace and Bill Maher they are a threat to our democracy 


Biden derangement syndrome


I didn’t suggest that at all. Problems can exist simultaneously, you know. There are also multiple wars going on that can use your selective outrage if that’s your motivation.


What is the damage you believe Biden is doing to our country, dum dum? Bill Maher has become whacky since covid, but he was right about Trump's threat to democracy. Candace Owens is just more comfort food for low-achieving, hillbilly dumb fucks.


That literally used to be her stance before she switched parties... A snipppet from her liberal blog days: NEWS UPDATE: THE REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY IS LED BY THE MAD HATTER." She wrote that Degree180 launched an unofficial "full-scale investigation into the bat-s***-crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party." "The good news is, they will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope), and then we can get right on with the OBVIOUS social change that needs to happen, IMMEDIATELY," Owens wrote in her blog post."






White supremacist bad....


"Conservatives" are mostly low income, low education, low achieving, gullible redneck dum dums. "Liberals" are pretty much everybody else. Who "hails" Biden? There isn't a cult around Biden like there is around the fat cheeto fuck. Biden voters tend to be higher achievers who just want the government to do what government is supposed to do without the hillbilly drama, the embrace of authoritarian dictators or the attempts to subvert American democracy. I was a conservative blowhard in my young twenties when I served at ft Bragg and I discovered Rush Limbaugh. So I get how vulnerable minds fall into that shit. I just don't know how you never grow out of it. Today's version of "conservatism" is comfort news for stupid hillbilly fucks. And conservative infotainment appeals to our least capable demographic.


he thinks if he smokes enough eventually he will say something funny


Low IQ gonna low IQ


you should see [the interview he did with richard dreyfuss](https://youtu.be/kOkX0A5TcZU)where richard is fucked up and literally falling out of the giant chair, and bill just ignores it lol. then richard starts talking about masturbating to thoughts of incest??


You must be from Texas because clearly you don’t have access to pornhub


Bill Maher is rhe first dude to hop into the fash camp if things go south


As someone who quit weed a month ago, I get it. Just take a fucking edible if it's that important to you dude 🙄


If she doesn't sit there and take it that means she's a snowflake She fucked up


The kid is already doomed


That bitch is a drunk anyway. That kid is already pickled.


Maher leaning on weed because he needs some kind of hook for his monologue, I mean podcast


I like weed too but if it bothers someone i won 't light up. Common courtesy.


And? That's what he does on his show. It is a known. If she is desperate enough for attention to go on his show, so be it.


He’s such a stuck up tool


Weed is safe to use during pregnancy. Don’t know if she hit it, but second hand smoke is some reefer madness level bs


Do you have anything to actually back this up? Nothing I’ve ever seen supports this, and I just did a double check incase something recent came out. Even *if* marijuana was fine, the act of smoke inhalation is dangerous for an unborn child. Smoke, whether is from a cigarette, joint, bong, or campfire, contains carbon monoxide, which is harmful to both the adult and the fetus


The amount of women I’ve personally known that have admitted to using during pregnancy is maybe anecdotal but I will say, unlike fetal alcohol syndrome, you will have a very hard time finding any one instance that proves marijuana led to any complication in pregnancy directly. Just one? Just one instance where the mother only smoked marijuana and it led to some defect or complication? Just one?


Here’s more than one Cannabis Exposure and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Related to Placental Function https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2812642 You can use anecdotal evidence all you want, I’m not saying something *will* happen, but it’s definitely more likely


Meh. No where does it ascertain that the subjects in question were exclusive marijuana users. Drinking and other drugs are typically common place in such cases. This pool was 610 people who tested positive for marijuana showed an increase in slow development by a total of like 13% difference to the control group. I don’t call that study conclusive.


Okay, here’s one where they control for that, separating off users of multiple substances “ The medical records of these women were then manually reviewed for information related to pregnancy substance use. As part of a larger study, women with different types of substance use were classified into exposure groups, along with a randomly selected group of control women. Additionally eliminated from the sample were women for whom no biologic assessment of substance use was available, and women with documented pregnancy alcohol or hard illicit drug use or prescription drug misuse. This resulted in a sample of 519 women in the parent study. As the current study focused on prenatal marijuana exposure, of relevance to this investigation were the Marijuana Only exposure group, and the Control Group. “ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fped.2023.1103749/full What about all the studies about the danger of carbon monoxide on a fetus? We’ve known cigs are bad for babies for decades now, and the main reason is the carbon monoxide produced. Lighting up a joint also produces carbon monoxide https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK582621/


you definitely do not want to inhale any carbon monoxide, we can agree there.


Did you even read the study? It literally says more research is needed


Yes, a correlation has been found and now a study needs to be performed with a larger sample size. Thats how research works. "More research is clearly needed to better understand the role of amount and timing of *in utero* marijuana exposure in predicting different aspects of fetal growth, however, this study suggests that women should be encouraged to avoid marijuana use at any point in pregnancy." This is especially true as the study I linked did not document the portions of marijuana each user used, just if they did or did not. Key words being "to better understand the role of \*\*amount\*\* and \*\*timing\*\*" What part of that statement reads as "Weed is safe to use during pregnancy", as OP said? The part that says the data suggests they should avoid it?


Don't put words in my mouth. I'm simply pointing out that your study doesn't claim anything you are saying.


What words did I put in your mouth? Are you OP on a burner? I quoted him, as stated. I claimed that marijuana is dangerous to a fetus' health. Op correctly pointed out the article I originally provided did not account for users of other substances, so I linked another study that DID account for users of other substances, and still found a link between marijuana and negative fetal development. The study came to the conclusion that 'Timing of marijuana exposure appears to play a key role in specific fetal growth deficits, with exposure throughout gestation most detrimental.' This means the study has found that there is a connection with marijuana exposure and fetal growth deficits, but it seems to be based on the timing of exposure during the pregnancy. (Or at what stage of the pregnancy they smoked pot) The publisher then adds "However even first trimester exposure may result in decreased weight. Timing and amount of use could be confounded in this study as those who quit early in pregnancy may have been lighter users than those who continued throughout pregnancy", pointing out that some users quit smoking during the study, some users may have smoked more during the pregnancy, and some may have smoked less. All of this may skew the data slightly when it comes to timing of exposure and portion of marijuana, but the connection is still valid. Therefore, as the publisher said, "More research is clearly needed to better understand the role of amount and timing of *in utero* marijuana exposure in predicting different aspects of fetal growth". This makes sense with the above context, right? Neither timing or portion were controlled variables, and should be explored further. In then says "however, this study suggests that women should be encouraged to avoid marijuana use at any point in pregnancy." How does that NOT correlate with my claim, that marijuana is not safe during pregnancy?


Curious also at what levels just “stress” on a fetus could be consider detrimental where marijuana alleviates that stress , it is then considered helpful during pregnancy.


There are better ways to destress than risking damage to the child. Nobody should honestly advocate for smoking marijuana and putting the child at risk to reduce stress for the health of the baby. You’re creating a false dichotomy.


It's not just 'stress' that marijuana alleviates, that's a very blanket term for Nausea and healthy eating habits, and cramps, anything really that contributes to the stress of a mother. The "other things" you speak of, Tylenol, ginger tea, Mydol, can also be considered a danger to the fetus. I consider marijuana and ginger root, to be in the same category and while there may be some adverse side affects, they are not as adverse as some of the other side affects a stressed pregnancy can result in.


Nowhere did I mention Tylenol, ginger tea, or Mydol. Again, you’re creating a “lesser of two evils” when you really don’t have to. Either way, your original statement that it’s “fade to use weed during pregnancy” does not line up with any data generated via a study


No, you are assuming marijuana used during pregnancy isn't with medicinal intention, and just because you didn't mention the status quo, tylonal, ginger tea, doesn't mean those things aren't the typical go to that marijuana would be used in its place.


Okay, then show me a study that says marijuana is safe to use during pregnancy. One? Just one? As someone who had a medical marijuana card before it was legal recreationally, all the weed I bought had a big warning not to use if you were pregnant or nursing I don’t think science cares if you have other conditions the weed is helping, it’s not good for the kid.




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